《High Crew》Chapter XXVI: Smell of Victory


The thing with feathers stepped through the ruins. It was silent now and it did not move hastily, as if it already felt the victory. It reached the point where the protector was last seen but did not find the foe there. It moved its head to the right and to the left, not finding anything either. Then it turned around, kicking the rubble in annoyance. That very moment the protector stepped from behind one of few undamaged building. It attacked silently, pouncing on foe’s back. The two of them rolled around with growls again.

The thing of the forest was not so outclassed this time, since the protector was moving slower and with less grace, apparently being damaged by the noise attack. Blood could be seen streaming down from its ears. The feathered monster managed to grab its foe and raised its beak to deliver a blow. That moment a loud crack came, like a thunder. Lightning passed between two foes and the whistling giant flew away, as if some colossal being kicked it in the ribs.

The moment the thunder came, Ymdaton made the first hit on the barrel. It was not too difficult to reach it, for their enemies were still shocked and staggered behind, when men suddenly ran away.

“Follow my example!” yelled he. Five surviving crewmen crowded around him and cut the wood. The side of the barrel broke just as the pale things that pursued them were few steps away. The shower of mead came upon them, making each warrior wet from head to toes.

“Now spread few steps away and be completely still,” ordered he.

Crewmen did just as they were told. They ran to the sides and stopped. Ymdaton admired their discipline for following such a nonsensical order without questions. Pale things were confused. They walked in circles, trying to find their enemies, yet we're not able to detect kinani even at hand’s breadth. When one of beasts was passing nearby, Crewslayer suddenly made a swing and opened its throat. The warrior then quickly changed location and stood still again. Monsters rushed to the place where he was a moment ago, but only clawed at empty air.


The feathered giant was being pushed to the wall. The protector attacked it relentlessly, dealing more cuts and bites. The thing tried to fight back, yet it's limbs shook and it's movements were unsure, apparently, guardian’s lightning maimed it. Finally it turned and ran away, rolling over the wall and heading for the forest. The protector chased it, making furious mewling noises and went out of sight too.

The squad of six men slain almost a score of pale freaks in that manner. Things still were not able to figure out what was happening, to them it probably looked as if they were hunted by invisible foes.

“Time to end this!” yelled Crewslayer when he saw that not many enemies were still standing.

Kinani warriors exploded with the last violent attack, striking down the last few confused foes. Moments later there were only humans upon the battlefield. Victorious crewmen rejoined the caravan which was hidden behind two houses just around the corner. Lulaton was still disgruntled.

“What’s the matter,” laughed Ymdaton, hitting him on shoulder, “I won that one for you. Can’t you smell the spirit of a victory feast following us?” he laughed, ”Let us be going before something as scary as the feathered thing arrives.”

The old man answered nothing. He would not talk to Crewslayer for all way back.

Through the cleared passage Kinani party escaped the city, facing no more opposition. With all haste they headed for Khladnetz, carrying news of the approaching war.

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