“No… It’s Ash… You ass hat…”
Ashley Sage, wake up!
With a jolt Ash opens his eyes to see the nothingness before him. Darkness so pitch black he couldn't see his hands in front of him. His feet felt like they were on solid ground and when he reached down to feel the ground it was smooth and cold, something like marble maybe. Where am I and wasn’t someone talking to me? These thoughts crossed his mind as he looked out into the void of nothingness.
So you are finally awake Ashley Sage?
A very ladylike voice echoes around him. It was soft and sweet but also carried a sense of authority. Ash decided it would be wise to try and be polite with this voice until he could figure out just what kind of situation he was in. Unfortunately polite conversation was not his strongest skill.
“Where the heck am I? Why is it so dark? Did you forget to pay your electric bill or something?” Ash said while looking around trying to see if he could make out anything.
You are in my realm, or I suppose I should say my home.
“You’re not much for décor are you? So where are you or are you just going to keep talking to me from the shadows? I can’t help but feel a little concerned waking up in a strange place in a dark room.”
If the darkness is bothering you then allow me to turn on the light.
The room is suddenly filled with blinding light. Ash curses and shields his eyes from the blinding light. “A little warning next time would be appreciated,” Ash grumbled while rubbing his eyes.
My apologies…
Ash slowly opened his eyes and instead of endless darkness all he could see was a vast emptiness of white that seemed to go on forever. At his feet was an equally white floor. At least now he could see his hands and feet. Weird to him, however, was that fact that he was still wearing his clothes from yesterday; a black long sleeve shirt, blue jeans, and his old white tennis shoes. He felt like he was forgetting something important, something that happened yesterday. The last thing he remembers is leaving a store and heading home.
Now that I look at you, you are kind of average looking. You have an average build, matted brown hair, and a face perpetually making a frown. Not what I thought you would look like. How old are you anyway? Twenties, or late twenties, I can’t really tell.
“So a lady with a pretty voice brings me to a secluded room just to make fun of me. It’s like I’m in high school again. So what is this all about?”
You died Ashley Sage.
“Hold the peas. What?”
You died.
“Ok…I don’t feel dead.”
You did die though.
“Is this heaven? Though that doesn’t seem likely with the way I led my life. Is this Hell?”
“Let’s take a step back. If I’m dead, how did I die?”
You don’t remember? You were very heroic actually. Although you ultimately died, several people were saved thanks to your heroic action.
Saving people? That doesn’t sound like something I’d do, Ash thought to himself. Just then he remembered something.
You remember now? You arrived at your home and saw chaos and despair. Though instead of panicking you gallantly dug through the rubble and began rescuing your neighbors and friends. It was very brave.
Ash sweats a little as he remembered the actual truth of those events. He was heading home from a quick walk to the nearby general store when a powerful earthquake hit. Small earthquakes had been frequent lately but this was something else. He fell to the ground as he heard buildings crumble and people scream. It was over in seconds but the damage was unbelievable. Many buildings were now nothing but piles of brick and wood, fires ran amok around him, and people were tearing through the rubble while desperately screaming for help.
Much to his surprise, except for some minor bruising, he was mostly unharmed. Ash looked on with disgust as some people decided to use this moment of tragedy to loot the various wreckages. Then it occurred to him that in his apartment was his entire life savings. Over 100,000 dollars was in a small safe hidden in his room.
He had been saving up for years so he could fulfill his dream. It was a simple dream of buying a small house away from people and living a life of ease. Ash disliked people and wanted nothing more than to live the life of a hermit and be left alone, but that costs money, a little over 400,000 to be exact. That was enough to live the way he wanted and it would only take him another ten years to save that much with his self-employed career. Ash sculpted custom made items out of wood, clay, and other materials and sold them online. He made figurines, cosplay items, and even fake weapons. He was somewhat famous for his quality work and because of that his prices were rather steep. He made enough cash to live by and to be able to put some money back.
He rarely left the house so he wasn’t too concerned with burglars and he didn’t trust banks so he decided to keep all his money in a small metal safe, hidden in his room. Though it wasn’t really hidden so much as tossed in a closet and buried under some blankets. Fear crept into his mind when he realized that his apartment could be in shambles like many of these buildings and there could be looters who would jump at the chance to steal a little safe regardless of the content. Ash rushed back home to see the sight he feared.
