《True World》Chapter 20: Chaos


Chapter 20:


--- --- ---

Today, the boy finally decided to put his plan into action. It was time for him to challenge the Event.

Just yesterday, Vinci had received the notification that the headmaster had accepted his battle request. This meant that he could now formally challenge her and achieve the headmaster position if he is the victor.

With a happy-go-lucky mood, the dark-haired boy attended School regularly, and because of his infamous actions known throughout school, he passed the day without any difficulties.

When the afternoon came by, Vinci quickly packed up and began to head downstairs towards the headmaster’s office. There were three only floors in the School, with all the staff offices being on the second and the students’ classroom being on the third. The first floor was for lockers and restrooms. Though the floors are little, the width of the school stretches tremendously, making the School look larger than normal.

All the students by this time have already left the school ground and had headed home.

When Vinci arrived in front of the headmaster’s room, he looked down and then proceed to place his hand on his bookbag. In a low voice, he called out

“True System, store this.”

In an instant, his bookbag was engulfed in a blue light and dissipated into the air. Then, a black box appeared briefly before dissipating.

[True System Storage: 56.01% full]

“Alright...now I don’t have to worry about forgetting my stuff later on.”

With a satisfied expression, he lifted his head and faced the door before him. Then he stretched out his hand pushed open the door. But before he could, he felt a hand clamp down tightly on his right shoulder.

Vinci turned around to see a tall male, with light brown hair and piercing eyes staring straight at him. Although there were no uniforms or badges to indicate if one were a student, the boy noticed the +Arena device in his right hand showing that the tall gale he was facing was indeed a student.

“Eh, did you need something? I’m kind of about to engage in a duel…”

At that, the tall student snorted,

“Hmpf! Of course you’re about to engage in a duel. Or shall I say, duels? You damn brat, how dare you challenge all of us Class 8 students and then dare run away to the headmaster! If we upperclassmen don’t cripple you today, then all those trashes here would think they can challenge us as they wish.”


As Vinci listened to the angry gale in front of him, his expression remained serene. He understood that this was one of the ploys that the headmaster must have used in order to stop him from directly fighting with her.

“Then, this must mean that she had prepared some other obstacles to hinder me...hmph! So she wants to defeat me without even raising her hands, eh? I’ll show you then!”

Vinci quietly thought inside his head as his heart flared up.

“Alright. I will accept your challenges, Mr. Upperclassman.’

“Hmph! What are you even talking about? It’s you who challenged US! Whatever, follow me. We’re all waiting outside for you.”

The tall gale glared at Vinci before nodding his head towards the school ground outside. Vinci turned to look out the windows behind him. He could see several figures standing on the ground looking up at him as the evening sun shone on their faces.

Vinci sighed as he began to walk downstairs towards the building’s entrance. The tall student who had noticed Vinci’s sigh and thought that he had resigned himself to his demise let out a soft chuckle as he imagined the pain that he was going to inflict on the boy…


When Vinci arrived outside, all the eyes of the Class 8 students were glaring at him. Some even had killing intents directed right at him, though Vinci simply ignored them. As he walked towards the older students, his face was one of extreme boredom.

As Vinci approached them, some of the students had on looks of disdain as they began to discuss among each other.

“Hey...are you sure it’s him?”

“Short black hair...sharp and dark colored eyes...wearing a indolent expression...and seeing that Guma is escorting him...yup, it’s got to be that kid who challenged us all.”

“Heh! That brat is so dead. If I don’t break some of his bones today, I won’t be called Tae-sung!”

“Hahaha, be patient. Everyone here must at least take a turn beating him a bit, otherwise how we gonna keep our face as well?”

“Hehehe, right!”

After a bit more discussion, the group of students turned toward Vinci who was now standing a few feet away from them. They then glanced over at the tall gale named Guma next to Vinci. Upon noticing their gazes, he gave a subtle nod.

Immediately, without a word, one of the students at the front jumped towards Vinci.


Vinci, who was carefully surveying the group, quickly reacted to the threat before him. Knowing that the tall student Guma was to his right side, he instantly sprinted to the left. As he did so, several other students came charging towards him and even Guma joined in on the raid as he started to pursuit Vinci right after he leaped away from him.

