《Rise of the Immortals》Death and birth [part 7]


I didn't have the strength to move, and my lungs and internal organs crushed, I couldn't breathe. I could feel the blood leaking out from within me as I lay on the now bloody dirt.

If I knew I was going to die anyways, I would've fought those bastards right when I saw them surrounding my mother's corpse. But I didn't, and I couldn't face them when I saw the gleam in my mother's lifeless eyes, telling me to live, to flee and fight for another day, her last thoughts praying for my safety and survival in this dangerous ordeal.

My rage dissipated at that moment, and tears flowed down my face as I ran from where i came, the bandits chasing after me. I went through the gate, and into the forest. The rest is already known.

I lay here, my only view a sideways glance of the forest. My vision grows more and more blurry, and darkness slowly engulfs my entire being. Yet, I refuse to welcome death. With the bastards that killed my mother and I still roaming this earth, with the corrupted still living their care-free, disgusting lives, I refused to let us both die in vain. I'll kill them.. I'll kill EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM!

That was my last thought, one of pure hatred and utter rage, before my body and consciousness collapsed, seemingly never to wake again.


Where am I?

Around me, darkness. I couldn't feel, breath, or move.

"You are in Limbo."

A voice says to me within my consciousness.

"Who are you? Aren't I dead? What is this place you speak of, Limbo?"

A figure enters my vision in the pitch-black darkness. Adorned with a black cloak that stretched, seemingly as long as his spine, a ghastly entity appeared before me. All I see is eternal darkness as I look at the 'face' within the hood of its cloak. Darker than the darkness surrounding it, I couldn't even begin to fathom what this thing could possibly be, other than a god.


"I am Death. And yes, you are dead. Limbo, young soul, is where all of the souls go, before they are judged and decided where to be put, in the pits of Hell, or the heights of Heaven. However, you are a peculiar one, and thus, I have decided to use you in order for my own uses."

"You are.. death? I have heard of many gods, but yours is new to me. To use myself for your own uses, I beseech you to spare me from your wrath! Whatever I have done to earn so, please, enlighten me on the matter!"

I fearfully spoke to the god named death.

"Yes, I am death indeed. Many, if not all mortals do not know my name, for mostly those that were in the Great War were recorded. However, I am not one of those gods. The reason for that, there was no soul worthy of beind my herald in order for me to participate in the ordeal. Death cannot create life, and thus, I cannot create my own race like the other gods do. I can, however, change them."

"You are the first worthy soul, filled with so much hatred, at the time of your death. You have rebuked your fellow race, and all of the others. For this, the god of your people, Helios, has abandoned you with disgust at your endless hatred and darkness that he felt within your soul. You refused to die, unwilling to bow between the cycle of life and death. Your personality and drive of eternal hatred, along with the disdain of the rest of the gods, is the exact thing that I wish for, mortal."

"Now, for that you have already been judged by the echelons of Heaven, you only have two choices to make."

Death appeared right infront of me, his face covering up my entire vision in his eternal darkness.

"Become my herald, boy.. or face eternal torment in the depths of hell."

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