《Superheroes in the Modern Age of Gods and Heroes》Chapter 5: A Wolf in a Maze, Heroes on the Run!
Walking through the maze of alleys and side-streets, Cristofer Roark Berglund or Leif Odinsson as he had named his online character in Modern Age of Gods and Heroes: Superheroes, reached a crossroads. Sighing to himself, Leif glanced left and then right, wishing Asta hadn’t gotten herself lost or if he himself hadn’t gotten lost, both of which should be impossible, considering not only had they entered the first side-street together both of them had Chosen to be the children of wanderer Gods. He is the son of Odin, All-Father of the Norse Pantheon, while Asta is the daughter of Freya, the Lady of the Norse, the both of them being the Beta-Players of Sweden and Denmark for Modern Age respectively.
Modern Age being the brainchild of the oldest and most powerful AI and corporate entity, N.E.X.U.S. Corp, or simply Nexus, created by an American-Australian married couple living in London, UK at the onset of the 22nd century. A century later and Nexus is the Paramount Gaming Giant of the world, with patented, cutting edge technology, they basically own the Internet apart from a few holdouts and is the owner of the only working virtual reality multiverse. Which, in layman terms, is basically a catalogue of interconnected yet standalone virtual reality games, managed and run by Nexus. Modern Age is the latest and greatest of the virtual reality genre, coined as the End of the Gaming Industry, as there was going to be no reason to make another game after it.
Nexus, the AI, Owner and CEO of N.E.X.U.S. Corp, famously and yet politely, scoffed at the notion of an end to the gaming industry, while in interview. Stating that while they had no plans of creating a new reality at present, the reason being is that we are simply focusing on the Modern Age reality.
(Fun fact: Nexus does not use the term ‘game’, using the term ‘reality’ exclusively when referencing its creations.)
Leif, being the top E-Sports Member of the Swedish Olympic Team, E-Sports becoming part of the Olympics at the insistence of Nexus on January 21th, Yr. 2247, was invited along with other top E-Sport community members, such as Asta, to Beta-Test the new Nexus ‘reality’. The only guidelines Nexus offered them before tossing them into Modern Age for a 3 month long, physically suspended, virtual reality dive Beta-Test, was:
“Think, breath, live Modern Age as its own reality. If you don’t, you will lose, which will often result in death! And death in this reality carries little of the problems of death in your original reality, it has a whole host of its own. The ambiguity of the mortal soul, the potential of there being afterlife, the possibility of resurrection and/or reincarnation, these are not issues to debate. Indeed, there are no uncertainties in these things, all mortals have souls, there are afterlives and you do have a chance to resurrect and reincarnate. Will you have these options from the get-go? Answer: No.”
The Beta-Testers were also recommended by Nexus to ‘group up’ depending on the Pantheon of their divine parent, all of which is free to be chosen by any player, with the exception of a few select gods. The reasons are varied, and Nexus refused to get into the details, but suffice to say, some gods were simply not available to be chosen during character creation. Now, the reason being for ‘grouping up’ is that the gods of Modern Age will be ruling Earth in a ‘hand-off’ type of leadership, the players, i.e. the Beta-Testers, will be thrust into this world as clear outsiders.
What you can achieve is up to you and how you play the cards both fate and luck offer you, and a lot of that will be determined by your chosen divine parent, so think carefully on your choice. Pick one that is incompatible with how you wish to approach the reality of Modern Age and you will suffer for it if you did not take that incompatibility into consideration and plan accordingly.
Leif was offered the opportunity as the top E-Sports player from the Scandinavian Region in the last Nexus World Tournament to pick one of the Scandinavian gods from the restricted list as his divine parent. Which was when Leif chose Odin. There were other options, but Odin won hands down for Leif, not just from the coolness factor but also from the competitive angle as well.
Leif glanced down at his phone absent-mindedly, checking if the signal was back, it was admittedly futile, as Leif suspected he was only going deeper into this maze of concrete and steel. It was still undecided whether it could be deemed a labyrinth as of yet, seeing as there were no traps or other means of death or maiming. Though it was obvious that there was some kind of magic or force at work about this place, which was either leading him astray or to some place it had in mind.
Or, it was keeping him busy while it led Asta somewhere.
Real name Hilda Mikkelsen, while her character’s full name is Asta Brand-Hår, is famous for her cool under pressure and unflappable attitude, both in real life and in game realities. Leif met her first during his early days in E-Sports about 6 years ago when he was 15 and she was 17, and they had been sparring partners and rivals ever since. However, that rivalry didn’t stop them from allying with each other when the situation called for it, which is why she was the first person he had got in contact with after being offered the chance to be a Beta-Tester.
