《Warhammer 40k - Tyranid Project》Chapter 3 - Walking into a door


I could get out of the room and into a corridor. It was white, I guess. It’s hard to see colors with this set of eyes.

The corridor was devoid of sounds, except my claws clicking on the pavement.

* Tick tick tick…

If I still were human, this would have put me nervous. But I am not that anymore.

While I walked, I tried to recall any memories from my past, but everything seemed to be surrounded by a thick fog.

Even that girl was fading away.

All that I could think of now was how hungry we are. And this damn corridor that never ends!!

"Ohh! There is an intersection!"

I kept walking towards it and then advanced carefully to pick a look. I don't have it clear if there is no one alive in this place.

“Okay, what do we have here?”

Uhmm… to the left, there are some lights and images of plants and to the right, well… I can see a metal door. There are claw marks in it, an old fight probably. Not good. I’ll take a look at it.

As I got closer, my bad sight started to reveal the scale of the aggressor, and it was huge. There were many streams of information like smells, and something else, It’s hard to explain.

-Danger! Big prey, we food!

Ah okay. It’s a primal instinct. Fear.

I thought that this body's original owner is still here. That could explain the strange feelings I have been experiencing these last few minutes.

And the voices…

"Well, left it is. Let's go find some food. Who knows! It might be some vegetables or fruits on the trees!"

I stopped and looked at my claws. How will I get the fruit? Maybe this weird body could be able to climb.


I can just hear scratching and little hisses. I thought it was my stomach at first, but the shrieks have a kind of rhythm to it.

-Prey! Food!

Yeah, yeah, you know I just understood a vague meaning of what you say?

After 10 more minutes, I found another door blocking my path. This one has no huge marks of an attack of a horrible beast.

I tried to scratch it but to no avail. This metal door was way harder than my claws.

"Damn… what to do now? This is frustrating."

Wait, that feeling! It smelled different here, like green and, and… I looked left and right, and it took me a few seconds to look up. An air vent.

I felt a flow of air carrying the scent of life.


"Oh god, I’m salivating so bad that it’s falling on the floor! And… shit, is it corroding it? Anyways, I need to get into this place ASAP!!"

It’s just that… that air vent was quite high! Like, 3 meters above me and I’m just the size of a small cat, so I’m not sure what to do.

Let’s try climbing!

“OUCH!! Damn it! FUCK!!! Okay, again… this time is personal, damn door!”

I’ve been climbing and falling for nearly 20 minutes! This is being so lame. “C’mooonnnn!!!!! WHY is this! So damn hard! DAmn it!!!”

"Oh, there is a map up here…" I check it and memorize the biomes this door leads to.

For what I understood, this was a pretty straightforward area, with plants, a few gardens, and mostly small insects and birds.

I was thinking about suspending the climb mission, but I managed to get to the vent! Yes! On your face, gravity!


I took a better look at the ventilation grill and it looked old and half broken. There was some humidity on the air and strange smells too!

These weird senses were affecting me more and more…

"There is food in front of me, so no more complaining! Maybe I can break this blockage, let’s try to bite it!"


"Holy shit! What the hell!? Yucks! It tastes like iron." I looked at the air vent, and I see that it has a small hole that I made. I focused on my mouth, and after a couple of seconds, I project a deadly looking second mouth. Sick!

This looked like a retractable maw. I tried to eject it a few times, yep. Feels powerful and deadly.

"Now, let’s get some food!"

-Food! Yei!

"Yes, yes. But first, the vent."

* Chomp, chomp… chomp.

Okay, I have broken a few more pieces, and I can pass through it. I still don’t have good synch with my tail. I just know it’s there, but I am not using it to do anything. So much to learn.

I got to the vent, and despite the lack of light, I could sense the direction towards food quickly. I pass a few intersections, and a few dozens of meters later, I see some leaves.

“We found food! I mean, I did.” Damn it… this is so confusing. Why do I keep calling myself in plural? It must be that transference thing. I’m sure whoever was in this body will soon be-


“Aghhh, damn you!! Don’t shout! If we’re gonna be together, don’t scare me like that!”


“Yeah, yeah. Why should I even- Okay, you know what?! I will do it, because I’m hungry, not because you have told me to!”

I started to bite the leaves, and they’re not so bad, even though they have a bitter aftertaste.

I noticed a weird thing. Despite my relatively small size, I managed to eat a whole branch, several hundreds of leaves, and every single bit of organic matter that was in the air vent. That was easily 4 or 5 times my weight.

Weird. Very weird.

Nearly half an hour later, I found the origin of this whole set of branches and vines. Another air vent, broken by the plants.

I felt so bloated that I had to take a rest before keep ingesting every piece of food I can get my claws into. These couple of hours have been exhausting. "Ahhh, so sleepy…"

"Lazy! More food! We need to evolve!"

"Yeah, yeah, after the nap. Wait, evolve? What are you talking about?"

"Eat, grow, eat more!"

"Yeah, I know you only care about the food, but how does it work?"

"We kill, we eat, we grow!"

"Okay, you have no idea either. Then I will just sleep, and we'll see you later. ‘Night, little one."

All this Tyranid stuff was hard to understand; so many new sensations, and limbs. At least I was not hungry anymore. Despite feeling tired, I also felt full of energy and life.

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