Jaxton could hear the screams from his teammates echoing around the dark empty town as he ran, his feet carrying him as fast as they could. He wanted to save them but he knew there wasn’t a weapon he owned that could harm the creature. It was supposed to have been an undead mage, a lich they were often called. Fighting a lich is dangerous but he and his teammates all had weapons and skills perfect for slaying the undead. However, when they faced the monster, none of their anti-undead items worked on it and they watched in horror as it consumed their leader. Running was the only option they had and they took off in separate directions.
This wasn’t how it was supposed to go down; this should have been a fairly easy mission with a huge payout. He stopped in his track as he heard another scream, that of the female sorceress Sasha, the last of his teammates. Her screams were filled with despair as she cried for help. Jaxton continued running as he told himself, in between his own sobbing, that there was nothing he could do. Her screaming stopped abruptly and the town was quiet all around him. The only thing Jaxton could hear was the sound of his feet as they hit the ground.
Jaxton stopped to catch his breath, he must have ran for ten minutes, surely that’s enough to get away from that “thing”. He looked around at his surroundings but all he could see was darkness. The thought crossed his mind that some red flags should have been raised when they discovered the entire town was empty. Did the people escape or did something worse happen? He decided not to think about it till he got away from this place. He’d come back with the entire guild and avenge his comrades. He was about to start running again as he heard the sound of fabric flowing in the wind. He dared to look behind himself and there it was, the monster that killed his teammates.
It wore a black cloak that covered its entire body. The cloaks hood covered its head and Jaxton could not make out the face inside of it. Fear reminded Jaxton to run as the creature began to glide effortlessly towards him. Jaxton turned away from it and summoned all the energy he had left to sprint from the thing. He heard something fly over his head and he stopped in his tracks as the monster landed in front of him. The creature could fly. “So that’s how you got to us so fast. What now, monster? You want me as well, do you?” Jaxton yelled at the creature trying to hide the fear in his voice.
“You’re scared…” The creature replied, its voice deep and dark and yet calm and almost soothing. “You don’t have to be afraid. I’m here to save you. I’ve saved hundreds and they all are thankful.”
“I doubt my comrades are thankful that you killed them.”
It continued to talk in a slow calm voice. “Death is merely the next step in your existence. You should not fear it, you should embrace it. I am a simply here to guide you to that next stage. You do not understand the joy it will bring you yet but I will show you, I will make you understand.”
“I don’t think so.” Jaxton said as he pulled out a small scroll. He couldn’t use magic but anyone can use a magic enchanted scroll; though they are extremely expensive and only to be used in an emergency. This was definitely an emergency. Jaxton opened the scroll and chanted, “Enchant my broadsword with Holy Weapon!” The scroll turned to dust and Jaxton pulled out his sword and admired the soft white glow coming off of it.
“Pretty.” The creature said tilting its head as it looked at it.
“You like that do you? Take a closer look!” With that said Jaxton ran towards the creature and as quick as he could manage thrust his sword into the cloaked creature’s chest.
“If you do that, I can’t see it.” Said the creature much too calmly for something that has a sword inside of it. Jaxton realized that his sword went in way too easily, it was like stabbing nothing. Jaxton pulled his sword out and tried to stab it again but his time the creature held up its right arm and shot out a bright white beam from it that struck the sword knocking it out of Jaxton’s hand.
Having a cleric on his team Jaxton had seen that spell before. “That was a holy beam. What kind of monster uses holy magic?” Jaxton said as he slowly backed away.
“Holy weapons do not work on me because my very existence is due to holy magic.” Said the creature as it slowly glided closer to Jaxton. “And I am no monster, I am a god. Now please accept my gift.” The cloak opened wide and Jaxton’s mind reeled with fear and confusion as he discovered that there was nothing under the cloak.
“No!” Jaxton screamed as the cloak wrapped around him and a bright light enveloped him. His screams filled the empty town for no one to hear and after a few moments there was nothing but silence.
Azaerania had worked at the Hairy Bull Inn and Tavern for over a decade now. It was easy work and thinks to her natural charm, even if she gave poor service no one seemed to care; which was great because Azaerania had very little enthusiasm for doing a great job. She wasn’t like her sister who was so ambitious she started up her own guild; Azaerania just wanted a small job so she could lazily live out her life. As she looked up at the bright moon in the sky she could see lightning in the distance as a storm headed closer to them. The thirty minutes she spent on her fifteen minute break was over so she decided it was about time to get back to work.
