《Enigma's Multiverse (Rewritten, link in description)》Chapter 12- Buffoonery of the highest order


What humanity didn't understand at the time was, that the system truly didn't wish them harm. It was hard not to curse at the system because it felt like a big mockery of human civilization, some sort of cosmic joke they weren't in on . While they had dreamed of making alien contact one day, the system had taken over Earth in a matter of seconds and such a bitter pill to swallow that was.

There were two things they didn't understand.

The first was that had the heretics reached the planet first, its world spark would have been stolen, its inhabitants either enslaved, killed, tortured ...... or perhaps even worse. The cruelty in the multiverse was not one to scoff at, there were many heinous techniques in face of which death would be a kindness. Earth would be robbed of its chance, in direct contravention with the progenitor's will.

The second was that there was no point in protecting weak cultivators. How could Earth compete with cultivator clans that had thousands of years of history? The system gave them a possibility, but it had to be grabbed through one's own blood, sweat and tears. It had to be seized. The concentration of spiritual energy on Earth was rapidly increasing. That allowed for easier cultivation and breaking through bottlenecks. As long as the world spark was intact, it could support cultivation.

Usually, recently integrated worlds have cultivators that average around level 5, with 9 being their limit because even though they do not understand how to cultivate or channel the daos, the world spark itself provides them with minor nourishment and reinforcement just by existing in that environment. Due to Earth's world spark being slightly damaged, humans couldn't even receive that basic nourishment, making them a rather pitiful existence.

It was a miracle humanity had become the rulers of the planet to begin with, they had weak bodies, no natural defences, no sharp claws or talons for attacking. It was only through sheer ingenuity they had managed to get this far, what would happen if the technological toys they so heavily relied on, were taken away?

They had been given generous compensation, a Domain Controller level world spark, which would allow them to make rapid cultivation breakthroughs and gain insights into the dao much faster due to the purity of the energies of all creation, if they still wallowed in their mediocrity, then there was no helping them.

Most of them would be forced to live the pathetic lives of sect workers, forced to hunch their backs and greet outer sect disciples like they were gods, living off what meager cultivation resources the sect provided as if it were a blessing. This was not the kind of cultivators the system was created to raise, and the system's rewards were not so easily obtained. Which is why trials were necessary to prepare them for the wider multiverse.


Even if most of them would die, it was acceptable as long as the remaining were enough to shake the multiverse. Each new addition to the multiverse produced a few gems that would bring strife to the multiverse, bring new ways of thinking and sometimes even make rivers of blood flow. That overall kept the multiverse on its toes, the new blood forcing them to keep progressing, evolving and growing instead of getting too entrenched in their power structures and stagnating.

The old saying ' The system's harvests were not so easily reaped ' was in Earth's case being implemented quite literally. The rewards were genuine and indeed, quite generous. However, it was also a test of humanity's character. The system knew what was going to happen, but being proven wrong would also be welcome. Sadly, that was seldom ever the case.


The system had summoned every single human on Earth in that white room, isolating them from the rest of their kind. That white room had not only upgraded them to initiate level cultivation from powerless mortals, allowing them to sense the flow of the spiritual energies of all creation and begin their cultivation by gaining levels, but also healed them. Any crippling injuries or illnesses were Instantly cured, regardless of severity. After that, came reward selection.

People reacted differently to the situation they found themselves in, some grateful to the system for healing their long standing ailments, others panicking, knowing there was no way that this was a dream and they had just been abducted by aliens. The situation was so far fetched and beyond their world view that after some time, most just decided to stop thinking and go along with it. Largely because nothing they would think of could ever explain this, especially not the teleportation, magical healing or the talk about terraforming earth.

Around 50 percent of humanity selected the first option, walking out with a set of cultivation pills, initiate level armor and a weapon. The other options weren't bad, but being fully kitted out with gear and a weapon couldn't possibly be a bad option.

35 percent decided to go with the second option, 5 levels. It again, seemed like a good option because they would be on par with what those facing this situation normally would be, giving them reassurance. If not reassurance, at least a fighting chance.

The other 15 percent went with the 3rd (pet) option. Mostly on the younger side, or others that believed in their luck enough to take a shot at it hoping for jackpot.

Well actually, 14.9999 percent. There were around 50,000 people that chose option 4, the ones with a few screw loose. The fourth option was clearly a trap, and not a very alluring one at that. A question from the system? What use will a person from Earth have of that? The patriarchs of a clan would give up half their lifespan for it, but that was another matter. And a weapon, no matter how good, was not worth one's life. The trial by fire sounded terrifying, and the system even mentioned possibility of death. Of course, there was no trickery involved, anyone who survived the trial would definitely be a potential powerhouse, and the system would reward them heavily for it.


The, ahem, issue was that Earth had an average level of 1. The trial was meant for an average cultivator of a recently integrated world. But the real people expected to complete it were the peak geniuses, the ones that had reached Level 9 without the assistance of the system. The system had even offered to give a free raise to level 5, hinting at how weak humans were, but these people had to go out of their way to seek death.

There were many ways of forging a powerhouse, this trial was only a test of courage for peak geniuses. It would weed out the average, but if they could survive they would make great gains and have a chance to forge their own path. While the peak geniuses would suffer a bit, slaying a mythical creature at level 9 wasn't too difficult, it was the same level as them. As for the average cultivators who reached the last phase, the trial ended if they could dodge 1 hit from the beast. After that, they were free to leave as long as it was within their abilities. They would be allowed to leave with their gains and gain a title for their resolute will, while the geniuses would gain a dao fruit and a title if they had it within them to challenge a foreign creature of unknown abilities with their lives on the line. If not, they would at most escape with a lesson in humility.

The system gave them a chance to ask it a question because it was an opportunity for them to ask questions related to increasing combat ability, gaining a deeper understanding relating to their dao, stuff mostly along those lines. The benefits of this reward could only be extracted by the sharp minded.

The system awarded bravery, courage and an unyielding will above all, provided real accomplishments were made. Bravery without strength was not bravery, it was stupidity. Challenging a Destiny Forger as an Initiate without any trump cards or plan was not an unyielding will but buffoonery of the highest order resulting in death.

However, those who had resolved to throw their lives away in the pursuit of the Grand Dao had to be respected, even if it was utter foolishness. The system could not deny their resolve.

The area where Tim had met the Blood Stained Rabbit at was actually suppose to be a reward for the cultivators brave enough to face the challenge head on, various extremely rare herbs dotted around the landscape, with some weak animals for food.

The area where Tim met the cosmic tusker was supposed to weed out the average cultivators and break their resolve, thinning out the population of the challengers greatly. While the other creatures in the area were still unknown.

15 hours had passed since the trial began.

The number of survivors? One man wearing half torn clothes the colour of fresh blood, his robust body gleaming under the sunlight, right hand casually holding a rapier pointing downwards while playing with a rock in his left hand as if it were a baseball.

A cosmic tusker was up ahead in front of the man, but had not noticed it yet. He was bare footed as he walked towards it, hardly making a noise.

The man stopped playing with the rock. He pulled his arm back, and threw the rock. The last instant before the rock left his control entirely, his index finger tapped it. A single tap, and the rock was a blur, striking the tusker hard beneath his left eye, embedding itself in the tusker's face. Enraged, it charged in the direction of the man with equally blinding speed and promise of retribution. The man just stood there, looking at the creature in disdain. At the last instant the man rolled out of the way with surprising skill, and the creature impaled itself in the tree behind him.

"Once an idiot, always an idiot" mused the man as he killed the tusker in a brutal manner, impaling it's brain through the eye.

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