《Blood Born》Chapter Seven: Power is Forged
Sorry folks, yesterday the storm hit hard and I lost power till the morning. Storms can be cruel at times.
But Here is a chapter, with more to come if I have time today. I hope you enjoy.
Day after day, week after week, and month after month. Time passed, we grew to be two years of age, our bodies maturing rapidly. Already we had the appearance of ten year old children. Our adolescent stage had arrived; from here our growth would slow. At five, we would be adults by our peoples standards.
The time had been spent fighting the half Grummels in preparation for the original . The battle had been anti climactic to say the least. We had spent a year killing it's spawn, and when that had become to easy we cut it to pieces and allowed the numbers to grow to massive scale. Less power, but sheer body mass made up for that until we were relatively certain we were fighting something on par to the original.
It turned out, we had over estimated the broken creature. decades as a slave had warped it's mind. It was viscous enough, but it didn't hit as hard as it's spawn had. It was as if it had simply given up the fight. A pity, in my mind, because I had wished to experience the true power of our enemies for once.
Our weapons had changed only slightly. It seemed the main changes had stopped when our enemies were no longer a challenge. Instead they gained detail and depth in the once forming designs.
The most prominent were Envy, Hydra, and myself in regards to this. Envy's axes has fully formed to look like black wings. Hydra's was a bit more simplistic, the snake like scales when he caused it to turn into a whip were harder, and the sword gained a green tint as if it held poison, it did.
My own gauntlets had gained shoulder pauldrons that thickened and grew heavier as I grew strong enough to support the weight. My gauntlets dragon scale appearance had also grown thicker and heavier, the red swirling patterns becoming more intricate. My pauldrons had also grown to etch out a perfect replica of a demons skull on both sides; the crown of the skulls holding multiple horns.
Currently we all stood surrounding the Grummels corpse, however before we could begin to eat it the Instructor appeared. He was followed by multiple Pridelings, the first others we had seen aside from our Instructor, and the Blood Father.
They smelled different from us, they smelled somewhat like prey. Perhaps we had a caste system with none fighters? I didn't know or truly care. I saw them, and thought them weak.
What captured my attention were what each of them was carrying. They held orbs that refracted light. Each was a different color. From a quick glance I could even see things within the orbs, they were beautiful to my eyes.
There were a number of them, enough for each of my Pride it seemed. "Today you have passed the first hurdle of your training. As such, you will be rewarded with the opportunity to choose your affinities." our instructor bellowed, breaking my attention from the pretty balls, to which I glared at him.
Sneering at me, he continued. "Our people, our race, evolves with our blood and with each life threatening event that occurs in our long lives. But we hold the ability to absorb an elemental essence, or ability that has been gathered and harnessed through breeding programs, our someones will." He paused a moment, motioning for one of Envy's underlings to come forth. "This can kill you, it is dangerous, and we are only able to retain one within our bodies. This prevents our species from using magic or gaining other abilities. But in return, this essence you absorb will evolve just as your weapons have, and make you stronger."
I raised an eyebrow lightly at that, it sounded like a disadvantage over other, yet our people still lived. There must be some merit, whether a flaw made into a strength, or a cruel joke by whatever gods there may be, it was there lot I suppose.
Reaching over, the Instructor lifted an orb that had a single flame within it, and handed it to the adolescent cub. "Feel it runt, each orb has been selected personally by those that have watched to best fit each of you. Come forth when I call you, and you! Stop gawking at the flame essence in your hands and slice your wrist so a constant connection between you and your blood hit that orb. Your blood will know how to absorb it, it is your job to survive it. Thank your predecessors for there genetics, or blame them for your lack of growth. But if one dies, you all die."
I watched intrigued as the cub did as he was instructed, I smelled his fear. I'd beat him later for it, when his blood hit the orb, it sizzled as if water struck fire, then the cub screamed while begin engulfed within a torrential flame. We all watched passively as he burned, his flesh being burned created an interesting aroma, I liked it.
After five minutes he fell to the ground whining, his skin charge beyond recognition, but alive.
So it followed, one by one the underlings went forth. Each seemed relatively standard. Most had received flame orbs, a few received earthen ones, and one had gotten a water.
When each of the twenty cubs were on the ground in different states of pain, and exhaustion, it was our turn. Forge was called first, and handed a very odd looking ball. It was grey in color, and inside it's depths you could see solid chunks what what looked like metal.
