《Witch Tier》Chapter 26: The Fine Art of Battle - Part I
It is a bright sunny day in the capital of Massadah as most of its Arcane residents giddily rebuild from the wreckage of the siege. A carriage of Kaigan Kyta pull Loc and Gideon through the cobblestone streets. An excited crowd forms behind them. Loc merrily waves to them.
Gideon: There are many things you must learn in a very brief amount of time, Nephew.
Loc: What is there to learn? That now with the retaking of Massadah divine judgement is swiftly approaching the Queen of Queens?
Within the busy yet beautiful courtyard of Massadah palace, Loc and Gideon dismount the carriage and head towards the palace.
Gideon: You may officially be king of Massadah now but the path to our kingdom’s full glory will be a long and arduous one.
Loc: But a path I am destined to reach the end of.
Loc and Gideon walk through a tarnished hall within the palace. It’s busy with carpenters and maids cleaning and restructuring it. Some of the workers pause in amazement of their presence.
Gideon: The Will has laid many obstacles before you. And you must learn to lean on his teachings and our family’s heritage in order to maneuver through a world that was built to destroy you.
An Arcane maid hands Loc a document and he signs it with a materialized quill pen.
Loc: And a world that will soon crumble before me, just like every other obstacle that has stood in the way of my purpose.
The Arcane maid takes the document from Loc with a humble smile and leaves. Gideon glances at Loc with a subtle, disappointed look. He sighs.
Loc, Gideon, and Eithan are in a grand hilly pasture within the palace’s courtyard. It’s a private training grounds. The beautiful capital city surrounding the palace is visible miles away. Loc and Eithan watch Gideon take down targets attached to golden mechanical flying beetles. Gideon’s eyes are glowing bright black as he is manipulates the planet’s vyrkra by throwing out shockwaves of air from punches. Gideon is in a wide martial arts stance and he is wearing simple but regal looking training garbs. Each beetle’s target is no bigger than an apple and miles away from him, yet each of his strikes destroy the targets with perfect precision while keeping the beetles intact. A powerful gust of wind surrounds Gideon’s body with each punch.
Gideon: Remember, the Queen of Queens does not fear you or even I, but the great prophesies that surround us.
Loc: Because we’re Celestials?
Gideon chuckles.
Gideon: Very good, Nephew! Once again you prove that that head on your shoulders is your greatest asset. However, you will need to learn the fine art of battle in order to take on the power of the queens. Don’t let your Aunt Bethel fool you now. She was the weakest of the queens, and her heart wasn’t fully in it, which is why I was able to subdue her with relative ease. The next queen you’ll face won’t be nearly as forgiving.
Loc: Does it truly matter how powerful or unforgiving they might be? There is nothing that can undo the prophecies that are unfolding now.
Gideon pauses and he gives Loc a stern look.
Gideon: And do you recall exactly how those prophecies will unfold?
Loc: I’m sure they’re just mere details in the grand scheme of it all.
Gideon punches, destroying another target.
Loc: By the way, Uncle, I keep meaning to ask you, why do you spend so much time here? You’re the most powerful man in the world. This can’t truly be crucial practice for you, can it?
Gideon chuckles and pauses. Eithan stares at Gideon, eager to hear his response.
Gideon: In this world the other nations rely on their vyrkra and their dedication in perfecting the Vyrkra Arts to gain a militaristic advantage over one another. They know there is great value in constantly improving upon their craft, even if it may be for the wrong reasons. The Queen of Queens has somehow managed to master of all the arts of vyrkra, which is why she now holds dominion over all of Irikihl.
Loc lets out a sigh, disappointed with his uncle’s response. Eithan appears to be pleased with Gideon’s response.
Loc: So you’re saying we must do the same then, correct?
Gideon: Not quite. It is paramount that we learn and master the key arts of vyrkra but there is a lot more to it. You see, long ago only the nation of Massadah had knowledge of the Vyrkra Arts. Before there were multiple classes with varying abilities and traits, there was an original class which they all stemmed from. A supreme class.
Loc: I still don’t see how this has anything to do with my current goals.
Gideon smiles as he releases another punch.
Gideon: This class was known as the Sagi. Before we broke the Code and fell as a nation, we ruled all of Irikihl as a kingdom of Sagi. In the Terrestrial Realm a Sagi’s strength is unparalleled. The Sagi had unimaginable power, being second only to the angels of the Celestial Realm. We were given this great strength to govern this planet with the same divine benevolence that our creator bestowed upon us. But of course, we let all that power go to our head, and the broken world you see today is the price we paid. However, The Will has promised to return that peaceful world to us again, but we’ll have to fight for it. And to do so we must unlock the secrets of our Sagi origins once again.
