《The Unsorcerer》1st Movement: Red Female Assassin


Isvaeriel Al'Tanalvarin was once a princess of the Tanalvarin Tribe; dark skinned Elzorens that live in cavern systems.

Being a member of the Royal Family and the granddaughter of the Chief, she was loved and revered by her people.

Isvaeriel faithfully accomplished her duty as a Princess. Studying and learning the proper etiquette as the heir of the chiefdom, there were no problems.

But she was sheltered from the real side of the world she was living.

As such she wasn't prepared from the upcoming horror.

Being a mixed breed of an Elzoren and Vyx'ue, her identity was being strongly kept between a few individuals.

Like their Sylvarin brothers living in the woods, Elzorens were forbidden to mate outside thier race. Calling it a great offense against the laws that were established by their ancestors.

Though, it was a perfect weapon for a Tanalvarin with great ambition.

And thus, the life of Isvaeriel took a drastic turn. Her grandfather, the Tanalvarin Chief was executed in public alongside other conspirators while she and other female Tanalvar royalists were repeatedly sexually abused by the General's men.

As a princess, Isvaeriel was taught the ways of magic but being collared with a mana seeping item, she couldn't use her abilities to defend herself.

She could only scream in tears and disgust as the leader of the insurgeon tore her hymen and repeatedly pounded and inseminated her before throwing her to his men, who wanted to taste a Royal delicacy.

Isvariel endured the degrading and bitter torment for several days before she and the other female Tanalvar survivors were sold to a slave merchant.

Sex slave trade was pretty common in the world, and women like Isvaeriel were the commodities of such business.

One by one, her fellow female Tanalvars were sold to slave buyers and like the others she was sold to a Hyerian noble who owned a brothel.

For the years that she spent in the brothel, Isvaeriel became popular for men due to her ancestry.

Bald, large bellys, old geezers

Day and night, she would find herself with this kind of sick men as they kept violating her while saying some gross things like "Take this bitch!", "Females like you were born to be pounded" and many others.

Female Elzorens had slow birth rates and using that specific knowledge, patrons of the debauchery would always pick her.

Not to mention her being a half fox Vyx'ue was an additional bonus that her lending price was something that only rich nobles could afford.

For years, the fallen princess would pray to Midgowerthinn for help and salvation but her prayers were left in deaf ears.

As time goes by, Isvaeriel's faith in her Masta faded as she was used as a sex toy by men who only saw women like her as a sperm dump.


She had experienced several abortions up to the point that her womb become so scarred that it cannot support life anymore, that even the most advanced Healing Magic couldn't heal.

Over the years, Isvaeriel's attitude had changed. The kind, gentle and pure hearted maiden had become a cold hearted woman filled with anger to the world.

But one day, her suffering had come to an end when a band of female assassins killed the brothel owner and saved them.

They were called The Blood Rose.


With freedom gained, Isvaeriel said, "I want to be like you."

The leader of the band appraised her before replying, "If you want to join, are you willing to use your body as a weapon?"

With eyes fueled with vengeance, Isvaeriel eagerly nodded her head.

Of course, she knew what the leader's words entailed. Her body was already soiled by monsters who claimed its sanctity and pureness.

She's got nothing to lose.

Upon seeing the determination in her eyes, the leader firmly gripped Isvaeriel's shoulders while saying, "Welcome to the sisterhood, new sister."

This group was a secret guild build around women who experienced sexual abuse and enslavement.

The Blood Rose, as a group name had a meaning of its own.

The word Blood symbolizes their virginity that was forcefully and inhumanely taken away from them.

The Rose symbolizes their feminity and alluring qualities that were filled with deadly poison thorns.

In its entirety, The Blood Rose were women molded to sharpen their finest fangs all the while being the master of assassination, infiltration, seduction, temptation, and carnal pleasure.

The first few weeks of training was quite a hurdle for Isvaeriel as her traumatic experience kept messing on her head.

But the pain and suffering that she held in her heart, the debauchery and humiliation that crushed her self-worth, the vengeance and hatred that kept echoing in her mind...was the push that made her trauma into a harden shell.

Turning it into her great despise for every men, Elzoren or not.

After years of rigorous training, the fallen princess of the Tanalvarin tribe was ready to take her final examination.

Killing a sex maniac aristocrat.

For Isvaeriel, it was the chance to prove herself and to her other sisters that she's ready to become one of the Rose's venomous thorns.

Accomplishing such task would be the stepping stone of her revenge against the people who treat her as a trash.