He knew if he had gotten the offer, then she had as well, the two of them being on par with each other all things considered, to set up a meet once they were in Modern Age. Arriving at the Temple of Nexus upon finishing character creation, they had the option to go anywhere on Earth, though they were encouraged to choose the home ground of their respective divine parent and patron. They had been at a loss really after arriving in Oslo, Norway, (they had both considered it neutral and relatively unfamiliar ground), as there was no guide, tutorial, mission log or any indication that this was in fact a game.
The pair of them decided to go somewhere secluded and test out their physical ability in these supposedly demi-god bodies. Which was how they ended up in this maze.
After getting separated and since he had nothing else to do apart from wandering within the maze once he found out he couldn’t find Asta or get out, Leif was at a crossroad, both physically and mentally. He checked his phone again before he decided to set about fulfilling his original intent.
Testing the limits of his new body.
Just as he decided that however, a growl echoed behind him, as loud as thunder and just as startling, Leif whipped around after a momentary disorientation.
Part of him wished he hadn’t, when a gust of hot, breath hit him in the face, the smell of rot, putrid and lingering, like being nasally assaulted. The view sucked as well.
It looked like a forest of giant flesh rending teeth would have looked like if Leif was honest. Taking a slow, measured step back, so as to see more of the big picture, his immediate thought was somewhere in the area of – FUCK!
“Now what do we have here then, a mortal Son of Odin walking the lands of Midgard once again, I thought I smelt one, I was surprised to be honest, I heard talk a new wave of demi-godlings was on its way. Odin should have known better then to let his whelp out early, but I guess he wanted one of his runts to get a head start on the rest, even if it ends up being eaten.”
The deep, guttural tone of the beast, coupled with its sheer size, filling up the alley that Leif had just walked down and topping 4 metres at the shoulder, had him remembering the old stories his grandfather use to tell him.
Also known as Odin’s Doom, the Wolf of Ragnarök, Father of Wolves and one of the Three Monstrous Sons of Loki.
Did Leif think this was Fenrir?
Answer: No.
Did he think it mattered if it was or wasn’t Fenrir?
Answer: Not really.
Why? Because either one of them was both big enough that they could eat him whole.
Leif glanced left to right and behind him, mentally measuring the other exits clearance, the measurement being, would a giant-ass wolf fit.
The wolf seemed more amused by his attempt at stealth than angry.
“Fear not mortal Son of Odin, you are in both luck and yet bear ill-fate that you walked into this place, I will not eat you here in the Sideways Path, it would mean breaking my father’s oath. But you are ill-fated indeed now that I have your scent, I will enjoy hunting you, demi-godling. Know that you will be the meal of Harkon Hatisson, Grandson of Fenrir, do you have the courage to name yourself to me?”
Leif had the sneaking suspicion that this was some kind of trap.
So, Leif decided to do the smart thing and sidestep the question, answering with the truth but not the answer the wolf wanted.
“I was named Roark Berglund by my father and I fear that you may choke, your eyes too big for your gullet in your desire to eat me, Grandson of Fenrir. Especially if you let me go this time, I may prove to be your doom in the future.”
Leif wasn’t an amateur spewing nonsense, he was role-playing, a fun fact about Nexus and the realities it creates is that the world responds to your actions and your words. Things that were said in passing or half-heartedly made oaths oft come back to bite their utterers in the ass. While oaths upheld, bold undertakings or doubling down in a no hope situation on the off chance you live, can pay dividends.
Lief had no doubt Harkon, if that is its real name as the denizens populating the worlds Nexus create are completely capable of lying their asses off if it suits their agenda, would hunt him down and attempt to eat him. Leif thought he might as well make a story out of it.
Harkon let out a rhythmic growl, one that Leif expected was laughter, but maybe it was just trying to clear its throat.
“Truth, but it is meaningless all the same. Cunning indeed. But witted rabbits make for the best prey, a long chase keeps one in good shape, but be careful Son of Odin, there are others that will seek to make you a meal. Be sure not to get eaten before we meet again, I would hate to have to kill a sibling or cousin for stealing my prey.”
The rumbling growl (very likely laughter, probably) continued, as the monster circled past Leif to the left and then casually disappeared down the left-hand side alley.
Leif blew out a breath while putting his hands on his knees and leaning over, before breathing in deep and straightening up, looking up at the sky and seeing only the night sky and so many stars. That distant, beautiful scene calmed him like no amount of deep breaths could or would, the knowledge that whatever else, that both wolf and he were just so much dust to the stars above.