She stood up from where she was sitting and stretched her wings one last time, and then she used a belt to gently clasp them to her back. It’s not like she was ashamed of her wings they just would knock things and people over if she didn’t strap them down. She touched her right horn to make sure the little blue ribbon was still tied there, it was. Her horns were nowhere near as big as her sisters but she was still proud of it. They were short, black, and shined beautifully even for a pure demon, and she took pride in her horns.
As she was straightening herself up the door behind her opened up and a seven foot half man, half bull walked out. His top half was that of a mighty long horned bull and his bottom half was that of a mighty long legged human. Surprisingly he was very well dressed for a minotaur. He was wearing Brown wool pants and a nice red shirt covered by a white apron. She could hear his big old hooves clop as he walked towards her. “Breaks going on a little long isn’t it? I could use some help. Alex isn’t coming in tonight so it’s just me and you.” said the bull man in a shockingly kind voice.
Aza looked up at him, her dark purple eyes trying to pierce his very soul, and then she remembered her charm ability didn’t work on beast people. “Yeah, all right.” She said standing up and walking towards the door. “What are you serving tonight?”
“Stew, I did a little something different to it tonight.” The beast man replied proudly.
“You made it edible?” Aza asked coolly.
“No, that’s just a bonus. At least I think it’s edible. I wouldn’t eat the stuff.” The large Minotaur walked back inside followed by Aza, they past the kitchen where several pots of stew were being warmed and ready to be served. They walked to the front of the inn where the bar was and was greeted by a large group of people sitting around the various tables lit with candles. They held up their glasses full of beer and mead and yelled various greetings mostly to Aza.
One man happily shouted to the Minotaur, “Hey Braxton, you didn’t tell us Aza was working tonight.”
“She works almost every night. She was working thirty minutes ago. She served you a beer,” Replied Braxton the Minotaur.
“Oh, right.”
“Stews for dinner, it’s two silver lumps per plate.”
“That’s a little steep isn’t it Braxton?” Cried out a drunken patron.
“Are you sure? After all the stew will be served to you by the lovely Azaerania.” Braxton said as Aza rolled her eyes. “I guess you don’t like Aza…”
“No! That’s not true!” Replied the drunk frantically. “I love Aza! I’ll take a serving of stew!”
Braxton smiled as much as a minotaur could. His food wasn’t very good and neither was his prices but as long as Aza worked there it didn’t matter. People flocked to his inn just so they could catch a glimpse of the young demon. Aza was a succubus, and as such she had a natural charm ability that made human and human-like creatures love everything about her. It was a bit of a gift/curse type thing.
“I worked hard to make sure there was enough for everyone, and that’s no bull.” Laughed Braxton and everyone chuckled nervously. Minotaurs loved cow puns and play on words.
“I wouldn’t recommend eating it, in fact I’d steer clear of it,” said Aza as she lazily put on an apron. The entire tavern exploded with laughter from both men and women.
“You’re too funny Aza!” One woman screamed.
“Steer?! Because he’s half bull?! Aza you’re too much!” Another man shouted through fits of laughter.
“I love you more than life itself Aza!” Said another man as he knocked everything off his table and slammed his fist through one of the taverns small glass windows.
Braxton let out an angry snort. “Dang it Gary, that’s the third time this week, get out!” Braxton shouted as he pointed towards the door. Gary hung his head in shame and slowly walked out of the inn. “That really was a good one though Aza.” Aza simply shrugged. Outside they could hear rain begin to come down and thunder rumble in the distance. Aza began making her rounds around the tavern bringing stew and drinks for anyone willing to pay while also collecting overly generous tips. Aside from some of the patrons being to clingy or sometimes perverse with her, working here wasn’t bad. She wouldn’t admit it but she liked most of the regulars the only thing she didn’t like was when some weird traveler would show up and act…weird…
As if on cue the door flung open and all heads turned to see a rain soaked man in a brown mage’s cloak standing in the doorway. They all watched silently as the man made his way to the bar where Braxtel was standing. He looked up at Braxton and whispered where most couldn’t hear him. “A minotaur?...Neat.”
“Can I help you?” Braxton asked kindly.
“My energy is low and my hunger is great. I will literally eat whatever is in that pot,” said the mage as he pointed down to a pot on the floor.
“That’s trash. It’s a trash can.”
The man stared at the pot for a moment and shouted to no one in particular, “I wasn’t going to!” He looked back towards Braxton. “What do you have?”
“Stew, beer, mead and water.”
“What kind of meat is in the stew?”
The mage seemed like he was going to say something about that but decided not to. “I’ll have stew and water please.”
“That’s two silver lumps and a copper lump.”
