《Lost Concord》Chapter Fifteen: Exalted Promise
“For what I have done, I may not find any sort of redemption… As unwilling as I was, I am still an accomplice. So I stand here, before the shattered gate. I had thought that this… Would have spilled hope, but nay, it did not. What it did, only delayed the madness that now comes. Already the others, damn them in their greed, have turned mad. They are in the camps, fornicating like wild beasts, whilst some are beset by madness, scaring themselves in some occultist fashion in honor for some fell thing.
I did not want that, so I sit here, pondering and writing, as I hear the beating of this trapped beast. Though I wish that it was my mind playing tricks on me, but I’m certain that an ichor is… Spilling from beneath the rubbles, bearing what I can only describe as cephalopod-like eggs.”
-Scholar Torimak; Page 41, Expedition unto the Fae Lands
For what good it did, Damien paced around the room in clear restrained anger and uncertainty. Though most of it was mainly due to the deep worry he felt. For it had been exactly an hour and a half ever since Carleon’s sudden display of hostility. The memory of it was extremely clear, far clearer than he’d ever have had if it weren’t for his patron God. Due to its clarity, he could clearly remember how it happened, how fast it went, and how intent Carleon was at killing Jasmine. If it weren’t for Erica’s sudden spell of protection, he knew with a heavy heart, Jasmine would have died right there. Her head caved in by the sheer force Carleon swung his hammer.
A force which in his experience, should not be possible for a Godless. Yet it did, quite unlike the time he had fought with Benedict in that hasty duel. A duel he himself did not want, as he knew Benedict held much disdain for him, and in a way most likely felt insecure and insulted by the events prior to it. Still with little choice in his own part, Damien accepted the duel. In which he won with some effort on his part, as Benedict fought with a ferocity of a murderous thing, fueled by rage and a desire to inflict as much pain as he could. Yet it wasn’t enough, as many of his strikes lacked strength or coordination, allowing for Damien to end it in just four minutes according to others.
But in this instance with Carleon, it was a farcry as to what Benedict had displayed. The warhammer Carleon wielded from his own observation, was made from metal. All of it was made from metal, which would have had impacted Carleon’s skill with it, yet he had swung it with little to no difficulties in his part. Indicating something incredibly wrong, which he was forced to ponder upon as no sooner did the Godless leave, Jasmine had collapsed and seemingly passed out. He had quickly assumed Carleon did something, but Erica assured him that she passed out merely due to shock.
Which led to where he is now, as Jasmine was brought to the infirmary located within the castle. According to the healers that attended to her, there wouldn’t be any lasting effects on her health, as Carleon had done nothing to her. Though that did little to ease his worry, as Jasmine was in a state of shock with Erica telling her something strange. It made him sick to think that something had happened without him knowing, especially now that Carleon revealed he was nearly similar to Benedict, in terms of how brutal they were in their anger that is
In all honesty, he did not wish to lump the Godless into just being spiteful and hateful beings. But their actions had so far painted them as that, except for Jio, who he needed to thank for stopping Carleon’s last strike. Though a part of him felt incredibly perturbed, as for the months they’ve been within this world, they as the Blessed were lauded as great people. People that held much potential and power, with the other’s own display of abilities and strength, he was convinced of this and tried to not let it get into his head.
Yet Carleon who was a normal teenager like they once were, so easily shattered Erica’s spell of protection. It reminded him that this world worked differently, that even the Godless could become a threat to them. He did not know if it was Carleon’s own strength that allowed him to shatter that spell, or it was something else, but it still made him uncomfortable. For the Godless had experienced the world outside, a world which due to how the two had dressed and acted, he could only assume to be far more violent than he had initially assumed.
It made him more worried than he initially was, making him think of their purpose here. Though before that, his attention was stolen by an incredibly young voice. Gentle and hesitant in its own way, followed by a thug on the sleeve of his shirt. He knew who it was, and he could not help but smile. For it was Erica, the youngest of all the Blessed.
“Damien? Are you okay?” Erica asked with a curious gaze on her young face, as she sat next to the bed Jasmine’s sleeping form laid upon. “Are you still thinking about what happened? I told you already! It wasn’t Carleon, so please don’t be mad about it.”
She was a young girl, no older than fifteen by her own account. A gentle youth whose white skin complemented her slowly maturing look, with her height being a solid 4’5 tall, which coupled with her emerald eyes and yellow hair made her look incredibly adorable. For her face was that of a blossoming beauty, if nurtured properly would make her into a truly desirable lady in the future. But as of now, she was still childish, which unfortunately made her be seen as inexperienced by the other Blessed. Though her skill in magic and the seeing of auras, at the very least allowed her to be taken seriously when she insisted.
