《Witch Tier》Chapter 17: False Hope


Aboard the Coal Machine’s deck is Loc, Rivna, and Hannah. Loc and Rivna look stunned by the presence of Hannah. Hannah has a large red teddy bear in her arms. Gidget who was on his way back to the interior of the ship spots Hannah and hides behind a door. Aldrog approaches him.

Aldrog: What’s got you ruffled up?

Gidget: Shh! Over there! I think it’s a princess!

Aldrog looks alerted.

Aldrog: What?! A princess? Which one?! Don’t tell me it’s Heldine again!

Aldrog begins to head over to Hannah but Gidget heads him off.

Gidget: No you dimwit! You could blow this entire operation if you go charging in there like that!

Aldrog: But Loc may need our help!

Gidget: Just hold on for a minute. We need to alert the others and think this through.

Hannah: Well, well, well. You know you’re in a lot of trouble with Mother now don’t you Loc?

Loc: Hannah? How did you--

Rivna glances at Loc.

Rivna: (Who is she? Someone dangerous?)

Loc: (Very. She’s the youngest princess we’ve been telling you about. Don’t let her size fool you. She’s--)

Rivna swings her Steam Sword at Hannah with a ferocious shout.

Loc: No wait!

The blade meets Hannah’s neck but she’s completely unfazed. Hannah looks at her perturbed.

Hannah: Just what do you think you’re doing?! Don’t you know who I am?! Loc who is this, this thing?

Rivna looks completely taken aback and retracts her sword.

Hannah: Don’t tell me she’s the strumpet you’re cheating on Heldine with.

Rivna: (What is this creature? This is no mere girl.)

Loc: Of course not, Hannah.

Loc: (Just play along. Maybe I can talk my way out of this.)

Aldrog: This doesn’t look good. What do we do?

Gidget: What can we do? She’s an actual princess.

Aldrog: But Rivna is right there and even took a swing at her with nothing to show for it.


Gideon approaches them from behind.

Gideon: Not all battles can be won with the sword alone.

Gidget: Gideon? When did you?

Gideon: Shh. Let’s see how your captain gets out of this predicament before we call this a disaster.

Loc: I’m not cheating on anyone, Hannah.

Hannah: Then why are you with her? How come you left us? We’re your real family. Don’t you care about any of us anymore? You got Mother so upset she actually said she wants you dead now.

Hannah begins to cry. Loc and Rivna look surprised.

Hannah: How come Mother wants you dead? You’ve done stupid things before so why is it such a heavy matter now?

Aldrog: I can’t believe Loc. He made that little girl cry.

Gidget looks at Aldrog incredulously.

Gidget: You dummy.

Loc: Look Hannah. Why don’t we have this conversation later. I’m in the middle of something really important right now.

Hannah: What could be more important than family?! Do you not care about us anymore?!

Loc looks away, hesitant.

Loc: Hannah.

Hannah points at Rivna.

Hannah: I know what it is. It’s all that damn demon's fault! She’s the Witch Tier isn’t she?!

Rivna bears her fangs in a beastly snarl.

Rivna: Who are you calling a demon?!

Loc: Rivna please.

Hannah: You even gave it a name? Why do you keep treating these creatures like they’re people? They’re no better than animals!

Loc: That’s not true Hannah. They’re not much different than you and I.

Hannah: Is that why she tried to remove my head just now? They’re savages Loc. That’s why Mother says they’re vile creatures that should never be trusted or tolerated. They’re disgusting vermin. I mean just look at what they’ve done to you! It’s because of them that you don’t want to be with your family anymore.

Rivna grunts in anger.


Rivna: (I will not stand here and tolerate this berating from a child any longer Loc!)

Loc: (Would you level your ire for just one moment Rivna? Think of the bigger picture here.)

Loc kneels down to Hannah.

Loc: Hannah, please. We can discuss this as soon as I’m done with meeting with Queen Bethel. I promise we’ll have a nice civil discussion about what’s going on after the matter.

Hannah hesitates and grunts.

Hannah: But I want answers now!

Loc: Just do this for me this one time. Would you, little sis?

Hannah looks at Loc with googly eyes.

Hannah: O-Okay, big brother. I’ll wait until after you’re done meeting with her. But you have to promise me that you’ll come to my ship the second you’re done. If I find out that you ran off again then you can kiss your little demon friends goodbye--

Hannah points at Rivna.

Hannah: Especially this ugly one right here.

Rivna growls. Loc places his hand on her shoulder to restrain her.

Loc: Thank you Hannah. You’re the best little sister a big brother could ask for.

Hannah blushes but tries to hide it.

Hannah: Well, just make sure you see me once you’re done. Otherwise I’ll make sure you regret it.

Steam emits from Hannah’s tiara and she snaps her fingers, igniting her whole body.

Hannah: I mean it Loc. Come straight to my ship and no where else once you’re done!

Hannah blasts off into the sky like a bolt of lightning, leaving everyone to witness her exit in awe. After a moment Loc takes a deep breath of relief. Rivna watches her leave with a perturbed look.

Rivna: When the time comes for her to meet her end, allow me to do the honors.

Loc: At ease Rivna. Only by the grace of The Will did we manage to buy some time. And don’t let her age fool you. She may be young but she’s definitely the more vicious of the princesses. She just has a soft spot for her adoptive big brother.

Aldrog, Gidget, and Gideon quickly approach them.

Aldrog: Your Majesty! Are you two alright?

Gidget: How did you manage to shoo her off like that? Don’t tell me she’s coming back.

Loc: I’ve bought us some time but she’ll have to be immediately dealt with once we retake Massadah.

Gideon: Well, you can’t expect insurrection to ever work out smoothly.

Gidget: What I’m more concerned about is how Rivna’s attack did absolutely nothing to her. That attack registered pretty high on the Combat Rank scale. That little girl is a monster I tell you.

Loc: Remember Gidget, The Will is our weapon.

Gideon: That’s right kid.

Aldrog: Are you alright Rivna? You seem a bit upset.

Still looking irate, Rivna walks away.

Rivna: It is nothing Aldrog.

Rivna leaves, but not before subtly feeling the wound on her chest.

Aldrog: What’s her deal? Did I say something wrong?

Loc: It’s not you Aldrog. Just give her some time. We have more pressing matters to attend to.

Gidget: Yeah, like how we’re going to move forward with this--

The Coal Machine rattles from the impact of missile fire. Alerted everyone looks down and sees Massadah City and the capital close by. An angry swarm of incoming fighter airplanes fly straight for them. Everyone looks surprised.

Gideon: So much for a subtle dispute.

Loc: That foolish woman. She’s going to force an air battle right above the city! Everyone to your battle stations! The enemy is upon us!

Chapter End

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