《Ayla's Junkyard》A New Frame


We had a nice night sleep. I woke up early, and somehow I knew exactly how to take care of Angela. She was still asleep, so I went into the room we were in earlier with all the parts printers. We had these when I was ali.... in my last life, but they could only do plastic, and took hours. The face she made for me took like three minutes for each part.

I sat down at her computer and started designing a new frame. I'll let her worry about this chassis, I want to start working on something I am more familiar with, and will give me more flexibility. I started with the hips.

On my current body, I cant rotate my legs. I have full range of motion, but the joint doesn't allow for any rotation so I wanted to fix that, also the spine on this frame is solid. I want to be able to move more. so I started designing something a bit more human like. I was never big into the sciences, but I remember the general look of a skeleton, so I started designing each part.

I know my mind worked faster than before, and having only watched Angela use this program once, I already had it down how it worked. In the course of two hours I had redesigned the chassis, and saved the file. Angela still wasn't awake, and it was almost noon.

I walked into the kitchen, filled a glass of water, then went to her bedroom, and splashed it in her face. That woke her up.

"What did you do that for?" she yelled at me.

"If you sleep any longer, your body wont be at its best." I turned and started walking out. "when you get dressed, come to your computer room, I have something I want to show you." at that she jumped out of her bed and started getting ready for the day.

About twenty minutes later, she came into the lab where I had the parts images brought up on the monitor.

"Ayla, this is pretty complex. I don't think I have ever built something like this. I don't think the Gnomes or Dwarves have done something like this."

"Well Bilby did say, it was my kind that pushed the technology race." I just wish I could figure out memory storage, so I can rework this motherboard, its grossly inefficient."

"Well, since you are so adamant about doing this, what do you say we print it off?"

"I was thinking we could build one the size of your fairy doll, and work out kinks in that size before we commit to one that will use that much material." I told her.


"sounds good to me." she said as she adjusted the scale, and hit the print button. five minutes later, all the parts of a 12 inch tall carbon fiber skeleton was sitting on the work bench. I arranged all the pieces on the table where they would go in relation to each other, and started running the sensor wires I knew it would need, as well as a group of wires for servos that would later assist with the torque of the upper body. as well as muscle movements of the face.

as I was working on that Angela was busy designing and printing new pistons, solenoids, cameras, Gyroscopes, a generator, and all the parts that would be needed to get a frame this size to work. with her designing parts to scale based off what was in my body, and me working on the frame, in about two hours we had a semi-functional prototype. just no motherboard, or memory bank. I had a piece of cardboard sitting in the position the motherboard was.

I actuated all the parts, and made sure it had a decent range of motion, with no catches. The carbon fiber pieces were lighter than I thought they would be. I picked up the doll, and took it to Jody, who was in his office, getting ready for a lesson, he was returning to classes this evening. I set the little frame on his desk, and he stopped what he was doing.

he looked from me to it, and back. Angela and I had taken the time to run the conveyance lines and everything, so the whole system would work if we hooked it up to a system that it could function with.

"I made a Jumper for you Ayla," she said as she came in, "may I plug this in?" I nodded to her, and she plugged the wires into the back of my head, and then a small plug into the skull of the model.

I reached out and grabbed it, and the model's arm moved in the same fashion I did. I felt myself smile at it, and watched as the servos on the dolls face moved into the smile I felt. I took a step, and it took one with me. I leaned back, and where my frame was square, the doll's torqued the way I had planned, and had a perfect curve in the spine. I was quite pleased with it.

Angie and Jody stood there starring at me. when I put it down.

"What now?" I asked.

"That thing smiled. an honest smile. I didn't know Andronis were capable of that." Jody said.

"That was me. And, well, think of the frames you knew as archaic, and basic technology. they were incapable of showing emotion. which is why your stories always told of them being fearless, and emotionless killing machines." I told him. "Humans have a predication to need to see the emotional response in the face. They are trained that way from birth to recognize certain emotions. and the frames downstairs, just weren't capable of doing that. This frame will be."


"Is." Angela said. "I've already started printing the full scale one, even before your little test there."

"Ayla," Jody started, "May I take this miniature one with me to class tonight?"

"I don't see why not, just put something over the chest area, I don't like the idea of people knowing the exact location of the generator." I replied

"Consider it done." he leaned forward and gave me a kiss on the side of my camera, but I felt it in my spirit as well. I heard Angela giggle.

"What is it this time? I said. she pointed to my hand, and I saw that the doll's emotions were mirroring my own. she had been watching the doll's face. I unplugged the jack from the doll and handed it to her, leaving the jumper attached, and walked to the basement, to get a better look at the motherboards without me having to take off my cameras again.

I removed the face shield off of one of the frames, and spent the next thirty minutes studying the motherboard, and then went back to Angela's computer, did a re-design and then miniaturized it, and hooked it into the small frame, she had left next to the computer.

once the new motherboard was plugged in, the small body came to life, within minutes it started developing Fairy wings. when I realized what I was seeing, I got a message in my view. "Andronic life created: Andronis-Fair hybrid. This is a separate and unique Andronis, as it is able to use the Fair's Spirit magic, as well as the fast learning capabilities of a normal Andronis, this is not the same as the learning capabilities of the Andronis Royal Family."

"Hello, little one." I said. "Do you have a name?" It shook its head no. "Well do you know if you are a boy or a girl?" it nodded, and a voice that sounded like Evelyn came out.

"I am a girl." she said.

"Would you mind if I gave you a name?" she nodded, and her face showed excitement.

"Then I would like to name you after my friend's Mother, do you mind if I call you Lilly?"

"Lilly is a good name." she said. I picked her up, grabbed a thin rag and wrapped it around her, it looked like a little toga, and set her on my shoulder and walked back to where I knew Angela and Jody were: the kitchen.

when I walked into the room, there were six other people there I didn't recognize, and all of them had a strange looking headset covering their left eyes, and I could tell they were cameras. each headset had a different logo, with a number and a series of five letters. They were reporters.

"Hello, " I said to them. "Jody, I wanted to show this little one to you." I said, now fully ignoring the reporters. "This is the frame Angela and I were working on this morning, I made a new board for her, and she came to life. Lilly, say hello to Angela, and Jody."

she stood up on my shoulder, and gave a light jump with her ankles, and used her wings to glide down to the table. she gave a short bow to the two, and then turned to the reporters.

"Who are they?" she asked. "They are reporters. come with me Lilly, let Jody and Angela finish their work here, and not disturb them any more." she nodded, then gently flew back up to my shoulder, her wings fluttering a lot more than they had on the glide down.

I tuned out the commotion that broke out in the kitchen as we left, and headed back to the printing room. and started assembling my new body. I looked at the screen Angela was using, and saw a design for armor there, all of it was multi-segmented, and looked like it would allow for full range of motion, but it looked like she only had the pieces designed at the moment for the torso. I went ahead and printed it at Lilly's size, and then put the pieces on her. she helped with the more delicate parts, as my fingers were too large.

after a while she came into the room, and looked over Lilly's Torso.

"What do you think Angie?" she asked.

"I think we definitely need to get you a shirt now." she said with a smile. "Do you feel like a trip tonight?"

Lilly looked at me as though to ask permission, so I nodded, "yes, I'd love to."

"Well good, because you are going to meet Papa's students at the university. And so is Princess Ayla over here." Angie said, making clear it wasn't a request.

"I don't wa... "

"I don't care what you want to do. you just showed yourself on half a dozen live broadcasts, as well as this little one. You. Are. Going." I just nodded at her statement.

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