《The Lucky Clover》Chapter 16: Bed and Breakfast


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Chapter 16: Bed and Breakfast

I woke up feeling fairly sore from sleeping on the floor but otherwise well rested. The day looked sunny and after yesterday’s ordeal I doubted any day could be more extreme than that. The girls were still sleeping in bed. I stared at them for a bit as they looked at peace and decided to walk around a bit and explore before coming back with breakfast. I left a note that I’d gone to buy breakfast and proceeded to explore the general area around.

As I left the lodging named the Sleep Sheep I looked around and saw far more than I had seen yesterday in my tired self. There seemed to be a market nearby and curiosity got the best of me so I decided to explore it.

I found there were numerous shops opened as I explored the market but one caught my eye so I decided to visit that one first. It was one of those shops with all sorts of knick-knacks that anyone would find something that would catch their fancy. It was littered with small daggers, cracked teapots, runes that promised protection, precious stones and other such items.

One such item did catch my eye above all the other numerous items on the table was a ring. That didn’t seem that out of place. It didn’t sparkle like the precious stones nor have the superstitious attraction of the runes nor the usefulness of the daggers but somehow it caught my eye. I thought it would be perfect for Emi to wear. Not to flashy but classy, it had an interesting design on it with a blue precious stone inscribed with a design that looked like the Yin and Yang symbol in my previous life.


I decided to talk to the shopkeeper about purchasing the ring. He seemed a fairly odd character with an empty sword harness on his hip, a monocle on his left eye and a rather squinting expression that made you think he was trying to see right through you.

“How much will this ring be?”

“twenny gold coins, good sir.”

“Any chance you can go lower than that? I’ve got very little money to spend. How about 15?”

“itsa deal.”

“Thanks good day to you.”

“Good day to you and may luck always be on your side.” Winked the man.

I left the shop in rather high spirits with the gift that I would give Emi and decided that I had spent enough time wandering and needed to buy breakfast. I walked around the different cafes and one of them I was inexplicably drawn to. Probably it was due to the smell that came from the freshly baked bread smell, wafting out from the shop. I bought a loaf from for 5 silvers (1 gold piece = 10 silvers) and some cheese from the farmers stall next door and brought it back to where we were lodging.

The girls seemed fairly happy about the breakfast and Emi was very happy about receiving the ring as a gift. She hugged me and seemed a bit more upbeat. While having my walk I had finally had thought of an idea to earn money,

“Do you guys want to create a party and earn money?”

“What would we do though to get money?” Emi asked.

“I guess take requests from people and get money from rewards?”

“How about we go to the adventure guild and form it from there? Then we get access to more requests?” Foxy quietly suggested.


“That sounds like a good idea actually Foxy. Well done! I know where the Adventurer’s Guild in the town is, we can finally register ourselves as official adventurers.” I said.

Emi added, “Okay then lets finish our breakfast first and then go to the Adventure Guild and register ourselves as a party.”

We quickly waffled down our breakfast and set about getting to the Adventurer’s Guild. It was a short 15 minute walk that went by fairly fast as everyone was fairly animated even Foxy seemed rather upbeat about becoming a party,

“I’m really looking forward to being in a party with you guys.”

“Me too Foxy, we had a nice little chat yesterday didn’t we?” Emi replied.

“Oh you guys did? I never heard it.” I replied surprised.

“Yeah you were out like a rock last night. Foxy and I share a lot in common its nice being able to talk to a girl about things.”

“That’s cool.” I was slightly jealous about sharing Emi but I let it go as it didn’t really seem right to pursue it as we were staying free of rent with Foxy.

We entered into the Adventurer’s Guild and walked up to the counter to sign up. Greta was at the counter and greeted us,

“Hi Clover long time no see, oh you’ve brought your friends. Which one’s your girlfriend?” She winked.

“Oh St-stop it Greta.” I blushed. I had no comeback, as I hadn’t expected her to say that.

Emi continued for me as I struggled, “I’m Emi and this is Foxy. We’re looking to register as Adventurers and as an official party.”

“Sure dear, just give me your Status Tags and I’ll sign you right up.”

“Err I don’t have a status tag.” Foxy whispered to Emi.

“Can we buy a Status Tag for my friend here?” Emi asked the elderly lady.

“Yeah sure honey, it will be 10 gold to buy a status tag.”

“Uh here you go.” I gave the 10 gold from my pocket and bought Foxy a status tag.

After registered the Status Tag we came back to the counter and started the process of registering us as Adventurers.

After we registered as adventurers we were soon registered as a party.

However there was still one question that needed answering,

“What will your party’s name be?”


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