《Rise of the Immortals》Proclamation


The past fearful yet inwardly rebellious townspeople such as various merchants, nobles, and soldiers that didn't resist at contact now appear before me, trying their best to seem as small as possible as they lower their heads and kneel before me, until their heads touch the ground. Various undead around them watched intently at every one of them, their fiery gazes causing the backs of many to sweat in fear. They wielded their skeletal blades, waiting for an excuse to cut them to pieces, and devour their souls.

The mages who witnessed the souls of the deceased be absorbed by my brethren had the most fearful looks on their faces out of the entire townspeople. They were spread out from eachother, but I could know their identities by the symbol of the Hall of Magic, under the Kingdom of Carthage. With the golden symbol of a lion's head, commonly known to be the royal family of Carthage's family crest, on their long robes, their affiliaition was easily discerned.

With the townspeople quivering in fear infront of me, I finally spoke after a moment of silence.

"Mortals.. you may lift your heads."

Those that had their heads onto the ground, fearful of going against my orders, slowly but surely raised their faces to look at me. I looked through their faces, only to see nothing but fearful eyes not daring to look into my own.

It is time to judge these mortals.

I sent a message to the generals to make the townspeople form uniformly in lines for each general. Four lines potruded out and stretched to within the depths of the city. I had the undead surround key parts of every line, so that they couldn't escape.

The first four people were completely unaware of what was going to happen to them. The generals had them kneel, and one of them thinking they were going to be executed, screamed out.



It was a poorer man that seemed to live in the slums of the outer district. His crooked and missing teeth could be seen as he pleaded for his life. Uriel spoke to the man.

"If you are worthy of life, you will have it, mortal."

He then put his skeletal hands over the man's scalp, and his green flames traveled across the man's body, yet he didn't scream from pain, and his body didn't seem to burn. All of the generals, and even myself, had the ability to make certain 'laws' to our auras and powers. I recently discovered from the enlightenment that I acquired in search for power, that death does not just mean an end, but a judgement. All souls do not fear death just because of the pain, but of the fear of being condemned to eternal torment in hell for their sins.

They were able to command their flames to burn only those corrupted and only what is evil inside of their hearts. Of course, if it was an enemy, it didn't matter if they were corrupted or not, for all who stood in the way of my global purge will be destroyed. The various auras react to our will, so it will burn only if we wish it to.

The general's auras differed from mine, theirs were no longer a mist, but a flame surrounding them. They could direct it wherever they wanted it to, and essential 'turn it on' or 'turn it off' whenever they wanted. My former black mist was now completely densed into a thick fog that one could barely see through, if they were as close as possible. It was possible to change the appearance of it, but I didn't deem it necessary at the moment, so I had my aura invisible to the naked eye.


All of them were judged eventually by the flames of my generals, and of all the thousands of townspeople, only a couple hundred remained. The rest, absorbed from the flames of the generals, now know true death. Surprisingly, all of the mages from before came out unscathed. When the judgement was done, they were commanded to kneel back down by the generals, which they promptly did.

"Again, you may raise your heads."

The remnants of the townspeople raised their heads, trying best they could to stay alive.

"I understand many of you wish to know what we are, and why we are here."

My voice sounded throughout their ears as the morning light covered the city and their fearful faces.

"We are the immortals, an undying race with superior attributes over all others. You all are the first of many that will know your place in this world. For too long, you have corrupted this earth with your hypocritical ideals, while you go against your own beliefs and gods within the depths of your own homes. Humanity and all other of the mortal races have been too arrogant and selfish in their own worthless lives, sending the plague of their sins across the globe, destroying the very things you claim to protect, and the very earth you live upon."

"We are the incarnation of your very sins, we are the wrongs you have done to eachother and to this earth. We are the corruption inside of all of you, and we have been created to show you how evil you’ve already become. I am the Immortal King, the herald of Death, and all the trash of this world will know true death, by my hands."

”But I am no mindless murderer, so those of you who aren’t yet plagued by the corruption of your brethren will send this message to all nations of this continent:

The Immortals are coming”

As I made my proclamation, the undead made way for the townspeople to flee to their respective countries.

This would remembered as the day the Immortals were uncovered to the various powers of the human race, and the Herald of Death that would bring despair to the world world that led them.

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