“It wasn’t him? Erica, how could it not be him? He was the one that swung the hammer.” Damien replied with a sigh, not stopping his pacing in the mostly empty room they were in. She had told him this after Jasmine had passed out, yet it did little to convince him. As the strike from Carleon did not hold any hesitation, just like how Benedict had tried to inflict pain upon him months ago.
“Didn’t you see how he struck his hammer against the barrier? The sound it produced is a testament to how willing he was to inflict pain. Even just for the fact that Jasmine had said something she shouldn’t have, it’s unacceptable! We’re Summoned here for a greater purpose, I understand that the two are sore about Benedict’s death…
But it’s not a valid excuse for him to just try and kill Jasmine! Not only that, to leave without apologising?! It’s frustrating…”
There was clear frustration in Damien’s words, his very eyes turning gold once more as he tried his best not to let his fury overwhelm him. Erica who watched in silence, could not help but sigh and furrow her brows. For when Damien was like this, it was very hard to get her point across, for his passion and love for everyone he consider his allies, proved a great detriment to his capacity to think rationally.
“It wasn’t him, please believe me on this.” She starts with a frown, one hand gently lifting the wooden wand in her hand to point it towards Damien. “We may not know the Godless as well as the others, but Carleon has shown himself to be the voice of reason in their trio. Even still with what Jasmine did, he shouldn’t have had reacted that way. Plus… There’s something wrong, incredibly wrong with the situation.”
With a click of his tongue, Damien nodded as he motioned for Erica to continue. Even if he was unwilling to admit it, she was right. He did not think Carleon could be as bloodthirsty as Benedict, given the fact that he had seen him to be very reasonable. A man of rationality in many respects. Though such a rationality was absent on the incident an hour ago.
With great hesitation in her party, she lowered her wand and gently shook it. In a surprising effect, it turned into a staff which she gently placed to the side as she lowered her gaze. Damien discerned quickly that she looked distressed or ashamed, which made him worry for her, as he could not help but think of her as a little sister.
“Hours ago… When you asked me if the Godless reminded me of something, I told you they reminded me of men from the occult. People who are trying to bring old gods back to life. Well, it’s true… They did remind me of that, but it wasn’t because the way they looked. It’s… Something else, it was because of their aura.”
“Aura?” Damien quickly questioned in confusion. “You told me that they didn’t have any? That the Godless don't have any sort of aura, that they’re like a clean slate. Waiting to be filled by something greater. Were you lying?”
“N-No! I wasn’t lying!” She replied quickly, looking up with slightly teary eyes as Damien quickly regretted his words. “They didn’t have auras, two months ago they were just… Blank, nothing in them. My teacher said that it was unnatural for them to be like this, as everything in this world had auras! We assumed it was because they were from a different world, just like us…
But when they came back they… They had auras, d-different from what I was told about. Looking at it is painful too, like a bright source of light… Their auras were something else, it didn’t have a single color, in fact it was constantly changing. As if they were undergoing some tumultuous change that they didn’t notice… B-But not only that, their auras refuse to confirm in their forms. Writhing like some… Cancerous mass of flesh, shifting and forming into things I don’t know how to describe.
They reminded me of the mad occultists of the world I’m from, my mother had told me that they’re long gone. That the last vestiges of their cult was wiped out centuries ago… But one thing she told me of, is that they tried to bring dead gods back to life. The Godless’s aura… Reminds me of that, I don’t know why but it does and it makes me afraid.”
“Is this why… You said that something was wrong with the situation?” Damien asked when Erica had gone silent. Her expression showed great fear, which spurred him to approaching her and gently patting her head. This was an act that most commonly calmed her, which she didn’t protest to as she nodded shortly.
“Moments before Carleon did his strike, I noticed it. A sudden… Strange and scary feeling, the one you feel when you think something is following you in the dark. When I turned to look… Carleon’s aura had changed, it was a sickly green… I don’t know how, but it was malicious, malevolent and it stuck to his form.
B-Behind him… Behind him was…”
“Behind him was what?” Damien asked as hesitation overtook her again, making her tense up in fear. This was not natural at all, making him wish to know what was causing this much fear. But before he could get an answer, Jasmine stirred to their left, groaning groggily as she woke up.
“Behind him… Was a monster.” She flatly said, slowly sitting up as Erica looked to her in relief. Quickly the younger girl moved to hug Jasmine, who could only sigh in irritation as Erica nuzzled her head against her own chest. The younger girl was worried for her, this Jasmine understood as she returned the hug reluctantly.
“A monster?” Damien asked as Erica stopped the hug, gingerly sitting back on the chair as she carefully reached for something on her pocket. Jasmine for the most part slowly sat up, rubbing her eyes and trying to find something that wasn't there. Soon after a moment of silence, Erica offered Jasmine her glasses, which she took with a nod of thanks before putting it on.
