《Apocalypse Rebirth》Chapter 3


As the Goblins gathered and charged across the clearing, the surrounding humans around Zero panicked and rushed away. Their cries of panic were mixed in with fists pounding fruitlessly on the descended barrier that had trapped everyone in this space.

Seeing the scene of their prey frightened only spurred the Goblins on faster as howls of frenzy and lust ripped through their miniature frames and into the near static filled air. Yet even as the Goblins charged like rabid dogs forward, Zero remained calm. Nary a flicker of emotion graced his features as he spoke words only he could hear.

“Status Screen”

As soon as the words left his mouth, a series of organized words and information became displayed before his vision. As if a hologram of sorts, grey boxes of text display information that would become the guiding tool of his progression.

Name: Cooper Hayes

Runes [ Affinity for -----]

Strength: 10.02

Stamina: 15.1

Agility: 10.03

Perception: 10.01

Zero’s hazel brown eyes swept over the screen. His face, ever stoic and unmoving remained stuck in the perpetual scowl that had donned his visage the last couple of years. Underneath it however, thoughts and emotions ran wild.

Of all the ‘Heroes of Humanity’ Zero was never one for spotlight or attention and was in fact the least likely to be seen or even communicated with. This resulted in a certain image as being an idiotic yet genius fighter to emerge around him. The fact of the matter though was far from that.

As his eyes took in the information, Zero began calculating what could be done. While his strength was quite poor, especially considering that most males have around 12 strength, his Stamina made up for it at being 4 points higher than the norm. Even more promising however, were the new stats that he unlocked.

All new entrants into the Abyss started off with the two basic stats of Stamina and Strength. To unlock any other stat however, required collecting a Rune in that category which would unlock the prowess that the unlocked stat offered. Agility for example allowed for higher reaction time, quicker movements with limbs, and even a minor increase in speed. In contrast, Perception allowed for an individual to develop a 6th sense of sorts that allowed them to sense threats or even opportunities, as well as see quickly moving objects or people much slower and easier. Each of these unlocked stats started at 10, and unlocking them granted a more tangible feel to the effects they offered.

Effects that Zero was more than happy to use.

Turning his gaze away from the screen and dismissing it with a word, Zero raised his youthful face and watched with glee as the Goblins stumbled over their own tiny legs as they approached in a hysterical and near comedic dash. Yellow fangs showed over their pale green skin as the nearing 50 Goblins all howled at their meal to come. Facing their smiles, the trace of a wolfish grin surfaced on Zero’s face as he began moving forward.

Behind him, cries of panic filled the air as the majority of those who were transported pounded like trapped animals on the barrier. Casting his gaze backwards, a look of reproach flickered in Zero’s eyes as he saw men and women attack each other in fear. Only a few of the group, a little more than a dozen, had grasped weapons and stood panicked yet together in the face of the charging horde. Their hands trembled as their faces warped harshly from the chilling fear that paralyzed them.


Zero merely snorted at the scene, before turning once more towards the Goblins. He would show them strength.

With a kick of his legs, he launched himself forward in a darting sprint. Cries and shouts at his actions erupted behind him, but he paid them no heed. Instead, he allowed his swords to dip low and slice into the grass and dirt as he moved forward.

Wind, crisp with the scent of fresh pine leaves, were gulped greedily by Zero as he allowed his muscles to push him. It was almost freeing to once more push himself as much as possible. To feel the strain of his legs as he drove them harder and faster. Closer and closer to the creatures that first haunted him when he entered the Abyss.

As he raced towards the band of Goblins, one of their kin leading the group bared its fangs as it screamed at his form. The horrid little screams sent chills down his spine as the hair on his arms stood up. Yet in the face of the challenge, all that could be seen from Zero was the growing smile that reeked of sin

It was the last thing the Goblin ever saw.

Before the creature could react, Zero immediately increased his speed to the utmost at the last possible sentence. The twin short swords sliced through the air as if guided by an unknown hand and cleaved into the Goblin. One piercing strike to its chest accompanied by a cleaving cut to its neck ended its life, ripped away any resistance or ability the Goblin had. It’s short, choked cry on its own blood was the last action the Goblin took before more swords were removed and then drilled into the creature’s heart. In but an instant, the light in the creature’s eyes dimed and is slumped dead to the ground.

Zero, watching above it like a God towards an ant, struggled to maintain control. Yet as the blood pooled beneath him, a burning desire took to flame inside him.

This...this is what he yearned for. The ability to crush those who would crush him. It is what drove him for years. The desire to crush that which stands in his way. Whatever the future may hold, he would address as he came to it. For now though...for now he would let the monster inside out.

With a flurry of movement, Zero loosened his weapons and reached down to place his palm on the creature’s shoulder. For a moment, nothing happened. But then, a Rune just like the one previously acquired, materialized above his hand. Dyed crimson and with a pale luster, the Rune shrunk rapidly in size before as small as a piece of lead from a pencil.

Eyeing the Rune that he knew to be Strength, Zero willed the unused Rune that was resting and floating around his wrist to merge with himself. In turn, the Rune sunk into his skin as noticeable but very slight increase in power poured into his body. Ecstasy flooded him. It had been too long since he felt such an increase in power. It was like a high from Molly and other drugs. Afterall, this high is what the system used to drive people to fight. To attack when they wanted to talk. Everyone needed their fix, their hit, of the most powerful drug in the new world. Power.