The students that did not move were already preparing magic spells as they unleashed them one after another towards Vinci.

“«Frost Bolts»!!“

“Don’t even thinking of running away! «Hydro Pump»!”

“Ha! «Wind Slash»!!”


The earth exploded as several magical crests appeared and blasted towards Vinci, though they all were unable to hit their incredible quick target. But, because of the magical attacks, it bought enough time for some of the students to catch up to him as they lashed out with murderous intent.

With their bodies strengthened due to the magic support spells from their standing classmates, seven students instantly appeared in front of Vinci as they blocked his path. Then, the students from the front along with ones who were approaching from behind Vinci leaped towards him as the he was forced to engage in pincer attacked. As Vinci dodged and parried a flurry of kicks and punches, he was slowly directed farther and farther away from the School building until he finally noticed that his back was no longer facing the school, but his front was.

“Hmm...did they want to prevent me from escaping into the School so they led me away? Haa…”

One of the male students facing Vinci suddenly raised his fist as he slammed it down on the earth. Suddenly, several cracks appeared as it zig-zagged in the direction of Vinci. As if on cue, the students that were fighting Vinci quickly jumped back as the attack went straight the boy. Noticing this, Vinici quickly did a backflip as he tried to distance himself from the earth assault. And just as he did so, the ground he was standing on a moment before exploded.

Vinci repositioned himself as he once again faced the group of students that were slowly closing in on him from the front.

“Tch, holding back while fighting them is so annoying...if this keeps up, the headmaster might leave before I get to fight her…”


*KSHH!!* *KSHH!!*

Several of the School windows shattered as figures flew down from the openings. Once they landed, they began to rush towards Vinci and the group. The Class 8 students stopped and turned back to see what was happening. Upon seeing what it was, some of their faces turned slightly pale. It was the teachers. They quickly saw that several more of the staffs came dashing out from the school entrance towards them.

“Dammit! It’s the teachers!”

“Don’t panic! We are all engaging in an official duel! They cannot do anything to us!”

“But then why are they rushing at us with such serious looks on their face??”

“Dammit, how would I know?!”

Some of the students were in panic when they saw the teachers all rushing towards them with grim expressions. Although they were under the protection of the duel being official, it was still quite a scary scene seeing several powerful instructors charging towards them. Once the teachers reached the students, they slowed to a stop as they glared at them. The students at first thought the instructors were glaring at them, but they soon realized that their teachers’ target weren’t them --- it was Vinci.

Seeing that the teachers were not interfering with the match, but instead seems to be on Class 8’s side against Vinci, the students silently cheered in their heart. If even the powerful teachers wanted to punish Vinci for whatever reason, then today the foolish boy was definitely not getting out of this School in one piece. It was over for Vinci, was what they all thought. After all, not even the top Class 8 student dared to offend a teacher because of the overwhelming difference in strength. The upperclassmen were all merely Grand-master Ranks while the teachers were each at least Duke Rank with some who had already entered the Monarch Rank. And Vinci seemed to have offended several of them at once, which judging by the current numbers present, was around thirty four teachers.

But, even seeing the group of teachers glaring at him and positioning their battle poses behind the students, Vinci was still not fazed. Rather than feeling fear, what he felt at that moment when the teachers appeared was annoyance. To him, having more people popping up to hinder him only meant more work and more time wasted.

Seeing that the teachers were on their side. the students once again faced Vinci with new brimming arrogance.

But at this point, Vinci was tired of playing around with them.

He narrowed his dark eyes as he coldly stared at the mass slowly closing in on him.


A dense pressure suddenly discharged from Vinci’s body. The two advancing groups stopped as an aura that did not belong from this world engulfed them. The teachers and students’ face became pale as they realized what kind of pressure they were feeling from the boy in front of them. It was a massive killing intent. One, that is almost inconceivable coming from a child as young as Vinci.

Under this strain, two of the female students fainted as the rest of the people tried to stop themselves from trembling.

Vinci coldly surveyed the crowd for the last time before fixating his gaze on a part of the School building, presumably the headmaster’s room. He then began to slowly walk forward towards the direction of the school. The teachers who saw this clenched their teeth as they began incantations for their attack. They could’ve afford to back off because it was the headmaster who ordered them to stop Vinci. Even under his tremendous pressure, they had to retaliate or else they risk losing all their faces not only as an educator, but a higher level SP practitioner. They would become a laughing stock to the outside world if words got out that several teachers weren’t able to even stop a mere young child because they were afraid. So they attacked.