“A monster.” Jasmine then repeated, as Erica nodded in response. For a moment Damien looked quite confused, as he saw no such thing behind Carleon. Though with Jasmine’s serious expression, he had no choice to believe her, for she wasn’t the type to lie so flatly to his face. Erica on the other hand was clearly afraid, to the point she was hesitant on describing what she saw.
“That thing… Did something.” Much in contrast to the younger girl, Jasmine expressed great annoyance and anger. “It robbed me of my body, paralyzing my form with a sort of magic. I could do nothing as Carleon did his strike, with one of its hands holding on to his very shoulder. I think it’s why Carleon even attacked in the first place.”
“Y-Yeah! It held Carleon’s shoulder and seemed to have been whispering to his ear… I think it’s also why Carleon wielded his warhammer so quickly!” Erica quickly supplemented what Jasmine said, the younger girl was quite glad she didn’t need to ponder upon the look of that creature, as she was in no way even capable of describing it properly. Though no sane man could ever do so.
“Thanks for the barrier.” Jasmine says then with a pat on Erica’s head. The younger girl could only smile as she was praised, and for the most part that Jasmine was fine. Yet despite that she had a look of annoyance crossing her face, as she pondered over the situation she had been on a mere hour ago. The more she thought about it, the more sullen she grew to be, culminating with her letting out a largely exaggerated exasperated sigh.
“Is something wrong?” Damien could not help but ask, quite confused at this display from Jasmine. For what she knew about her, painted her as someone who wouldn’t sigh like this, nor would she seem to be unaffected by a harrowing event such as almost getting killed. Of course, that was just going off information he knew of her, as she frequently had come and go upon her own leisure.
“Jio saved me, didn’t he?” Suddenly she asked that, her expression still bearing that look of extreme annoyance. She did not like having been saved by Jio, for what reason there may be, Damien and Erica could not know. For she kept her thoughts a secret, even as to why she loathed the Godless far more than the others.
“Yes he did. He saved you from Carleon’s third strike, he did it surprisingly quickly. If it weren’t for him your head would have been… Flattened.” Sighing partly in shame, Damien replied in the affirmative to Jasmine. This only made her mood more sullen again, as she brought one hand to move her glasses up to rest on her forehead, right before rubbing her face with both of her hands. Screaming in great annoyance onto her hands, muffling the noise quite a bit due to it.
Both Damien and Erica could only look in shock as to what she had just did. As Jasmine quickly put her glasses back in place, softly pressing her index finger against the bridge of her nose as she spoke, acting as if she didn’t just do that. Which prompted for Damien to try and speak out, only for him to be distracted once again. Which drew an annoyed grunt from him, as the door into the room let out soft thuds indicative of someone knocking.
“Hey Damien! It’s Harold!” A muffled voice said behind the door, causing Jasmine to frown. “Don’t let him in.” She quickly said, to which Damien just shook his head as he opted to open the door. There once the door was open, the summoned known as Harold could be seen. He was, as one could describe without bias, was a pretty boy. More so than Damien could ever be.
He was quite tall, a solid 6’0 in height, that matched his slightly built physique. Which complimented the fact he was of a browner complexion, bearing quite the innocent yet handsome look. That was paired with his long black hair, followed by black eyes. If one could choose a distinction as to why he was more of a pretty boy than Damien, it was due to the fact he had this gentle smile constantly on his face. Though this did not match the fact that he was the chosen of a God of War.
“Ah, you’re already awake!” He says once the door was fully opened. With a quick hug towards Damien, which he returned happily, Harold walked in to reveal that he wasn’t alone. Behind him was a girl and a boy respectively. Both of which were familiar faces to the three already within the room. Though upon seeing the girl, Jasmine could not help but just grimace at the sight of her.
The girl in question was Julia, Harold’s childhood friend and the chosen of a God of Storms. She was a bit different than one might expect from a summoned female, as her brown complexion was paired with clear mannish apparel. Quite similar to what Harold wore, in the respect that they both wore practical clothing most common to the summoned. However unlike the former, paired it up with leather equipment. Having a vest made out of the material which had a gorget-like addition to its collar. She of the same heigh as Harold.
Her hair was quite long though tied back to a ponytail, with her showing a rather mischievous grin to Jasmine. Her own black eyes had a glint of playful intent behind them, as she decided to stand to the side as Harold quickly moved towards Jasmine.
The other male however, was the chosen of the Goddess of Curiosity. He was known as Greg, for the fact that his given name was unnaturally long. Not to mention its pronunciation was incredibly hard. He was for the most part plain, albeit paler than normal and a bit gaunt, though nearly as tall as Harold. With him bearing bags under his blue eyes, and an incredibly floofy hair, all paired with normal clothing. Though topped with his own custom coat, which had padding within, and terminated upon his thighs which was a bit impractical in some regard.
