《Witch Tier》Chapter 20: Civil War - Part III
Rivna awakes in an isolated room on a comfy bed within the Coal Machine. Beside her is Kiki, Kenjiro’s Kyta. Kiki appears to be pleased that she is awake and licks her. Rivna giggles, but quickly winces and feels the wound on her chest. Gideon enters.
Gideon: Ah, she’s awake!
Rivna: Oh Gideon! What has become of Loc and the others?! Does the battle still rage on?
Gideon: You were only out for a good twenty minutes. I highly doubt everything is resolved as of yet.
Rivna feels her head.
Rivna: It’s strange, earlier when I tried to pry further into Loc’s mind I was met with a frightening spirit. I was both horrified yet mystified by its awesome beauty and wonder. I felt as if my very sanity were being threatened. I had no control over any of my actions. It was like I was possessed, and not by Loc this time either. And now for some reason I am unable to communicate with Loc as of this moment.
Gideon: Hmm. He must be getting closer to it than I thought.
Rivna: What was that?
Gideon: Oh, just thinking out loud. Right now The Will is using Loc to fulfill his purpose. The entity you came into contact with was but a glimpse of the Creator himself. Normally it means death for any and all that are not of Massadan blood to come into such close contact with The Will, but it appears he spared you in this case. And as for you not being able to communicate with Loc, well, I’m afraid even that is beyond me at the moment.
Rivna looks sullen. Specs enters the room.
Specs: Gideon!
Gideon: What is it?
Specs: Joshua has completely secured the perimeter! All of the queen’s forces outside of the palace have been completely subdued!
Gideon looks elated.
Gideon: All praises! The Will is certainly with us today!
Specs: Now all that’s left is for the others to fulfill their part inside.
Gideon: Something tells me they’re gonna need all the help they can get.
Kenjiro and Yinyah clash their swords. Kenjiro is breathing heavily.
Yinyah: You’re in no condition to fight brother. Cease these folly and treat your wounds. I’m sure there are healers nearby that will give you aid--
Kenjiro: For the last time I have no sister! And it would behoove you to relinquish that blade you demon!
Yinyah lets out an angry grunt as she kicks Kenjiro in his wound, sending him tumbling back a few yards. Kenjiro grunts in pain as more blood drips to the ground from his wound.
Yinyah: Why must you be so difficult, brother?
Phoebe tosses a chakram at Yinyah but she deflects it with her katana.
Kenjiro: I told you to get out of here Phoebe! I have this under control.
Phoebe: Don’t be a fool. You can’t keep going at this rate.
Yinyah: She’s right, brother. Because if you were planning on falling back on your ogre form then I’m afraid that won’t help you. You cannot attack me in that form while I possess the Orge Blade.
Kenjiro: (How the hell did she find out about that?)
Yinyah: I wager you’re wondering how I came across that little detail, aren’t you? Well you can blame father for revealing such secrets unto me.
Kenjiro chuckles as he rises.
Kenjiro: A nuisance to no end. You really are playing the part of a little sister, aren’t you?
Kenjiro swings out a wave of mist from his sword. Yinyah easily dodges by sidestepping.
Yinyah: I no longer have the time to play games with you, brother. If you are not going to heed your only sister than it’s time we put an end to this.
Yinyah raises her sword in a unique stance.
Kenjiro: (Shit… I know that stance. She’s serious this time, but I can’t even move.)
Yinyah quickly dashes to Kenjiro and swings, however, a chakram lassos around Kenjiro and tugs him out of range.
Phoebe: He is not your only opponent!
Phoebe follows up swinging her chakram onto Yinyah, which barely grazes her arm.
Yinyah: I almost forgot about the insignificant insect that is spoiling our dear family reunion.
Yinyah raises her sword to strike, but she’s caught off guard as Kiki bursts through the window. Kenjiro quickly unsheathes his katana an inch as steam spews from it. In the blink of an eye he dashes to Yinyah’s rear, creating a giant gash on her face and chest, resulting in her mask splitting apart. Phoebe looks on in astonishment as Yinyah falls to her back.
Yinyah: That technique. How did-- how did you master such a technique, brother?
Kenjiro doesn’t respond as Kiki races to him. Green lush can be seen around his wound.
