《Heretic King》Heretic King - Chapter 20


The door gave off a silent pressure that seemed to taunt me into rushing in, it was so strong I nearly fell for it. I quickly steadied myself and began to calculate.

Okay first. Status without bloodline can be calculated, with bloodline unless you know the bloodline's details it's impossible.

For example, if someone put everything into strength and were Level 100, assuming that after a certain level the stat points per level doesn't increase then the max Strength that person will have is around 510. Now if you look at my stats, just in strength I am equivalent to a Level 300, if you include other stats it goes even higher. This is why I can fight above my level.

Now unless the thing behind the door is Level 1500 or something, at least in Strength I can beat it. Though if it's a special monster it may not be like that. Do levels even go that high? Maybe it's like a New Game+ kinda deal?

Either way, this kinda pressure should only be felt from an extremely strong opponent, but it's only recently the system was implemented would they really put a Insta-Death (at least for standard players) this early on?

Judging by the Dungeon name I can assume that Theseus is dead. So if the one behind the door is Theseus, that means it's Undead.

Great. None of us have the Light/Holy Attribute to purify it. Which means brute strengthening it is the only way to do it.

If there is only Theseus himself then it can be handled. If there are other minions there, then it gets complicated. I can defend myself against a horde and a boss barely, but I won't be able to defend the others. Although Fen will be able to escape into the Pet Dimension, but Julie and Jen they'll die if they're killed. (Thanks Shirou)

The staff is one of the best weapons in a large scale fight and I may be strong BUT I'm not omnipotent. Oh well Rock Paper Scissors it is.

I call Julie over while I think to myself 'If I win we fight, if Julie wins we leave'

"Julie, Rock Paper Scissors, now."

"Huh? Well alright..."

"Rock Paper Scissors!" Rock

"Rock Paper Scissors!" Paper

Well that's that. "Everyone get ready we're going forward."

After entering we were greeted with a room, not unlike your standard christian church, minus the benches. In the far end in front of us lay a coffin. I could feel the pressure emanating from it.

"Julie I want you to make holes in the ground surrounding you and Jen OK? Jen you have explosive potions right? Place them into the holes Julie makes. Make them as easy to set off as possible. Fen I want you to keep an eye out for anything odd, and once the fight starts protect the two of them okay?"

This was the best I think of to keep them safe. Now for my own preparations. First I pulled vats of blood I drained after all those guys came after me out of my inventory(It can now hold 750 KG's of stuff). I quickly made pits in the floor and once done poured the blood in.


Lastly I began to meditate to get into a good frame of mind before the fight. Don't want to be rash you know?

As I began my meditation, looking within myself I once again saw the divisions of myself. The calm, tranquil self was still the King but you never know what could cause the Coup.

The meditation path was just following the Heart's circulation path. Relatively simple.

After three circulations, I was called out to within in mind.

"Why do you try and avoid your true nature? You know all you want to do is let loose and kill what you want when you want. You want to fuck all the women you can. You want to subjugate the Humans. Why do you hold back? Don't let your dreams be dreams, Just DO IT."

I was called out to again but this time from the outside.

"Master the holes and explosives are prepared, we are ready when you are."

"Thank you Julie, I will start now."

She doesn't know how grateful I truly am. Any longer listening to that voice and I might have just given in.

I guess my Heart Cleanse Meditation isn't skilled enough.

I stood up, as I did everyone else seemed to tense up. I began to walk down the aisle; a bit early for my liking, I stood in front of the coffin with nothing happening. I extended my hand and touched it.

As I did a hand burst out and grabbed my wrist. As a notification appeared before me.

Legendary Quest: Theseus' SlumberTheseus is well known as the slayer of the Minotaur of Crete, Theseus was also the mythical king of Athens. Sadly his corpse has been defiled and turned undead.

Defeat Theseus and allow his body to enter eternal rest once more.RewardsDemi-God Divinity of your choice

A divinity? So I could become a Demi-God of Blood? What would that even do? But I can think about that later, first time to get this fucking arm off me.

Shit this thing is gross. I was usually a clean freak when it came to stuff like this. Not much has changed in that regard.

As I pulled my arm back I dragged Theseus out along with it. With my arm loose the not so much a corpse anymore, stumbled to the ground. A black mist began to gather around it. The mist quickly began to congeal into a solid form. In the end it turned into simple leather armor and a Gladius.

I drew my staff thinking about it now I really wish I had that upgrade to this thing, it's max attack is only 65. Not much help against an enemy with 130,000 health. Wait that means it has 6,500 Vitality!? Oh shit what did I get myself into.