“I’m assuming that’s currency?” He pauses for a moment. “Yes, my ring is telling me that is in fact currency. I don’t have any of that.”
“I don’t serve food for free stranger. You’d better hoof it on out of here.”
“Wait, how about this?” The man reaches in a bag and pulls out a large fang and lays it on the counter. “What if I give you this? I heard it was worth something.”
Braxton almost chocked when he realized that it was a basilisk fang. Alchemists will pay some pretty lumps to get a hold of one of these. Braxtel quickly snatched up the fang before the man could change his mind. “Yes, I guess this will do.” Braxtel couldn’t believe his luck but as he looked over at Aza she shot him a look of disappointment and guilt got the better of the beast man. “Hey, traveler, you have a place to stay tonight? How about I throw a room for the night into the trade?”
“I’d like that a lot.”
“All right then.” Braxton reached under the bar and produced a small book. “Your room number is five; it’s up the stairs and last door on the right.” He then precedes to hand the mage a small key. “I hope you enjoy your stay.”
“All right, no sleeping on the ground for old Ash tonight,” said the man happily.
“Who’s Ash?”
“Oh, that’s me. I’m Ash.”
“Well, Ash go ahead and take a seat anywhere that’s open and the lovely Aza will bring your food to you.”
Ash nodded and found himself a large empty table by a broken window. He wiped the glass off of it and sat down.
Ash looked around the tavern; it wasn’t like how he thought a tavern in a fantasy world would be like. It was calm and cheerful. People were laughing and telling jokes to each other, some older men were playing some kind of card game, and a few people were talking to the minotaur at the counter as he let out a booming laugh. Ash thought it would be a bit wilder like with bar fights and a bard playing a song in the middle of the room. Though Ash did like the calm atmosphere especially after the day he had. He was a little disappointed though; he had thought he’d see a few other races here. The minotaur was a surprise but other than that the place was filled with mostly humans and elves.
He heard a cough and looked over to his side to see the waitress holding a bowl and a mug of water. She had short messy black hair, curled and shiny black horns, light blue skin, and what appeared to be black wings strapped to her back. She was definitely not a human or elf. The tall winged woman looked down at him piecing him with her sharp purple eyes.
“Here’s your stew and water.” She said as she set them on the table.
“Thanks.” Replied Ash as he readied himself to devour the meal.
“You’re welcome.” She began to walk away but stopped in her tracks to look back at him. “Wait, that’s it?”
“Uh… Yeah?” Ash said a little confused. “I don’t have money for a tip if that’s what you’re wanting, sorry.”
“That’s fine but you don’t have anything else you’d like to say to me?”
“Um… Nope.”
It was indeed weird for a stranger to not be all over her. She noticed the little ring on his finger and she guessed that the ring probably had some kind of charm resistance. “Weird, well, enjoy your meal. Or try to keep it down at least.” Ash noticed as she walked away that almost everyone in the tavern was looking at her, some secretly while others didn’t seem to care if she noticed.
She’s a demon.
“That’s not nice, Sam,” said Ash to his ring.
No, I mean she’s an actual demon, a succubus to be more specific. Though I think they just prefer to be called demons nowadays. Succubus has a bit of negative stigma, though I think being called a demon would too.
“Wait, a succubus? You mean like a red light district type of demon?” Said Ash in a whisper.
No…Well some I suppose. A succubus or incubus is just a demon that was born with a natural charm ability. Some use it for good, some use it for bad, and some apparently use it to get large tips.
Ash nods as he sees the demon girl accept a small bag from a couple. She opens it and looks in. Ash notices her face look sad for a moment and she pulls out a single golden rock and hands the bag back to the couple as they try to refuse the return.
Most of them see the charm ability as a burden and never leave their clan. Demons are immune to charm spells and abilities after all. By the way, how’s the stew?
“Dry and bland, but I’m hungry so whatever.”
How can a stew be dry?
Ash thinks about everything thing that has happened since he got to this world and lets out a sigh. “Sam.”
“I think if I’m going to be successful in this world I’ll have to take things a bit more seriously. I feel like I could have handled things a bit better than I did. Like those two groups that were arguing, what if I used my Earth Magic to try and widen the road so both groups could have passed?”
That’s called Construction Earth Magic which you can use but it takes a lot of practice. If you had tried to use it then you probably would have split the ground apart making everyone fall into a deep chasm.
“That does sound like something I’d do.”
Not that it would have mattered. It was the principle at that point. I doubt either group would have given up until the other stepped aside.
“Good point… you know maybe taking nothing but Earth Magic was a bad call. Having no other skills might be a disadvantage like you said.”