With a goal in mind, Ivaesriel accepted the mission.

After a week, the dark skinned silver haired Elzoren came back to the Guild presenting every sister a severe penis on her hand.

Her mission ended well with ease.

Seducing the old and fat aristocrat was walk in the park for Ivaesriel, using her beauty and unique ancestry.


It wasn't long before her target caught an eye on her and invited the dark skinned beauty in her private room.

Next thing Ivaesriel knew, the old bastard pounced on her with such adrenaline.

Using her knowledge, Ivaesriel pleased her target before jumping on him with a horny smile.

Of course, it was all an act.

The old fat noble was in total bliss as he saw the naked Ivaesriel bouncing up and down on top of his hips while grasping her supple bosoms.

That heavenly feeling turned into a bloody mess when he suddenly felt a pain in his groin before he saw a pair of daggers right before his eyes.

After that, his breath was no more.

Seeing her accomplishment, the entire Guild welcomed Ivaesriel as an official member.


Years had passed with the age of 124 years old, Ivaesriel had accomplished many feats.

Including her own epithet, Blood Crimson Assassin.

With all of those years, the dark skinned Elzoren assassin managed to retrieve a handful of her fellow female Tanalvars.

There were others that didn't make it.

Even so, she guided her people and trained them to best of her capabilities.

As the Guild Master of The Blood Rose for 50 years it was her duty to see to it that her fellow sisters must be on tough shape.

From her batch, she was the only one who remained in the Guild. Others die to old age while some retired after marrying their soulmates.

It would seem that Ivaesriel will stay in the Guild for a couple of years...

However, a peculiar event made the Elzoren assassin to temporarily leave her home.

One night while she was alone in her room, an apparition made itself known to her.

The apparition said, "Daughter of Tanalvar, My name is Cyzris and I came here for a request."

At that point, Ivaesriel couldn't flex her muscle as her body was enveloped with Divine presence.

She knew it wasn't a fraud. She had faced several disciples of the Church and their presence was very inferior to the lady.

The apparition was a Maste. However, the Goddess in front of her was someone she had no knowledge of.

"Find the Unsorcerer and kept him away from harm."


"Like you I also want to end this farse created by those who thought themselves as Gods. This boy will be the key of change...and to your happiness... You can find him in Vruedipis. Tread well, Princess."

With those said words, the apparition disappeared leaving Ivaesriel stunned and confused.

What does she mean by change? And my happiness?

The Blood Crimson Assassin was lost on her thoughts for a moment before she decided to depart tomorrow.

"I need some information."

Isvaeriel said as she began to prepare her belongings.


Upon arriving at Vreudipis and wearing disguise fabricated by Illusion Magic, Isvaeriel immediately applied at the country's orphanage.

Knowing that Unsorcerer was a manaless being and the Vruedipian law that disallowed infanticide, the possibility that she will find him in that place was very high.

And it prove to be true when one night a baby with brown hair with blue irises came into the Azola E Ecuriim's doorstep.

The boy was named as Zabio, denoting the child's inability to use magic and mana.

It was an insulting and derogatory term but Ivaesriel managed to hide her disapproval and disappointment from the people who swore to accept unwanted children with open arms.


For nearly five years, Ivaesriel observed the kid and within years of thorough observation she found one stunning conclusion.

The kid was weird beyond insane!

His intelligence was more advanced to his peers.

Once Ivaesriel would find the child alone the library with tons of books laid on the table while mumbling some language she couldn't recognize.

At other times, the boy would sit in a cross-legged posture while closing his eyes as if he was concentrating on something.

At other times, he would throw silly questions like "What is fire made of?" and many others that if one would think carefully couldn't give a definite answer.

The boy was really strange.

What was more strange was somehow Isveriel felt drawn to him for unexplainable reasons.

She was tasked to protect this child and even though she couldn't deduce the true identity of Cyzris as a Maste, the fallen princess of Tanalvarin conclude that the boy, as manaless as he was, had something more that piqued the interest of an unknown deity.

So it was why when Cyzris appeared before her the second time and informing her about the current situation, Isvaeriel took action.

And she killed the threat with cold eyes.

She was filled with anger.

How she couldn't be?

Blaming a plague to some kid who can't even use magic...


"We need to get somewhere safe."

Isvaeriel had already a place in mind.

The Forest of Never-Ending Silence.

It was the same place that the goddess had instructed her to evacuate to.

With her vibrant red hooded cloak and an unconscious boy in her back, Isvaeriel of the Blood Rose make haste towards their next safehouse.

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