When he grabbed the Orb, and poured his blood onto it, he was instantly covered in a thick layer of steel. he stood like a statue, there were no air ways, but I could see his eyes, and they showed some fear. He could not breath. But the shell broke quickly, quicker than the others had absorbed there respective essence. When it was finished, he could coat his body in black, chitin like armor. It matched his shield perfectly, and I can only assume he used the shield as his only source of metal to create the thin membrane.
Anvil was next. He received a ball containing earth within. The colors a mix of brown and green. When his blood struck the orb he was swallowed by the pits sand. It took several minutes before he absorbed his, nothing noticeable changed beyond his skin seemed to have gone from pale white to a milk tinged brown.
Hate received what I can only describe as a tempest. When her blood struck the raging storm like orb a gust of wind struck the pit with such force it lifted her of the ground, suffocating her. Her's was wind, and she subdued it through sheer force of will, it seemed.
Envy received water, though her orb was more detailed it seemed the the underling who gained the same essence. This was violent, and powerful compared to the slow stream in the other. Water poured from her mouth when she absorbed it, as if she were coughing up a lake. But before I thought she would die, she gained it's power.
Curse received something that seemed to scream and wail. The instructor informed us it was an ability, not truly an essence. He would be able to summon creatures of the abyss, ghost and should he grow stronger perhaps demons that resided within there original realm.
Hydra received the essence of ice. He literally froze like a statue, his skin growing blue with permafrost. When he broke free, it appeared his skin would remain the blue-black color. His sword had even gained an air that felt chilled about it. It was interesting to me. It also opened possibilities of maybe forcing there essence or another into there Blood forged weapons? It was a thought.
Cruelty received the essence of fear. She, for the first time, showed utter terror as she absorbed it. Even when it was finished her eyes were haunted, but determined. It was actually a fitting essence for her, in my mind.
Bitter received an anomaly essence. It was light, something foreign to most of them. They had the false sun rays, but this thing seemed pure. I could see the hatred for it burning in her eyes, but she took it; then was engulfed in a blinding light that had everyone covering there eyes. When it went out, she was burned as if by fire. Her skin a golden brown, and a light yellow tattoo running down her shoulder toward her breast that resembled a vine.
When it came for mine, I looked and saw that there were no more orbs. Confused, and angered I looked at the instructor with hate showing plainly. How dare this walking talking dead man not give me mine? HOW DARE HE! I could already feel the rage coming, and try as I might I could not keep the red film from showing inside my eyes before a roar echoed out from the pits entrance that sent me to my knees, dazed at the burst of frightening intent was aimed at me.
The Blood Father had arrived, carrying an orb that was black, it held nothing within it. When I cleared my head slightly, I saw that it had saved my life, that roar. The Instructor was still stronger, and his whip had already grown the spikes he would have used to shred me to pieces.
When the Blood Father had reached me, I had regained my feet. I could also see that the orb was not pure black, but held streaks of dark purple within. "This, is the Void. The rarest of essences within our people. Few can tame it's power, and all but five have perished in the attempt to tame it." It was a whisper, I looked up to meet his eyes, and saw nothing but a cold, barren wasteland looking back. He cared nothing for any of us. I knew he wanted us to perish, it had to be so. Why else give me the most dangerous thing? Fuck him, I would prove him wrong, and master this essence.
Reaching it without waiting a moment longer, my hesitation seen before gaining my resolve. I slit my wrist, my blood pouring onto the orb. The next thing I knew, everything was black. It felt like every atom of my being was being shredded to pieces. It felt like an eternity.
It felt like centuries had passed as I was slowly torn asunder by the sheer hunger I could feel from this thing; it did not judge, condemn or love. It simply ate, it wanted to eat and eat until nothing was left. When I felt I could not stand it longer, the pressure eased slightly. A soft, small, hand caressing my cheek within the blackness. I had to have perished, nothing could live her sur..."His Blood" a soft giggle followed it before my hands were trapped above my head. I couldn't move them. "He swore of children, and yet here you are. Another, a boy no less." another giggle, I could feel pure insanity coming from her, it was frightening, I was terrified beyond measure. But I felt her hunger, was this thing, the Void? How was that possible. "You're the only one he gave this essence to of all his dead children. Hope, ooou, how I wanted to see hope in him again after centuries." This time a lick followed the soft giggle, directly over my throat, right at the pulsing vein that if torn would kill me. "Mmm, alive. I like you boy. Open your eyes, I will fill you with the Void for him." Opening my eyes, i saw the most stunning female I had ever seen, it dwarfed the beauty Envy was becoming, and the soft beauty within Bitter. her face was always changing though.
