《Tempest Rogue》Ch 18: Gauntlets
Lustron woke with a start. The sounds of children playing leaked in through the broken walls of his hut. The makeshift home was slapped together with warped planks leftover from various construction jobs. Sunlight pierced several spaces in the wood coming together with the sounds to make certain he received no extra sleep this morning.
Tossing off his patchwork blanket, he suppressed a shiver that had seeped its way deep into his bones. As always, another drafty night led to another day of hard work. The twins would get the quality blanket, which was final, though he did spare a glance over to it on the bed that the two children shared longingly. Anyone who said otherwise would get a firm talking to. Lustron smiled as he heard them happily arguing over whose turn it was in whatever game they were playing outside.
He stood up and stretched his massive shoulders, showing a surprising amount of flexibility for his large frame.
Lustron was prideful of his natural stats. His numbers were 20 points higher than other kids his age. For some reason, his started at 30 rather than 10. Well, calling himself a kid was a stretch at this point. Very soon, he would no longer be a teenager.
Stat information was privileged. The Kingdom regularly sent scouts to inspect all of the children once a month to see if any would be of use to the main guard or even one of the royal associations. His stats intrigued the scouts, but he never heard anything since. Their poking and prodding was something none of the hundreds of parent-less children looked forward to. Not that it mattered.
Taking his clawed hand, he scratched the scales lining his jaw while failing to suppress a yawn. Another day of hauling logs for Gramp, and then another night of moving metal around for Gran, he thought as he looked around the sparsely decorated room.
"Regi, Nala, Get in here! Let's get ready for breakfast. Judging by the sun, everyone else is already there!" He shouted toward the door, or at least the cloth hanging they referred to as "their door" Around a hundred huts, this size were on the outskirts of the Kingdom; Built along the wall in an area where a failed expansion was never completed. Each shelter housed several orphaned children, all deemed not worthy of living within the kingdom walls.
The only building that was a little more than partially finished was the start of an academy. Its large ceilings and three floors were a testament to the builders and architects at the time. If they were to see it now, they would hang their heads in shame, possibly even ball their fists with rage.
Luckily none of the orphans who currently used it as a mess hall, schoolhouse, or shelter during a storm cared much about the dilapidated walls and roof. Actually, it was quite the opposite. They all wished they could move into the upper floors. Gran would not allow that though "Them floors ain't been checked properly," She would say in her deep and slow drawl.
It is not that the construction wasn't sound. The problem was that the project was just dropped one day. The unfinished work left holes in the walls and ceiling that allowed the elements to do damage. She was okay with the first floor and its rooms though, and none of the children minded their swiftly built huts either.
The only other building addition in the area worth its construction would be Gran's forge. She moved out of the Kingdom and used her famous metalwork to provide food and shelter. Mainly she took on contracts from the guild, but she also did work for the guard here and there.
Lustron was lost in thought about how to fix their living accommodations up when two almond-colored noses peered through their cloth door. Both were littered with freckles almost identical to each other. Following these sneaky noses were two sets of eyes so dark they looked black. They approached their adoptive brother, sneakily. Yelling two tiny battle cries, they launched themselves at their older foster brother. Unexpectedly, for them, he was expecting this routine, and he picked them both up and swung them about the room. They screeched with laughter as the three spun about Lustron handling the two ten-year-olds as if they weighed nothing, although Regi did weight a bit more than his sister, which he loved to point out. Their weight and gender being the only differences between the identical twins.
One look could tell you that these three were not related by blood. Lustron was what was known as a breed. A Kobold breed to be specific though he did not know of any other kind of breed specifically, or even another like himself other than his direct family. He stood a head taller than the most giant humans; he had an elongated mouth, sharper teeth, and rather than skin, he possessed delicate scales covering every inch of him. Lustron usually did not hate that he was a breed, but he did bless his creator that he did not have a tail. His ridiculous strength compared to other teenage children also allowed him to earn enough money with odd jobs to support the twins and even the entire institute, which he and some of the older orphans aptly named when they were younger.
He would soon be old enough to convince Gran to let him try and either pay his way into one of the noble cathedrals or bribe some adventurers to take him into a dungeon. Those were the surest ways to gain an internal connection to mana. The former being actually safe, and the latter being incredibly dangerous.
Lustron was ridiculed for his appearance throughout his life, mostly by children, but even the occasional adult had hatred in their eyes at the sight of him. This made the likelihood he would be allowed anywhere near nobles unlikely.
Growing up, it never really bothered him. When he was little, he had his parents and older brother to look up to. Both of them were Kobold breed as well, and they were valiant adventurers. Loved by both the community and the Kingdom, he believed. The memories were hazy, beginning around how and where they died. Lustron always attributed that to the stress of losing them while being so young.
