《Apocalypse Rebirth》Chapter 8
Ethan (Weasel) POV
Ethan sat atop the log as he stared at his bloody hands. Dried from the morning sun that just barely peaked out from the endless plains, they cracked and peeled under his scrutiny. His hands trembled and shook against each other as he tried to peel off the blood. His fingers picked at it, scrubbing it with an intensity that would leave his hands rubbed raw. He didn’t care though. He just didn’t want the blood on his hands. A sight for anyone to see that depicted the actions he committed in the night.
As he scrubbed his palms together, furiously working on the task with single minded purpose, a weight shifted on his lap that caused him to pause his work. Rose, still dressed in her all black yoga outfit with matching jewelry, shivered as she involuntarily moved closer to Ethan. Frozen in fear of waking her, Ethan watched as Rose tossed and turned in her sleep. The worst of it though, was her expression of fear and the tears that touched the corner of her eyes. Watching her struggle, Ethan reached out his bloody hand, pausing in hesitation as it hovered over her head, but continued nonetheless. With smooth, gentle strokes through her luscious hair, Ethan traced his fingers lovingly down her face. In response, the look of worry subsided almost immediately as Rose scooted closer to Ethan in her sleep. The response brought a smile to his lip. He always loved her like this, defenseless and open to him. She always tried to portray herself as something else, someone else. But when they were alone, or when she slept, the true Rose revealed itself.
Watching her, a grin graced Ethan’s weasel-like face as he couldn’t help but admire Rose. It was a suitable name after all, he thought. She truly did have thorns that kept away most everyone else. But towards him....she was the most beautiful woman. No woman here, or anywhere else, could compare to the true Rose. The one he fell for. And supposedly, the one Zero, or whoever he was in the past, did too...
As the thought of Zero popped into his head for the hundredth time that morning, Ethan couldn’t help but look up towards the cliff. Even now, he couldn’t see the man. Or rather, he revised grimly, the monster. Recalling the performance from last night, Ethan couldn’t help but gawk in awe and terror at Zero as he returned to camp with a trail of tens of dead Nightstalkers behind him. The man...was something else. The level of skill he had. The power he possessed. He made Ethan and everyone else look like disabled teens compared to him. At least that is how he saw it. Others though...
“...fuck yah! You know I did sweetie. Those little mutts weren’t nothin.”
Across from Ethan, near their group’s small little fire that spread warmth to the eighteen people in the group, stood Xavier. Towering over his 5’5 frame that was packed on with muscle, two young women latched onto his arms as they stared past the mullet and at him with smiles.
“Those freaks thought they get attack me after I was pounced on by four of them. But I immediately killed two with my sword, attacking like this and that,” he snarled and grunted as he reenacted the fight with over-exaggerated punches and kicks and sword swings. “Then as I lost my sword because some fool got in my way, I strangled the other two with my bare hands!”
Ethan watched with darting eyes of intelligence as Xavier reenacted his performance. Around the group of kids his age, no one contradicted the statements. Ethan had an urge to, especially since Xavier only killed two of the Nightstalkers, and that was with his help at holding the others off with his spear. But he didn’t. It wasn’t his place, and doing so would only draw attention away from Xavier and towards him, which was the last thing he wanted. However while Ethan didn’t speak up, another voice with the sound of a southern bell did.
“Oh wow....you must be sooo...strong?” The mockery in her voice dripped like poisoned honey. Sashaying forward with her hips swinging in tune, Ethan’s eyes narrowed as the American girl, Abigail, prowled towards their group with a knowing smile. “Well, Mr. Mullet, I just wanted to thank you for your valiant performance. Truly, we would’ve been sacrificed if not for your brave fighting.”
“My name an’t Mullet! Its Xavier. But,ya! Ya, you’re damn right girlie.” Xavier, unable to understand Abigail's tone, smiled like a fool as he leered at her. “But don’t worry. I’ll protect you from now on. And if you ever need someone to comfort you at night, I’d be happy to show you a true man.”