Hazel eyes with gold specks shone as if stars in the sky as Zero faced the horde of monsters. Their faces warped in rage at seeing one of their kin so brutality and viciously killed only served to the fire of desire in Zero into a raging storm. Their calls annoyed him. Their existence irked him. So he would end them.


Darting toward once more, Zero closed the remaining gap of 20 feet between him and the horde of Goblins before he was in their midst.

There was no finesse in his ability. No remarkable skill in swordsmanship or elegance in his footwork and defense. This was not his way. No...no... There was only killing of the truest means. Every strike was efficient and made with the minimum effort needed. Years of honing his body and power allowed him to understand exactly how to strike, where to strike, and with how much power.

Around him, bodies of Goblins feel with limbs missing and vitals pierced. Blood soaked the earth and made the ground slick with the death as Zero continued to advance into their midst. Yet even as the tenth body fell dead to the ground, Zero too did not remain unharmed. Lacerations and cuts covered his arms and legs as the frenzied midgets literally threw themselves forward at him. However even as blows rained down and his body shook from the pain and being stabbed by serrated weapons, Zero darted forward with his sinful smile.

Of all the ‘Heroes of Humanity’ Zero would be known as the most feared. His name would be whispered on trembling lips as if he were a ghost. Tales of his deeds, horrific stories of blood, violence, and pain, would be passed down by men and women from each Zone of his actions. They would speak of much. From his power, to his Abilities, to even his features. But most of all, they spoke of his brutality. Brutality towards his enemy, but also towards himself.

For no other man would allowed to be struck for the chance to deliver their own blow.

As blood pumped into his head, Zero snarled and roared like a beast at the creatures around him. If one were to look at him now, they wouldn’t know who the monster was. The little green midgets that had terrified looks in their eyes, or the man coated in blood and wound that lost himself on the high of battle.

Powered by the new Runes that flooded his being and pushed his broken body forward, Zero weaved through the Goblins with his swords flashing non-stop. A cleaving parrel strike from both swords fully decapitated one Goblin, but only served to leave his defenseless as a new Goblin stepped forward to strike. The crude and serrated spearhead ripped towards the center of of chest. However instead of dodging the blow as any sane individual would do, Zero fought against the survival instincts that his brain screamed at him, and instead lowered his body at the last moment. Driving low and forward, his shoulder took the spearhead fully as a burning anguish like broken glass digging into skin flared to life. Yet just as the Goblin’s face split into a childish glee at seeing his strike land, Zero rapidly turned his body and brought both swords to bear in a tight yet speedy spiral.

The Goblin never saw the retaliatory strike until it caved in section of its head and effectively killed creature. Before its body even hit the ground, Zero had moved on. Dodging one strike to attack two more backpedaling Goblins. Ripping his sword cleaning through a Goblin’s chest and using the creature as a shield against two more of its kin who squealed in panic at the undying demon of a man before them. Even as the dual blades of Zero carved into them, their pale green mouths remained opened in a horrified squeal that died upon their lips as they too died upon the crimson ground. Their bodies were joined by three more of their butchered kin.

As the bodies lay unmoving on the ground, three remaining figures moved around their prone bodies. Two Goblins, skittish and frightened as the weapons in their hands visibly shook. Opposite them stalked Zero. His eyes, aglow with a thirst for violence, stared at the petrified Goblins. His tongue, darting out to lick his cracked and chapped lips, tasted the iron taint of blood that marred his once tanned and unblemished face. Instead of revulsion though at having tasted blood of what could very well be from a Goblin, he felt only power and excitement. This...this is what he longed for.

Years of fighting, or struggling and barely holding on by his fingers as he struggled to climb insurmountable odds time and time again. It had sharpened him, like a sword with its edge honed to the utmost extreme. Yet just as the struggle and adversity made it stronger, it also dulled him. Sharpen a sword too much, and its edge cracks when struck. The same was true for himself when he was fighting in the final Zone of the Abyss. But now, back to the start...

A smile split his face as he pictured the possibilities. There was much to be done, to possibly save humanity. It was a burden that only he could bear. And like Atlas who bore the weight of the world, he too would bare the weight of the Abyss and humanity’s survival in it. But...that was for another time. With a shack of his head, Zero cleared his mind of the loose and wildly exhaustive thoughts. For now, all that mattered was feeling alive. Feeling the rush of newfound power. Feeling the Goblin fall beneath his strength.

Eyes focusing on the two remaining Goblins once more, he strood toward them. There was no urgency, no tactic, in his stride. It was simply the walk of a predator towards its wounded prey. And like any predator, Zero did not play with his prey. A trio of strikes, to the head, neck, and heart, granted both Goblins a quick yet certain death.

Finally, as the last Goblins fell dead to the ground, the silence that hung heavy in the air reached Zero. Over the sounds of battle, of steel on skin, Zero was unable to feel the electric energy in the air. A near palpable sense of fear and anxiety that flooded from behind him. Catching his breath, Zero felt the burning stares of people on his back. Gritting his teeth and bearing the searing pain of wounds that would make any other man pass out, he turned and saw a sight that had become the norm for his past self. gazes full of reproach, shock, and disbelief. It was almost reassuring in a sense, to know that he was just as much as a freak now then as he was before.

Watching with sobering thoughts as he freed himself from the ecstasy of the Runes and their power, Zero gazed back. Swords dyed with Goblin’s blood, and the corpses of a handful of Goblins and Humans mixed together were all that he saw.

Unfortunately for both Zero and the rest of the survivors, their respite from the violence was broken by the arrival of a purplish flash of light that revealed the smiling fairy from before.

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