He and his older brother were taken in by Gran, just like every one of these orphans. Adventurers with the Guild sometimes returned with treasure and stories for their children, but too frequently, they did not return at all. Each year that passed, there seemed to be more children packing these huts.
His brother Gailar was a few years older than Lustron, which allowed him to make fast friends with a few other children his age. This left Lustron feeling a bit lonely, but he never showed it.
Five years passed with them living at the orphanage, and they were happy. Their days had been filled with passable food, various life lessons from Gran, and playing until they were all forced into bedtime. Lustron noticed his brother would spend more and more of his time with a group of the children closer to his age. He hid his jealously knowing how hard his older brother took the loss of their parents.
Unfortunately for his brother, small groups of orphans frequently disappeared. The slow cull of their numbers went on without care from the guards. Even Gran, Gramp, and the other elders seemed to just accept it as a part of life outside the walls. The thought was also hard for Lustron to concentrate on for long. His mind struggled to hold on to the thought, as if the subject, a fish held above water with wet hands.
When his brother's best friend ended up going missing, he could not let it go. The older of the two Kobold breed would spend his nights together ranting and raving about seeing a dragon of all things come and take the children over the mountains. One day a few nights later, Lustron woke up in their hut to a note. His brother was gone, and he left half of their inheritance in a bag under the bed, claiming the other half to use for his rescue mission. Refusing to open the package and heartbroken at the loss of his only companion Lustron waited in their makeshift home. He refused food and any interaction until the point that Gran took it upon herself to step in.
Lustron could never forget that day.
He was sitting in this very hut, alone and defeated on the dirt floor when he heard a sharp rap on the frame. Being 15 at the time, he just shouted "GO AWAY" like a petulant child. Gran made her famous "Hmph" noise and softly said "Go on in" to the two she brought.
Two cautious noses poked their way into the hut. To Lustron's surprise, they did not shy away when they first saw him. They both walked over to him and, with wide eyes, asked him if he was hurt.
Lustron just buried his face in his arms and did not answer. Gran walked in and pointed to the second bed and simply said, "Thas where you two will be sleeping," without another word, she turned around and was about to leave when a gruff voice interrupted her. Lustron jumped up, his fists clenching in uncharacteristic anger. "That is my brother's bed," He said quietly. Gran's eyes softened for a moment before they took on a hardened sheen. "He can have it when he returns," was her only retort as she swept open the fabric door and left them inside.
The twins, slightly frightened by the interaction, stood together at the edge of the room until Lustron let out, "Go ahead," quickly. That night he was woken by soft sobbing coming from the twins' shared bed.
He slowly got up and walked over to see Nala comforting Regi as he cried about their parents. Lustron couldn't help but be reminded of how his first night here was much the same. His brother comforting him as he mourned, the tears flowed out endlessly for the first few nights.
Remembering the pain and heartache of his own experience, Lustron told them to come and sit outside with him. They obliged, and the three stepped out and sat on some grass nearby. Lustron gazed up at the stars and thought about what to say. The twins hid their nervousness well, thinking they were in trouble for waking him, but Lustron could see them fidgeting in the corner of his eye.
"When I lost my parents, I had an older brother here with me. He took care of me and helped me through the pain because we were family." He said softly, looking down at their round faces lit up by the moonlight. "I know you two have each other, but if you want I can be your older brother too," He said as he watched tears begin to fall down Nala's face as well as Regi's. The two didn't answer; they just leaped forward and buried their crying faces into his arms. Lustron joined them, and the three let their emotions run them dry before making it off to bed. Unbeknownst to them, Gran was listening nearby, and her cheeks were wet as she made her way back to her forge.
Since that night, nearly five years had passed, the three becoming inseparable, and growing closer as a family with each day.
Lustron set down his now dizzy siblings and smiled so hard his cheeks hurt. "Hey, we are about to miss breakfast!" He quickly said to them as the two stumbled around, giggling. "Looks like the other kids are already in the mess hall," He says as he noticed the lack of noise and stuck his head out of their hut.
The three were about to make their way over when Lustron heard the noise that always makes his stomach drop. *BONG-BONG-BONG* Loud bells rang out three times.
The signal that means monsters are attacking the Kingdom. Most citizens would be protected by the massive walls built in a U shape around the city. Each wall flowed directly into the mountain far apart on either side. Inside stood the market place and all of the homes of people fortunate enough to be a resident. The Kingdom was built in tiered levels. The higher up, the more expensive the housing. Flatland eventually turned into the mountain itself that the most expensive buildings were set directly into. Growing up the mountain stood the nobles housing, higher up than that were eight grand cathedrals, and above it all was the magnificent Caseium castle which looked down on it all, imposing in its grandiloquent beauty.