Ash, I know I harped on about it a lot but that was only because you seemed to have no interest in learning to use your skills. You can develop new skills and work on mastering your Earth Magic. If you learn to control it Earth Magic will be extremely useful.
“That so? You know I’ve been looking over my mental library of spells and I’ve seen some pretty neat ones. Stone Hands, Earth Blender, and it looks like I can even make golems. “
Careful making golems they reflect your personality and current state of mind.
“I need to learn how to use these spells efficiently. Sam will you help me?”
Th-That’s what I was made for. Nothing would make me happier Ash.
It’s my job you don’t need to thank me… In fact I think I should apologize. I haven’t been exactly honest about the way skills work… I-
The door to the tavern swings open and from it four people emerge. Ash looked towards them and recognizes two of them as Garret and Saline but the other two he hadn’t seen before. Most likely their other party members, ash thought to himself as he tried to keep his almost inedible stew down. Beside Saline was another desert elf like her but even smaller. The elf had olive skinned, had extremely short brown hair had a bow and quiver strapped to their back, and was dressed similarly to Saline.
Beside Garret was a mountain of a woman that Ash would bet was some kind of barbarian. She was clad in studded leather armor and carried a hammer at her side along with a massive circular metal shield. She had mid length blonde hair and blue eyes. She was almost as tall as the seven foot minotaur and she had to duck down to get in past the doorway. Saline walked in and made eye contact with Braxton.
“Ah Saline, good to see you, you want some stew for tonight. Not to horn it in but it’s pretty good and there is plenty left.” Braxton said with a happy snort.
Saline rolls her eyes and sighs, “That pun was lazy Braxton, and also I’ll pass on the stew today, I don’t have a cure potion on me. Have you seen a confused man in a mage robe come in here?”
Braxton points to a table where an old wizard keeps pouring water from a pitcher into a cup that has a crack on the bottom of it. The water keeps leaking from the crack in the cup as fast as the old wizard could pour it. “Someone keeps drinking my water before I can even fell my cup!” The old wizard screams as water cascades over the table.
“No, that’s not who I’m looking for.” Saline says shaking her head.
“Oh.” Says Braxtel and he turns to call for Aza. “Aza would you mind getting him a new cup, he’s making a mess.”
“Yeah, okay.” Aza says then turns to Saline. “I think your mage is over there.” She points over to Ash who coughs up a piece of potato that refuses to stay down.
“Snitch,” Says Ash looking at Aza.
“That’s the guy. Thanks Aza! I knew I could count on you. You’re so amazing!” Saline says trying to hug Aza.
Aza dodges her hug assault. “Don’t you need to speak to him?”
“You’re right Aza. You’re always right.” Saline says as she motions for the rest of the party to follow her. They walk over to the table Ash is at and sit around him. Except the tall barbarian woman who chooses to stand. Saline glares at Ash. “I thought I asked you to wait for us?”
“I thought I never agreed to that?” Replied Ash bluntly.
“Garret and I escorted you to the town and this is the thanks we get.”
“You guys followed me.”
“Then we get to the town you ask me where you can get something to eat. I tell you then, boom, you’re gone.”
“And what a shock it must be to find me at the exact place you pointed me to.”
“Wow, you’re extra snarky tonight, I like that. Anyway, let me introduce you to the party.”
“Not my party.”
“You know Garret and I, of course, but this shorter wimpier Belign Elf is Karse.” Said Saline pointing at the shorter elf beside her.
“Um… Hello, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Said Karse meekly.
“He also has a thing for me, he follows me around like a lost puppy, but don’t worry, I’m not taken.” Saline says with a smile.
“You don’t have to say that to everyone we meet Saline!” Said Karse, less meekly.
“And the massive woman standing and making me uncomfortable because she always refuses to sit is Olanna the Rib Smasher.” Saline says pointing to the tall woman.”
Ash looks up at the giant lady, “So, you must be the tank of the group?” Ash asks with a mouth full of “food”.
Olanna shakes her head and replies, “I specialize in healing magic.”
“Oh?” Ash says a little surprised. “If you’re the group’s healer why is your name Olanna the Rib Smasher?”
“Because I am also known for smashing ribs.”
“Well” Says Saline with a smile. “I’ve talked it over with them and everyone is cool with you joining our party.”
“More like no one cares,” says Karse as Olanna and Garret nod.
“I’m not joining your team.” Ash says a little annoyed.
“You’re just tired, sleep on it, I’m sure you will come to your senses in the morning. Speaking of which do you have a room for tonight. You could stay in the same room as Karse. He’s small so he doesn’t take up much bed space.”