The students who saw their teachers straining to activate their magic attacks, finally forced themselves to suppress their fear as they once again came charging at Vinci. But, the boy did not as much put them in his eyes. He merely focused on a single glass window of the School. The window that leads to the headmaster’s office.

As the students and teachers came rushing with an onslaught towards Vinci, the dark haired boy remained impossibly calm as he walked over towards the School. But before any of the attacks from the frenzied mass could reach Vinci, he murmured under his breath and four magical crests quickly appeared on the ground around him as energies burst from each insignia. The four blasts instantly intercepted the magical attacks that were fired at Vinci as the energies clashed and were then consequently negated. The sudden bursts also caused some of the students that were charging at Vinci to leap back in surprise.

As the groups paused to collect their wits, small crests suddenly flourished under their feet. Soon, they quickly realized that they were unable to move. As if on cue, black smokes began to rise from the ground as it slowly crept towards its immobile targets. One of the teacher recognized the dark gas he hurriedly spat out a spell, broke free, and jumped back in panic while shouting,

“Quickly get away! He used «Nilfielm» !!!”


Several shocked and confused expressions rippled across the faces of both the upperclassmen and teachers. The spell «Nilfielm» was indisputably classified as a High-tier spell, but it was inconceivable for the present audience to grasp the idea that a mere young child was able to use such a spell. But some of the students’ shock quickly melted into fear as they realized that they were unable to break free from the spell. Although several students and all the teachers were able to use protection spells to struggle out of the spell’s paralyzing property, around five of the students were unfortunate to be unable to break free. These poor students were subsequently engulfed in the black smoke as muffled screams could be heard from within. When the malicious smoke slowly cleared away, the students within that were laying on the ground were revealed to have either lost an arm or a leg as they screamed in agony.

But this event took merely two minutes and during that time, Vinci had been nonchalantly walking through the baffled hordes.

As if the screams were the sound of alarms, the students and teachers were forced to regain their senses as they swiftly turned to glare at Vinci. But this time, there was a hint of fear and awe in their gazes. Especially the teachers. When they had received the order from the headmaster to subdue to a Class 6 student, they were perplexed. If it was for just one kid, then wouldn’t one teacher be more than enough already? But since it was a direct order from the headmaster, they did not dare question it much further and followed along. But after witnessing the boy’s impossible blood thirst and his ability to cast a High-tier spell made them realize that the student before them is not that simple at all.

But alas, alert as they are now, it was all futile. As Vinci continued to walk towards the school, seven large crest formations flashed in the air above the students and teachers surrounding him. Without waiting for them to voice their surprise, the crests fired out various magical spells. Powerful types of lights, fires, darkness, and lightning spells blasted the crowds. The ground shook with each impact as the crests continuously fired into the screaming crowds.

Although the teachers were able to dodge most of the attacks, the upperclassmen were unable to cope with the sudden shower of spells. They easily fell prey to the onslaught from the sky.

Once the rain of attacks stopped, there were only two students out of the original 28 left, with both being quite injured. The teachers had also been cut down to a mere number of 29 from their initial batch of 38. Several of standing teachers were injured as well. It was an unprecedented loss from just fighting a single child.

Vinci continued to walk straight. From the start of his walk, he had not once stopped as chaos ensued around him.

If the teachers had a grim expression before, then now they wore the mask of death as they glared at Vinci with eyes that could kill. They were fully serious now. Ten of the teachers slightly lowered themselves as tiny crests appeared behind the soles of their feet before bursting towards Vinci at an incredible rate. They raised their hands as they neared the boy, ready to unleash devastating martial art techniques. At the same time. The rest of the teachers quickly spread out and formed a large circle around Vinci, making sure to keep a relative distance as they all raised both their palms at him. Magical crests appeared in each of the teacher’s palms as they all shouted at once in unison.

“”” «Prism of Gravity»!! “””

A magical crest flashed under Vinci’s foot as it quickly expanded its size. Suddenly, the large crest began to shine as lights lit up the orange sky...

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