The stone walls held firm for all of the massive city, but not the institute.
The institute was an easy target for rampaging monsters who followed along the wall looking for an opening. Unfortunately, the guard would always come late because they secure the walls and gate, and made sure no monsters contaminated the water supply, before moving toward the vulnerable home of the orphans.
Gran expected this though and made sturdy metal gates at the entryway of the sturdy building. Easily barred and secured these impenetrable doors would allow the attackers to waste enough energy and time that they never got through. The problem now is that Lustron and the twins lived in a hut at the edge of the settlement, and everyone else was already safe inside.
Lustron picked up his brother and sister as if they weighed nothing. As he prepared to dash toward the safety provided in the institute, a rush of cold ran down the scales of his neck. Something in his gut told him to pull them back into their hut. As he did so, a creature sped by running at speeds much faster than the average human. Lustron did not get a good view of it because their sheet covered doorway blocked it. Waving for the kids to stay back, he popped his head back out. His naturally high perception gave him fantastic eyesight.
Lustron's eyes widened with fear as Gran rushed out with another adult. They locked eyes momentarily, and Lustron attempted to signal to her that an enemy was oncoming. Gran in her prime was an adventurer, her stats made Lustron look like a toddler. Unfortunately, an injury prevented her and Gramp from truly accessing their power. She saw Lustron's attempt to warn them, but it was too late.
The monster's lower half resembled a man, the upper half a mantis, fell upon the caretaker that came out with Gran. In place of its arms, there were wicked scythe-like blades that cut deep into the man's chest.
Lustron used all of his willpower to not turn away from the brutality. The elders other than Gran and Gramp were powerless, but the time they volunteered was priceless to the orphans.
Seeing the deadly damage inflicted on the man threw Gran into a rage. Lustron heard her scream and watched use one of her blacksmith hammers to cave in the creature's skull. As she did so, she received a wicked slice down her arm. Looking back toward the jungle, Lustron could see a mass of the creatures gathering, waiting for something. This attack was different, they usually had more time before the creatures found their unprotected village.
As other stragglers started making their way forward, Lustron turned to Gran and gave one quick nod.
She returned the nod, and her eyes became as hard as diamonds. This was not the first time she had to sacrifice a few children to save the majority. She swallowed hard and ran back inside, moving to close the doors.
A chorus of the older kids raised their voices in opposition. Held back by Gramps, and a few of the other adults that volunteer their time, they were unable to stop Gran as she closed the doors and placed the large steel bar in place with her short but stout hands. Only one of the creatures reaching inside would cause irreversible and devasting harm.
Leaping into action, Lustron looked back toward the outskirts of the jungle that surrounded the Kingdom. Dust could be seen in the distance kicked up by the bloodthirsty creatures who were now approaching.
As the hoard left the line of trees, the sunlight glinted off their sharp weapon like hands. The monsters were not even bothering with the kingdom gate today. They were heading straight for the institute and would arrive in full force shortly.
Lustron frantically searched the hut for anything that could bar the door. He hefted his heavy wooden bed frame and placed it into the doorway. Casually he handled the half-ton of solid wood as if it was made of feathers.
Cursing the construction of the hut they were in Lustron looked at the flimsy walls. Each shelter was built with these raids in mind. Strong enough to stand and hold out the weather (for the most part), they were built quickly enough to rebuild as frequently as the weekly attacks were made necessary. The monsters did not always come toward the institute, but more often than not, they did.
Looking around the room again, he knew the Twins bed was built with flimsier material, his only being so strong to support his more substantial weight.
The only two other things in the room were a small wooden framed painting made by the twins, and the bag his brother left containing his half of the inheritance from their parents. The inheritance he had not touched or thought of since his brother's departure. Even seeing the bag caused a twinge in his heart.
"It is going to be okay; I will protect us," Nala said to them, both puffing out her small chest. If it wasn't so heartbreaking, Lustron would have laughed at the sight. She always had a tendency to protect her twin brother. Usually, beating up any other kid that dared to pick on him. Heavy footsteps approached as some of the faster monsters shot right past the wooden huts.
Lustron swallowed hard. If anything in that bag would help him protect his beloved siblings, he would use it. Whispering for the children to stay as quiet as possible, he ushered them toward the hut's back.
Rushing over to the bag and moving onto his knees, he picked it up, surprised at its weight. Turning it upside down, he carefully shook out the contents. A black box with a silver clasp tumbled out. Flipping open the buckle, Lustron was confused by the only materials being an old-looking brass ring. The twins watched wide-eyed as he did this.