Kenjiro: Thank you Phoebe. I wasn’t aware you were capable of healing.
Phoebe looks at Yinyah. She bends down to her and materializes unique gauntlets the produce steam. Green lush covers Yinyah’s wounds. Both Yinyah and Kenjiro look at her in astonishment.
Yinyah: Why are you giving me aid? You have won this bout. There is no need for you to disgrace me further.
Phoebe: I have an uncanny gift for sensing evil within people. And so far I have sensed the least amount of evil from within you in comparison to all that have opposed us during this seize.
Phoebe glances at Kenjiro.
Phoebe: Truth be told you just may be the purest one in this room.
Yinyah sheds a tear.
Yinyah: Forgive me, Your Majesty.
Kiki walks over to Yinyah and whimpers as she licks her.
Kenjiro: Kiki?
Yinyah smiles. She struggles to lift her hand to pet her.
Yinyah: Hello, old friend.
The Heavetese spews a stream of fire at Loc from it’s mouth. Aldrog jumps in front of him with his Steam Shield and blocks the blast. Seth approaches the demon but a wave of heat pulsates from it and pushes Seth back.
Seth: I just can’t get close to that thing!
Loc produces steam from his staff and directs a small pile of rocks at the demon. The rocks disintegrate from the Heavetese’s aura of heat.
Loc: Damn it! If only I knew how to use water.
Seth: Rivna would sure be nice to have around right about now.
Aldrog: Don’t worry Your Majesty, we can take this monster. Just stay to my rear and I’ll protect you.
The Heavetese charges at Loc swinging its swords and Aldrog blocks them. Loc grunts in frustration.
Loc: If only I was still a Vuardra. Why the hell did I listen to Uncle and become a Blavyk Caster? I need a spear, not a damn staff.
Seth: How the hell did this thing appear anyhow? I saw no steam emit from it.
Loc: A mystery we can resolve after we fell this thing.
Aldrog: I don’t know why but it seems to be only fixated on you, Your Majesty.
Loc: Then, I’ll fight fire with fire…
A massive amount of steam emits from Loc’s staff. Loc’s eyes glow as he directs his staff at the demon.
Loc: Avaega!
A massive spiraling inferno darts at the demon, blowing off its arm. It screeches in pain. Seth and Aldrog cheer. Loc looks drained.
Seth: I don’t believe it! Even against its own favored element your potency with Blavyk Arts is astounding Loc!
Aldrog: That’s it, Loc! Fire another one to finish it off!
Loc: I can’t. I’m all out of steam!
Seth: Shit…
The Heavetese begins to swing about haphazardly and Aldrog struggles to block every attack.
Aldrog: I can’t hold it off for long! Do something Loc!
Loc hesitates, but before long a loud shotgun blast is heard, and the demon’s head explodes, causing it to quickly disintegrate into mist. Everyone looks shocked. They notice Smoke standing at the doorway to the room. He pauses, and removes his mechanical cigar to blow out steam from his mouth.
Smoke: I take it you’re Loc. Correct?
Aldrog puts up his shield, and Seth readies his daggers.
Loc: Who wants to know?
Smoke casually puffs out more steam.
Smoke: Call me Smoke, kid. Word is you’re trying to overthrow the queen here. And make the world a better place and all that shit. I think that’s real noble of you, and I’d like to join your cause, for a price of course.
Aldrog and Seth slowly lower their guard.
Seth: So you’re a mercenary?
Smoke approaches them.
Smoke: Bounty hunter. But I’ll take almost any job, if it pays enough.
Loc: How do we know we can trust you?
Smoke: I could have let that demon have its way with you.
Aldrog: He does have a point Loc. He took that thing out in one blow.
Seth: And right now we need all the fire power we can get until Rivna arrives.
Loc sighs.
Loc: (Just what I need, a money grubbing, opportunistic, mercenary. But I guess it can’t be helped at this time.)
Loc, Aldrog, Seth, and Smoke stand before a giant door that leads to the throne room in a grand hall. Phoebe is with them.
Loc: Now remember the plan, Seth. You and Phoebe stay here in case another one of those monsters decides to spawn from oblivion and attack our rear. The rest of us will deal with the queen.
Phoebe: And if things get ugly…
Loc: Hopefully either Kenjiro or Rivna rejoin us soon.