With a short lag in his movements, he entered the room and closed the door behind him. Upon his arms, he had hugged what was clearly a plushy of a fantasy-eagle. Which had six ruby-like eyes, whilst in general it had fluffy grey and black colored feathers, which covered all of its form saved for its legs, which had quite the large talons. Upon the sight of it, Erica looked quite excited and clearly wanted to hug it herself.
“I’m glad you’re not harmed Jasmine. It’d be a shame if we lose one of our greatest trackers.” Though by then Harold had already spoken to Jasmine. Smiling quite happily as he patted her shoulder without any other motivation. “It’s really good that you’re awake to! Aniara just called for you, Damien, Erica and yours truly to go to her office tomorrow. Though I’m not sure what is it about.”
“What? Really?” Damien asked in confusion. To which Harold nods as he turned to stand by his side.
“Yeah, she told me to inform you three. Since you ran off with Jasmine to the infirmary when she passed out. I was happy to oblige, since I was quite worried to! Carleon just swinging his hammer, damn it’s almost like Bobby’s own swing! Especially how the barrier rang like a bloody bell. So props to you Erica when you casted it quickly.”
With a smile, Harold showed a thumbs up to Erica. Who by now was next to Greg, hugging the plushy which he once was holding. Greg on the other hand seemed to be not paying attention, just seemingly spacing out. Softly she nodded proudly, followed by her nuzzling the soft plushy in great glee.
“Pfft, couldn’t you have had dodged it?” Then Julia spoke, her voice clearly mocking Jasmine as she neared. With a boyish grunt, she crossed her arms and pointed a finger towards Jasmine. “Thought you were the fastest of us? Seems like Carleon scared you badly!”
“Tch. Spare me your jests Julia, I don’t find them funny.” Jasmine coldly retorted, frowning in disdain as Julia merely stuck her tongue out in reply. “Really mature of you Julia, no wonder no guys like you. Can’t see a man liking someone as rude as you.”
“Che, at least there are guys that like tough girls. Not sure if anyone will like you, who’s quite cold and would disappear on her leisure. You wouldn’t make a good mother.” Julia shot back with a giggle, to which Jasmine just replied with an angry growl.
Before any more harsh words could be said, Harold quickly intervene with a rather tense expression. “Err, don’t fight! Sorry for Julia’s words, she’s really just worried about you! It’s why she even came with me!” Though his words meant little as Jasmine just dismissively glared at Julia, who had quite the happy grin on her face.
“Now now, let’s not let this get out of hand.” Damien intervened, gently standing between the two and holding up his hands. “If anything else, I think it’s best if we let Jasmine rest, unless you have anything more to say,”
“I’m fine, I don’t need to rest.” Jasmine quickly said, sighing as she tried to sit up, only to be stopped by Damien who had a rather insistent look to his face. “Yes you do!” He says.
“Actually there’s something we did need to tell you three.” Harold says after a moment, looking as if he had just remembered something important. “It’s something related to the Godless actually. Greg can tell you more!”
“Really?” Damien tilted his head in confusion, as he looked to Greg. Who still was spaced out, with Erica quite occupied with the plushy he had brought. “He doesn’t seem to be paying attention…”
“Oh sorry about that. Hey! Greg! Greg!” Harold quickly turned to Greg, snapping his fingers before shaking Greg rather suddenly. At the sudden noise and movements, Greg was snapped out of his daze and looked around confused.
“You had something to say about the Godless, right Greg?” At Harold’s question, Greg nodded as he stifled a slight yawn. As he seemed to have had managed to sleep with his eyes wide open, which Harold didn’t quite mind.
“Ah yeah, forgive me for that lapse of attention on my part.” Greg began, bowing formally for a moment before looking to Erica. Who still was quite occupied with his plushy. “As Harold has stated, I’ve come here to tell you something about the Godless. Rather, a warning for the betterment of us all.”
“A… Warning?” Damien asked confused, which caught the attention of both Jasmine and Erica.
Solemnly he nodded in confirmation, adjusting his coat a bit as he rubbed his eyes. “Erica should have seen it, Jasmine too. Though I must explain fully. There’s something incredibly wrong with the Godless, this I do not say lightly, rather firmly. For unlike us, they have had experienced the world beyond these walls. It is very evident in their actions, as they are quite tense and refuse to remove their armor. However, their wrongness does not stem from that.
Rather something in their very being. You’ve seen it, that sudden show of hostility, that strike that shouldn’t have been possible. Most of all that thing behind Carleon, I believe it plays a huge part on how the two are so… Malign in their quality. What I see in them is something more than that, something we shouldn’t even try to comprehend. Though it is obvious that whatever fell thing is influencing them, it is giving them a huge boon.
