《The Unsorcerer》1st Movement: Reincarnation and Abandonment


I could only gape at the towering figure imposing before me.

"...You know it annoys me when your just standing there like a mute. Why does every mortal I encounter do that? Hmm?"

The strange yet ubiquitous form voiced out, its vocals roared in a distorted-like manner. Behind him, what I could pertain as countless of stars and billions of galaxies brimmed and glowed giving a powerful and overwhelming feeling.

I opened my mouth to retort to what I figured as its rhetorical question but... my orifice stopped midway and the voice in my throat didn't want to leave my vocal chords. The being just snorted with a huff as it glanced at me with all-knowing eyes.

I know that it knew that I don't have a definite answer to its query.

But that aside how did I ended up here?


It was a cold night of December.

After doing my overtime in my job, I decided to stopped by a store and bought something precious for my fiancee. Being a Software Engineer in a gaming company was very taxing, it was enjoyable but because of the nature of my work I have to make up with deadlines.

Arriving at our apartment, I quickly went inside and headed straight to our bedroom. The moment I opened the wooden door, I instantaneously froze. There on top of our comfy bed was my fiancee in her all naked glory riding my bestfriend's meat pole. It took both of them a minute to notice me witnessing their betraying act.

"Oh no. Go ahead and finish."

I said while trying to contain the swelling strange feeling within me... And believe me it takes all of my willpower to not go apeshit at them. So without any words, I hurriedly left out that damn forsaken place and with all my might I threw the gift that I bought out in the open before dashing to my car, flooring the accelerator to kingdom come.

It was at that moment in my life I didn't care. All I can see was red, all I can feel was pain and rage and before I knew it my vision turned black.


"I take it that you remembered everything before you came here, eh?"

Understandably I only nod at it. It is kinda strange I should be raging with fury by now but why is it that I couldn't feel anything...?

"Don't be surprise, you are now undergoing a meticulous and complex process that the very fabrics of the universe had designed. Reincarnation, that is."

The figure spoke to me with a sagely tone.

I see.

So I can assume that I died in a car accident and was brought in this white spacious room. And right now, I am going through the process of reincarnation... Well this is an outstanding and revolutionary find. To think that such philosophical and religious concept of rebirth is a genuine thing, I should've converted to Buddhism when I have the chance.

I should be excited about this prospect but then again, I only feel nothing.

Though after reincarnation, what will happen to me after that? Will I become a plant like a certain fiction that I read in the internet or will I be an animal like in the prevalent scenarios in Buddhist and Hindu traditions?


"Nah, you worry too much. None of what you think will happen to you."

The ubiquitous stranger waved its hand casually, before staring at me. Even though I can't see if this form has a face or something, I can feel that somehow it was staring at me with its eyes.

I wonder if it have a mono eye...

"I have two eyes, you mortal. Anyway currently there are too many worlds suffering from stagnation...and I don't like that. So using my Authority I will send someone as yourself in to one of these worlds."

Wow. Right out straight from a Light Novel's plot...

"Yes, yes, yes. The idea is cliche I know but you see, I saw your World's future and it fascinates me how a manaless world like Earth outshined others. Terraforming, interstellar and intergalactic travels, and many others... All of these your kind able to achieve relying in your ingenuity."

My eyes blinked at the imposing form as I heard what it said to me. So in the future, humanity were able to realize Carl Sagan and others long dream... Well that's good. Unfortunately, I didn't live enough to become one of the crew members of the Enterprise let alone becoming a Jedi.

"Oh look, the time is almost up."

As soon as the figure said that, my vision started to blur.

"Before I forgot, you will be facing challenges upon arriving at the world that I designated to you. Hard ones at that. They will be tough but seeing how you have withstood all the struggles that you have faced in your world, I know you can overcome all of them. Though there will be problems considering that your soul is alien in this new world, I have taken all care of that by snatching some valuables from the akashaic records."

The scenery around me began to be more less distinct than before.

"Farewell, mortal. I, The One Above All shall witness how your existence will transform a world filled with Magic."

The being said, my vision turned black for the second time. Hearing its parting words, a single thought entered my mind before a heavy sensation fell all over me.

Is he Stan Lee?


A light.

A brimming white light.

That blinding radiance filled my vision when I woke up. The discomfort that it brought felt like some kind of bug stung my eyes.

It took me a while to adjust from the brightness but when I did, I saw a young brunette woman gaping at me.

Such beauty..... I've seen and met many beautiful women before but this lady was more on another level in the Richter scale. Her long wavy hair, the way I see it, was very silky and smooth.

