《Blood Born》Chapter Nine: Time goes by
Hello again folks, not in the same day it seems, but I do have another chapter for you. I am going to try and have this one be truly massive. It's going to encompass several days if not weeks of story with minor time skips over what is just normal mundane shit.
I am also going to try and fit in the other cubs POV's into this, but it will mostly be focus on Rage, and his point of view. Love flip flopping perspectives personally, but I think I dove a bit to far from him after everything.
Soon he will grow up mentally enough to begin and truly question things, so look forward to that. I will also be color coding names just because I can.
A few days have gone by sense I killed the five succubi, they were pathetically weak. The stench of there fear causing me to kill them alone. I also won't lie, I enjoyed the feel of there soft tender skin, and there breasts pressed against me while they radiated there fear before I killed them.
It was a form of power trip, and with my body maturing quickly I had learned of base urges such as the need to mate. As of yet, I have not attempted it, but I had grown hard during the slaughter. There screams, there soft flesh, and there blood creating a form of aphrodisiac for me.
I had even heard some of the underlings in the night pairing off with the opposite sex, or the same if they were inclined, and mating. Keep in mind in our world might makes right. The strong rule over the weak. Many nights I had heard the soft cries of female, and men to weak to resist or truly stop the instigator from taking them by force. It was an interesting sensation as many times it was our stronger females that claimed the weaker males. I suppose there personalities were to dominant to allow for themselves to go willingly into one who was strong enough to reject there advances bed.
I was not surprised to see Cruelty raping the weaker male, and females on a nightly basis. She got off on forcing them to do things they hated with her, or for her. Not my personal preference, but I could see the appeal as one night I observed her forcing a female underling of hers to swallow the length of a male weaker than that female until he climaxed while Cruelty herself slowly used her essence to instill fear in them both to go with the forced pleasure; all while raping the female with the handle of her dagger.
Seems I enjoy watching the females have sex with each other, it made me ponder often in the night. Sense absorbing my essence, I had thought of the unearthly beauty that had kissed me before I blacked out within that realm. I also began to Notice how Envy had grown, her curves still developing, we were in children bodies after all. It was a very interesting thing to watch her move, and see her flesh wobble, and sway with the motions. Each of the females had begun to develop at an accelerated pace, the males simply growing larger. None of us had been given clothing yet; aside from Forge who could form his own from his shields metal.
This allowed for rampant matting, the rutting sounds echoing through the pit. I found it interesting, but truly had no desire to partake. I also noticed that I required little to no sleep, the void essence that was mine seemed to draw energy from the living particles around me. Nothing that was truly noticeable, though if I remained sitting for a long period of time, I noticed grey dust would gather, and the sand around me seemed to be less until I moved and it filled itself in again. It would take practice to stop this, I simply felt that.
How I know not, but an inner knowledge seemed to have been imparted to me by the female with glowing purple eyes. Dammit, again I think of her. Weak, to weak. Shaking myself, I practiced my essence. Trying to control it, and within moments I felt nearly fully exhausted. It was like a fish trying to create and control a tsunami. To vast, and to powerful to be tamed.
But I kept trying, each time exhaustion encroached I stopped and allowed the seemingly passive energy gain to replenish my stamina.
I did this for days, spending the light hours fighting the random Demons of the Falknir tribe. Oddly, no more succubi had been sent to us. I wondered why, but didn't dwell on it much. I was to focused learning the best way to dismember, and slaughter the bone fiends we currently fought.
These creatures were muscle bound fiends that grew bone armor and coated themselves in it before entering there own form of berserk like rage, and attacking. It had been fun to pit our own rage against theres. We won, but we took far to many injuries from each encounter, and there numbers grew. We had begun to use a hit and tactic; it consisted of myself, and Bitter diving in, gathering there attention, and creating a kind of kill circle as all of them focused us, the rest could pick them off. We would switch the bait each time and continued this for a while. But we needed a better way.
Perhaps later I would find something. Slowly, each night I practiced and began to form a kind of aura around myself that I could hold for a period of time. It was a physical manifestation of the Void within. I was slower than the others, though not from lack of will. This was simply to powerful to use with ease at my current level. The aura itself drained me so badly I collapsed several times.
It earned me curious stares from the others who ignored it when I growled threateningly at them. Slowly, but surely I was lasting longer with it however. The longer I managed to hold it, the more knowledge that seemed to click. In a weeks time I had managed to hold the aura for an hour, using it to suck in a constant amount of energy from the sand beneath my feet, soon using it on the very air we breathed, as it was in constant renewal.