What may have had led them to this, I may not rightly be able to assume. But know this, it’s less than a blessing and more than a curse. Something more than the gifts our Gods gave us, yet also at the same time something far more malicious. So I must implore you three to not dive to deep in what they have encountered, and not to even attempt to antagonize them. For unlike many of us, this thing that influences them, and their experience with the world outside…
Makes them quite the terrifying enemies. For as Carleon has shown, if given the proper motivation, even just the slightest of nudges in the direction of wrath. They can and kill without mercy.”
With Greg’s warning, all who were present could not help but take him seriously. For all the days they have known him, he wasn’t one for conversation. In fact he was mostly sleeping or just replying with short responses. Not really giving a care for all around him, yet now that he was speaking more than a few words had a strange impact on them. Especially with how clear he was in his words, telling them of why the Godless shouldn’t even be slighted in any capacity.
“So take heed, for what I saw was something unknown even to me or the Herald of my God. That… Abyss, it runs deep and I fear anyone who seeks to understand it… Will only find damnation in the end,”
It had been a day since Carleon’s violent attack. It surprised everyone present within the scene, and even Jio was taken back by such an act. For he like many of the summoned, did not even expect Carleon to be that violent. In that time since, he had not inquired as to why Carleon did it. As he had assumed that it was due to how Jasmine had mocked Benedict and his death, which stung a sore part within both of their hearts. In that part he could sympathize with Carleon, though he knew that it was wrong for him to have had tried to kill Jasmine.
As such he did not attempt to ask anymore, as Carleon’s face held much uncertainty and conflict within them that Jio hesitated to even think of asking. For the entire day since his attempt, Carleon had locked himself within his room, only emerging when he needed to acquire or do something. For the most part only doing so when he needed to eat. This worried Jio greatly, but he could do little as Carleon himself was unwilling to even speak with in that time.
It was only now did Carleon suddenly emerge, joining Jio when he was headed for Aniara’s office. They made not attempt to speak, causing an awkward air to brew between them. The two tried not to mine it, but it was palpable enough that both knew each one had their own questions, their own thoughts speaking of something they were incredibly hesitant to say. Alas, none had the courage to ask. For Jio himself found it hard to ask, for he feared that it may cause some damage which he didn’t need to do. Not when that incident was still quite fresh.
It was due to this, that they spent half an hour in silence, walking towards Aniara’s office. Both knew that the overall Commander of the Royal Guard needed them to do something, something they should have been informed yesterday. If it weren’t for Jasmine’s sudden words, and Carleon’s rather hasty and murderous act. So upon reaching the door to Aniara’s office, which was located upon the eastern wing of the palace.
With an unspoken agreement, Jio entered first with a knock followed by Carleon himself. Upon their entrance into the room, they saw Aniara sitting upon her chair near her table. Her form was armored, quite unlike the last time they’ve been in this very room. Upon her hands she held up Benedict’s death mask, the morbid work of art was gently held by her fingers, with the Sahdun herself examining it with great intent and clear idle boredom.
It took her a moment to register that the two had entered, by then they were already standing before her table. With a soft sigh on her part, she offered the skull to Jio. Who quickly took it back with a thankful look to his face. Both of them had forgotten about it due to the incident yesterday, and Aniara took it upon herself to keep it safe. As she felt it was a waste for it to go unused.
“Carleon.” She intoned once a good minute of silence had passed, her hands moving to pull a drawer open and reach out for something. At her sudden call, Carleon visibly stiffen. His own breathing growing erratic as his grip on his ever present warhammer tightened.
“At ease.” She says once she pulled out what was clearly a neatly rolled up parchment. Tied with a velvet cloth that bore the insignia of the Ivory Concord, which was a skeletal fist covered by what seemed to be vines. “I did not call you two here to reprimand you for what you did yesterday. It had been resolved, and my liege had saw it fit not to punish you. For that I have no qualms with, for you had served as a reminder to the summoned.”
Confusion was now visible on Carleon’s face. He had fully expected to be admonished for what he did, and yet he wasn’t. Rather it seemed that Aniara was alright with it, as he had not truly been able to harm Jasmine. Though he could not help but weakly ask. “What?”
To which Anira smiled, offering a wave of her hand towards him as she spoke. “You showed the Godless, that even with all their skills, magic and blessings from their Gods, that something as strange as you two can pose a threat to them. I had intended for this to happen much later, to be executed in a less murderous way you see.
It is quite lucky that you didn’t harm Jasmine, for that would have led to a punishment regardless of what the Winter King wanted. For that I must commend you two, for showing that the Blessed still needed to know more, to be more prepared for attacks from within, and for stopping Carleon before it was too late.”