Phoebe: Kenjiro should be here very soon. So expect his aid.
Aldrog: Why did he stay behind anyway?
Phoebe: It’s somewhat complicated. But I trust he’ll come to our aid soon--
Two Heavetese appear right before everyone from dark rainbow colored mist. Everyone looks surprised.
Loc: Speak of the damn devil!
Seth: You gotta be kidding me. We have to fight two of them now?!
Aldrog: Where do these things come from?! The pits of hell?!
Loc: Just stick to formation! This is Bethel’s last desperate attempt to prevent the inevitable--
Rivna bursts through the window and in one swift motion beheads both demons with a water imbued sword. The Heavestese disappear into dark rainbow colored mist and all eyes turn to Rivna in near disbelief.
Rivna: Let’s hope this Queen Bethel of yours proves to be more challenging than her pathetic lackeys.
Loc smiles.
Phoebe: Well, that’s one less ally we have to wait for.
Smoke: Hmm, I wasn’t aware that the Witch Tier was a mighty fine young Tahlyan.
Rivna examines Smoke then turns to Loc.
Rivna: More allies, Loc?
Loc: Hired help, and nothing more.
Smoke blows steam into Rivna’s face.
Smoke: Call me Smoke, sugar.
Rivna blushes.
Rivna: My, my name is Rivna! And you are to refer to me as such and nothing else.
Smoke blows more steam into her face.
Rivna: Have you no manners?
Loc: Apparently not. Is everyone ready? Hell is most likely waiting for us on the other side of these doors.
Aldrog: I was born ready, sire.
Smoke: Let’s get this little coup d'etat over with.
Rivna: You have my sword Loc.
Loc takes a deep breath.
Loc, Rivna, Aldrog, and Smoke storm the throne room to find Queen Bethel peacefully sitting on the throne in a beautiful dress sipping tea.
Loc: This is a seize! I, Loc Hezekiah Ben Massadah, rightful heir to The Will’s glorious kingdom, am retaking the throne! We have all military personal loyal to you subdued and the palace surrounded. We can either do this the easy way or the bloody way, but today is the day you step down from your oppressive regime.
Bethel casually sets her tea down. Loc and the others look tense in preparation to fight.
Queen Bethel: My, you are certainly your father all over again, boy.
Loc: Surrender now Bethel!
Queen Bethel: That’s Aunt Bethel to you, boy! Don’t think you can speak to me in any manner just because you have a little ragtag group of lowlifes with you.
Queen Bethel rises from the throne. She walks forward a few feet and examines Rivna.
Queen Bethel: Is this her?
Loc doesn’t answer.
Queen Bethel: I said is this her, boy? The reason you’ve decided to plunge our entire kingdom into chaos? The reason you think you can do what King Hezekiah, your foolish father, failed to achieve? The reason you think you can challenge the gods now--
Bethel is shot right between the eyes and falls. Everyone freezes in shock as they gaze at a growing pool of blood. Smoke lowers his shotgun. Everyone looks at him.
Smoke: Look, time is money. It wasn’t like y'all was getting ready to hug, kiss, and make up.
Aldrog: Well, he does somewhat have a point.
Rivna: I somewhat concur.
Loc sighs.
Loc: I’m really going to have my hands full when this is all over.
Smoke: But don’t think that little bullet did the trick. She is a queen after all.
Alerted, everyone looks at Bethel’s body as black mist slowly spews from it. Rivna dashes to it with her sword raised, ready to skewer her, but the mist quickly grows and pushes her back. Queen Bethel slowly levitates back onto her feet. The entire palace rumbles violently. Everyone looks astonished as Bethel’s obese physic shrinks down to a nice, slim, athletic one, resulting in her looking extremely beautiful. A magnificent black and gold battle dress materializes onto her and a giant metallic and gold hammer appears in her hand.
Queen Bethel: I’m going to teach you first hand how futile your endeavors are, Nephew.
Bethel charges at them with a shroud of black lightning surrounding her body and within the blink of an eye slams Loc in the chest with her hammer, which sends him crashing into the wall. Everyone looks at Loc in shock as he coughs up blood and falls face first to the floor. Bethel turns to Rivna with a stern look.
Chapter End
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