Just beside her was a man of a similar young age with blonde hair, a stiff smile plastered on his face. A strong yet arrogant looking man with stunning muscles. His face established that impression on me and my instinct was also telling me the same.


The brunette said something as she watched me with scrutiny.


What is she saying? I didn't understand it at all. Haviing studied foreign languages in online courses, the syllables and phrases that this woman spoke wasn't something I recognize.

Could it be a dialect of some sorts?

"-----XXXXX-----XXX," the man replied as he rested his chin on the woman's shoulder.

There was it again, that unrecognizable speech... Just what did he just say?


Another person's voice came from somewhere.

I tried to turn around so that I can see who just spoke earlier, but for some reason I couldn't move my body. It felt that some dampening-like object was pressing against both sides of my face.

And why is it that for some reason, my head felt heavy...?

I tried to open my mouth and ask "Where is this place? And who are you people?" but what came out from my lips was an audible groan... The heck!?


I felt sensations on my face, most notably at my left cheek.

Honestly, I am quite confused right now. Though for some obvious rationale, I think I've seen this scene in a Light Novel before...

...Wait a minute... This is ain't happening right? There's no way that this is truly happening right, right!?

“So using my Authority I will send someone as yourself in to one of these worlds.”

Those were the exact words that the strange figure said to me if I remember it right.

On that day, I knew.

Shit just got real.


A month passed by.

I still couldn’t believe that someone like me was given such a chance to live again, albeit not in the same World that I previously was, but still I really got reincarnated.

The fact that I had become a baby solidified the reality that I am in now. Coupled it with my past memories still intact within my brain, it felt like I was living a life of a protagonist of one of the reincarnation-theme Light Novels that I read back home.


Yeah right. Mentioning that word only left a bad taste in my mouth and a bad memory… Damn those two traitors.

Anyway, it seemed that the first couple that I had seen when I opened my eyes were my parents. Clearly, they were probably in the earlier half of their 20s and younger than me in my past life from the perspective of a 34 year old such as myself.

To have a children and a likely happy married life, I envy them.

It was already a given just by the conversation that I had with that weird looking being before I came here, that I am in an entire different world than Earth.

Such bold statement can be said without any hesitation, seeing how my parents dressed in a medieval era-like clothes that most aristocrats and nobles wear and how their spoken language didn’t resemble anything from Earth’s method of human communication.

There were no electronic devices aside from series of white orbs on the walls and up at the ceilings of each rooms which produces light like light bulbs. Then there’s the number of females wearing a maid’s apron dashing back and front around the house with a cloth.

With these observations I can conclude that I was born in a rich, if not, a middle class family. It didn’t bother me whether they were rich or poor, I didn’t really care.

For a person like me who didn’t experience to grow up in the family in my past life…

This was a dream come true.


Half a year passed by.

What I thought a realized dream back then was just a bad tease. Currently I am gazing at the night sky, solemnly asking the countless stars patched on the large black blanket a single yet big question.


I don’t’ know the real reason but I was very sure to the very fabric of my skeleton that it started that one day. It was afternoon as I recall, a bearded old man clothed in white long cloak and with a weird-looking wooden staff came into the house.

The fellow was like Gandalf in the Lord of The Rings.

Of course, as courtesy demands it everyone, even my parents, greeted the old fellow with high regards and respect. Basing on the way how he was addressed by people of the house it seemed that the Gandalf dude was a person of high birth.

After talking with my parents, the bearded old man came to me and placed several shiny stones around me. All of the three adults watch me carefully with expectant eyes, as if telling me to do something spectacular at that instant.

Being dumbfounded at the situation, I did what a baby would do with such lustrous things. I moved them with my hand.

The only reaction that I got from them was a look of shock, horror, and disbelief.

Since that event, I would find the maids avoiding me even my parents. I didn’t know what the heck was going on but I know that after that incident, my parents would start exchanging words with a hurtful tone.

It didn’t took long for me to realize that they were in a heated argument.

This scene goes on for months.

I shivered as the cold breeze breached my skin. With my tiny hand I held onto the blanket that covered my very fragile frame. I am able to crawl now, though I wanted to get out from my confines this young and undeveloped body of mine couldn’t withstand a single blow from a gust.

Looking back at the sky and then through the massive door on my head, I think I know where I will be heading.

It seems that I will be reliving my past life in this world.

For the second time, I will be alone again.

For the second time, I’m being abandoned.

Keh! Damn this hurts!

Really man, this sucks.

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