《Reborn in Another World as a (Colorless) Demon Prince》Chapter 12: The Loftus Manor (7)
I was asleep for two days?!
After everyone except for Teal left, he questioned her about what happened after he fainted. She and the other royal guard came just seconds after and they succeeded in killing off the Corrupted around the Manor. Within an hour, Lucas and his hunting party returned. Kual, the healer, came in the morning.
"What were those things? The Corrupted, right?"
"Like the name suggests, they are the corrupted Flow of something that has gone to the other side."
"Like a spirit or a ghost?"
"Something similar, I think," Teal continued, "Alexandra is already on her way back and will most likely arrive by nightfall. A message has been sent to His Majesty about the situation and I believe we’ll be recalled to the palace soon,” Teal said.
“Okay, but is there anything else you can tell me about Lilith? Why is she still asleep when I’m awake already?”
“Mr. Kual has been overseeing her situation very closely. Unfortunately, Miss Lilith is also in a state of Essence Exhaustion. It’s only been made worse by her crippled leg. Her Flow has been disrupted.”
“What do you mean?”
Teal thought for a minute, “We haven’t had the full lesson yet, but you can most easily think of flow like a stream. Each person is their own stream, with different amounts of moving water, fast and slow. Essence is the water, and Essence Exhaustion is when that water is used up. For Lilith, since she reached a state close to Essence Exhaustion, her broken leg has become a big issue.”
“I was told to think of injuries during Essence Exhaustion like someone building a dam out of sticks after a drought. Water from the river is being restricted so the stream takes longer to return to normal and sometimes, never does. O-Oh, I’m not saying that Miss Lilith won’t make a full recovery. It’s just what I was taught to see it as.” Teal’s brow furrowed as she tried to reassure him. If he was twelve years old, mentally, he might have fallen for it.
Kieran thought back to the horrifying sight of her broken leg. Even with the medicine of his world, it would have been difficult to do anything for her.
Magic exists doesn’t it? Then it’s possible she can get her leg all healed up.
“Kual can just heal her, right?”
Teal raised a contemplative hand to her lips, “I hadn’t considered the idea but it’s possible. I’ve heard of talented healers regrowing limbs. Yes, I suppose it’s plausible.”
With their hearts and minds eased just a little, they spoke for a while about other things, like the servants, manor guards, and even his lessons. At one point he asked, “ What happened to the guard who saved us?”
“Huh? Oh…” She began twiddling her thumbs, while her lips tightened.
She looked up, “He’s doing his job, but while under watch.”
Through the door, Alexandra walked in.
Teal bowed slightly in greeting. Alexandra brushed past her and sat next to him on the bed. She had him sit up and pulled off his shirt, much to his embarrassment, and looked at him from all around. A cold, rough hand rested on his back for a second and then began unwrapping the old bandages around his shoulder. Dull pain radiated from the wound. Part of it was offset by the numbness in his arm.
Taking the bandage from beside the bed, she wrapped his shoulder. He braced for the pain but her motion was slow, carefully guiding it around and around, until the bandages ran out. Her hand once again rested on his back, but this time warmth spread through his body. He wanted to hide under the blankets after feeling thoroughly violated. Teal moved to help him put his shirt back on after Alexandra finished.
“Kalstras has broken a taboo. Because his actions were taken in the name of protecting Miss Lilith and you, Young Master, he is temporarily allowed to keep his position as a royal guard, though under watch,” Alexandra answered.
“What taboo?”
Kieran’s arm snagged in the sleeve. Teal turned her head away, no longer looking at what she was doing. Her small white horn partially hidden, shone under the sunlight. She wouldn’t meet his eyes no matter how long he stared.
“To flaunt the blessing of Bel’ekah among those of royal blood is a great offense. Even the four Overlords would think twice.”
Finished, Teal stood back up. Her long blueish hair, usually so neatly kept, cast a shadow over her face. “If you would excuse me, Young Master, I will check on the situation of the manor. I will bring more of Mr. Kual’s herbal medicine when I return.”
“We will speak later,” Alexandra said.
Teal paused in front of the door, “Yes, Ma’am.”
Now that it was just him and Alexandra, he didn’t feel in the best of mood to talk. Talking to her was like speaking to that one teacher that hates everyone. Awkward, dry, nerve-wracking, not a fun time in general.
“Have you seen Lilith?”
“No, I came here the moment I arrived.”
“Did you at least hear anything about her?”
“I asked only about your wellbeing.”
Someone fucking save me please. I’m running out of stuff to talk about here.
