《The Lucky Clover》Chapter 5: Lifelong Lessons from My "Dear" Father


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Chapter 5: Lifelong Lessons from my "Dear" Father

I kept myself busy throughout the 4th year of living on this planet. I split my time between outdoor training to train my physical stats and reading as many books to increase my intellect.

My outdoor training consisted of running around town and as I got fitter and fitter I alternated between jogging and sprinting to up my cardiovascular which seem to be one of the major factors that influenced my endurance stat.

The key I found was to always push myself, whenever I challenged myself I made larger gains. I almost treated my stats as a way to judge how much I progressed. It was tough but I wanted to learn my sword fighting as a way to protect myself. So I readied my body for the training ahead.

Not only did I train my body but also my mind, making sure I kept it sharp, I made frequent trips to the bookstore to read books. Hiding sometimes from the shopkeeper who did not like me reading books and not purchasing them. A game of cat and mouse that kept me on my toes.

During my runs I would find anything of value on the ground when I was training and I would try and sell it, sometimes it was something small like a piece of leather sometimes it was replying to a lost and found poster and turning in for a reward and even once I found a small gem on the ground.

Perhaps this was due me increasing my levels and therefore increasing my luck? All of the money I saved I used to purchase more books whenever I could.

I wanted to rely on only me and not repeat the mistakes of my past life. Perhaps the quote from philosopher George Santayana is apt, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” I took these is as my words to live by and made sure I learnt from my past.


To perhaps right the wrongs of my past and change myself for the better I also forced myself to talk to people around the town to make sure that I was not the hermit I was in my past life. It seemed to also increase my Charisma stat which was a bonus that I took.

So when my 5th birthday can I immediately asked my father if I could learn fighting.

“Sure Clover, I’ve seen how disciplined you were in the past year training yourself so you would be physically able to handle sword fighting. I’d be happy to teach you.”

“Really you mean it? Thanks dad!” this time I really meant my words, I truly believe the first step to bettering my life is to make sure I can defend it.

“Learning sword fighting for the sake of sword fighting seems a bit boring. Why don’t we work towards a goal? In the town Paolona near us we have a tournament for sword fighting. The requirement is level 10 so we’ll use sparring as a way to both get your skills better and to get to that minimum requirement.”

“That sounds like a good idea.” It would allow me to test myself against people of this world and see how I stack up.

“So lets begin, while I was adventuring this style, Rock Style was what I used because my special talent was brute strength which allowed me to have a lot more strength so I focused on my key strengths. Rock Style is a style that relies on using your raw power to overwhelm the opponent which was perfect for me. It’s a great way to set your foundations right.” He lowered his hips and set his feet wide apart and gestured me to do the same. He continued,


“You take a low stance so that you can generate power and overwhelm anything that your opponent throws at you. The basis of Rock Style is all about simple techniques that use your own body’s power to overwhelm your opponents.”

“Are there any other styles?”

“Yes son, the two other main sword styles are the Water style which is the great weakness of Rock style that seeks to use the opponents power against them. Most people characterize it as the Countering style. The other is the Lightning style which uses speed as the main way to defeat enemies. Other people call it the Speed style. Its natural enemy is the rock style. So in most of the time when people fight it goes like this Rock style beats Lightning style, Lightning style beats Water style and Water style beats Rock style. So are you ready to start sparring?”


“Ok then, first lesson try to get the first strike.” As he said those words he quickly swiped at my legs and dropped me onto the ground,

“Second lesson never let your opponent get you off guard.” He gestured his hand. I took his hand and as he was lifting me up he let go,

“Third lesson never trust your opponent.”

“That’s a lot of lessons, was it really necessary for you to do all that?”

“Sword Fighting is an unforgiving world. The sooner you learn that the better. Do you want to continue?”

Without hesitation I replied, “Yes, lets do this.” As I spoke I charged him trying to catch him off guard. I swung my wooden sword at his kidney area but he blocked it fairly easy with the hilt of his sword and dragged the sword at out my hand and it flew behind me.

“Good job trying to recover the initiative but don’t ever put yourself every in a position where you are off balance. The Rock style relies on a steady base so that you are always balanced. Come at me again.”

I picked myself off the ground and picked up my fallen sword. Just as I was about to pick up my sword my “dear” father Aster thwacked my head with his sword and I fell to the ground.

The last thing I hear as I pass out, “Never turn your back on your opponent.”

I think, “Damn this is gonna suck really bad,” as I sighed as I drifted off into the darkness.

NameClover AuroraRaceHumanGenderMaleAge5Level4Health480Strength35Endurance39Dexterity21Agility31Charisma40Leadership10Intellect307Luck200Special TalentLucky Clover:

This will add 50 times your level to your luck


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