“So… Why are we here then?” Jio then asked, asking on behalf of Carleon who was quite relieved that he was not getting punished. For both knew they had one thing they still needed to do, that not even Aniara could be allowed to know.
“The King and the Winter King had devised a plan to hasten the growth of the Blessed. It is true that you will have no true part in this, but I believe it will be beneficial for not only you two, but the Blessed as well with your experience in the field. For you two, just as how Carleon had did so a day ago, will be a glaring reminder to the Blessed.
A reminder that potential is useless without proper experience.”
With a smile not unlike one would show when shown something adorable, Aniara smiled warmly. Her eyes not really looking at them as she was looking to the scroll she held upon her hand. The two did not know how to reply, for whatever they did reply with, they couldn’t back out of it. Though regardless of that Carleon had nodded and spoke next.
“Tell us of this plan then, what is it really? I know we don’t have much of a choice in this, so I’d rather know what we’re getting into.”
At his inquiry, Aniara nodded as she placed the scroll on the table. As she went to reach out for another object, which this time was a map of the Lonesome Frost. Compared to the detailed maps of their world, this one was clearly archaic and inconsistent, though it outline a surprising number of both Human and Sahdun settlements. Even highlighting previously unknown places, which the two did not see in the maps they’ve acquired for the Lonesome Frost.
“My liege and the Winter King had decided to make the Blessed take a pilgrimage to the Temple of Exaltation. It is where the chosen of the Gods, or their children go to when they seek guidance or more boons.” She began her explanation as she evenly placed the map on her table, putting away the scroll for a moment to the side as she pointed on the map. To an area far to the east, deep into the lands that would be hit the hardest by the winter that was coming.
“Of course, the path there is wrought with danger and much uncertainty. Though with the insistence of the Winter King, he explained that the very danger the Blessed will face will be beneficial. For it will not only allow them to apply their learned skills, but give them the necessary experience to realize that this world is far from merciful.
Of course we’re not foolish enough to send the Blessed into such an endeavor without something to aid them. Some of my Royal Guards and many of the Knights from Isalabi will accompany them. However, the Blessed shall be split into a total of four teams, composed of ten members in total. You two will belong to one of these, while the other excess two will belong to another. Making two have twelve members instead of ten.
I’ve considered splitting you two up, but it’s not beneficial. As I know you two will easily temper one another, letting not one of you do something stupid.”
Taking a moment to digest what Aniara said, the two nodded after what seemed to be an eternity. This proved to be something unexpected, as they were essentially going to be partaking in what clearly was an expedition into the far eastern portion of the Lonesome Frost. The two had indeed gone almost near it, but had to pullback as they were called by Leila. But they knew enough and faced enough of the native things there, that they knew it wasn’t easy. With or without a large number of blessed to help them.
“What of the supplies? Will we have carts? Horses?” Quickly however, Jio spoke up and looked closely to the map. From what he could see, it would take weeks at best to even reach that place. And that was being optimistic about it. “From what I can see… It’ll take a bout several weeks? Yeah, weeks till we get there.”
“A month.” Carleon quickly corrected, sighing as he tapped a finger to the Temple of Exaltation’s location. “Winter is beginning, by the time we reach halfway… The snowfall should be quite heavy, hampering much of our progress and possibly making us lose our initial path. We’re no expect trackers or pathfinders, but even with them if we’re not careful it’ll take a month for us to reach that place.”
At their show of willingness, or a rather resigned one, Aniara nodded in glee. For the two Godless proved to be far more experienced than she had assumed, a solid month of being out in the Lonesome Frost seemed to have given them this knowledge. Which will be made use of when they began their travel in full.
“You will have an excess of necessary resources. The Winter King and my liege are no fools, not only that it seem many nobles are offering some of their trained men to accompany the Blessed. So manpower to make sure nothing goes wrong will be more than enough.”
Though as if on cue, the door into the office was disturbed by a knock. To which Aniara only smiled even further as the two Godless turned to look as to who it was. Much to their surprise the door opened to reveal three forms. Forms of the Blessed.
“Are we… Disturbing something?” One of them asked, which obviously was Damien. “We can always come back after this is done.”
Though Aniara shook her head and beckoned for them to come inside and approach them. The other two were Erica and Harold, who looked quite perplexed upon seeing the two Godless. Who in question merely looked back to the map on the table.
“If things go as planned, then I don’t see why not. Several weeks by an optimistic assumption, a month and a half by the worse of assumptions.” Carleon continued, choosing to ignore the Blessed who now stood directly behind him. Due to this, the Blessed looked quite confused.
