《True World》Chapter 8: The Princess


Chapter 8:

The Princess

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On the screen of the device called cellphone, a page with various texts are visible. This page is what the humans refer to as a “chat page”, hence a cyberspace where folks gather to chat even if they are far from each other.

Many languages used in such chat rooms are still prevalent even in the year 2500. (i.e. LOL = Laugh out loud, etc.)

(Author's note: Do "google" them, if you are unsure, though there's very little used here...)

In the chat room...

[@Ian69] - Kekeke, did you guys see that dork today?

[@Angus219] - LOL, you mean the transfer kid? I did, man. Btw, did you guys heard the rumors about him? It seems that he’s a No Rank.

[@Batomi617] - Really?

[@Ian69] - ROFL. Why did the School even accept him? Tch, our academy’s standard must be really slippin’. He probably got in cuz of his test score or something. A nerd.

[@Batomi617] - hmph! A weakling dares to even enter this School just because he’s a bit smarter than everyone else. Guess we’ll have to teach him the laws of the jungle here, huh

[@Angus219] - oooh~ the transfer is gonna get rekted LOL. Let’s get him next period, the Training period, since you know…we can challenge him to a little “harmless” match. ;)

[@Ian69] - yupp

[@Batomi617] - ardd

[@Angus219] - Then it’s settled. Btw, guess what guys?..

[@Ian69] - Hm?

[@Batomi617] - What is it?

[@Angus219] - DEEZ NUTS! HA! GOT ‘EMM. Mannn, this never gets old even now LOL.

[@Ian69] - ….

[@Batomi617] - ...I’ll kill you Angus.

[@Angus219] - ….

[@Angus219] - I’m sorry, Boss.


“Haaa...this is so boring…”

muttered Vinci as he tried to keep himself awake. He has been stuck in the class since early morning and now it was nearly noon. Since the abolishment of the old school system, the Academy runs on a three period basis: first are the Lessons Classes that run from morning to noon, followed by a Break Period where the students are free to roam the school which lasts an hour, and finally the school ends with a Training Period that runs till the afternoon.


As the students around Vinci frantically rushed to jot down as much notes as they could, the boy was blankly starring the black board called a “chalkboard” in front of him.

Starting from the beginning of class till now, although his teacher Mr. Merci taught with enthusiasm, Vinci felt that the lessons were quite boring and useless. That is simply due to the fact that Vinci had absorbed the knowledge in “Googole”, making him into something similar to a super living computer. Everything “new” that Mr. Merci taught the students were deemed useless for Vinci. He already knew the concepts down to the miniscule details.

As he suppressed the urge to yawn, a noise rang throughout the school. It was the School Bell, which only rings to indicate the transition into one’s next period. It was now the Break Period.

Vinci quickly got up and was just about to bolt through the classroom door to get some fresh air when a voice called out to him that made him stop.

He turned out and found the same golden-haired girl from this morning walking towards him.

When she finally was only a few feet away from Vinci, she stopped and began to speak.

“Hello. My name is Cecilia FlameHeart. As your class president, it my duty to act as a guide for you and show you around the school. Please come with me.”

Without even hearing Vinci’s response, Cecilia walked past him.

Vinci, who was unsure how to answer, hurriedly followed after her.


While Vinci was following around Cecilia, he had tried to strike up a conversation a few times with her. This was due to his deep desire to improve his conversation skills so that he would not repeat his initial mistake that morning. But, try as he might, he quickly found out that the girl Cecilia was a person of few words. In fact, with her freezing aura and expressionless face, it was quite hard for Vinci, or anyone for that matter, to get close to her. In a way, it seems she’s purposely rejecting Vinci as she answers Vinci’s questions in a little as a single word to as much as a single phrase.


But, thanks to Vinci’s persistent attitude fueled by his previous embarrassment, he was able to learn a few things about her.

It seems that Cecilia is the daughter of The Rising Sun Clan’s leader. In this sense, she could be counted as something like a noble - no, a princess would be a better terminology to describe her.

Although it is now considered “modern times” on Earth, ancient words such as “nobles”, “princess”, “prince”, etc, seems to be making a comeback debut in this era. As the world is beginning to follow the concept of “the strong eats the weak”, it was inevitable for beings that stand above men to be granted a higher title in respect of their strength.

The fact that Cecilia was a noble, and a princess at that, signified that she was someone of not only great standing, but high potential. Indeed, being on par with the other major talents in school, she was the youngest person to reach Master Rank while only being in Class 6. Most reach that level only after they go through rigorous training in Class 7.

Moreover, it seems that merely having immense wealth will not grant you the title of a noble. Only the strong ones in the 7 Great Clan are privileged with such title due to their great influence and power.

Vinci also learned that Cecilia was the same age as him, and although she was a princess, when the boy started to call her “Princess Cecilia” the golden-haired girl only glared at him. It seems she doesn’t like to be refer as such.

As the tour came to an end, Cecilia abruptly turned towards Vinci. As her blue eyes hardened, she spoke,

“What is your Rank?”

“Uhh..I-I’m uh...the school said I’m a No Rank…”

Vinci accidently stammered in his first few words as he was once again taken aback by these sudden actions.

Immediately, Cecilia’s eyes softened for a moment before returning back to their original coldness. She turned her back to Vinci and mumbled something under her breath,

“...seems like I don’t have to worry about you...less competition..mmm…”

Vinci tilted his head as he wondered what the princess was saying. Suddenly, she turned back around.

“Alright. I have shown you around the school. My duty as your guide now ends here. Good luck.”

Once again, without waiting for a reply, the golden-haired girl walked passed Vinci towards the school building.

Just as Vinci was about to tell her farewell, the school bell rang. As Vinci sighed, he slowly trudged towards his next class, the Training Period...

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