“What?! I don’t want him sleeping in my room.” Karse objects.
Saline sighs. “I guess he’ll just have to stay in my room then.”
“Wait, no! He can stay in my room, it’s no problem!” Says Karse frantically.
“I have my own room.” Ash says dismissively.
“Thank the great deity.” Karse sighs.
“You know,” says Ash to Saline. “You act completely different from when I first met you and you speared me into the woods.”
“Oh, that was serious Saline. Right now I’m carefree Saline. You’re going to have to get to know the various versions of me if you join this party.” Saline says with a smile as the rest of her party nods.
“I’m not joining your party.”
“We’ll tackle that conversation in the morning, right now let’s just relax.” She turns and yells at Braxton. “Hey, four of whatever you’re trying to pass as food tonight.”
“Hey is for horses!” Braxton yells from across the room. “And also for bulls, so it’s fine. Aza, four stews coming up!”
Aza returns to Braxton after dropping off the stew for Saline and her party. She lets out a long sigh. It was packed tonight and the various flirtations were annoying her more than usual. “Is it closing time yet?” She asks Braxton quietly.
“Not yet.” He laughed.
Aza looks over at Ash who is choking on the stew as Garret slaps him on the back. “That mage…”
“His name is Ash. Unusual name for a human.”
Aza nods, “You know he hasn’t so much as tried to talk with me the entire night. He is much more interested in that stew.”
“Can you blame him? It was made by yours truly after all. The taste is divine. Well, I assume anyway, I can’t stomach the stuff but the humans and elves seem to like it.”
Aza shakes her head. “What I mean is that he is immune to my charm ability. He is either an extremely high level mage or he has a magic item that prevents charm.”
Braxton looks over at Ash who has finally stopped choking. “I’m going to say he has a magic item. Well, looks like everyone is content for the moment so I’m going to take a quick break and sharpen my horns if you know what I mean.” He probably is just going to go sharpen his horns. “Hold down the fort Aza, I’ll be back in ten.”
Aza nods and watches as Braxton walks out the back door. She turns to look at the patrons and happily notices that a few are starting to leave. All in all tonight had been fairly calm. At least she didn’t get one of the more aggressive costumers. As if on cue one of the more aggressive customers burst through the door. His name was Kory Trennel. He was the son of some rich guy who owned some mine or something, honestly Aza couldn’t remember. What she did know is that he was an entitled punk who always got what he wanted and would use money and his own well payed “friends” to get it, and right now what he wants is her.
Kory looks around the tavern and spots Aza with a look of disgust on her face. He also notices that Braxton isn’t around, probably out sharpening his horns. Braxton would usually run him off but seeing how he isn’t here… well, when the rooster is gone the fox will play. Three well-armed men stand outside the Inn looking at Kory. Kory nods to them, “I’ll be back. Just wait here.” Kory leaves the three men to wait outside in the rain. They were paid well so they didn’t mind it too much.
Kory let a wide grin cover his face as he strut up to Aza. Kory was tall, handsome, well built, and had flowing blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He was dressed far too nice to be visiting a tavern and was even wearing white silk gloves. He was rich and powerful so he thought he could have any girl he wanted but Aza didn’t like scumbags or relationships in general so he had always struck out. Today, however, he decided to be a little more aggressive.
Kory walked up to Aza who felt trapped behind the bar counter. He gave her his most pleasant smile and said in a sweet voice. “Aza, you’re as beautiful as always. Please won’t you reconsider going out with me or I’ll kill everyone you have ever loved and burn the town to the ground.”
“No.” Aza said without a moment of hesitation.
“Fine, you called my bluff. Aza, my darling, how long has this been going on. This back and forth between us needs to stop. I love you so much. Why won’t you love me back?”
“Because you don’t actually love me, you’re just another victim of my over-active charm ability.”
“I know that, we all know that, but no one minds; we still will love you. Granted, I love you the most.”
“Kory, have a drink and get lost.” Aza says as she pours him a drink.
“Harsh. What is it you don’t like about me? I’m rich, fit, and handsome.”
“Your wealth comes from your father, handsome is a matter of opinion, and you probably hired a wizard to cast fitness on you.”
“Like I would do something like that?” It was exactly what he did. “C’mon Aza, give me one good reason why you can’t go out with me?”
Aza quickly looked around the tavern and spotted the Ash having a conversation with Saline. That’s when an idea popped into her head. “I can’t go out with you Kory, because I am already in love.” She said in a whisper so only Kory could hear. As dramatic as possible Kory gasped and almost lost his balance.
