《Black Blood (Dropped...)》Chapter 19: Rage, Death, Divine hope, and Vengeance
sooooo..... i got another week for my term paper, so i figured finish up this chapter then move on to doing that..... remember this series isn't tragedy, though it does have tragic moments and themes at times.
oh and pay close attention to the part (You'll know it when you read it)
Mom was lying down on a bed in the palaces royal infirmary, she wasn’t awake. Honestly I couldn’t even tell if she was breathing.
Honestly I couldn’t tell much of anything since the red started to leak into my vision tinting everything.
{ You have entered unique state: bloodrage. You have unlocked one of your sealed abilities. Caution state bloodrage appears to be worsening. }
{ Black Blood [Ancestral]: with the sudden death of the previous Phantus Ancestor, you meet the requirements to inherit a portion of her power. Caution, you have not been chosen as the new ancestor, position increased to (eastern) recognized family head. }
{ Black Blood’s Allure: your blood is irresistible to races that feed on blood, and will crave it more than any other. Races that do not feed on blood will still crave yours, but to a far lesser degree. Increases your charm by extreme amounts. [Now able to actively lessen its effects, permanently lowers mana pool 50%] }
{ Black Blood’s Consistency: with the consumption of your blood a creature will find it to be the best thing they have consumed. Races that feed on blood will experience feelings of extreme ecstasy, satisfaction, and happiness while also restoring them in mind and body. Other races will experience these effects, but to a lesser degree. Regular consumption over time or overconsumption of your blood will cause irreversible effects of: loyalty to the Phantus drunken from< obedience to the Phantus drunken from< devotion to the Phantus drunken from< obsession with the Phantus drunken from [< worship to the Phantus drunken from< other overriding effects chosen by the Phantus who next gives blood, if not the Phantus who has brought the target to this stage you must give more blood total compared to the previous Phantus.] Ascending in that order based on the quantity or frequency your blood was consumed. Outside of your body your blood will quickly degrade becoming highly toxic and acidic within 24 hours losing all its other effects. }
{ Black Blood’s Circulation: As this blood flows through you, you are immune to its effects as well as any other form of mental manipulation, as are those in late stages of black blood consumption. Due to the rich quality of your blood you can draw sustenance from it as long as there is some present within your body. Within your body blood is produced at an incredible rate, capable of replacing all blood present in your body within [seconds, permanently decreases mana pool by 10%]. }
{ Black Blood’s Regeneration: as long as there is blood and mana circulating within your body, you are able to recover from and regenerate any wound. Immune from [increased] disease and [increased] poison. Caution this takes place automatically and drains your blood and mana [constantly by 10%]. }
{ Black Blood’s Limit-Burst: you are able to enter a combat state that increases all stats by the Phantus’ highest stat. this ability currently may only be used for 1 minute. Caution without mastery, using this ability will but you into state: Blood-Rage. Exceeding suggested use time will result in loss of consciousness, and possible death. }
{ Black Blood’s Absolution [locked]: as long as someone has consumed your blood, you may give them one absolute order that they will do all they are able to, to follow. Caution impossible orders that can’t be followed will result in ability null. Ability resets every month for the Phantus, every year for the target. }
{ Black Blood’s Dominion [locked]: you are able to freely manipulate your blood internally and externally. You may change its inherent density, viscosity, shape, texture, type, movement, and qualities. This will merge with the Blood Magic ability learned and lower all mana costs for blood based magic. }
{ Black Blood’s Bestowal [locked]: as the Ancestor of your bloodline, you may bestow the Black Blood ability to those outside of your bloodline. This bestowed ability is not inheritable. Caution non-Phantus are prone to total madness as they are unable to handle the mental, physical, and spiritual toll of Black Blood. }
Mom was still alive right? I mean they wouldn’t all be so calm if she wasn’t. Lizote certainly wouldn’t just be sitting in the corner like she is now. This healer is talking, I should probably listen to her. It might be something important about mom, something that will require my or Lizote’s alchemic talents….
“…………nce…..lt………! ………………Pri……………..lt……!.......................orus!” (???)