Ethan felt a headache coming on as Xavier’s words were spoken loud enough for the surrounding members of the campsite to hear them. Many though weren’t paying attention. Huddled groups sat with vacant eyes and tear-streaked faces as they stared hollowly at the plains filled with dead bodies of Nightstalkers before them. Many of them sniffled and cried still, the pain of reality settling in after the night of hellish battle. For those that fought though, those with blood on their fingers and figures, a look of haunting was there. Hands clutched weapons even as no enemy appeared. The smallest sound would send them in a fury of frantic movement. Mouth’s moved but no words came out as they relieved the horrors of the night. Few were truly paying attention, but that didn’t mean no one was.
“Oi,” a rumbling sound came from across the campsite pyre as the bear of a man that looked to lead the homeless group stood up. There was no mirth on his face as his eyes, red from a night of crying, drilled into Xavier. “Shut de fuck up. Listen here boy” he addressed Xavier who involuntary took a step back. The action frustrated him though, and the idiot pompously moved three steps forward while sticking his chest out in some form of...faux bravado. “ You did good. But we all worked to survive. We was just lucky that Zero was here. Now, shut yer trap.”
A deep sigh escaped Ethan as he continued to caress Rose’s face. Hugo, the homeless man that spoke, seemed like a good man. It was evident in the tears that came in intervals and the dead bodies that he prayed over with Abigail. But the man was coarse and rough, and his words wouldn’t sit well with Xavier. And as Ethan darting his eyes towards Xavier, sure enough his temper was kicking in and turning his face the color of his ginger hair.
“You think you're hot shit old man! You think any of you are? I could kick Zero’s ass with one hand behind my back. He ain’t got shit on me. You think he’s good. You think he’s better than me? Fuck that! Can he do this?”
As he spoke in growing anger, Ethan couldn’t help but shake his head as Xavier stepped forward and crossed both arms over his chest before shouting in a much too loud voice. “AEGIS!”
The next instant, a flash of golden light appeared over Xavier’s chest. As it subsided, an outline of an ancient armour that glowed gold covered his hands and forearms and appeared to float an inch or two off of Xavier’s skin. Strutting around, the fool had a shit-eating grin that only grew bigger as more and more people took notice of him.
Watching it, Ethan couldn’t help but mutter to himself at the antics. The idiot was showing off for no reason, antagonizing people they would need to work with. Even worse, he had no idea. It infuriated Ethan to no end. However, as much as he wanted to say something, now wasn’t the time. Xavier played an important role, specifically one that acted as the de facto leader of their group. For now, Ethan would allow him to play king, but in the future...
“Got anything to say now? Uh? Uh? Ya, I didn’t think so.” Speaking too fast for anyone to interrupt, Xavier continued as Abigail, Hugo, and many others watched him with growing ire. Still, many more looked towards him with hope in their eyes. “This is my Skill I got for killing those four Nightstalkers alone. With it, an armour of a king will protect me. Got something to say now?”
Ethan watched Abigail. The girl....no woman, gave Xavier an all knowing smile before she looked toward the rest of their group. Frighteningly enough though, her gaze rested of Ethan for much longer than anyone else. As he saw this, his heart spiked and he immediately began looking in every other direction besides hers.
Seeing her lack of response, Xavier snorted at her before returning to the group. Once more, the two girls latched themselves onto him. One of them though, spoke in a hushed voice only for their group to hear.
“You’re so strong Xavier, but...don’t you think we should work with the others? I mean, Zero took on all those creatures by-”
‘Tccchhh. Shut up!” The tantrum of a child came from Xavier as he shoved the girl on his arm off of him. “He just got lucky in the beginning. If I knew that those freakin Goblins would give us such power I would’ve killed them all and not just half of them. Besides, he probably picked up some special ability or something which is why he can cheat. He’s just wasting it too!”
