《Runes & Brews》Book 1: Trouble Brewing - Chapter 16
Theo unsheathed Neniramli’s dagger for what must have been the hundredth time. Verdant green eyes stared back at him in the reflection, a spark of excitement glimmering in them.
“You might not wanna do that so often, Theo. Some might take it as a threat,” Adam murmured, his eyes scanning the street.
Resheathing the dagger, heat gathered at Theo’s cheeks. “Sorry, I’m just- Adam, I get to enchant weapons! I’ve enchanted one here or there but never supplied them.” He grasped Adam’s arm, bounding from one foot to the other lightly.
Adam grinned, pulling Theo closer. “Alright then. I’ll just beat up anyone who looks at us funny. Admire away.”
“I’m not sure beating people up should be your go-to strategy for everything…” Theo mumbled, flushing anew. “And uh, where are we going? All of you still haven’t told me what we’re doing today.”
“It’s a secret!” Pina said, winking at Theo and increasing her pace.
Theo sighed, grumbling to himself about his short legs as he tried to keep pace with everyone else. Turning a corner, he spotted a familiar red-haired mage.
“Nils!” Telsa called out across the crowded street.
The man turned, his eyes widening before a small smile settled onto his face. He walked over, glancing at the crowd as people returned to their business after Telsa’s shout.
Theo smiled at Nils, waving slightly at his side. A flicker of empathy lit in him. Just thinking about that crowd staring at him made his hands clammy.
“Hello, Telsa, Adam. And ah…” Nils paused, a blue glow flickering in his eyes as he muttered something under his breath. “Theo and Pina.”
“Cheater,” Theo heard Telsa whisper.
Theo nodded to the mage, slipping out of Adam’s arm to shake hands.
Nils shifted his staff to his left hand, returning the gesture. “What, ah, brings you all to the blacksmithing district?” His eyes scanned the street once more, stopping on the occasional gleaming blade set out among street stalls.
Telsa raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms. “I should be asking you that. You have a staff, not a sword. Unless you’re finally ready to train with me and Adam?”
Nils held up both arms, crooking his staff at his elbow. “No no, I’m quite alright with my staff. I was just um… shopping for… kitchen knives.”
“You already have kitchen knives,” Telsa said, putting a hand on her hip.
Nils fidgeted with the sleeves of his robe. “I was uh- just going to- I was looking for something for Adam’s birthday, alright?” His ears reddened slightly as he averted his gaze.
Theo’s eyes widened. He looked up at Adam. “Birthday? How soon is it? Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” His mind began to run through options.
Adam stared upward, scratching the back of his head. “It’s uh, about a month away. I think? I’dunno. I don’t really keep track of it. It’s on a guild record somewhere probably…”
Telsa scowled at Adam. “How do you forget your- nevermind. His birthday is like…” She paused, tapping a foot in thought. “I don’t know it either. A month away. Why now?”
“It’s on a payment plan…” Nils admitted, peering at the ground.
“Teberna, what did you actually buy?” Telsa said, glancing him up and down.
“That much should remain a surprise,” Nils said, meeting Telsa’s gaze.
Telsa shrugged. “...Fair.”
Adam raised a hand. “What if I want to know?”
“No,” Telsa, Nils, and Pina all said at once.
Frowning, Adam began to walk off, pulling Theo in tow. “Fine. Guess you all don’t want me to have nice things…”
Telsa rolled her eyes and began following Adam while Theo scrambled for proper footing.
After a longer sojourn, Theo found himself at the gates of Romuen. He turned around to the group. “We’re leaving the city?”
“On a picnic!” Pina jumped in the air before clasping her hands over her mouth. “Oops.”
Telsa shook her head, chuckling. “There goes the surprise. Yup, picnic time. You’re gonna relax and eat food. And get outside for once in your life.”
Theo planted his hands on his hips. “I get outside!”
Telsa stared at him silently, arms crossed.
Grasping at threads of support for that argument, Theo couldn’t find any. “Sometimes. Okay. I walk to the market on the weekends.”
Adam poked Theo in the side, smiling. “We’re changing that. I’m starving. Let’s hurry up.”
“You ate maybe two hours ago, Adam. How are you already hungry again?” Theo asked, already questioning himself for asking upon considering the man’s frame.
“That was only first breakfast. That eating really built up an appetite, y’know?” Adam said, patting his stomach and grinning.