Right on cue, Kual and Lucas entered.
“How’s Lilith,” Kieran asked, immediately.
“She woke up,” Lucas said. His once bright, confident demeanor was now overwritten. His crossed arms looked more like a self-soothing hug. “Though I fear that’s all the good news I have.”
“I managed to save her leg but she may never walk again.” Kual said. He seemed equally drained. His matted, thin, gray hair clung to his head weighed down by the sweat that also soaked his collar and underarms.
She won’t be able to walk again?
The thought of Lilith being confined to her bed or being wheeled around by some servants didn’t sit well with him.
“I see. That is unfortunate news,” Alexandra said. “Had I been here, none of this would have occurred.”
Lucas shook his head, “You were called by an Overlord. The fault lies with me. Had I heeded the warning of our tracker, we may have returned sooner and spared many lives.”
“Why did you come here?” Kieran asked.
Lucas gestured toward him and Kual checked on his status like earlier in the morning. Alexandra kept a close eye on the situation. If the old man looked back, he would have been scared out of his wits by her piercing gaze.
Lucas stepped closer, “Lilith spoke about an arrangement to attend the Mending Festival in Ninoa four days from now. As she can no longer go, I will accompany you in her stead.”
“Oh,” he forgot about the promise. It was far from the first thing in his mind right now. “I appreciate your offer but I’ll have to think about it.”
“Your Highness, I assure you that I am an adequate guide. I know where all the best mask sellers are as well as where we can try the tastiest-”
“It’s not you. I just need some time,” he said, cutting him off. Kual finished with his check-up with a rather refreshed expression.
“You recovered much quicker than I expected,” Kual said. “Well, I still advise that you take it easy, Your Highness. Your mental state is just as important as your physical wellbeing. I will be back tomorrow morning. It was a pleasure to serve, Your Highness. Likewise, it brings me joy to see you up close, Blood Demon.”
Alexandra slightly nodded.
They left and it was just him and Alexandra again. Except, this time, he didn’t feel the same awkwardness. The guilt struck like a flash flood. Images of the gruesome scene replayed over in his head, whether he closed his eyes, or tried to distract himself with something else.
His breathing grew ragged, short, and a bit painful. Numbness spread once again throughout his body. As he recalled the moment Lilith had her leg crushed, other memories mixed themselves in like pop-up ads. Those terrifying eyes that locked onto him, the grotesque bubbling and eerie screeching. Hands. Hands grabbing him. Hands crawling up his body, pinning his arms, crushing his windpipe, blocking his ears, covering his eyes, hands that suffocated him in a twisted embrace.
“Young Master,” Alexandra’s resonant voice cut through the fog. “What is bothering you?”
Shock expelled all his negative recollections. He couldn’t believe his ears. Alexandra, THE Alexandra, was asking him what was bothering him. Kieran wiped his eyes and checked if Teal was in the room hiding somewhere, coaching her from the shadows.
“Young Master, it is not unreasonable for me to worry for your person.”
How the hell did she read my mind? Scary.
He explained what happened and she listened without a word. Try as he might, he couldn’t get a read of Alexandra’s emotions. He tried to repress his but he was certain she’d see through him.
“She saved me but I couldn’t do anything for her.”
“Miss Lilith did what anyone in this country would do. There is no need for you to feel guilty for prioritizing your own safety,” she was looking him straight in the eyes. “The world is not so kind as to allow those kinds of miracles where everyone is saved. If, in the future, it ever comes down to saving yourself or another person, focus only on your life.”
“Is it because I’m a prince?”
It was a simple, straightforward, answer. One that made sense any way he looked at it. He was surrounded by people who constantly bowed to him, who, through their actions, placed him upon a pedestal.
“Your life holds more value than most. Simply by existing, you will be targeted, exploited, objectified. You are the fifth prince of Kheonyth Kingdom, a treasure and a trophy. If you wish to live, disregard the lives around you. Become strong so you need no one to survive.”
“I can’t just give up other people’s lives.”
He felt her gaze. It bordered on accusatory. However, Alexandra wouldn’t call him out, not this time.
“I will make you strong,” she said, “It is late. I am retiring to my room.”
“Wait. About Lilith… how can I go see her? How do I apologize?”
“That is better discussed with her,” she pulled the door open and Teal tumbled through. “There are many things lost to indecision. If you truly wish to apologize, commit. Commit to your repentance. I pray you have a good night, Young Master. ”
The door closed and once again, it was him and Teal.
“How long were you listening?”