Whining, Ethan watched Xavier. He didn’t watch the man’s eyes, but rather what he was doing. It was a habit, one borne from lack of social interaction, but one that served him well in determining what a person was truly thinking about and who they were. And Xavier...was much more insidious than others realized. The clench of his fists, the protruding muscles from snarling his nose and grinding his teeth together, the hint of a malicious smile that tugged at the corner of his lips. The eyes, greedy in search of power after that first taste...
“You just wait and see! With my new power,” he gloated while raising his head high, “I’ll show him who’s boss. Then, we’ll see who is stronger and who is the weak little c*nt.”
Disgusted by his words, Ethan turned away. He couldn’t help but lower Xavier’s position in his mind. Sure, he was powerful and loved to fight. The dozens of school brawls that he had to participate in due to Xavier were perfects example of it. But to match Zero? Ethan looked toward the Elite Nightstalker that was roasting on the makeshift spit over the campsite pyre. That, he thought with stark realization, would be like a mortal challenging a God.
Turning away from the voices around him, Ethan couldn’t help but worry about the situation they were in. What was to come next? The Fairy said that this was only the First Trail. Which means that more trials are to come. This is only the beginning after all. Over three billion humans have been abducted over the years. What happened to them? The only explanation is that they all came here, but what came after this? Afterall, the Fairy did mention the First Zone, so there must be another Zone, and one that would likely be more dangerous. Which begs the question, why do this? It wasn’t like the Fairy’s wanted to kill us all off. They did mention, Ethan thought darkly, that they didn’t want us to die too soon.
As thoughts raced through his head, Ethan’s had shook ever so gently as he focused his gaze on Rose. Only with her, could he stop frantically looking around and be at ease. He would never leave her. He would become strong for her. No matter what he had to do. But, he couldn’t help but look at his own Status screen, would it be enough?
Name: Ethan Shepard
Strength: 13.03 *
Stamina: 14. 52 *
Agility: 12.67 *
Intelligence: 10.00 *
Wisdom: 10.00 *
Skills [ 82% Growth Rate ] [ 1 / 83 Skills ] [Affinity for Ruler: Knight ]
Shadowmeld (rank 1) -
As Ethan looked over his Status Screen, he couldn’t stop the frown from forming. As a person who thrived on information and using it to his advantage, the Status Screen was like kryptonite to him. None of the Runes and what they did were explained. Neither was the skill growth rate. Most perplexing of all though, was the [ Affinity for Ruler: Knight ]. Ideas, sporadic and far fetched bounced in his mind, but with a sigh he realized he had no idea what any of it meant. Only one person did. That man that could supposed hear God...
Thinking of Zero, Ethan tilted his head toward the sky. His eyes scanned the cliff, looking for any sign of the man that seemed to understand what was going on. The man that seemed to thrive in this new world. As he looked for him on the towering cliff peak, Ethan couldn’t help but wonder how much further Zero was compared to everyone else?
Zero’s POV
Zero, with teeth gritted in concentration and muscles that spasmed violently in overworked exertion, gripped the edge of the cliff with his cut and bleeding hands. Ragged breaths sent his heart thumping to unhealthy levels but even as his body ached, his mind remained ironclad in his discipline. Still, as he concentrated, he couldn’t stop the venomous thoughts from entering his head. Huffing in equal parts pain, exertion, and anger at the members of The Corps who told him of the reward, Zero grunted in one final show of effort as he pulled himself up the final few feet. Atop the cliff, he collapsed in a heap facing down.
While the feeling of success filled him with satisfaction, he couldn’t help but curse the Legion members who told him of the prize atop the cliff. Afterall, this was the sole reason he even came to this part of the zone. Memories of Decklan ‘The Tank’, Hawkeye, Cindy Myer, and others flowed through his mind. It was them and their knowledge that brought him here. Afterall, his first time around he never even reached the cliff, let alone would have climbed it. This was something only a portion of humanity could achieve anyway. The problem of course being that the First Trial, consisting of the 100-man groups, took place in a total of twenty-three different regions. This meant that less than a twentieth of humanity ever had the chance of starting in such a zone. Even worse, to even climb the cliff, which no sane person would do after having to deal with Nightstalker raids and their fellow humans, required a minimum of 30 Stamina to complete. This meant that only the best of the best of humanity, members who would eventually enter The Corps and join one of the Legions, could even try this.
