《Slaying Monsters for Dummies》3.15 Truce


Chauham looks frazzled. For him that means a few hair out of place and the hint of a five o clock shadow. Bloodshot eyes. Not much, but Nathan can tell. They are currently gauging each other while Eriksen stands aside like a gargoyle.

Chauham pinches the bridge of his nose.

“I could keep you there, you know?”

Nathan does not answer. The painkiller they gave him ran its course and the aches from the accumulated fights are taking a toll. He clenches his jaw.

Chauham sighs deeply then leaves the room. A moment later he comes back with a glass of fresh water, which he places in front of Nathan along with two pills. He takes out keys and frees Nathan’s hand, then sits down. With an open hand, he invites Nathan to proceed.

Nathan drinks the entire glass and the pills with them. Gwahin would have something to say about it but she is not there, and losing his temper is the worst that could happen right now.

Besides, the pills are a peace offering.

“I have questions.”

Nathan nods.

“Is Kohr after you?”


“Do you know why?”

“He wants us to recover something we took from him.”

“… Can I ask what it is?”

“Something he used to make Varogs almost impervious to harm.”


“The eaters.”

“Well, shit. Did you give it to him?”


Chauham is about to talk again when Eriksen discreetly clears his throat.

It sounds like a medium sized avalanche.

“I want him stopped.”

“So do I.”





The precinct kindly made a room available to them. Seren sleeps in a corner on a comfy couch. Her armor, sword, three flasks of mana tea and five milkshakes (three empty) sit on a stained coffee table.

Another table looks like a fast food banquet complete with stained paper and greasy wrappers.

The last, and largest table hosts four men and a pile of equipment.

Nathan sips on his drink and winces. Eriksen frowns.

“My only comfort is that no orange died making this abomination.”

Nathan bottoms the glass up anyway, swallowing every drop of the sugary liquid. Beggars can’t be choosers.

“That thing is heavy.”

“Home made chainmail and leather armor.”

“Where did you get that?”

“My mom.”



“You go into battle wearing an armor made by your mummy?”

“Yeah and it saved my life twice already.”

“Is your mom some kind of smith?”

“Yes she is a scholar in middle age technology and forges weapon and armor as a hobby. She also takes commissions.”

Chauham appears thoughtful for a moment.

“So it’s genetic then.”


“Hum. Can she make more?”

“As I said, she takes commissions. I’m sure you two can work something out.”


As an afterthought he adds:

“No ripping her off, no sob story and no threats.”

Chauham appears vaguely offended. Before anything happens, Eriksen takes out his gun from the evidence bag.

“People should not turn weapon into art. Guns are a tool of violence, nothing more.”

“I’m sorry Eriksen. That approach won’t work against what we face.”

Erkisen’s voice carries more regret than Nathan would have expected.

“No… I suppose it won’t.”

Chauham picks up the red Makka with curiosity.

The spear has changed. The needle end has turned into a flattened blade giving it an edge. Nathan twirls the spear around. The shaft is smoother. If anything, it looks even deadlier than before.

“Mr Turner?”


“Please don’t do that.”

Nathan realizes that the spear that had previously been in the agent’s hand now easily rests in his. He doesn’t remember picking it up. Whether it is the blood it drank, the ordeal they faced or something else, the spear has grown. It feels more alive than before.

Chauham claps his hands, instantly gathering everyone’s attention.

“Alright, I propose that we share information on the target, then we make a tentative plan and list the actions to be taken and the resources we need to gather. Agreed?”

They nod.

“We are gathered together today so we can put a stop to a vicious criminal, so let’s put aside our pride, and…”

Seren grunts, snorts, then turn on herself in her makeshift bed. A second later, a cute “Nyuuuu” can be heard coming from her corner.

“Right” adds Nathan with a smile “We’re not at a political rally. Let’s just get this started and keep our voices down.”

As a gesture of goodwill, Nathan starts by sharing what he knows about Eaters in general, confirming that he had faced them at his house, although he doesn’t mention the Henkel twins. He then goes to explain that he had been hired to retrieve an item that he found out later belonged to Kohr as well as its function. Kohr suspected he would be involved and managed to follow them. Nathan recounts the fight and both Chauham and Eriksen shake their head in shock at the mention of mind-reading.

Chauham knows that Nathan is keeping it close to the chest, yet surprisingly he doesn’t pry. Then it is his turn to share, and even Nathan has to admit that the man is a consummate communicant. He is clear, precise and to the point.