I can’t look away, what if when I look away she takes a bad turn? I need to focus, if mom looks like she’s getting worse I need to do something……
Wait…. What can I do? I mean there is always my blood…………. No that won’t work! Mom took that stupid fucking anti-Phantus blood solution Lizote came up with. My blood wouldn’t do much more than heal some surface wounds, maybe a broken bone, not a fucking poisoning…….. How did anyone even poison mom anyway? She was always so careful about stuff like this. FUCK ALT THINK!!! Do something you’re an all-powerful fuckin demi-divine for Sally’s fucking sake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think I may have twitched……. I couldn’t really tell.
Sally’s………. sake…………. Sally………….. Sally is a divine…….. a full divine…….. full divines grant miracles……… mom could use a miracle now………..
I looked at mom again before I felt I was letting too much time pass. Every second counted, and I couldn’t let mom suffer here while I could be doing SOMETHING to help her. Especially not now that I knew what I could do. I looked at the healer who was shaking my shoulder, I needed her to answer something for me. I needed to know what I was going to ask Sally to do, I would NOT risk a mistake here.
“Is she alright? She will live correct? What about my sisters? The twins? Is there anything that alchemy could do to help her?” (Alt)
“Prince Altorus, you finally responded! It’s been hours since you have been here!” (???)
KIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KILL THIS USELES-…………. NO!!!!! No, I still need her, MY FAMILY still needs her. She can’t die, she is not ALLOWED to die…….
I struggled to reign in the feeling again. It was getting worse, I could feel my control slipping slightly. It didn’t matter, the rage wanted to be let free, but it would fucking wait until I was done. Once I KNOW mom is safe and recovering, once I had a target……….. Then it could go free, I would let it, I would WELCOME it.
“Answer the questions or you die healer.” (Alt)
I could feel her pull back. She was afraid, this wasn’t the young prince Alty she and all the staff knew. Her instincts were probably telling her that I was dangerous, I was. Something had dared, HAD FUCKING DARED to hurt the people I cared about, people I LOVED. They would suffer, everyone responsible would suffer, even this healer would suffer if she gave bad news. I was not in a position to control myself if I were to hear bad news, I would take it out on her even if it wasn’t her fault. As I am now, I wouldn’t fucking care.
“A-a-as I-I-I s-s-said-d-d-d……” (???)
“Speak. Clearly.” (Alt)
“S-she……. The Queen has been given an intense, fatal poisen. She begain showing simptoms hours ago, but nothing that raised alarm. She was brought here when she lapsed into a coma in the middle of a meal, if it were not for the fast actions and insight of Queen Tepestia, I fear she may be in far worse condition than she is now. While I do not believ the poisen would’ve been fatal to one such as the Queen, it would have likely crippled her body and power for many centuries. Thanks to the potions and solutions Queen Tepestia administered that diagnosis has been prevented, the Queen should recover in a month’s time.” (Healer)
I could feel myself relax slightly as I finally looked away from the bed.
Lizote, of course Lizote was able to cure the poison. She was my teacher, she knew more about alchemy, more about EVERYTHING than I did. It was lucky she decided to visit around this time, and even more lucky-…………
Wait why is Lizote crying? Lizote doesn’t cry……. LIZOTE DOESN’T CRY!!!!!!!!!!! That woman has more control over her emotions than I can even understand, SHE SHOULD NOT BE CRYING!!!! Mom is fine, that’s what the healer just said………. But……… she never mentioned…………. OH FUCK!!!!!!! OH FUCK!!!! SALLY NO!!!!! NO!!!!!! THE TWINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I looked back at the healer, she was trying to move away, but I grabbed her arm. She would tell me what I needed to know, and she wasn’t finished with that yet. There were two questions that she had not answered yet.
“What. About. The. Twins.” (ALT)
She struggled squirmed in my grip, not giving me the answers I needed from her. I heard a snap and a short gasp of pain, but those still weren’t the answers. Didn’t this damn human know that I needed these answers? How was I supposed to solve the problem without knowing what it was? Why couldn’t she just tell me instead of whimpering and crying like she was? This was important! IMPORTANT!!!