She was silent for a while, “Since Mr. Lucas and Kual left.”
“So you’re saying you could have saved me from being alone with Alexandra but you didn’t?”
“W-Well, you were talking about rather personal sounding issues and I couldn’t find the right time to come in. Um, and it was the first time I’ve heard her speak so much. My presence would have ruined the mood.”
“Alright, whatever,” he sighed, “As punishment for not coming in sooner, I’m going to need you to go outside and collect a few things for me. Also, I need a favor from Kual or Lucas.”
An idea was brewing.
A thick herbal smell wafted from the soup on the nightstand. Two timid knocks came from the other side of the door.
“I will call you when I finish,” Lilith finally said. Her voice struggled to carry across the room. Some of its power dispersed into the heavy stuffed pillow that hugged the left side of her face.
“Yes, Miss,” the maid replied. Lilith heard no footsteps. Following new protocol, the maid would await her call. No matter the length of time that passed, she would not be without attendance. Her brother dictated mandatory overwatch all hours of the day.
Steam no longer rose from the bowl.
Pain shot up her leg and she winced. Her meals since she awoke four days ago always consisted of a liquid base, more particularly an herbal broth, with a smattering of tender meat and a piece of bread. Although, as of the new day, the bread had been withheld at her request.
It’s bitter.
“I’ve finished,” Lilith called.
The maid entered and took a cursory glance before grabbing the bowl, “Miss, the Young Master wishes you would eat more. He worries for your health.”
“I know myself best. I am fine.”
“Please, at least eat more of the meat,” the maid begged. An image of the maid in the forest made its way to the front of her thoughts and she picked out the smaller pieces to eat.
“Thank you,” she said, taking the bowl with the rest of the meat away.
Lilith sank down into the embrace of the mattress. Right now, His Highness and her brother would be at Rinoa. They would walk through the town, partaking in the atmosphere and festivities, wearing masks, watching the dances, listening to the music. It was supposed to be their promise but she couldn’t go. She broke it.
A flurry of knocks interrupted her thoughts.
“Who is it?”
“It’s me.”
“H-Huh?” The voice belonged to someone young, someone familiar, someone who shouldn’t be at the manor anymore. He hadn’t visited her since she woke up. At first she believed it was because of his injuries. She fell unconscious when the Corrupted found them and had her leg crippled, so she had no knowledge of how injured he was and couldn’t go see him either.
She asked the maids and butlers who served her food about him. They explained how he made frequent trips into the woods and the village or town. If he could go there, then how come he couldn’t visit her?
“I’m coming in.”
His Highness stood in the doorway, awkwardly clutching his hand. “Oh, my bad I didn’t hear you. Ah, well, anyway,” he grabbed something from the hallway. “I’m sorry I couldn’t visit sooner. I was just thinking of ways to help and I might’ve gotten a bit carried away. Um, I got these made for you.”
In his hands were a pair of strangely shaped wooden items about chest height.
“These are crutches. Think of it like a cane or walking stick,” he said as he ran his hands along the wood. “You put the padded part under your armpit and place your hands on these,” he gripped the wooden bar connecting the pieces. “Whenever you walk, just lean into the crutches and it’ll help keep the weight off your leg. Just slowly work on using it again.”
She stared at him.
“It might be a little too soon for you to use it but I have something else here,” he reached behind the wall and produced another tool, “This is more like a cane. The strap here is adjustable and there’s only one because you’ll hopefully only need one. Don’t try this until Kual or someone else takes off your splint, okay?”
She nodded, still bewildered.
“Uh, you’ll probably grow out of these soon but Lucas already knows the carpenter who made these. You can always get some new ones when you’re older. So, yeah. I’m sorry that I couldn’t come sooner,” he said with a wry smile.
“Why… Why are you here and not at the Mending Festival?”
“That?” he scratched his cheek, “I couldn’t go when we promised we’d go together.”
Her eyes widened. Emotion welled in her chest, a stuffy feeling not unpleasant to her. Tears pooled around her eyes.
“Y-Young Master,” someone whispered from the hallway.
“What do I do? She’s crying.”
“Comfort her. Here, take my handkerchief.”
“It’s easy to say when you don’t have to do it,” His Highness said. He walked over to her with the crutches and walking stick, setting them next to her bed and handing her the handkerchief.
“Thank you…” she took it gratefully and wiped away the tears. It was a very plain white fabric. It had been torn a couple of times as indicated by the stitched sections all around and yet, it felt like the kindest and softest handkerchief in the world.
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