“Adam’s bottomless stomach aside, we really should get moving. That guard is giving us the stink eye,” Telsa said, indicating the sneering guard with her thumb.
“Yes, please, let’s move,” Nils said, quickening his pace through the gates.
Once they slammed shut behind the group, Theo began inspecting them on the other side. He marveled at the runic work, tracing a finger over the masterpiece.
The sneering guard did what he did best, and sneered at Theo through the glass gates.
Embarrassed and about to turn away, Theo felt an arm tug on him. “Come on. No work today. Just food.” Adam picked up Theo and planted him out of view of the wall.
“I was just- the wall is so complex I wanted to study it…” Theo said, trying to peer around Adam who kept stepping in the way.
Adam shook his head. “No work. Only food. I’ll carry you if I need to.”
Theo heard a disturbingly loud rumble come from Adam’s abdomen. He could have sworn the ground shook with that one. “Threat taken. I’ll walk, thank you.” Turning on a heel, he paced back towards the group.
Off in the distance, too far to not have been magically traveled, Telsa waved to him from an expanse of smooth grass. “Theo! I found a nice spot over there!” She pointed further down the field, closer to the forest line before blurring off, the land around her seeming to bend toward her in a way that hurt Theo’s eyes.
Pina’s lips curled up at the sides, revealing rows of needle-like teeth. “See you over there, Theo! Vortex Sprint!” The gust of wind left in her wake nearly knocked Theo over.
Adam stood next to Theo, tapping his foot and attempting to whistle.
Theo sighed. “You can run after them too, Adam. Nils and I will walk over at non-magical speeds.”
“Thank you,” Adam said, crouching down into a running stand. Runes lit up across his legs. “Hup!” The grass around him rustled as he burst forward. He blurred across the landscape, slowly catching up to Pina despite the head start.
Turning to Nils, Theo shrugged. “I suppose we have a walk ahead of us. Do they do this often?”
Nils took the first step. “Too often. Deskan with her teleporting, Telsa with her space-bending, and… well, you’ve seen Adam.” He shrugged.
Theo fell into step with Nils. “I have. He’s um-” He coughed awkwardly. “Great.”
Nils cleared his throat. “No one’s ah- ever taught you how to guard your mind from a Phrenist, have they? You’re emitting… considerably strong emotions.” The man’s own ears burned red.
Theo continued walking stiffly, his face burning. “I-I’ve been taught- you must just be sensing, um, an animal nearby. Or something.”
“Of course. But if it, ah- weren’t an animal, I thought you might… like to know how. For… privacy’s sake. Adam is my teammate after all,” Nils said, glancing off to the side and scratching his cheek. “It’s not common knowledge to be able to guard one’s emotions from a Phrenist, just so you know.”
Cheeks approaching a low boil, Theo conceded. “L-Learning might be nice. But I’m not a Phrenist. Best I can do to defend myself is a Stun Bolt.”
“You can learn. Anyone can. I’ll teach you sometime. I doubt we have enough time currently, though,” Nils said, tapping his staff on the ground twice. “I’ll simply try to block it out myself.”
Swallowing, Theo nodded. “Sorry.”
Nils regarded him with kind eyes. “Don’t be sorry for how you feel. I’m…” He considered for a moment. “Glad that Adam has someone he’s happy with.”
Theo pulled at the back of his shirt, feeling a chill as wind blew against the sweat on his back. “It’s been quite the surprise for me. It all happened so fast.”
Shoulders shaking, Nils chuckled. “That sounds like Adam. He’s impatient and bullheaded at times. He doesn’t like to sit on matters if they’re bothering him. I imagine not telling you was bothering him quite a bit. You were ah- all he could talk about once he met you.”
Theo’s heart fluttered in his chest at that. “Really? If I’m honest, I’ve only had a little time to get to know Adam. This has all been quite the whirlwind for me. What’s- What’s he like around your team?”
Nils raised a knowing brow. “Oh, well you see…”
“...And then, choking on the fumes, he rode the cinderhog off a sheer cliff! It took us forever to find him at the bottom. He was standing there, covered in soot head to toe, but triumphant upon that swine,” Nils said, shifting into a pose, holding his staff like Adam would have been with his battleaxe.
“Goodness. I can’t believe he did all of that with a broken arm!” Theo said, smiling at Adam as they finally reached the group.
