《Slaying Monsters for Dummies》Interlude - Phone call 3



"Hey! Wait just give me a minute. Malik! Can you take over please? Thanks."


"Ok sorry I’m at work. Hum. Is this Seren or Patience?"

"You sent a phone to Patience as well?"

"Oh I’m not the one who sent it but yeah Patience should have one as well."

"Then who sent it."

"The police officer, you know , the one who shot the Eater in the back? That’s him, he’s with us. I mean, us, if you join."

"Join what exactly?"

"Hum I dont know if you heard but basically, there are two more of them."

"I know I was there."

"Oh yeah of course, sorry. Hum. Anyway. I think they’ll come back. Them or something else. I want to be ready and huh, I think you can help."

"Why don’t you go to the police?"

"Two things. First, admitting this in public could get me in a psychiatric ward and I’m not willing to give others that much power over me. Second, if it were just the police I would at least consider it but… Apparently it’s not in their hands. Some dudes pulled rank on them and, well, if I judge them according to their actions they are more interested in secrecy than in actually solving the problem."

"That doesn’t answer my question. What do you have that the police cannot do."

"You know what I have, and you have it as well. I am not sure Patience does but I want her protected."

"I don't know what you’re talking about."

"You know exactly what I'm talking about, but I’m not pressuring you or anything, you don’t want to join that’s fine. Just, be careful. The eaters are not the only spooky things out there and if what Gw… What I heard is true it will only get worse. Be careful what you tell the authorities. Oh and please don’t tell them I tried to contact you, please? Can you at least do that?"

"Yeah ok… Ok. Can I call you back?"

"No problem. Same number. Hey Malik!"


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