Luckily Zero just so happened to fulfill both requirements, even climbing the cliff face with less than 30 Stamina.
After taking a breather and soaking in the sun’s illustrious rays of heat, Zero clambered to his feet and moved across the impossibly straight and even cliff peak. Before him, perched on an outcropping of rocks that jutted out, rested a small treasure box that he could easily hold in one hand. Spying it, a long slumbering feeling of happiness burst in Zero as his feet picked up their pace to carry him towards the treasure box. Without any hesitation, he flung open the lid and peered inside. What he saw inside made the resentment directed to those in The Corps subside as thankfulness for their information replaced it.
Inside the box was exactly what they said would be there. A total of seven runes, all in different designs, which floated next to a pair of black Ninja Tabi boots that had small movements of air around them. Smiling at his prize, Zero immediately integrated the Runes into his being while removing his old shoes and placing these new ones on. Feeling the power of the Runes in him, he pulled up his Status Screen to confirm the changes.
Name: Cooper Hayes
Runes [ Affinity for ----- ]
Strength: 18.22 *
Stamina: 29.14 *
Agility: 17.61 *
Constitution: 11.00 *
Intelligence: 11.00 *
Wisdom: 11.00 *
Willpower: 11.00 *
Perception: 10.01
Skills [ 0% Growth Rate ] [ 2 / 13 Skills ] [ Affinity for Fusion ]
Fire’s Edge (~) - Bestial Reinforcement * (~) -
Borus’s Windwalking Boots
Eyeing the Status Screen, a nod of satisfaction was all the movement Zero made. Of the eight items he acquired, seven of them were Runes that added one full point to each of his Foundational Runes. Called the Foundational Runes due to them being the only ‘required’ Runes needed, the seven Foundational Runes were also important for another reason. No matter how many other Supplementary Runes one had, in order to move up into the next Zone, four of the seven Foundational Runes needed to be 75% full. What this allowed was for rapid ascension into other Zones, based on a specialization. Whether that be defensive, attacking, scouting, physical, magic, or more. For now though, Zero was satisfied with having all seven Runes. It was exactly what he needed before he entered the Second Trial and began his search.
The final item, Borus’s Windwalking Boots, could be said to be the cherry on top for Zero. With them on, he walked toward the edge of the cliff, and jumped off. Instead of falling though, he released a trickle of Mana that burst outward from in his chest. Instantly, his fall halted and he floated in mid-air, thousands of feet above the ground. Grinning mischievously to himself, Zero darted forward as if he was running on the ground. It was...exhilarating, he decided.
For minutes, Zero sprinted through the air, lost in his excitement. It is to be expected of course. With only 13 Skill Slots, Zero never had the opportunity to fly in his past life and items that allowed for flight were either one-time uses, or near impossible to find items like these boots. Still, Zero was never one to get lost in his revery. Happiness had no room in his life. Only duty.
So, with quick steps, Zero climbed into the sky. Quickly, as to make use of the ability of the boots before his Mana ran dry, Zero reached another two hundred feet in the air. The exact height that allowed him to see over the cliff’s peak and what was beyond it. What he saw, made his stoic, yet amused face warp into one of certainty. Far beyond the eyesight of a normal person, domes of the Fairy’s purplish energy sprouted out to cover areas that were tens of miles wide. In the immediate area next to the dom he was in, Zero saw nine such domes. Beyond them though, the domes continued to spread out much farther than his eyes could see. Hundreds of them.
“So,” he said to the wind, “we really are all in the area. And...” he paused as he looked towards small specks of black dots that seemed to scurry across the land in each of their domes, “it is the same as last time.”
Watching what little he could, Zero knew what needed to be done. While he was powerful, the opponents he would face, especially in the Second and Third Trial, would be all but impossible to defeat alone. Humans, he pondered in a dark mood, were the true monsters in the Abyss.
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