“Aw, did you tell him the cinderhog story, Nils? That’s my favorite one to tell,” Adam said, drooping his shoulders and mock-moping.
“You say that about every dangerous request we’ve been on,” Tesla muttered.
Adam winked at her. “That’s the secret. They’re all my favorites.”
She rolled her eyes. “Well, Theo and Nils finally made it. Let’s eat!” Patting a fairly large, woven basket, Telsa opened it and began pulling out various wrapped dishes.
The bite of spice reached Theo’s nose. “Did uh… Pina, did you supply all the lunch?”
“Yup, made by my dad! No idea how Telsa kept that basket hidden from you though. Don’t worry, I could tell the spice was killing you last time, I had my dad make some mild stuff for you,” Pina said, pulling out a few wax paper parcels with his name on them.
“Thank you very much, I appreciate that.” Theo took the food gratefully, his own stomach rumbling now. It certainly smelled more mild than the rest of the food, which he took as a good sign. Though, there was a particular sharp tang he couldn’t place his finger on…
Opening the paper, he found a delightfully colorful wrap staring back at him. Various fruits and vegetables he didn’t even recognize formed a beautiful bouquet of color. He almost didn’t want to eat it. Almost.
Theo took one last sniff, enjoying the sharp aromas of what he assumed were fruits sourced from the perren homelands. The first bite came seconds later, once he couldn’t resist anymore. His face puckered in as the acrid citrus bite made itself known.
“...Theo, I’m sure my dad would be flattered, but why are you trying to kiss your sandwich?” Pina asked, picking a piece from her own sandwich and popping it in her mouth.
Forcing down the admittedly large first bite he’d taken, Theo shivered. “I’m not trying to kiss it. Goodness, Pina, this is sour!”
“Oh, pshhh, it’s not that sour,” Pina said, waving a hand dismissively.
“Lemme try,” Adam said, holding a hand out. “I bet I can handle it.”
Theo eyed him warily, handing over the wrap gingerly. “Fair warning, Adam. It’s… quite potent. Though, admittedly, the aftertaste is quite good.” He licked his lips, beginning to appreciate the flavor once he moved past the suffering.
“I’m sure it’s not too bad, Theo. I mean, how sour can it be?” Adam asked, biting into the sandwich. He sat there for a moment, heavy concentration apparent by the set of his brow. His will lost out. Face crunching in, Adam waved his hands. “Good gods, Pina. How is this legal for your father to- Oh, actually. Aftertaste isn’t too bad, you’re right, Theo.”
He moved to hand the wrap back, but both Telsa and Nils were curious as well now. Moments later, Pina scoffed at their reactions to the food as well, still muttering about how the flavor isn’t that extreme.
After finishing the wrap, Theo’s entire mouth hurt. Running his tongue around the inside, he discovered small ribbons of flesh hanging. “Great Taberna, Pina. This wrap burned away the inside of my mouth. No wonder it got less sour, it melted my tongue!”
Pina leaned in closer to Theo, scrunching her brow. “I’m sure it’s not that ba- oh wow it really did melt the inside. Jeez, you fleshy people can’t handle much, huh?”
Uncorking one of the two healing potions he’d brought, Theo mixed a small amount with some water and swished it around in his mouth. The pain subsided and he let out a sigh of relief. “We’re not all made of plant fibers, Pina.”
“Let me look,” Adam said, grasping Theo’s chin and tilting it towards the sun. “Wow yeah, that’s gross. The skin inside is dangling and stuff.” He made a face, letting go of Theo’s chin.
Theo closed his mouth, narrowing his eyes at Adam.
Adam’s eyes rounded. “Oh, I mean um- dangling in a really cute way?” He looked to Telsa and Nils for support but they simply shook their heads.
Theo sighed, leaning back on his hands. “You tried, Adam.” He smiled at the group around him. “Thank you all. I… didn’t realize how much I’ve needed this. I think all of you were right, I work too much. The rest of today is dedicated to relaxation.”
“Theo! I thought that was you!” a voice called out to Theo from across the field at forest line. A familiar head of lavender hair bobbed in the air as she walked toward him with her family in tow.
Struggling to remember the woman’s name, Theo began to panic. He felt a pulse of mana run through him and the name suddenly came to the forefront of his mind. “Elouise! It’s so nice to see you!”
Adam leaned in, whispering, “Who are they?”