I couldn't place anything on it, while the body remained nude and glorious. Full, heaving breasts, a waste so slender it seemed she would cave in half with wide, soft and alluring hips. Her eyes though, they were pure purple, her mouth filled with fangs and then nothing but blackness. She pressed that mouth to mine, and kissed me, forcing something inside of me that made me scream into her mouth before passing out. The soft voice echoing slightly before fading "Namaah, remember that word little replica. Give him hope, so i can devour it." Then there was nothing.
The Blood Father.
I watched the runt as he fell to the ground, listening as Leviathan once more cautioned me at sending forth Nammah. 'Master, she is unstable. It cann...' I roared within my own mind 'SILENCE! I need him to gain the Void to do what needs done.' Leviathan went silent, and the faint echo of an insane giggle could be heard within the walls of my mind before I locked it away once more.
I did not know what she had done. but the whelp had gained the void, the faint beginnings of it's curse showing already on his skin as it began to grow darker. Over the years it would reach my own skins ebony color. But for now it simply made him look like a shadow. Turning toward the Instructor "Give the ones that need it minor healing and then send for the Slave masters. Tomorrow we begin teaching them more of the Folknir." The cretin saluted and began following my orders.
Taking one last look at the cub, at Rage, I left the pit. Making my way toward the councils main entrance before being stopped half way there by a pathetic Draconian messenger. "Hold, by order of Lord.." His sentence ended rather abruptly when I grabbed him by the throat and held the little dragon man off the ground with ease. "Speak properly gecko. Or I will kill you." gasping for air, I squeezed harder before dropping him 'Most honorable Lord, our Lord Dravon Requests your presence at his castle." When he finished his message he left with the speed of someone escaping death, which he was.
What one earth did that lizard want now? he refused to come to the pit to see his 'guard' anymore after watching the brutal act of cannibalism. Here I had hoped he'd gotten tired of pestering me. But either way, relations must be maintained. Time to go meet my 'Master' and soothe his fragile ego while the cubs harnessed the weakest portions of there essence.
Close, so close to being able to act out the first steps of the plans he had laid so long ago. The weight had killed him, he was a creature of action, though time had taught him patience. It was still not his strongest trait.
Lord Dravon
How long would the cat keep him waiting? Now sooner had he finished the thought than he was announced and upon entering my audience hall, a few of his black guard behind him, bowed with sarcasm toward me. I could feel the fire building in my gullet, but held it in check for now.
Pointing to my left, I indicated the succubus that was the demon tribes envoy on this continent. "This succubus, had brought forth a peace treaty. I have accepted for now. Call back your people from the front." I said this with no uncertain terms, and as a command. The cat stared at me, his eye...If there was a way to look that showed nothing he had done it. A barren nothing that killed all it saw.
If I could sweat, I may have. I watched him turn his head toward the succubus who was apparently mesmerized by the cats features. I felt he was a hideous beast of war. But what did I know of lesser races and there rutting ways? "A treaty, My Lord?" His voice was ice, and the succubus actually took a step back, her hand touching the little bone whip at her hip. Snorting at the fruitless gesture, I waved a hand aimlessly. "Yes, for now the war ends. What happens in the future time will tell. The succubus will remain in my Empire for now as a gesture of goodwill. I have decided to send her with you, to keep her alive." I smiled grimly at the rage that flashed within the cats eyes momentarily.
Finally, I had struck a nerve. The succubus looked at me in utter terror. She knew exactly what female demons were to the Pridelings, breeding stock to gain traits of there particular race. The contract however, would now forbid new gains in that regard, though the old remained. It was humorous to me.
"That is all. Escort them out." I watched as he slowly walked away, after retrieving the succubus and taking her. 'That will buy me time, i know he's planning something, but not yet what.'
Alright folks! New chapter, they grew a bit in strength. It's the weakest run of the weakest rung, but it was growth. The beginning of there training and stories will only begin to grow more complex, or so i hope haha.
I may have a second chapter up today, or early early tomorrow with another following it. I hope you enjoy this, and have a lovely day.
Side note, Reached 10 favorites, and 34 followers. Love ya folks for it! Thank you!
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