Gently with one hand, she stopped Carleon and Jio from speaking any further. Choosing to offer the scroll on the side to Damien, who took it with much confusion on his part. With a short motion from Aniara however Damien opened it, revealing the scroll to contain information as to why they were here. Which essentially was the same thing that Aniara told the Godless. With one major difference, which was the fact that the three Blessed, alongside with one who was missing at the moment, was to lead one of the four groups.
“What?!” Damien yelled in clear distaste, as Harold shook his head in surprise. Followed by Erica herself just hiding behind Harold, peeking out and looking to the Godless that didn’t bother looking back. “Are you sure about this Aniara? This is far too hasty…”
“I’m sure of it. The Winter King and my liege had told me of this, and I will see to it that it reaches fruition under any means necessary.” Without even a show of hesitation, Aniara replied as she motioned to the two Godless. “Not only that, these two will be under your group.”
“Wait what?!” He yelled once more, with the two Godless just letting out a frustrated sigh but saying little more. “This… This is stupid, how can you assign these two to me?! Not only do you expect us to lead as Leaders, but you expect me to have these two under my group?”
“I do.” Aniara flatly replied, her voice indicated her adamance on this matter. This Damien didn’t pick up on, luckily Harold spoke up and gently stopped Damien with one hand.
“Don’t be too hasty Damien. Think of it this way, they obviously don’t want to be a part of this, but neither of us can say no. So we better suck it up, plus it’s an expedition! The Godless have much experience with the outside world, so among the four groups present, yours will benefit more. Seeing as how the two can provide valuable insight.”
“Exactly.” Aniara nodded in approval, as Harold convinced Damien to accept this, albeit reluctantly. Though Carleon would speak up, one armored finger tapping at the table rather impatiently.
“You say there are four groups… And that these three will be leaders… Who’s the fourth?” He was as confused as Jio, who nodded at the mention of a fourth. Who clearly was not here, and it was obvious that they the Godless wouldn’t be in any leadership roles.
“Ah you mean Bobby! Yeah, Bobby’s not here yet.” Harold answered quickly, smiling happily as he looked to Erica to pat her head gently. “I’m sure Bobby’s like… Asleep still, maybe even still getting dressed. Hah. Classic Bobby!”
“Bobby?” Though Harold spoke fondly of ‘Bobby’, Carleon could not look but be utterly confused. He like Jio barely knew any of the summoned, this Bobby was one of the many they didn’t know. Rendering him quite baffled, as Harold had a look that expected for the two to know Bobby.
“Oh yeah, you don’t know Bobby. My bad! Bobby should be here in a bit, they’re just quite the clutz.” Harold nodded to himself, as Damien seemed to take the time to fume silently of the situation. To this Carleon just shook his head, motioning for Jio to examine the map as he whispered.
“Compare the map to the one we have… See if this one is better than ours. If it’s better, we’re gonna visit that store and try to find a better one.”
“It’s gonna cost a bit you know…”
“Doesn’t really matter does it? Benedict paid for our maps, so we better fork up our own coins for this.”
With a sigh, Jio nodded as Carleon drew his attention from the map and to the other Blessed. It was clear they were waiting for this ‘Bobby’, he might as well know who this person was. And if he was someone to take note of, Carleon would be damn sure to remember this person. For he didn’t wish to be left in the dark about the Blessed, not when he was to have an active role in this coming expedition.
“So… What’s this Bobby like then Harold?” Carleon asked, though he tried to make his tone less sour as Harold seemed to be friendlier than the rest. It wasn't beneficial to alienate someone like Harold, especially someone blessed by a God of War.
“Oh? You weren’t there when Bobby became noticed. That’s fine, Bobby’s like the damn hardest fella you’ll ever meet! If you think I was impressive, ahahaha, you should see Bobby. Like by the Gods, nothing can topple Bobby, not even Aniara herself. It’s a shame you left so quickly back then, you’d have seen Bobby and I go head to head.
Man, it was intense. Felt my bones seemingly break, since a punch from Bobby felt like a mountain was gonna hit ya! That’s what you’re gonna expect from a blessed of the God of Mountains!”
Carleon nodded to what Harold had told him. From such a description, he could deduce that this Bobby was a he. Someone that was so strong that even Harold felt humbled by it, or rather excited. The question that was brewing in his mind now, was if this Bobby was an amiable person, or something else. He’d prefer if it was the former, as he found it easier to deal with people like Harold, rather than with people like Damien or Jasmine.
“Oh, I also have to tell ya. Bobby has these cool gauntlets, that can be covered with stones with their abilities. They hit like a bull I tell ya, and Johan’s Great Shield was flattened by a single punch from Bobby! It’s bloody insane man!”
