《Saga of the Cosmic Heroes》Chapter 15: Memories of Toscana | Heart to Heart


“Seriously…” Friederika grumbles “you could’ve at least announced it was you.” When I come to, I find myself left upright on her bed. Friederika stands a little off from me at her dresser. She’s busy tidying up her uniform while looking in the mirror. Given her hair is unkempt and still looks wet, I must’ve barged in right as she got out of the shower. Not to mention she looks ugly without her makeup applied.

“Sorry, I… was exhausted,” I say, rubbing the place where the boot did a number on me.

“Does that mean it didn’t go well?” Friederika asks, dabbing one of her cheeks with an orange powderpuff, “did the big mean Buttermilk give you traumatic memories of that granny headmistress from primary school?” Now, of all times! I don’t want to open old, repressed memories of that horrible hag. That headmistress made commander Buttermilch look nice, I’ll say that much.

“I think it went well,” I say, “he reassured me he would do his part to convince commodore Chal. I think that’s as good a victory as any.” Friederika slips on her jacket and reaches for the belt that was hanging on the chair nearby.

“Oh? That’s reassuring,” Friederika says, before frowning “but that doesn’t explain why you came onto me like a hungry zombie.”

Piercing a gaze through her back, I retort, “you never had to grow up being thrown under the bus consistently. You wouldn’t understand. It was kind of stressful, you know?”

“Oh, I’m sure it was,” it sounds a bit sarcastic when Friederika puts it like that. But at the same time, it sounded like genuine empathy. She lets out a long exhale. After she finishes putting on her over-shirt, Friederika comes over to the edge of the bed to cast a shadow over me. “Well, that aside… general quarters is only a few hours away, I take it?” Thinking on it, I give a weak nod. Just a few more hours, huh? “You look pretty tired,” she says in the most obvious way possible, “if you want, you can use my shower. You can have one of my caffeine pills to keep you awake, too, if you want,” Friederika turns to put away some old clothes, but turns back to give me a winking grin, “but you owe me.”


“Owe you?” I scoff, “do I owe anything to someone that wears black panties? I took you for someone that would wear pink…”

“Do you want another boot to the head?” Friederika sneers “actually, should I report you as MIA while I’m at it? It would be a shame if the Federation lost such a young and bright maiden to…”

“Okay, okay I get it,” I throw my hands up “thanks, Kiki,” I say in defeat. I get up from the bed and head into the shower compartment, leaving behind Friederika snickering at her pathetic joke. She can be an honest handful a lot, but that’s why I cherish her. As I start undressing, I double-check to make sure I have the door locked. And at that moment, I hear the rattling of the doorknob on the other side.

“Ehh? Ah…” It’s the sound of genuine disappointment.

“Sorry, I’m just learning from your mistakes,” I say laconically “you’re ten thousand years too early to see my underwear. You won’t get any weird scenarios like in those Martian dramas you always used to watch.” There’s the sound of a click of the tongue. She’s annoyed and I can’t help but chuckle.

After I finish the nice and refreshing freezing shower I get dressed. I unlock the door and find Friederika laying on her bed watching something. “We get reception out here?” I muse, “I’m surprised. What are you watching?” I drop down next to her. Frankly, I feel like I already know the answer before she can open her flaps. There’s only one thing she would watch at any given time.

“Some Frankish drama,” Friederika answers without looking at me. Well, it’s not exactly an M-drama, I guess.

“You know what they’re saying?” I ask. Friederika turns her head and gives me a puzzling look.

“Well… er… kind of. They have subtitles. See? Look.” She points to the large flat display screen, and I squint while peering closer. Sure enough, there are indeed some familiar-looking words translating the dialog of whatever Francien language the actors were speaking. “But for the record, I kind of do know what they are saying from watching these. Kinda.”


“Kinda?” I repeat with a scoff “we’ve been stationed here for quite some time and you only kinda know what our Frankish friends are saying? What would happen if some kinda situation happened where you were forced to kinda communicate with a Frank?”

“Save your anger for the pirates,” Friederika rebukes “I bet you don’t even know any Francien languages, either,” Friederika replies nonchalantly as she watches her show. Well, I suppose I am a hypocrite. I’ve been sorely lacking in learning Francien stuff. Before we departed from Terra, they handed out pamphlets encouraging us to learn some of the southern Francien languages. But since it isn’t mandated, I never bothered.

“Er… sorry.”

“For what?” Friederika asks, “barging into my room to catch a glimpse of this gorgeous figure, or not learning any Francien dialects?”

“Well, first of all, you’re not that gorgeous—eek!” Friederika, while still focused on the Frankish drama, gives me a lousy punch on the shoulder. I rub the spot she hit, light or not, it’s sore regardless. “Hey! Watch it, I’m a fragile maiden.”

“At least be glad you aren’t a guy,” Friederika remarks “I would’ve tossed you out into space. ‘In space, no one can hear you scream’, was it?” She turns to give me a toothy grin “at least it wasn’t to the face, I’m sure that would put a dent in your popularity.”

“Ugh… if you took a career in stand-up comedy I don’t think you would last a single minute.”

“Shhh!” She waved her hand in my face “this is getting good!” We watch the rest of the episode in silence. When the credits begin rolling, I sit up and look out the cabin window at the starry abyss.

“Kiki… if you had to watch one last drama before you died, what would it be?” I glance over my shoulder to see Friederika’s reaction. I can best describe her as being visibly rattled.

“Ahhh, jeez… that’s a tough one…” Friederika rolls onto her back and rests her hands on her stomach, “where’s this even coming from anyway?”

“Um… no particular reason,” I say. It’s a lie, of course. Friederika frowns and then sits up straight.

“You can’t just pretend to go all philosophical on me out of the blue, you know?” Friederika says “I mean… I know this operation has given you a lot of anxiety, but don’t worry!” She gives me an energetic thumbs up “there is no way that I, the drop-dead gorgeous Friederika, can die in some backwater region like Toscana!” She lets out a chuckle with enthusiasm and without any reservation. I don’t know how she can remain cheerful in this kind of situation. But at least it never fails to put a smile on my face. Maybe that’s why she’s behaving happily, for my sake. “Oh yeah, before I forget.”

“Hm?” Friederika reaches into the pocket of her dress shirt and pulls out a small white rectangular tin box. She opens the hinges and reveals many brown-tinted pills.

“The caffeine pills, yeah?” I give her my thanks and then reach for one to consume. From the direction of the hallway, I can hear the sound of the familiar gong tune indicating general quarters.

When the tune ends, a female announcer replaces it: “attention, attention, all personnel, please head to your stations for general quarters for further instructions by your commanding officer,” I bite down on my lip after the announcement ends. Friederika must’ve taken notice because she tugs on my sleeve as reassurance.

“It’ll all be fine,” Friederika says matter of factly “come on, let’s get going before Buttermilk complains,” and so, we head to our stations.

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