“Altorus…………. The twins, my twins are lost……………. I-I……… Hic…….. I couldn’t save them…….. one has…….. has………….. has…………… has a-a-a-already………. I’m sorry! Oh Divines I’m so sorry!!! So sorry…………. I……….. W–w-we…… hic…. We were supposed to become……………….. I’m so sorry I failed you Natasha………….” (Lizote)
That’s weird, it sounds like Aunt Lizote just said that one of the twins died, and the other was beyond saving. She shouldn’t joke like that. Lies like that could push me over the edge and let the red take over…… but Lizote can’t lie to me anymore…. It was one of her oaths to me…….. But that would mean…………………………………………..
That’s it, no.
Just no.
I knelt where I stood, I would waste no more time. Time was precious now, an asset that I could not afford run out of. I bowed my head and closed my eyes, shutting out even the red.
Sally………… Sally, don’t bother talking back, save the faith points and just listen. You said you’re my protector and patron right? Well I’m going to destroy myself. The only way you could stop me is if you help my twin sisters. I really hate to do something like this to you, but honestly Sally I can deal with it. Help them or I destroy myself, but not before I destroy everything else in existence too. I know their souls Sally, I watched them form as they grew, don’t try anything stupid like replacing them with something else, I would be able to tell. Prove to me once and for all I can trust you.
{…….. I’ll try, Alty.} (Sally)
I will too, no point in only asking you. This is an open prayer after all.
{WAIT ALTY, WHAT-………} (Sally)
Hellatia…………. Divine Mother…………. Anyone……….. I don’t really care anymore, but listen here and listen well. You WILL save my sisters. I don’t care if I’ll have to dedicate my entire existence to bringing about the end of ALL divinity, I will if you don’t save them. This is not a threat, nor is it some stupid fucking promise. This is an oath I swear on my name, my life, my soul, and my existence my very being itself. If anything I have learned so far is true, you will know what that means…. Do it, save them. It is far better than the alternative, because while I might be weak now, I already have an idea of how to kill a god… I figure after that I could just work my way up the food chain, I have all of ETERNITY after all……………………….
{……….very well} (???1)
{As you wish young one} (???2)
{This guy has BALLS…….. I LIKE HIM!!!! You have my support Halfling} (???3)
{Of course I’ll help you, you ARE my son after all…} ([hint for those who cant read between the lines: this is Alt's divine/first mother])
{………. Interesting, very interesting indeed. This one might be worth looking into} (???4)
{………. Was that a titan, DID THIS THING JUST AWAKEN A TITAN!?!?!?!?!} (???5)
{You address my chosen mate, speak carefully god and titan of war….} (???6)
{ Was that?…………………………………………………………………………………………} (???5)
{………………….by the creator it was…………….. I, I uh….. I’m gonna leave now…. RESPECTFULLY OF COURSE!!!!!} (???5)
{………………………………………………… You……………….. You should not be here………} (Titan)
{My mate’s interests are my interests. You shall repent for this insult by granting his demand} (???6)
{You have no-………. Wait…….. what is this? NO!!! STOP!!!!!!! STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!! I’LL DO IT!!!!! I’LL HELLLLL-…………….} (Titan)
{Your existence was not deemed necessary to fulfill my mate’s demand…….. good luck my mate I must unfortunately sleep once again………..} (???6)
{………………… the Titan………. It just………… it’s gone………… there’s nothing………. Nothing left at all………. Who or what was-…….} (???7)
{SHUT UP!!!!! I don’t want to share that dumbass’s fate so just drop it!!! Dumbass newborns, to damn curious for their own safety…..} (???3)
{Oh, so you’re here too forgote-……………………….} (???8)
{Entered unique state: bloodrage}
{Entered unique state: bloodrage}
{Entered unique state: bloodrage}
{Entered………………. unique state: blood…………rage}
{Entered -----state: blood………………}
{Entered -------------------------------}
{Entered state: Divine Wrath}
………………. I………… What?............... I did it right?.............. the divines saved my family right? Where am I?
I sat up, I was laying down in my bed, how I got there and what happened are all kinda a blank. All I remember is that Sally promised everything would be ok.