Loc: Something the Queen of Queens has done a superb job of hiding from us.
Gideon: While she did play her part in furthering our destruction, we fell as a nation long before she came into power. In fact, the reason why you see so many varied classes is because each nation took records of our history while we were being plundered by them. The other nations are incapable of becoming Sagi, but that doesn’t mean they can’t master a tiny facet of it through decades of training.
Loc: Is the Soul Pact one facet of our culture that they can master?
Gideon: While I would like to say no, there is no telling what perverted version of the Soul Pact the Queen of Queens has possibly forged. However, we have just recently discovered one artifact of ancient Massadah.
Loc pauses as he gazes at the grand city in the distance.
Loc: The Witch Tier.
Gideon: Precisely. I can see your intuition serves you well. I wasn’t sure of it at first but the stone embedded into Rivna’s chest is the sacred, ever coveted Soul Crystal, not mere vyrkracite.
Loc: The Soul Crystal?
Gideon: The Soul Crystal is a great relic of our ancient history. No doubt there a many secrets of our kingdom’s past locked away inside it. I know for account that it at the very least contains knowledge of our kingdom’s Soul Pacts.
Loc: Wait, are you saying that Rivna is…
Gideon: Yes. Rivna herself is a sacred Massadan artifact.
Loc appears to be stunned by his words. Gideon performs a bicycle kick to destroy a target flying high in the sky. Loc looks impressed.
Gideon: I wasn’t sure of it at first but seeing her incredible display of power against that Abyssal Aeon during the siege all but confirmed the matter. She is indeed a sacred relic. It’s the only explanation for the connection you two share.
Loc: So you’re saying Rivna isn’t a real person then?
Gideon: I wouldn’t go that far, but if the prophecies are to be believed then she is our nation’s most powerful treasure.
Gideon briefly pauses as he gives Loc an intense look.
Gideon: A wealth of our kingdom’s history is stored within her, including the knowledge of our Sagi heritage.
Loc looks alarmed by his words. He pauses to reflect on them.
Loc: That explains those sudden bursts of power when I was mentally linked with her. I was subconsciously pulling Sagi knowledge from her!
Gideon: Precisely. The great secrets of the Sagi are hidden away deep within Rivna’s memories. On her own she has no means of accessing them, as only Massadan royalty can read the contents of the Soul Crystal. However, through you she can view them.
Loc: When we’re linked. Then did I subconsciously form a Soul Pact with her when we first met?
Gideon smiles.
Gideon: You’re starting to put the pieces together, Nephew.
Loc: Not as many as I would like. I haven’t been able to form a mental link with Rivna since the siege.
Gideon pauses, deep in thought.
Gideon: Hmm. By all accounts you should be able to reach her mind at any time, unless of course she’s blocked you out.
Loc: Blocked me out? But why would she do that? We’re on good terms as far as I’m aware.
Gideon chuckles.
Gideon: If only a woman’s mind were that simple. It could be a myriad of reasons as to why she has concealed her thoughts. Hell, it could be a reason she herself isn’t consciously aware of. But if you want to fully uncover our history you better find out what the problem is, and rectify it.
Loc sighs.
Gideon: But right now that isn’t here nor there. A more pressing task awaits you.
Loc: What is it?
Gideon: The Vu-Zyrr. The Will has revealed its location to me in a dream. The great and powerful Witch Slayer’s decades of slumber will soon come to an end. You do remember the prophecies surrounding that weapon, do you not?
Loc pauses to look up at the sky with a tranquil smile.
Loc: How can one forget? It’s prophesied to sever the very head of the Queen of Queens.
Gideon: Expect nothing but hell to be thrown your way once you retrieve that relic. Unlike Rivna, the Vu-Zyrr is essentially a loaded gun. Right out of the box it possesses the power to slay the Queen of Queens with one stroke. However, the story isn’t quite the same for its destined wielder.
Loc raises an eyebrow.
Loc: What are you implying?
Gideon leaps and performs two kicks and a punch, all in one motion, and within a three sixty degree spin. Three targets floating afar, and miles apart from each other are destroyed. Eithan looks highly impressed. Loc still looks offended.
Eithan: That was a magnificent showing, Milord.
Gideon: Thank you Eithan.
Gideon approaches Loc.
Gideon: Don’t let our nation’s recent triumphs go to your head, Nephew.