“Johan? The one Blessed by the Goddess of Fortresses?” Expressing a surprised gasp, Carleon could not help but be further impressed. As Johan had the ability to fortify anything he was touching with the defenses of a fortress, to the point that not even his armor could be properly penetrated. To have Bobby even flatten a Great Shield wielded by such a summon, spoke great lengths about the unnatural strength Bobby had.
Almost as if on cue, the doors then swung open. Drawing the attention of everyone within the office. There, one might have expected a burly teenager to come in, buffed and extremely beefed up. But on the contrary, the one that entered was something else. Something less masculine or domineering. In fact, the one that entered was a gentle beauty.
One that held a fair complexion, gentle yellow eyes and black hair that matched her 5’8 height. She walked with hurried yet gentle steps, showing much grace and care that was bred into her body. She dressed in a rather fitting attire, soft white cotton shirt that hugged her ample bosom nicely, tight leather pants that did the same for her buttocks that was paired up with black boots. Topped up with a practical leather chest piece that she wore above her shirt, that did not have any sort of shoulder pads. And upon her hands and forearms were steel gauntlets, seemingly made for punching things due to the spikes upon the knuckles.
With a sonorous tone, she spoke out. “I-I’m sorry for being late! I overslept!” She exclaimed this, to which Aniara just shook her head with a smile. Rather quickly Erica went to go and hug her, exclaiming great joy in seeing someone who was her friend.
This was Cecilia, the chosen of the God of Mountains. Who was also known to the other summoned as Bobby.
- In Serial24 Chapters
Nature's Companion
Gorm, an old man living in the mountains and forests of the Endless Wilderness for thousands of years, is dying. Not how he wanted to, surrounded by nature, but trapped in a cave with strange carvings all over its walls. When he was transferring his soul into an oak tree to prolong his life, the carvings on the cave walls lit up. This is my first story so feel free to criticize and correct me. English is not my first language, so if you find grammatical or spelling errors inform me. I’ll try to publish 2-3 chapters a week.
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Ensis Core
Karius Corvider, a youth with the unique ability to sense emotions, is the heir to the most prestigious knight family in Arthas. Despite being the son of a legendary knight, his horrible sword skill earns him the ridicule of his peers. One day, he falls in love with a silver-haired beauty named Hilde after witnessing her amazing display of fortitude.The only problem is she is a prisoner of war destined for endless torture and death.Karius unleashes his magic, an ability he kept secret his entire life, and helps her escape. He doesn't have much attachment to his home except for his sister Annabelle, but he is forced to leave even her behind.But that's okay because he gets the girl, right?…Not exactly.Hilde turns out to be a terrifyingly strong warrior who hates mages with a passion, and he is one of them. Exiled from his home, he travels the barren surface world together with his unwilling partner. Their adventure takes them to strange lands where they face deadly dangers and adversaries, from fantastical creatures to crafty mages… to Hilde's terrible sense of direction.Will Karius ever pierce Hilde's heart? Or will her short sword pierce his first?-------© Kanda Hikaru and ensiscore.wordpress.com, 2016. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Kanda Hikaru and ensiscore.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
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The Order Between Life And Death
There is order between life and death, by natural, not by man!!
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Programming in Another World
Dewa Emon is a successful 40-year-old Japanese civilian who has come to be known throughout the world as the world's best programmer. Having developed brilliant ideas and programs, Emon created things that humans have dreamed of, like AI's with human-like brains and a realistic VR headset. Although he is considered a billionaire, for each company that he joins, they ask a childish ice breaker question to him: What power would you want if you were a superhero? Dewa Emon's answer to this question is unique and so far away from the norm that people chuckle at his response, but it doesn't really bother him. The power he has always wanted was to create programs that could alter the world, World's Programming. No one gets Emon's reasoning but whenever he gets the chance, he tells the whole story. That said, he's a lonely person with no friends nor relationships so the amount of time he gets to talk like this is little to none. Emon is currently working with a company to developed real teleportation. He finishes his design but on his way home, he gets run over by a train! Now, in front of an unknown being, he is judged and been given a chance to live in another world with a power of his choosing. Without needing a minute to think about it, he tells the entity his power. "I want World's Programming! The power to create powers that can alter the real world!"
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Mr. Brightside | Dream Daddy x Reader
[Completed | Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator x Reader]It wasn't that big of a deal since you were still in the same town. The move was to a cul-de-sac, where you see many different houses with different types of people.You knew that a change of perspective was going to benefit both you and your daughter, Amanda. ... but what you didn't know was that this perspective was more than just "better". - - - Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator ©️ Game Grumps.• Mainly one shots but imagines, scenarios, drabbles, multiple parts and more can be requested. • The reader is male unless stated otherwise.• This is an "x Reader". This means that each chapter will contain a character to be paired with the reader in a scenario. Started: July 31, 2017Completed: N/A
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You are the reason
Date Started: 12/13/21
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