《The Lucky Clover》Chapter 2: The Second Chance


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Chapter 2: The Second Chance

Then with a sudden flash the darkness was obliterated.

In its stead was an aurora borealis being whose colors can only be described as fluctuating between the blue of the ocean and the wonderful kaleidoscopic colors of a sunrise.

As I noticed it, I felt its warmth as it passed through me, like a mother’s embrace but somehow even greater. The being’s embrace transcended any describable or comparable warmth. It truly felt like a transcendent celestial being that overcame any possible descriptions that I could think of. It emanated this pure feeling that can only be described as “love”

And then it spoke.

“Clover, your life has been a source of great misfortune.”

I was surprised such an alien object was able to communicate with me. How is it able to do this?

“ I am able to do this as I am transmitting directly into your mind. On earth I guess it would be called “telepathy”.”

Wow that really was impressive. I thought,

“I wonder what does it want from me?”

“It’s not so impressive as the god that everyone seems to worship this is the least of my powers. What I want with you is to give you a second chance.”

“Why do I deserve this chance? I’ve never amounted to anything good. I’ve always been the butt of all wrongs and hates. Everyone has always looked down on me.”

“There was error in the system that delivered many times the amount of bad luck to you than it should have. As a result I am giving you a chance to start over from the very beginning. A clean sheet.”

“So when do I go ba-”


“Not so fast, it won’t be on the Earth you but rather on a different parallel world that seems to worship a different version of me. Do you still want to proceed?”

A new start, on a different world, with unknowns and perhaps worse circumstances. Should I take the leap of faith?

Should I go into a completely alien world and risk my life again?

Risking my life for the unknown?

Why should I go into the unknown?

What’s the point?

All I am is a loser.

A Social Outcast

A blemish that ruins everything

Why should I try when the same result will just happen over and over again?

I suck.

I’m a coward.

I’m a no good loner.

Just as this same sense of hopelessness was about to engulf my thoughts again.

A new thought sprouted and took root. It blossomed and enveloped the previous helplessness. I can start over and do it better this time.

No more blaming my name for my problems

No more blaming my parents

No more blaming anyone.

Taking my own destiny into my own hands.

Then I knew my answer.

Should I roll the dice or spend eternity regretting?



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