Gideon places a hand on Loc’s shoulder.
Gideon: Stay humble. And stay ever learning.
Loc: I have plenty of humility, Uncle. I just fail to see why I have to go through so much training like you did when we have all the power one can possess in the form of Rivna.
Gideon: We are a creed of warriors, Nephew. War is in our blood. Never forget that The Will is a man of war. If you are to take in his spirit and become a Sagi, then you must seek to master the fine art of battle. Learn everything you can from every skirmish, no matter how great or small.
Loc reveals a slight frown.
Aboard the Flying Broom, Loc, Rivna, Gidget, Hannah, and Lightning stare at the gaping open wound in Hrist’s abdomen. Hannah steps forward with a great look of concern.
Hannah: Big Sis! Are you okay?!
Her demeanor is calm as she looks down at her blood covered hand. There is a hint of bliss on her face.
Hrist: Ah yes. Pain. What a bizarre, yet satisfying sensation.
Lightning: How are you still standing?
Hrist ignores her and turns to Bolt who is floating in the sky.
Hrist: You have a talent I have not witnessed in centuries, Veguhl. If I were mortal, and were using more than a fraction of my true strength, then you might have been the end of me just now. But alas…
Hrist materializes a bulky gauntlet and a small amount of steam spews from it. Her eyes glow bright red as she snaps her fingers, resulting in a silver glyph appearing under her feet.
Hrist: Clyrgas.
A silver aura surrounds her and quickly heals her body, completely reversing the damage. New clothes materialize onto her, completely undoing Bolt’s efforts. He looks on with discontent while everyone on the ship gazes at Hrist in wonder.
Hrist points to a small floating island nearby that’s roughly a half mile wide in diameter.
Hrist: Why don’t we settle this dispute over there, you Innokian worm.
Hrist makes a fantastic leap off of the Flying Broom and gracefully lands onto the island with seemingly no effort.
Lightning: (That was one of Bolt’s most devastating attacks, and yet she shrugged it off like a bug bite. I never fathomed a royal princess would be this strong. Can she truly be immortal?)
She pauses and glances at Loc who is studying the action.
Lightning: (No, there has to be a way to defeat her. Fate has already ordained her fall.)
Loc: Gidget.
Gidget jolts, startled from the sudden name call.
Gidget: Jeez, you nearly gave me a heart attack, Captain!
Loc: This is our chance to slip away. Land the ship just on the outskirts of the city.
Gidget: You don’t have to tell me twice boss. I’m on it.
Gidget scurries off into the ship’s bridge. Rivna looks slightly perplexed.
Rivna: Huh? But why? This is our opportunity to learn how the enemy does battle.
Loc: We don’t need to witness this bout. Remember, we’re only here for the artifact.
Rivna: But the artifact cannot reveal to us what is about to unfold here. We shouldn’t cast away this golden chance to gather precious information.
Loc: It’s golden opportunity. And we have all the information we’ll ever need about them; in the end they’ll fall in defeat to us.
Rivna looks disappointed. Lightning casts a gaze of doubt at Loc.
Lightning: (Is this truly the hailed hero of Massadah?)
Hannah: Aw, but I don’t want to leave just yet. The duel is finally coming to a climax.
Loc: You’re welcome to stay and watch.
Hannah pouts.
Hannah: Very funny Big Brother, but wherever you go I go.
The Flying Broom begins to turn around. Hrist subtly raises her arm up and a warning shot is fired at the Flying Broom from the Rose Hornet. Captain Eldrich aboard the Rose Hornet has his hand up as he watches the scene intently.
Loc: Damn!
Loc materializes a gold walkie-talkie.
Loc: Stop the ship! Stop the ship!
The vessel quits moving. Hrist lowers her arm.
Hrist: I don’t normally get my hands dirty, but when I do I prefer to have an audience.
Loc grunts in frustration. Rivna looks slightly pleased, and Hannah looks very pleased. Bolt lands on the island and stands several yards away from Hrist. He smirks as he gets into a martial arts stance.
Bolt: Ready for round two, old hag?
Hrist: Don’t let that little blow you landed go to your head. When one lives as a god for so long it’s easy to forget the primal sensations that drives you mortals. In other words, I let you hit me to satisfy a morbid lust I have been harboring since long before your time.
Hrist readies her sword.
Hrist: Make no mistake, I have no intention of indulging in it any further.
Bolt: Words of a true monster.
Hrist: Speaks the feathered man.
Bolt charges at Hrist with a loud grunt as gray electricity surges around his body.
Chapter End
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