Fine then, now that that is under control I’ll just start working on my revenge………………
“No Alty, you shouldn’t do that….” (Lizote)
I looked over to my right side, to where Aunt Lizote was sitting and watching me with a small sad smile.
“What do you mean? Obviously this is some ploy of the Ordoseian Arcanes, the answer is simple kill everyone and everything in the kingdom of Ordoseia. I’ll just-……” (Alt)
“You will stay here and rule as the regent heir until Natasha recovers. You’re powerful Alty, but even you can’t take on an entire kingdom, not yet at least. Leave the fate of that kingdom to me….” (Lizote)
Lizotes face turned really dark, really cold, and scary as all fuck as she finished that last sentence. That said I wasn’t going to let her do this all alone, I had the right to vengeance just as much as she did.
“………… I understand that I’m responsible for ruling while mom rests, but I-…..”
“Altorus, the poison was not delivered by an Arcane. It was given to Natasha by someone she trusted, someone who when I……. questioned…… was shown to be under the later effects of Phantus blood. Needless to say that means that there are potential threats within even the palace’s walls not to mention the kingdom. The only information I was able to get from the servant was an organization name: Freyed Assurance.” (Lizote)
The people who hurt my family are…… here?
“Yes, within striking distance of the few people that I love in my life, and I have to leave. Not only to reap vengeance on those that aided this group, but to halt any invasion they may have planned while this kingdom is weak, and the woman I love is sickly. I am trusting you, YOU Altorus to keep them safe while I am gone. You have to………… please…….” (Lizote)
She looked so sad at that moment, defeated. I knew at that moment that she still thought that SHE was to blame for this. That for some reason she wasn’t able to pick up on my little bargaining session with the divines.
She still thinks that one of her unborn children is dead.
“S-she is dead, Alt. the other twin managed to survive somehow, but she will come into this world alone, and it is all my fault. Natasha…… s-she was pregnant, she wasn’t making the best choices…. I was supposed to help her, PROTECT her…….. I was supposed to protect our children……….” (Lizote)
Lizote seemed to gather herself and she stood from my bed. She wiped away the tears forming in her eyes, and began walking towards the door.
“It’s too late for that now, but I WILL avenge what we have lost. I will grieve and beg for forgiveness later, for now I have a kingdom to slaughter. I will return soon Alt we can talk more then…………. And don’t worry about the healer or any of the damage, I have taken care of it.” (Lizote)
Lizote left the room. Now that I was alone with my thoughts I noticed that I felt calmer, the red was gone. I was still furious that someone had harmed my family, but I could still feel the link from mom, and my two sisters’ soul lines. A useful trick I learned myself after some hints from Sally, they were alive. Just knowledge of that helped to calm me, but I couldn’t relax.
I have to rule in mom’s place, and I sure as shit am going to find and eradicate this “Frayed Assurance” group. There is only room for ONE Phantus in this kingdom, and they just fucked with his family. They die, end of story……. Hmmm, I wonder? If they operate in this kingdom….............................
I held my left hand and sent:
Philly………. Tell me you hold a position of some power………….
I am the currant princess consort of the Malcreek kingdom, engaged to wed the crown prince in three years. (Philly)
The reply was faster than I expected, but that was good. That meant that we could start immediately.
Good……. Very good. I need you to do something for me now with that authority Philly, and I need you to do it immediately. I need you to find out all you can about a group called Frayed Assurance and I need you to hunt them down and kill them as slowly and painfully as means will allow. Record it with a crystal if possible, I wish to see them suffer…..
Of course master. Neither death nor damnation shall sway me……………………..
I severed my connection with Philly, if she does all that then perfect, but there might not even be a Frayed Assurance presence where she is. Either way I should start getting ready to fulfill my duties as the current prince-regent, but I think it might also be time to give my underground empire its first test. Search and destroy style……………….
yes Alt went on a rampage, and yes you all will get to read about it............. just not today.
you all know the drill: Comment, Theorise, Thank me, etc...........
time to sleep now, i'll edit in the morning.......................
Author out...........
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