《The Unsorcerer》1st Movement: Eriel's Thoughts


It's the 2nd day.

And the early sunlight had entered the window of my room.

I, Isvaeriel Al'Tanalvarin, laid in my bed as I watched the sleeping figure cuddled next to me.

Zabio...or Cipher, as he called himself.

Though I dragged him here so that I can use him as a body pillow (I can't sleep without a comfy one), there is an obvious reason why I did this.

I've been watching and observing this kid ever since he was a little infant.

When he grew up, he became an oddball among the orphans.

Well, he is an oddball to begin with...

I mean, he prefers to be alone inside a room filled with books than to mingle with his peers. The other kids weren't very keen on being friends with him except for that Fiora girl (who was secretly the lost daughter of the Vruedipian royal couple).

I can only blame those stupid nuns for blabbering their mouths without thinking twice what's appropriate and inappropriate topics that should be discussed with the children.

Aside from that, Cipher showed a high intelligence among his peers.

And now, I can say that there's a drastic change towards him.


The answer lies inside that body of his.

When I discovered this last night, I was baffled.

My knowledge regarding with this specific information is that each person has one energy center inside their physique.

One...yes only one but this child...

Have seven energy centers!

This is unheard of and beyond normal!


How is this possible?

How did he gain such large numbers of energy centers in his entire body?

Is this some kind of inborn trait?

Or is it because he's the Unsorcerer?

This is confusing...

Not to mention that he is still living without any kind of Mana presented in him. Common sense tells me that he should be dead right now.


Yet here he is, sleeping soundly and breathing.

Mana as I was thought in a very young age, is essential to everyone. It is connected to our life as if it was the source of our vitality. If the Mana within a certain person is extracted or diminished, he/she will surely die instantly.

However his existence immediately challenged my belief that was embedded inside my head for a hundred years.

And there's that 2 energies circulating within his seven energy centers and system.

Psychic and Magical Energy...

One was foreign while the other was very common yet both presented a questioning dilemma.

How did he managed to do that?

Magical Energy or Magic Power can be obtained by gathering the Mana around you and fusing it together with the Mana that you were born with though using encantations, spells, or magical items can provide a powerful version of Magic Power.

But Cipher succeeded in obtaining Magic Power without the aid of Mana...

And that Psychic Energy of his...it was my first time encountering such power. Though it's different from Magical Energy, it somehow felt it was the same as the latter one.

Which makes no sense.

But you also need your mind to manipulate Mana and use Magic. Could it be that there's something more in the mind than meets the eye?

Maybe I should confront him later with this and I might try it with myself.

And besides... he really did something to me.

I caressed the lower part of my tummy.

There were no aching pains in there where I used to endure. Also I feel like my chest was released from a pressing pressure that hampered my breathing for years.

My body feels like it was rejuvenated and reborn. As if I was a new person.



He also managed to bring back the part of me that denotes the Vyx'ue blood within me. The trait that was stolen from me when I became a slave.

My tail. My Ama'rn tail. The only connection I had with my late father.

He didn't only brought back one but he also added it with 8 others.

Seeing my silvery fur scut back again was heartwarming and nostalgic.

"How did you do it?"

I whispered as I caressed my fox tail lovingly.

In the culture of Ama'rn Vyx'uech, losing your tail means losing your pride and honor. But now I got my tail back.

"Are you some kind of a Fallen Maste?"

My words echoed as I locked my gaze on the boy.

What he did to me was something that the Mastam could only do. There were no magic that could regrow a lost limb or two.

Once my late mother told me about a story of a Masta who fell in love with a common Hyerian. When a Maste who also has feelings for the beautiful Masta knows about this, he immediately informed the Masta's father. Enraged by the revelation, the father killed the man saying that only a Maste can marry his daughter. The beautiful Masta cried in tears and desperately killed herself, scattering her cores all over Iarica saying she will lay dormant until her beloved will be reborn again.

There were other stories involving Mastam falling from Heaven.

Could it be that you are one Cipher?

I don't know for sure but one thing I'm sure about is that I'll take this boy as my disciple.

My subordinates will surely asked me back at the guild why I considered the option.

The answer is simple.

If he becomes a threat to my guild, I will be the one to end him.

If he doesn't... then I'll train him myself to become an assassin.

I could teach him a lot of things. Like how to change your personality and attitude depending on the situation presented, like what I did yesterday and last night to him.

I could also teach him about magic and such. At the same time I'll be learning more about this Psychic Energy of his.

I could also teach him about combat. Teaching him how to fight like a true assassin.

"Hm. That's good."

Yes. That would be plausible.

I don't care if he is the Unsorcerer, or a fallen Maste. From here and now on, he will be the disciple of the Blood Crimson Executioner.

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