Equally insignificant.
Leif stared at those far away, distant lights and knew that now more than ever he was lost. Nexus had been slowly but surely eliminating any and all discernible differences between the realities it created, and the one Leif and the rest of the Beta-Testers came from.
He took stock of what he needed at the moment.
One: A guide or even a guideline on how he should go about approaching Modern Age.
Two: He needed a weapon, a set of armour, skills, techniques or magic to defend himself with.
Three: He needed to figure out a way out of this damn maze.
Leif’s attention was drawn away from the stars and his thoughts by the sound of footsteps, coming from the alley opposite the alley both he and Harkon had entered the crossroads through. Leif stared hard at the alley, which he decided was north, the sound of footsteps coming ever closer, before suddenly stopping. Leif felt sure that they, whoever they were, had stopped just before the bend in the alleyway ahead and just out of his line of sight.
Leif flinched when the sound of footsteps sounded out again, before launching himself at them once he realised that they were now moving away from him.
He ran at a breakneck pace. Chasing the sound of footsteps.
His momentum increasing with each long stride he took, almost flying as he past the bend. The pace of the person ahead breaking out into a sprint as well.
The sound of their running seemed to fill the alley as Leif was kept just out of sight of his target.
Leif noticed his surroundings starting to burr as the speed he was running at continued to accelerate, as well as the fact that despite his rapid fleet-footedness, his heart rate remained steady. His flew past more and more forks and crossroads, following the sound of his goal, listening out for the confident stride ahead to tell him which path to choose.
The concrete jungle of the maze all seemed to have become the same, a common blurring. With Leif moving as fast as possible, even with his sight tunnelling ahead of him, he couldn’t discern doors, windows or building fixtures. The jarring lack of anything apart from concrete walls and road made him feel a lot like how he suspected a rat in a maze would feel.
That shocking thought broke him out of his narrow-minded chase.
He also discovered the rapid sound of his heart was pounding in his ears, beating so quick it might as well be the heart of a rabbit on the ragged edge of exhaustion.
The blurring and tunnel vision should have been his first clues, this place was dangerous.
No pits full of spikes or poisoned arrows in the walls and then the wolf not ripping him apart were just false negatives.
The dangers of this place were more subtle than that.
Like tricking him into chasing an illusionary sound, dragging him both deeper into the maze and trying to exhaust him to death, managing to do so without him even noticing the danger he was in.
Stumbling over to a wall, before practically collapsing against it, Leif held his pounding head as he wondered how long he had chased the sound of those footsteps. He strongly suspected if he had been fully human his heart would have long exploded from the strain he had put it under. Clammy with sweat, droplets falling from his forehead like rain he swept his long blonde hair back and out of his face.
Every swallow was a struggle, like shoving sandpaper down his throat it was so dry. He was so tired.
Official amendment to the things he needed.
1st: Safe place to rest, preferably with something to drink, food is optional but would be appreciated.
2nd: A guide or even a guideline on how he should go about approaching Modern Age.
3rd: He needed a weapon, a set of armour, skills, techniques or magic to defend himself with and not get lost in and tricked by magic mazes.
4th: He needed to figure out a way out of this damn maze.
Leif clumsily pushed himself away from the wall, only to have his hand catch on something, his attention instantly (sluggishly) drawn to the new discovery.
A door handle!
Leif’s exhausted brain struggled to process this new clue and come to a useful and obvious conclusion. But it still managed after a few moments.
Door handles mean doors, doors mean exits. Turn the door handle, leave evil maze.
If anyone had been watching Leif, he likely would have preferred just dying of thirst and fatigue, rather than pathetically slapping and scratching at the door handle. As desperate and single-mindedly focused on the idea that doors meant exit as he was, Leif completely ignored the fact that when he first collapsed against the concrete wall, there hadn’t been a door there. He also completely forgot any notion of the possible danger that could lay beyond the door.
Why? Because mazes suck and especially this one!
Finally, Leif manages to end his desperate ‘dog needs to pee’ door routine and push the handle down, shoving his shoulder against the door and push it open.
His body tilted forward without the support of the door and collapsed onto the floor. Which he discovered was shockingly comfortable, his mind quickly beginning to fall unconscious as he some how felt as safe as he had during his childhood. He could almost smell his mother cooking in the kitchen and almost feel himself leaning against his father’s firm yet protective chest.
The sound of a woman’s voice, soft as a feather while as tough as nails also, was the last thing he heard before falling to sleep in the crook of his father’s arm.
“Well, looks like the Aliens came to the party early, wonder what happened to the poor sod though, looks like someone made him run a marathon.”
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