Slowly slipping it on, he had a suspicion at what it was. This thought was confirmed by the message that appeared before him.
Inventory ring 3/20
Emptying the ring, he was slightly puzzled by the contents. Two expensive-looking stones he recognized to be socket gems. The silver looking one was somewhat larger than the other, making it most likely a mind orb.
The other objects were elaborately carved metal gauntlets. Lustron had a vague memory of his mother wearing something like these, and having that Orb placed in her head. The Orb would appear when she would activate her magic.
-Silver Mind orb
-Black body gemstone
-Round-shield Gauntlets
Leaving the items on the ground, he peered once again through a crack in their wall. The bulk of the monsters were marching slowly together, while groups of two or three raced ahead toward the Stronghold that is the institute. Looking through another gap, he made out what looked like ten of the creatures already there throwing themselves at the walls and metal door.
Hurriedly moving back to the center of their hut, he looked down at the items. He had no extra information other than what they were. Cursing his lack of any sort of perception skills. He pushed away the thought gnawing his conscious. He could have sold this stuff long ago to provide for his family. Hell, these items would fetch so much money at the market, or even the damn auction. He would have been able to afford to build his dream. Swallowing his guilt, he reluctantly decided to equip the items.
The black stone clicked into his hand, and instantly Lustron noticed a difference. Unable to explain it, he just felt healthier and more robust from the power of the stone. Next, he closed his eyes and sighed at the waste of the source of income he was about to commit to. Once bonded, a mind stone stayed as far as he knew. Gran's lessons about the system were quick, mainly sticking to information about trades, laws, and whatever else we needed to survive. A slashing noise that sounded like two swords grinding against each other was all the extra encouragement he needed.
Footsteps sounded nearby, and Lustron's breath caught in his throat, only breathing again when the creature continued toward the gates. For some reason, they were ignoring the huts. A loud metal clanking sound gave him an idea as to why.
Steeling himself, he clicked the Orb to his forehead and literally steeled himself. That is, when he placed the stone in, he felt his entire body change. His scales each seemed to transform into individual pieces of plate armor. His claws were full of vitality from the black body stone, but now exhibited a strength he had never known. Likely, Lustron could rend flesh and even leather with ease. Though with the change, he found it hard to move his body. Unlike his usual quick and fluid movements, he felt like his appendages were now made of stone.
He hesitantly put the gloves on, wondering if he would be better off using his new deadly fingernails. They fit perfectly around his scaled clawed hands, most likely built this way for his mother. Luckily his larger hands were not an issue because the gloves had a rune allowing them to shape to the user. With the equipment on his movement felt slightly more natural, but something was still not quite right.
As he prepared, a stampede of hard feet sounded outside. The bulk of the monsters were now passing by the hut. Lustron shushed the twins and had them move behind him. Praying the monsters were not accompanied by the explosive type. Remembering the devastation left behind during the last attack of that type. Carefully peering out through a hole in the wall, he could see the monsters as they rushed the institute gate.
Shifting mantis poachers
Their name appeared above all of their heads in red. Without a perception skill, that is the only information Lustron would receive. From his few lessons about mana, he could make assumptions though.
They all had a primary color of blue, which was usual for monsters spawned outside of a dungeon. Lustron gave out a silent thanks that none of their secondary colors were purple. These were all Shape Shifters. Their secondary color being grey. As the bipedal creatures stormed the Walls of the Kingdom, waving their shifted horrifying appendages, they all funneled their way down the road splitting the exposed huts and headed for the stone Institute. Lustron watched in fear as they swung their scythe arms around in the air in wild delirium. Fortunately, they all rushed by their red hazed frenzy hearing noises toward the institute, their organized march broken by the loud repeated noise.
Gran held back nothing as she shouted from the second floor of the institute. Slamming her tools together. Ruining them with force she was putting into the collisions. As blood flowed down her arm from the slice she took from the first creature, a thunderous racket erupted with every meeting of the expensive metal tools. The beings screamed with delight and redoubled their rush toward the building. Gran was confident in her doors, and her ability to magically repair them as they become damaged, but she would not lose any more of her children to these monster raids. As a slow trickle of grey energy flowed from her to the building, she made all the noise. If she had to stay here to maintain the integrity of the walls and gate, she would make sure that the monsters attacked.
Just as Lustron was about to let out a sigh of relief, certain the gates would hold as long as they needed, he swore softly. The guard would eventually make their way over to this side of the wall with bows, but three creatures must have caught their scent or something because they began racing toward their poorly barricaded home.
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