“You in love, that’s not possible!?”
“Excuse me, just because I’m a demon doesn’t mean I can’t fall in love.”
“Who is it? Who is the unworthy bastard?!”
Aza points at Ash from across the bar. Ash is too busy eating to notice the gesture. “Him?!” Cries out Kory, “What is so special about him?”
Aza shrugs. “His name is Ash, and boy do I love him, so…very much. If my love for him was an ant hill… it would be a pretty big one… like about two ant hills worth.” Aza would normally never try this tactic but pretending to be taken might be the only way to keep Kory away, and seeing as Ash is immune to her charms he likely wouldn’t take it seriously.
“Fine, I get it, you are very much in love with him. That much is obvious.” Kory says his heart break apparent.
“Yes, that’s just the way it is. I’m afraid you’ll just have to give up on me and find a new girl to stalk.”
“No!” Kory says with his bravado building back up. “You’re the only girl I want to stalk. I refuse to give up. I’ll have a word with this mage.”
“Wait no. He’s really strong so you shouldn’t bother him.”
“We’ll see about that.” Kory says as he puffs out his chest and begins to walk over to Ash.
Aza curses under her breath though she isn’t too surprised, now that she thinks about it this was the most likely outcome. She decides that she better go and get Braxton before things get out of hand. She quickly walks out the back door.
Karse lets out a surprised whistle. “Wow, so you were only minutes from the town and you were stopped by a dire bear, a group of bandits, and a riddle asking troll?”
Saline nods. “Yeah, seems Ash has bad luck with encounters. You should have seen him though. He crushed that dire bear between two stone walls like it was nothing.”
Olanna shakes her head. “Sounds like overkill.”
Ash mumbles, “I was only trying to capture it. I really need to work on that.”
Garret chuckles, “And who would have thought the troll would have asked such a clever riddle? What has the color orange, it asked? Who would have thought that the answer to the riddle was hidden in the riddle?”
Saline laughs with Garret. “And do you remember how when the bandits tried to stop us Ash just kept walking, hilarious.”
Olanna coughs to get everyone’s attention. “Who would like to hear how my tribe befriended the turkey people of Okalo Valley one day and had the greatest feast this land had ever seen the next day.”
Ash let out a small grumble of discontent as the group laughed and talked to one another. Though, deep down, he was enjoying this exchange even if only a little. That would soon end as a muscular blonde stranger stood beside him and almost said his name.
“Ass!” The man shouted at him.
Ash let out one of his extremely long sighs and looked up at the man. “Depending on whether or not you have a lisp will determine whether or not I’m insulted.”
“How dare you steal my beloved from me?!” The man said with spite in his voice.
“Your what?”
“Aza, the great deity’s gift to us all, is in love with you!”
Kory said it loud enough so everyone in the tavern heard. All was silent as they turned their gaze to Ash. “Who?” Ash said causing uproar throughout the tavern and even the people at his table. One woman legitimately screamed.
Saline slammed her fist on the table and yelled at Ash. “How could you not know who Aza is?! She’s the wonderful woman who has been serving you all night!” The rest of the group murmurs in agreement.
“Oh, right, her. I don’t think she even likes me. We literally just met.” Ash says dismissively as he attempts to eat more stew.
Kory snatches the bowl away from him and holds it above his head. “Stop eating while I’m antagonizing you!”
“Hey!” Ash says angrily. “I was trying my hardest to eat that! Give it back.”
“Oh, you’re asking for it!”
“Yes, I am asking for my stew.”
“You’re going to get it!”
“I hope so.”
In his anger Kory grabs a fork from the table and tries to stab it into the table to intimidate Ash. Unfortunately Kory was never good at aiming and slams the fork right into the back of Ash’s hand. All went quiet again as Ash looked down at the fork protruding from his hand. “Hold the lettuce; did you just fork my hand?” Ash removes the fork from his hand and notices all the points are bent and there isn’t even a scratch on him. “That’s weird.”
“Yeah,” agrees Garret. “Why were you eating stew with a fork?”
“Cheap cutlery I guess,” says Kory. “Look I’ll give you your meal back if you break it off with Aza.” Lightning strikes outside and thunder shakes the tavern as all wait for his reply.
“Yeah, all right.” Ash says quickly prompting more gasping from everyone. “What now?! Do you people have breathing problems?!’
“How can you cast away Aza like that?!” Kory says with anger trembling in his voice.
“You asked me to.”
“I didn’t think you’d give up so easily! Does Aza mean nothing to you?!”
“I just met her. She just seems like a normal girl to me, you know, with wings and horns.”