As the family approached, Theo found the names of each person resurfacing in his mind. “Ah, this is the Terrent family. I met them upon my entry to the city. They were having some trouble with the guards and I simply lent a hand.”
The pale blue haired man stepped close to the group, holding out a hand to Theo. “He did more than help, he paid our way back in. Those damned guards… I checked, there is no entry fee for citizens.”
Theo frowned towards Romuen. “Their behavior is inexcusable. I wish there was something I could do… But where are my manners? Everyone, this is Kennard,” he said, indicating the man in question. He pointed toward Elouise, and their children, as well. “And this is Elouise, and their sons Willum and Girial.”
Everyone else took a turn introducing themselves and soon Theo found himself sitting down with Kennard and Elouise.
Pina busied herself sharing more food from the basket with the two children. Theo was beginning to think that “food” was a generous word and the creations were more akin to some malevolent alchemy as he ran his tongue over the marred inside of his mouth.
As the children shouted about the flavors, Theo turned to the couple. “It’s good to see you both again. I’ve been so busy with the shop opening, I haven’t had time to find either of you and check in. How is work going with um…” He found the sudden memory boost to be gone now and the name of the alchemist the Terrent family worked for eluded him.
“Pelles Relicor. It’s shit as always,” Kennard said, grunting as Elouise elbowed him.
“We’re making out just fine, Theo. We still feel indebted to you for your help, however. You’re an alchemist, correct?” Elouise asked, sharing a look with Kennard. He nodded to her.
Theo mimicked Kennard. “I am - though my preference is towards my enchantments, I find that potions are the more commonly bought product in my shop.”
“We can’t stay here long, Mr. Relicor will be expecting us back with ingredients soon, but… I believe I know a way we could repay you. We can’t directly sell you the ingredients we gather, but we can tell you where we commonly gather ingredients from. There’s a route you can take in the forest where…”
Within seconds, she’d launched into a long-winded explanation of the paths and trails Theo needed to take, as well as the measures Pelles Relicor had taken to keep this section of the forest a secret.
Theo took out a piece of parchment from his bag and began taking notes. “And you’re sure you won’t get in trouble for sharing this? It seems like Pelles has taken steps to… hide this place.”
“Just keep the brooch on you and follow the path. Once you insert it in the stone, it’ll disable the enchantments. We’ll be fine provided you leave the brooch under that rock I told you about. He never checks if we have it anyway,” Kennard said, slipping a gleaming silver brooch into Theo’s hands.
Meeting the couple’s eyes, Theo gulped. “And- you’re sure that you’re sure? I truly wouldn’t want you to be in any trouble…”
“This isn’t the first time we’ve lent it,” Elouise said, gripping at her tunic as she looked over her shoulder once more. “Just… don’t tell anyone, and make sure to leave it under the rock, okay? We’ve been down this path so much, the magic doesn’t affect us much anymore, so we’ll be fine finding it.”
“We have to get going now, thank you for the food. We’ll be sure to thank Pina’s father for it in person later,” Kennard said, laying a hand on Theo’s shoulder.
Theo smiled at them. “Of course. We brought quite a bit, apparently. I’m not sure even Adam’s appetite was up for the task…”
Both of them laughed at that. “That’s a good problem to have,” Elouise said, turning to call for her children. “Girial! Willum! We’re leaving now! Is that blood I see on your lips?” She hurried over to her sons.
Theo felt sweat build on his back. “My apologies, Kennard. It appears Pina let them try the sour food option. Please, take this for your sons. Mix it with some water and have them swish it.” He held out the remains of his healing potion.
Kennard began to shake his head. “I can’t-”
“I’m sorry but I won’t take no for an answer here. My heart couldn’t take the guilt,” Theo said, pressing the bottle into the man’s hands. “Besides, you’ve given me quite the boon with this gathering. If it makes you feel better, return the bottle when you’re done? They’re somewhat of a pain to replace.”
Kennard frowned at the bottle in his hand, but turned to his wife. “I can do that, Theo. Happy foraging. Bring your friends, the woods aren’t always safe.”
Theo’s eyes widened at that comment. He clenched his fists, steeling his nerves. Approaching Adam, he tapped on his shoulder - or at least as high as he could reach.
“They have to leave now, huh?” Adam asked, watching the family wave goodbye.
Theo waved back to them before turning back to Adam. “They do. And um, Adam?”
“Remember how I said this day was dedicated to relaxation?”
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