The apartment complex he lived at was in complete ruin. He didn’t know where to begin. The apartment complex was two stories and ten apartments to a floor and the entire complex had been reduced to rubble with only a few walls standing in place. His room was on the top farthest to the right so he rolled up his sleeves and decided to head that way. He heard kids crying and people screaming, he bumped into people as they hurried past him. He saw a woman on her phone, tears rolling down her face as she cried to the person on the phone.
Ash steeled himself as he went to the rubble and made his way to where he thought his belongings might be. Just then something grabbed his leg. He looked down to see a young boy holding Ash’s pants leg crying for help. The boy’s legs were caught under some fallen wood. Ash sighed and with a grunt lifted the wood off of the boy who thanked him and ran to safety. Ash continued to head to where he hoped his stuff was when he heard a man call for his help. The man was trying to clear debris wear a lady was trapped. He helped them rescue her and tried to get back to what he was doing until, yet again, there was a plea for help from another trapped and injured person. This continued to happen a few more times until finally Ash saw a fire truck heading their way. Great, they can help everyone, ash thought to himself. Wait, ash realized, they’re probably going to make me go to a safe location, those monsters. He decided he has to find his safe before that happens.
He rushed over to where he assumed his stuff might be and at last he saw some various familiar junk, it was tossed and broken but it was all his belongings and it was from his bedroom. It must be here somewhere. Ash began clearing the rubble when he heard a sniffle. Ash sighed, and slowly turned around to see a small girl with her back against a still standing wall. She was shivering and whimpering with fear. Her body was bruised and her head was bleeding. She wasn’t trapped so why hasn’t she moved to safety? As Ash looked at her he realized that she couldn’t be more than three or four, she must be so scared she can’t move. What was she doing here though? Ash then realized that he’s seen her before. She was the neighbor’s daughter and must have wound up against that wall during the earthquake. Where were her parents? Ash decided it was best not to think about it.
He walked over to the girl who looked up at him and, with fear in her eyes, started crying uncontrollably. Ash was about to say something when out of the corner of his eyes he saw it. Just a few feet away under some rubble were some blankets and a small metal object underneath them. It was his safe! He’d have to deal with this girl first. He pointed in the direction of safety and told her to go that way. She shook her head refusing to move. Ash reached for her but she pulled back looking terrified. Ash grumbled a bit wondering what to do now.
The ground began to shake and the girl screamed. Ash fell over and watched in horror as the wall behind the girl shook. The shaking stopped; it must have been a small aftershock. Ash stood up and looked to the girl trembling with fear. Annoyed he reached down and picked her up much to her protests. He ran as fast as he could to safety as she repeatedly hit him on his head. He passed her off to a nearby fireman who said something to him but he just ignored it as he ran back to where his safe was. He dug into the rubble and pulled out his safe. He held it up to the sky like he had found a mystical item.
Slowly he began to walk to safety holding his safe like a baby. He then realized just how tired he was. He wasn’t used to so much physical labor. One of the still standing walls cast a long shadow over him as he heard screaming. He looked over at where the screams were coming from and saw some people pointing up and screaming at him. One fireman was running at him. Oh no, ash thought. He looked up just in time to see the wall fall on him.
The last thing he remembers is a sharp pain on the back of his head and being put on a stretcher. He remembers seeing the girl he saved crying hugging a woman. That must be her mother, just where the hell was she at, he thought to himself. The girl noticed him looking and smiled and waved at him and said something to her mother. The mother turned around and yelled something with a smile. “Thank you”, probably but he couldn’t really tell. His eyes were heavy and he couldn’t pay attention as some guy shook him telling him to stay awake. Well, that wasn’t happening. He slowly closed his eyes as he noticed there were a lot of people looking at him, some smiling and some crying. His last thought as he closed his eyes and loosened his grip on his safe was two words. Darn it.
It was very impressive.
Ash snapped back to reality after being lost in thought for so long.
Even after you helped that little girl you went back to find more survivors to help, which ultimately cost you your life.
Ash decided it would be best to keep the whole truth to himself.
Your good deed did not go unnoticed. That’s why I’m going to give you a second chance. I’ll give you a new life in a new world.
“You can bring me back to life?” Ash asked.
Not quite. You will be reborn in a new body. You will grow up to look similar to how you are now, hopefully a little more fit and bit better groomed. Though this is a fresh chance at life I should warn you that my world is very different from yours. You see your world is a parallel world to mine and I watch it from time to time in fits of boredom. That’s when I happened to see you and what you did and decided to bring you over to my world to reward your good deeds.