“Normal?! How dare you!?” Tory cries.
Saline stands up. “Yeah, Ash, how can you not see how special she is?” She says passionately.
“She’s so lovely” says another customer and a few more chip in with praises for Aza as Garret and the rest of the party nod.
“I’d die for her!” Screams another patron as he flips over a table.
“Gary!” Screams Braxton as he walks inside the tavern followed by Aza. “Who let you back in?!” Gary yelps and scuttles out of the tavern. Braxton turns his gaze to Kory. “Kory, are you bothering one of my customers?!”
“No.” Answers Kory meekly as most would when an angry minotaur asks you a question.
“He stole my stew.” Says Ash snitchingly.
“Give it back to him.” Says the angry minotaur.
“N-no problem.” Kory says as he turns to give the stew back to Ash, but Kory looks down at Ash and he gives into darkness. “Here you go.” He dumps the stew on Ash’s head.
“Hey!” Yells the minotaur as Ash just looks straight ahead with a look of shock on his face and Saline and her party glare at Kory.
“I’m so sorry. I lost my temper. Let me help you.” Kory produces a handkerchief from his pocket and wipes Ash’s face with it. He had bought the handkerchief from a powerful warlock and it was laced with a fear inducing powder. Kory intended for this powder to make Ash cower in fear of him and show Aza how much of a coward this mage was. If you’re thinking it was a very convoluted plan you are right, Kory wasn’t often successful with his plans.
“There now, what do you have to say?” The powder should work immediately according to the warlock he bought it from. Kory looked down at Ash expecting him to start whimpering with fear so he was a little surprised when Ash grabbed hold of his arm. “Hey, let go!” Ash takes the bowl of his head and sets it on the table as he stands up and glares at Kory. The Tavern shook a little even though there wasn’t any thunder.
“A mage wants to fight? All right.” Kory slams his fist into Ash’s face. Thanks to the fitness spell cast on him his strength was well above that of a normal person’s but for some reason hitting Ash was like hitting a stone wall and Kory was pretty sure he just broke his own hand. He tried not to show his pain though as he looked at Ash expecting a bloody face but all he saw was Ash’s blank stare and unharmed face.
“Hey, if you two are going to fight, take it outside!” Yelled Braxton knowing that a fight inside his tavern would result in a hefty amount of damaged property.
Aza realized things were getting out of control and decided to put a stop to it. “I lied, Kory! I barely know that guy! So stop this.”
“Really?” Kory said happily as he tried to turn and look at her. “That’s a re-“His sentence was cut off as Ash grabbed him by the throat and threw him at the taverns door knocking it off the hinges. Kory’s three friends were shocked to see their leader smash through the door and roll on the muddy wet ground.
“Wow!” Cried Saline. “You got some distance! Remind me not to tick you off.” She said to Ash but he ignored her and began to walk towards the door. He stepped outside and watched as Kory’s friends lifted their leader off the ground.
“Did you do this?!” One of Kory’s friends called out to Ash.
Kory’s comrades readied their weapons but Kory just whimpered. He wasn’t much of a fighter and he knew when he was outmatched. His friends however were much more skilled. He called them friends but really they were just hired bodyguards. The three of them should be more than a match for this mage.
Saline and her party along with Aza and Braxton looked from the doorway and windows as Ash walked slowly towards the group.
“Hey mage! I think that’s enough! Everyone needs to calm down.” Said Aza, as she hoped that her charm power could calm everyone down. However the three men were too focused on Ash to notice her.
“Should we stop him?” Asked Karse.
“Nah, I want to see what he can do.” Said Saline looking at Ash with expectation. “I’ve always wanted to witness a clichéd fight to the death in a storm outside a tavern.”
Ash slowly walked towards the three men and Kory. Rain saturated his robe as lightning struck overhead and thunder roared.
Ash, please calm down. I’ve never seen you like this.
“You said you’d teach me how to control my magic, right?” said Ash to Sam.
“We have some volunteers to test out some of my abilities.”
You need to calm down first.
“Ever since I got here it’s been one thing after the other. People and monsters won’t leave me alone.” The men watched in confusion as the mage mumbled to himself. “I’ve been eaten, thrown like a spear, harassed and attacked, and then when I finally get to rest and eat this jackass dumps my meal on my head. This is all in the span of one several hours. I’m tired of playing nice.”
You’re going to kill them?
“Wait…I know what ability I want to use.” Said Ash remembering something. He closes his eyes and puts his hands to the ground.
Kory screams at his bodyguards, “Attack! He’s a mage! Why does everyone always wait for mages to finish their spells before they attack?!”
