《Aegis》Chapter 7: Surgery Prep.


You come to a decision as anger begins to seethe in your belly, "Zheeves, get with our local Factor and its intelligence web. Find out who diverted our shipment and how we can ruin them without drawing any official ire. If at all possible, I want him or her left without a pot to piss in. At the same time, find out where our merchandise has been taken because I intend to lead a cutting-out expedition to get it back. Bosun Morrigan will lead the ground contingent. Mr. Hopkins, you will have the helm of one of our cargo shuttles. It may not be a gunship, but should also draw less attention. Mr. Echo will handle the loading crew. Begin planning on an execution date three days from today followed by our prompt departure back to Viking."

Zheeves snaps a salute and Frank responds with an "Aye AYE Sir!" Clearly your crew likes the idea of dealing with issues like this in a thorough manner. You pass the relevant orders to the Bosun and the Enginseer Primus, and then head for Cargo Bay 7 to get some weapons drill in alongside the armsmen. If you are going to end up in a gun battle, you intend to not make a fool of yourself at the very least!

The two days before the assault pass quickly as your scant free time is taken up with planning and weapons drill. You plan to lead ten armsmen down to Altia, plus Morrigan Ni Dannan, Jace Echo, Frank Hopkins, and yourself of course. Frank and Jace plus four of the armsmen will stay with the shuttle until you secure the merchandise. They will both protect the shuttle and provide a reserve, or a place to fall back on if needed. Yourself, Morrigan, and the other six armsmen will conduct the actual breaching and clearing portions of the operation, and Morrigan has scrounged and purchased accordingly. Rather than be content with the motley kit the armsmen brought along when they got hired, Morrigan has standardized their equipment with lasguns and autopistols acquired locally, along with a half dozen flack vests for the armsmen leading the assault. She herself has Enforcer-grade carapace and is armed with a Hellgun, a overcharged and over-focused lasrifle capable of punching through most body armor. When you suggest that such a weapon is overkill for a bunch of common scum, she simply shrugs and quotes the old saw about overkill, namely that there is no such thing.


Zheeves has managed to locate and isolate the corrupt official in question: a lowly warehouse manager looking to make a few extra Thrones. Come the day of your departure, your local Factor will quietly inform the man's boss to either find a new warehouse manager or find a new buyer. Combined with a disgruntled co-worker slipping slow-release laxatives into the poor man's drink, your payback will be complete.

Come the day of the cutting-out expedition, you are faced with a small dilemma: namely which door do you kick in? The criminals have grabbed temporary 'ownership' of an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the capital to store your merchandise inside. If you had more time, you would consider fast roping through the roof, but you have neither the time to learn how, nor the equipment to do so safely. That leaves simply landing out front, kicking down the front door and walking straight in, at the risk of face-checking into all of the criminals. Or going around back and clearing towards your shuttle parked out front. This will split your forces slightly, but will also split your foes. Bosun Morrigan is fine with either option, so long as you do not split your force any further.

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