“Why not put me back in my own world?”
I can’t and also I don’t want to.
“Ok, then let me ask you this. What or who are you?”
I am a goddess.
“You sound like my sister.”
No really I’m a goddess with magical powers and everything.
“How can I believe you when I can’t see you?”
You dare to doubt my powers?
Ash’s mouth has gotten him in trouble in the past and he knows he should probably take her word for it seeing as how he’s not dead but he also has a bad habit of not listening to his own advice.
“Prove it.” Ash says crossing his arms.
Very well. You like lobster?
“I prefer shrimp and crab over lobster honestly.” As he says this he feels a weird sensation. He looks at his right arm and lets out a slight gasp of surprise. His right arm has been turned into a crabs claw. He opens and closes it a couple times. “Ok. That’s weird, I’ll give you that but it doesn’t prove a-, “He stops in the middle of his words because he suddenly felt very sick. He gets down on his knees, closes his eyes and vomits. He hears something clank as it hits the floor. He opens his eyes and sees a white plate. He doesn’t have time to think about it as he feels another surge of sickness. He wretches again and a dozen of fried shrimp fall on the plate. “Ok. That’s really gross.” Yet again he didn’t have time to think about it as he continued to cough up a few more items.
Believe me now?
Ash wiped his mouth and stared in disbelief at the plate in front of him. A plate of shrimp, a 12oz cup of tea with straw, fries, marinara sauce, and lastly a lemon. It was the 4.99 shrimp combo from Charlie’s Shrimp and Fry Hut.
“Yes, for crying out loud, I believe you. Also there was probably a less gross way to prove it.”
Probably. Just consider retribution for calling a goddess an "ass hat".
"Did I say that?" Ash stood up and wiped his forehead with his claw. “Alright Mrs. Goddess. Do you have a name?”
Oh. I don’t really have a name. The people often refer to me as “The Goddess” or “The Great Deity”. Though I suppose if you need something to call me I’ll go with Tammy.
“…Why Tammy?”
I like it.
“I suppose that’s a good enough reason as any.”
So I should probably explain my world a little bit.
“Let me guess. It’s a fantasy like world where magic and monsters exist?”
Yes. How did you know?
“I just felt a cliché coming. So am I supposed to fight a demon lord or something?”
No. you are free to do what you want.
“Do I have to start life over as a baby?”
No. Not if you don’t want to I suppose, though it will put you at a disadvantage. I’ll also have to figure out a way to do it.
“Cool let’s do that. Being a kid sucked enough the first time around.”
I highly recommend starting from birth.
“No thanks. Now come on. What do I need to do to get this party started?”
First I’ll give you a bonus.
A book appears in Ash’s hand. Confused, Ash flips it open and see’s countless skills listed out on the pages. Lists of farmer skills, magic skills, and attack skills. Each has the number zero next to them.
These are skills you can acquire in my world. Right now all of your skills are zero. I will give you two hundred points that you can use towards skills.
“Oh, that’s cool, “Ash says as he starts strumming through the book with his claw hand looking at the various skills.
Yes, it’s a pretty generous bonus you know. You could start off being a powerful warrior who can tear down trees with one hand or you can be a brilliant wizard who can turn the sky to fire. Take as long as you need to look through the skills and-
“Earth Magic”
“Drop all the points in Earth Magic.” Ash says as he closes the book and sets it on the floor.
Earth magic, are you sure? There are better skills.
“Nope, Earth Magic.”
Perhaps you shouldn’t put all your skill points in it. You will literally have no other skills.
“Nope. All skill points. Earth Magic.”
But why?
“I like it. It sounds neat.”
Well, it does give you control of soil, rocks, and metals. It also gives you various resistances and immunities but are you sure you want to put all your points in it?
Very well. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. This will make you a sage in Earth Magic. Perhaps the most powerful Earth Sage that’s ever lived.
Ash hears a chuckle echo around the room.
Ashley Sage the Earth Sage.
“Don’t call me Ashley.”
One last thing, this is for you.
A silver ring appears on Ash’s finger.
“I’m not much for accessories.”
You’ll like this one. This ring is a god item. It contains a piece of my being. It won’t be able to help you physically but it can give you advice and seeing how you refuse to start as an infant like you’re supposed to you’re going to need quite a bit of advice.
“Oh, well, thanks”
So don’t lose it. Now I think it’s time for you to be on your way.