The men nod and charge at Ash but they soon lose their balance and fall as the ground begins to shake. One of the men scream as a large hand, seemingly made of rocks emerges from the ground and grabs hold of him. Everyone looks on in awe and fear as another hand erupts from the ground. The veterans in the tavern back away from the window because they know exactly what it is.
Kory tries to scramble away as the ground beneath him rises. He rolls of the mound and looks at it. He sees a giant head made of stone with holes for eyes that glow with a terrifying red that lights up the dark stormy night. The thing lets out a groan as one of the hands pushes down on the ground and the rest of the monsters body lifts out of the earth.
Kory and his two men look in terror at the creature that just crawled out of the ground. Over twenty-five feet tall and made up of various stones. The creature was shaped like a wide man with an abnormally large head. In one of its hands it held the bodyguard who it had snatched up; the man was not moving. They hoped he was just unconscious.
Olanna was surprised. “A Golem.”
“Wow.” Said Saline. “I’ve never seen one up close.”
“This is not good.” Olanna responded.
Ash! Don’t summon a Golem when you are angry! Golems tend to reflect your mood!
Ash ignored Sam and looked at the three men who were left. He very seldom got angry. He prided himself on his calm nature and could only remember one other time he was this angry. As he remembered his Father he only got angrier. Kory had no way of knowing that the powder he was sold had actually been a rage inducing powder and although Ash was immune to most mind altering effects, rage was not one of them. Rage for the most post is considered a bonus and a good thing, it increased attack and focus, there's no immunity or resistance for it becuase it was something that could help you out in a pinch. For Ash, however, he had bottled up his emotions for years and that particularly volatile mix of rage powder had caused his anger to burst like a dam of fury. Ash was being consumed by the rage he hid for so long. It was hard to do but this world had actually caused Ash to break and they were about to find out that you don’t want to anger a sage class Earth Mage.
- In Serial400 Chapters
Isekai ni Kita Boku wa Kiyoubinbode Subaya-sa Tayorina Tabi o Suru
Late at night in the middle of my part time job at a convenience store, I had an encounter with a robber and was mercilessly stabbed to death. As I was about to lose my consciousness, I thought about how much I wanted to do this and that when I heard a voice…… 『The wish to be summoned has been confirmed. Granting Unique Skill 《Jack of all Trades, Master of None》』 Rude words such as that were said. Jack of All Trades, Master of None? Don’t screw with me! Such thoughts and wishes were for naught as my consciousness faded, when I came too I was standing on a green foggy hill.
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Dusk God
With overpowering might and some of the most powerful spells, how will he proceed? My First Story
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The Demon King Absolutely Has No Attachments
Welcome to Akoras Online, where the power lies in your hands. This sandbox virtual reality MMO has gained a dedicated community, but it has a catch: those who die in battle have their stats reset. Spending all his time on the server to escape his shut-in life, Kas is the only long-time player with a death counter of 0. However, his social skills are also a big 0, so he's condemned as the cold-hearted “Demon King”. Now, the number of players who actually like him is also 0. (Which is fine. He enjoys the peace and quiet.) However, Kas' dreams of being left alone are banished over and over by challengers with various grievances against him. Among them is Gabriel, the celebrity "Hero" of Akoras, who has just as much time on his hands as Kas. Seriously, Gabriel tries to fight him a lot. It’s getting kind of tiring… Wait, this guy isn’t even in high school yet! The (not-so) idyllic trials of a Demon King and a Hero, with a raging faction war in the background. Now updates on Tuesdays, with the odd chapter in between.
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The prince of mages
A legend told that far, far away, on the edge of the magical realms, there was a city, a great black city built on a mountain famous for its curse. Only the black mages and all those who were deeply linked to the darkness were allowed to enter this place of the night, feared by all. It was there, far from the light, that a young boy named Miron was imprisoned. He lived within the walls of a huge building, among other children, under the domination of a banished black mage, who tried to subdue him because of his rebellious and untamable nature. Miron did not know how to break free from this terrible prison. But opportunity knocked in the year he turned thirteen when he discovered a power his dark tormentors wished he had never known.
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Leo x Errian
Errian is my own character. I will have more Leo x reader story out soon, but you have to deal with this.Errian is basically a Y/n. Just I didn't really pay any mind to the details of the characterStarted June 21, 2022.Ended July 2, 2022
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Sᴛʀᴇssғᴜʟ Sʜᴏᴡ - RᴜɪKᴀsᴀ - EN
It's all in the foreword, enjoy.
8 202