It began to charge towards me while readying the gladius. It began with a quick horizontal swipe to test the waters. Not one to disappoint I also met it with my own swipe. Bad move. I should've realized already, with 6,500 Vitality it had to have huge strength if it was mentioned alongside it's vitality in the description.


I was sent flying into a pillar about 10 meters from where I originally was. Damn that stung like a bitch. Wait, how much health did that take?


Ooh shit, I can only take 4 more of that level. I wanted to try a fight without Berserk but it seems that'll only get me killed.

As I activated Berserk, I also activated Two Heads Four Arms, and began to coat my weapon in bloodlust and aura.

Now let's try that again. Theseus must have thought that I was small fry after that first swipe as it didn't seem to put all it's strength into this blow. Bad move Theseus.

This time the scene was reversed and it was Theseus sent into the back wall of the room.


God this is gonna take a while. If we take that attack as a basis I would have to repeat that 90 times. And I don't believe Theseus will just be a punching bag for me.

As Theseus was Undead and it seemed his brain cells had stayed dead he thought that I would just take his hit head on like last time. No such luck buddy. As he sent a thrust forward with his Gladius expecting me to meet it, instead I sidestepped while sending a blow towards its head. Not expecting it the brain-dead(literally) fucker had no chance to dodge. It's head bent in a weird way and began to spin in mid-air while he was heading to make that hole in the wall deeper.


Ooh that was a sizeable amount compared to the first blow. Probably cause of the headshot. Critical Hits really are satisfying! No wonder Assassins and Thieves were so popular in those VRMMORPG's.

As Theseus collided with that wall, I quickly pursued and once there I used my Elemental Manipulation to lock it's arms and legs to wall and began wailing at it's head with my staff.





After the fourth hit Theseus seemed to have entered an enraged state and the makeshift shackles began to crumble. I quickly bounced backwards to avoid the breakout. Once it was out I could tell it was gonna be easier to trick it but a lot harder for those tricks to affect it. Thinking through my abilities one came up which I hadn't used before that could work.

In the Enraged state Theseus made a lunge with many openings, of course I wouldn't say no to a free lunch. With a heavy swing Theseus was struck on the side and this time knocked into the pillar beside us. I tried my Elemental Manipulation to make shackles but could see them visibly crumbling. This is where my idea comes in.

I activated Transmutation. Suddenly the earthen shackles became Iron and Theseus was firmly secured. Now time to begin!

Pow! Bam! Whap! Bang! Bash! Clunk! Wait Clunk?






As I was about to land the sixth hit Theseus moved his head to avoid it making it land on the pillar, causing it to crumble thus making the shackles worthless. In my mind certain words kept ringing out. C-C-C-Combo Breaker!!!

I knew the same trick wouldn't work twice, so I had to think of something else. After all that pounding it still had a bit over two thirds of it's health left. I would need something different.

Ah I got it!

"Julie! Jen! Draw the Aggro! Make it make the mines explode just as you draw the aggro leave the room and close the doors so the explosion doesn't hit you!"

"Fen after the aggro is drawn run behind me and then distract it for a short while after that OK?" Fen gave a yip of approval while the girls began trying to draw aggro with their spells. It would be difficult with the amount of damage I had done but it was possible. And to prove that after a tick damage potion from Jen had been on it for a couple of seconds the aggro changed.

It quickly abandoned me and began it's push towards the girls. Sadly for it they had already left the room and it was walking into a minefield. Clink. Ah I'm so sorry Theseus.


I whistled in surprise as that astounding number appeared. That was another third down. Now time for the last chunk. Fen began it's task of distracting it, while I began a familiar chant.

"I Invoke The Red Ocean Of Shezmu, Lord of blood, Great slaughterer of the gods and he who dismembers bodies, I offer the blood of my enemies as the sacrifice for your great spell!"

The blood pools I prepared quickly began to form the tide once again and once it had built up enough I re-called Fen to it's Pet Dimension. Theseus didn't have that luxury.


Haa, Haa. Thank god that was enough. I quickly walked over to the now fully dead corpse. I lifted it up much to my own displeasure and laid it back down in the coffin.

You have completed the Quest:Theseus' SlumberTheseus is well known as the slayer of the Minotaur of Crete, Theseus was also the mythical king of Athens. Sadly his corpse was been defiled and turned undead.

You have defeated Theseus in his undead form and laid him to his eternal restRewardsDemi-God Divinity of your choice

Level Up

Level Up

A/N Woo finally done. Sorry some stuff came up then after I got absorbed watching Re:Life. Anyway what do you guys think of the combat? Bad? Good? Points i can improve on? Leave them down below. I will answer them after I get some sleep. Thanks for all the support! Especially you 216 followers and 51 Favourites as of completing this chapter! Lots of love from me! For now sleep awaits me. Ciaossu!

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