The aura allowed me to 'eat' anything I wished to when it touched my skin. I practiced by having Forge throw clumps of sand, leading up to small bits of steel he formed with massive amounts of the sand. Each took a bit of time to devour, but I felt strong afterwards. It was interesting, it was as though that the ever hungry void fed power into me, as I fed it. Potential, but each material was slow to be devoured, aside from the sand which had begun giving me nothing when I used the Void to devour it.
Steel gave me some still, but nothing more. I would have to begin using it in combat as all the other cubs had begun to do. But like this, another year had passed. A year of fighting, killing, training, and surviving.
In this time The Blood Father had not returned, nor had the hulking monstrosity that gave us the succubi. The power that male had exuded all but dwarfed the Blood Father, leading me to think him a member of the legendary Ten. Even in the Pit we gained knowledge, though rare, through stories told to us by an instructor dedicated to shaping our mind. He bored me, personally, but our minds were another weapon we needed to hone.
We learned multiple languages, tactics (though we seldom used it fully) how to read, and write. That was what our third year had consisted of with every other day being us fighting hundreds of multiple enemies in battle after battle. Forcing us to grow stronger as a unit, increase our stamina, and begin to rely on each other over our rage.
I disliked the last, I enjoy covering myself in blood while enraged. For now, however, I had to listen. It was growing closer and closer to the time we would leave the Pit. Two more years of this ever smaller growing hell.
Each of us had the body of a fifteen year old now. We would soon reach maturity and be allowed to battle for real. That made me work harder each night. My aura I could hold for nearly three hours in constant battle. I had begun to use it on my enemies as well, directing the aura to coat the body of them. An Imp had fallen prey to this early on by mistake. I loved hearing it's high pitched scream as it was devoured.
With that, the theory from a year ago proved true. It gave me more power, and control of the Void, showing me the more I fed it, the more I could control it. The more reserves I could control. When I learned this, nothing was safe in our enemy ranks. I devoured them with Void whenever possible. Learning that living prey gave more than dead as well.
Like that, one more year had passed. Our bodies had slowed in growth, each likely reaching there adult height at four years of age. I capped out at six foot, Hydra did as well. Curse ended up being five feet tall. Forge and Anvil were still the largest, Forge being a whopping nine feet, with anvil ending at seven. Forge remained my second in command. Bitter stopped at six foot, Envy followed at the same height. Cruelty never grew beyond five and a half feet. Hate ended up being the tallest of the females, reaching seven feet in height.
Our weapons had not evolved much, beyond growing more elaborate in there decorations. Gaining colors, or adding more detail to the features they had developed early on.
I felt they could still grow, but that what we fought simply did't have the strength of will to cause them to need it. The same with our bodies. We seldom received injuries any longer, a bruise or broken bone here and there. The worst injuries truly had come from our younger years where our weakest had been raped and tortured by Cruelty. She almost broke one utterly, that's when I had stepped in and broken each of her limbs before allowing the nearly broken one to have his way with her.
Might may make right, but breaking a needed asset was not allowed. She sense stopped using the crueler methods and stuck to the mundane forms of physical rape. That was fine.
I had also begun to notice the way Hate, and Envy looked at me. There eyes filled with a Desire I simply did not feel, or need at the time. Bitter ignored me completely, that I found troubling for some reason, but shrugged it off with cold efficiency.
One night, Hate had tried her luck with me, I asked her a simple question at the time. "Your freedom, or rutting?" I was curious what my brothers and sisters preferred. Needless to say, I no longer was approached, by anyone. Though I saw the looks those two still gave me. It was, actually, rather frightening with there intensity. I had begun to fear I'd be forced to kill them.
But I had not, luckily, been forced to as o yet.
Killing, training, learning. Time passed until our fifth year neared it's end. That's when everything for us changed. We learned that we could leave the Pit, after one final test. A test that will likely haunt me until I die.
Our final test, was told to us by the Blood Father the day our five year training would end. He arrived in the Pit, the Instructors had in his hand, blood dripping onto the sand. He threw the head at me, and I caught it unthinking.
"I killed your goal whelp, now you all deal with me. Your last day, your last training. You preyed for freedom, instead I will tell you now. You will get slavery to another master far stronger than that weakling." he paused a moment, allowing us to sink this in. We could ;eave the pit, but at a cost.
