《Ayla's Junkyard》Shared Memories


Angela had told me about her nightmares, her dreaming some of the low points in my life, well, the big ones anyway. I hope she gets to see some of my good ones too.

Being in a wheelchair wasn't all bad, but it could be a hassle sometimes. You can only sit in certain areas of a movie theater, when you go to church, you either roll yourself to the front, sit in your chair next to the pew, or stay in the back.

The public swimming pool near where I lived even had a chair designed for the pool, so my good chair didn't get ruined by the chlorine.

I know she is having another bad one, I can hear her tossing again.

I got the legs together while she was sleeping, I ran the conveyance lines, since the carbon parts are hollow, I cut holes to run the smaller lines through them, as well as the various sensor wires. Lilly was doing most of the beveling on the outer shell, and she had already finished pitting her parts on her, and had found clothes for Angie's Fair doll, and put them on.

I had just started to run the wire bundle through the vertebrae stack when a blood curdling scream came from Angie's room. A red system message came up in my left eye: Your Human, Angela Sierra Grey, is in distress!

Well, I can tell that. I dropped the piece I was working on, and left the workshop. The light visible through the windows showed a dim murky pre-dawn ambiance. Lilly got in the room just before me, and Jody just after. She was tossing and turning. I reached out to try and wake her; Jody and Lilly stopped me.

"I know you're worried, Ayla, but don't touch her right now." Jody said, holding my hands together, and away from her. Lilly lighted on my shoulder and whispered to me.


"Ayla, she is having a Spirit Dream. If you touch her, your spirit will give her a boost, and make her dive deeper into the dream. One this bad can only mean she is witnessing an unnatural death. Your spirit boost could lock her spirit in the dream at the moment of death. It could kill her."

"What can I do for her?" I asked, as a message stating I had learned 1% of Fair Culture scrolled by.

"What we all do when this happens: be there for when she wakes up, and pray that she never sees this memory again." Andy answered. "The last time she was like this, was when she saw my sister's murder, the two of them had shared a spirit as well, whatever this is, it's worse than Callie being stabbed."

"She is comming out of it. It's safe to touch her now Ayla."

I hesitated. She woke up to Lilly's gentle caressing on her hand. I felt utterly useless.

After a few minutes and everyone making sure she was okay, we left Angela's room so she could get ready for the day, and Lilly and I went back to the workshop. When I opened the door, I just hung my head in dispair; not at Angie's situation, but because I had knocked over the stand holding my new lower body, and the pelvis was in two distinct pieces on either side of the bar that used to hold it still.

I have now discovered the first piece that will be remade into metal.

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