Ash’s stomach grumbles loudly. “Um… You think I can get something to eat before I leave?”
I’m sorry, you’ll have to find food on your own but I can drop you near an inn that serves dinner.
Ash looks over at the plate of shrimp.
Don’t eat that.
“I wasn’t going to!” Ash protests.
Like I said it’s time for you to go. It was nice meeting you Ashley.
A doorway opens before Ash letting in a bright and blinding light.
“It’s Ash…” He sighs and looks at the doorway, “So I just walk through here?”
When you are ready? Though I do want to ask. What will you do with your new life?
“Absolutely nothing.” Ash smiles and looks at the doorway. He decided whatever kind of world this new world is his goal remains the same. To save up enough so he can live a life of ease away from other people. A lazy life where no one bothers him. Ash puts on a determined face, clenches his fist, and clamps his claw. “Oh, yeah, can you turn this back?” He says looking at his claw. With a flash the shell falls off revealing his hand. “Welcome back fingers. All right, I’m off.” With a nod to no one in particular he steps through the door and immediately begins to fall.
Ash was falling through the air the wind rushing all around him, his clothes flapping violently. He looks around and sees nothing but clear blue sky around him and green grassy land far below him steadily approaching. He finally realized that he should be terrified as the ground gets rapidly closer. “Tammy you bit-! “ He tries to say but is cut short as he hits the ground face first with a loud thud.
Up in the white room a soft chuckle echoes around the room as the doorway disappears and the light fades away returning the room to darkness.
Ashley Sage the Earth Sage. I wonder how you’ll change my world. I can’t wait to find out.
- In Serial14 Chapters
My Perfect Lady
Mr. Jimmy Hunter is in a fix. He is the C.E.O. of the prestigious Hunter Corporation, currently at loggerheads with his father, Senior Mr. Hunter, the Chairman. Jimmy is the only heir, and yet his father refuses to grant him his inheritance. Unless, of course, he fulfills one condition - gets married before his next birthday! The clock is ticking, and the young master still hasn't found a bride. There's only twenty four hours left, and yet, there are plans to be made. Until with his two best friends, Jimmy comes up with an idea. One that would get him his 'perfect' bride, and help him get back at his father too! If only the bride would agree though... Enter Miya! She's strong, hard headed, foul mouthed and comes with a kid! And there's nothing that pisses her off more than an arrogant rich brat, who also happens to be a pervert. Oh well, she would teach him a lesson!
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Re:Hammer - The Hammering
Sequel to the sort of liked Re:Hammer. Set in 40k universe, and generally on course. Personal changes are detailed in the Prologue because it's quite a bit. It's not really ended nor is it an attrocity like End Times, but I've got a few things to change. To note: Druchii arc (If this means nothing to you, go read Re:Hammer first) has been learned from and will be avoided. This is not to say there won't be any sex, but we will certainly try to keep it less crazy. Feedback is, as always, appreciated and worked with.
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STAGNANTE: Land of Stagnation
Brogdar's southern continent is known as the Land of Stagnation; rather than deserts and drylands, the land here is filled with harsh steppes. Monsters walk its plains and most nations send criminals who've murdered to die here. These criminals overtime formed clans and tribes that were able to carve an existence out of the massive continent, yet unable to break the flow of the god's minions. To this day, criminals still arrive and pray to join these tribes. And as the boats arrive from the northern nations, Ronin Londer discovers tribeless criminals that aren't able to join right away: Stagnante. The only question he faces now is if he'll survive. Set in the farflung corners of the setting created for STEM: The Topical Dungeon, Stagnante follows Ronin Londer trying to survive the land of stagnation. Monstrous beasts, other stagnante, and even the tribes themselves will stand in his way to finding a new life in this land. This series will release chapters at irregular intervals, with a focus on the story taking "as long as it takes" to be told right.
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In the continent known as Senaisa, a single egotistical Mana man who self-proclaimed himself as the Greatest Traveler journeys around to different unique regions in Senaisa. Nothing but the world interests him but because he is so unique, he has become too picky. Join him on his self-indulgent world building adventure. It first starts with his imprisonment!
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Cold Night Boy (Larry au; BDSM)
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"If you don't use your voice, you're halfway in Asphodel already." No one can tell if Nico and Will love or hate eachother, because they bicker like crazy all the time. But maybe exactly that will help them both to fight their inner demons and to speak up again... This is my first fanfiction ever and English isn't even my first language so don't judge please also description writing sucks goodbye
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