"Do you know what our people pride above all else?" he inquired. Each of us responded in unison "Full filling our contract, and honor." He nodded lightly, what was he planning? I had begun to feel fear as he spoke longer and longer. Telling us of Lord Dravon, and how we would become his personal guards, his assassins, whatever he needed as long as it did not go against our people in anyway.
"Finally, you whelps don;t leave until you fight me." He said this with a grin that bared all his fangs. Death, he finally meant to kill us. His speech meant nothing. We only bared our fangs when we would kill. I felt the fear build higher as I saw blood trickle down his arms on both sides. 'His weapon' I thought, we had learned to absorb our weapons into our bodies through our blood and call them when needed.
I watched them form, and shape into a pair of gauntlets. His left was red as freshly spilled blood, with intricate purple, and black designs up and down it, his shoulder pauldron a lion roaring. His right was black as the void, with red designs up and down it's length, the head of a serpent depicting the pauldron on that side.
His weapons, why were mine the same as this bastards? Rushing to yell out formation orders, it was to late. Like a blurr he dove into the back ranks. When he struck one, the force toppled ten others. They lived, the bastard was holding back. I could only stand there, half formed words falling from my lips as one by one everyone fell, until I was all that was left.
"Come on whelp, show me what you can do at least. They survived my blows while I held back, they get to leave. You, if you cannot even take one blow without falling Die!" When he finished the last word his fist had already connected. I felt the force, my organs crunched, and moved around inside my body. I had somehow blocked most of it with my own gauntlet covered arms. Instinct perhaps? but as a result my bones were dust. It would take weeks to regrow them, even using the Void energy eating to aid.
But I had remained standing, technically. Even if the only reason was that I had been impaled into the wall, some stone had actually pierced my legs, my back was broken. Coughing blood up, I realized how weak I was compared to this monster, there Blood Father. But I could not help a small smile. Even if by technicality, I had remained standing.
I actually heard him tsk before he spoke. "You can fall now, you have earned your life. Weak as you are, I hope you do not embarrass our people" He turned to walk away, a but stopped as I hacked out "stop" at him. I saw him turn slowly toward me, as if shocked I would dare tell him to do anything. "We..'cough' will earn our right 'cough' to live."
Then nothing, I'd fallen face first into the sand, again. I was beginning to hate this.
The Blood Father
I laughed silently as I watched the cub that just took thirty-five percent of my strength and stayed standing fall face first into the ground. Guts! Good, he's need that.
When I had left the Pit, and arrived back in the council chambers, the Succubus in toe as I had made her watch the event, I waited for Lord Dravon to arrive. When he did, it was with a thump as he landed his full weight upon my floor, causing hairline cracks to appear. Bastard.
Without preamble I informed him the cubs would be his tomorrow. "Why not today?" he Bellowed to which I told him bluntly 'Because I broke them to make sure they could at least take a strike from someone stronger."
We discussed the ceremony that he demanded to occur for a time before he left. Looking at the succubus I instructed her to leave me with my Ten.
When the hall was ours, the first to speak was Hawk, his voice the only truly cultured one among them. "Father, is this wise?" I shrugged lightly "It will amuse me." I responded to which Hawk simply shook his head. The others remained silent, Moon, the youngest of my ten playing her harp lightly. It always had a calming effect, my Moons music did.
"Tomorrow, you will all watch your children leave." Void was excluded because I would never allow that abomination to breed, and Aegis' child had passed by Rages beginning cruelty. "Then we will all watch what fun the whelps will bring to us before my plans may progress."
They all nodded, rising to bow before leaving him alone. Smiling into the darkness that surrounded him, he was for the first time in centuries, giddy at the events that would come to pass. Time would soon show he was right in his investment of fathering a weakling for a child, regardless of his growth. Soon, the Draconian Empire would fall to the Pridelings, it may take decades, but he had nothing but time. Time to watch his people rise to glory before spreading to other countries, and continents. For now, this country needed tamed first.
Here you go folks! Sorry for the very quick event scrolls. I know it is lacking, i'll likely edit it a lot. But I was wanting to leave the Pit. I'll have flash backs in the future chapters at some of there book learning, and during when they learned to use some of there blood born abilities.
But for now, i hope you enjoy this chapter. This will be the last tonight, other than maybe a pole as I have a huge headache from thinking over this for the last several hours. Goodnight folks, see ya next time!
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