His task force managed to identify some of the Varog through the IDs given to the van rental company. They followed financial trails to more targets, however the hunt was made difficult by the fact that there is no organization or regularity in the money transfers. Most of the newly turned humans had sent funds on an ad hoc basis. They only found Kohr by tapping in the security cameras at a cash pickup location. Once that was done though, they were able to corner him at one of his hideouts, rescuing one hostage. Kohr still managed to flee. There had been no Varogs.


Nathan knows that it is wishful thinking to believe that he has completely ran out of troops. If it were the case, he wouldn’t need the tattoo tool. It’s more like that his sociopathic mind deemed his cannibalistic minions as unreliable. He is probably also on the back foot.

“Did you find anything about why he can use magic?”

“No, Kohr’s background is full of holes, it is even possible that his entire identity is fabricated but if it was, the archives are simply too old to find out for sure. The important thing is that he has been flying under the radar his whole life. Nobody ever paid attention to him. He doesn’t have a criminal record. “

“That’s why you want him alive?”

“Yes. I believe you when you say you are new at this, but he isn’t. We need to find out who taught him, who his associates are and take his resources as our own. I do not have to tell you that our understanding of the situation is severely limited. Speaking of which, do you know about the range on the mind reading?”

“No. I don’t even know if it goes beyond anticipating our reaction. I suspect that it is based on line of sight though.”

“How do you figure?”

“The eyes.”

“Mmmh. I will take note of everything, but before we have to face that creature we first need to track Kohr down. Now that I know more about this I expect him to grow desperate. We have seized a significant amount of his assets. I am confident that he doesn’t have much tucked away.”

In Nathan’s mind, the lithe figures of Agrias and Katagrias twist and smile. Unless he has completely misjudged the House they will have gone after his resources as well.”

“He could go after you again but I expect him to use the easier path.”


Chauham casts a curious glance at Nathan.

“Yes, you are absolutely correct. He will want to make a deal and for this he will need bargaining chips. Do you have an idea who he could be going for?”

“Sarah and Patience are the most likely targets. He could try Seren too, though that wouldn’t work.”

“Or your mother.”

If Kohr goes after her, Nathan will skin him alive, one string at a time. His agony will make all those pathetic ust-nach Varog…


“Huh. John?”

Nathan releases his death grip on the faintly glowing Makka. Got to relax.

“She should be fine, she’s at my house right now.”

“Right. Your mother lives with you huh…”

Nathan has the distinct feeling that Chauham is testing the line by being an obnoxious prick without becoming overtly hostile. An awkward silence covers the room, only interrupted by Seren’s soft sighs. Barrett is the first to break it.

“So if I understand the situation, you guys expect Kohr to try and kidnap someone. Then what? Is there a plan?”

“It would be best if we catch him during the attempt. If he gets any more desperate he may just turn to mass terrorism.”

“Is there any solution that doesn’t lead to more victims? Like tracking him?” says Nathan.

“Suddenly you care about collateral damage?”

“You had my number and you didn’t call. Seems to me like you can’t work with people unless you’re the top dog.”

“Gentlemen, please!”

Eriksen moves his massive frame forward. Nathan swears he can hear the table creak and groan under the impressive weight.

“We are all tired, so maybe we should meet again after we’ve had a good rest and some ideas about a workable plan. Alright?”

Chauham and Nathan grudgingly nod. Barrett doesn’t move. He is mechanically cleaning his rifle.

“Good. In the meanwhile we’ll get in touch with Patience Willow-Smith, Sarah Picard and Diane Turner to offer our protection, and keep tracking Kohr. He’s bound to make a mistake at some point. Mr Turner, you and your associates should focus on the creature guarding him. So far we do not have any counter-measures.”

“I’ll think of something.”


Chauham and Eriksen pack up and soon leave the room. Nathan purchases plane tickets home and joins Barrett in cleaning duty. No need to wake Seren up now.

“How do you stop something that’s in your head?”

There is only curiosity in Barrett’s voice, as if he were certain that Nathan would come up with something. Nathan wants to scream at the world that he’s just a normal guy out of his depth, that he’s been faking confidence and moving forward because he has no choice, because there is nobody else he trusts with… All of this. He wants to say that he doesn’t know and that he’s weak, and that someone more competent would have found the guy before he starts murdering random cashiers out of spite. Instead, he grits his teeth and swallows the nervous block in his throat.

“It’s like spying. We prevent entry, we send false signals or we overwhelm.”

“We’ve tried to overwhelm, that didn't work too well.”

“Yes, that’s the last resort. I have a few ideas related to false signal I think would work, and there is something else.”


Nathan leans forward and whispers:

“I think I know a way to track Kohr by ourselves.”

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