《Pangea: A New World》Chapter 12: Humans


Overdrawing oneself is perhaps the most dangerous action a mage can take, in doing so a mage exposes their mana channels to more energy than they can handle. This causes injuries and potential scarring which can impede their future abilities. This can take the form of decreased mana efficiency, reduced mana capacity or in the worst case a sealing of all mana in its entirety.

These risks represent potential sacrifices that most mages are unwilling to make, those few who do overdraw tend to do so in only the direst of circumstances. While the negative consequences are well known there have been fewer but equally important lucky cases. In these cases the mage in question may actually experience a boon to their strength, the overdrawing providing benefits to one of the many aspects it can also damage.

Perhaps the most powerful benefit from surviving overdrawing lies not in these passive abilities but instead in the even rarer cases when it grants the survivor a skill. Skills gained in such a way are few and far between and so little is know on what they provide.

From a personal perspective I have only come across one such skill user, and while I do not know exactly what this individual was granted, suffice to say their skill represented an ability to overcome almost unsurpassable odds.

A treaty of Magic, Archmage Ricard Griffenheart the Great

As Jacob blearily came to it, the first sensation he noticed was that of his aching body. While there was most definitely a physical side to it, that of the wounds inflicted by the goblins and the ache of sore muscles, more poignant was a new type of pain.

A pain which seemed to trace channels throughout his body, mimicking where that hot sensation had flown. This heavy soreness sapped both his will power and physical abilities seeming to sit half way between a physical injury and a tiredness of the soul.

The fog of a deep injury forced sleep slowly started to clear as Jacob’s surprise at being alive slowly worked its way to the forefront of his mind. After he had passed out in the open next to the dead bodies of the goblins he had expected to be attacked in his sleep even if his injuries did not finish him off.


Eventually Jacob who had until this point been staring at the sky realised two things. One he had passed out against a tree, while he was now lying flat with no tree above him, and secondly that he had yet to check his immediate surroundings. The latter he realised was perhaps the most important as he had seemingly been moved during his unconsciousness.

Slowly and carefully to avoid alerting whoever had moved him to his newly awakened state Jacob moved his head side to side. becoming aware that he was once more within the plains of grass, and then as he looked to his right he saw a back of who he could only describe as a human man, hunched over and working on something.

His movements clearly not as stealthy as he anticipated the man said something in a gruff voice in a language that Jacob could not understand. Worried that his lack of understanding may lead to aggression on the part of this stranger Jacob put his hands up placatingly and said “I don’t understand you, do you speak English?”.

Clearly the stranger did not as Jacob’s question was met only by an extremely blank face looking at him as if he was an idiot. The next few moment passed with a few more attempts at communication, all of them ending in failure. All they managed to achieve was get across each other’s names. This was Jacob first meeting with a fully sentient creature on Pangea, a man he now knew was called Garrick.

Introductions over they settled into a silence enforced by this inability to communicate while Jacob checked which of his belongings Garrick had picked up. They consisted of most of his equipment, notably all of his weapons were present however he second set of clothes was missing. Putting this down to the fact that he had left by the pool drying he had no other choice than to accept them as lost.

Jacob jumped as he was brought out of his own world by a hand placed on his shoulder. Garrick then moved off and motioned for Jacob to follow him. With no other choice and unwilling to part with the only human he had yet met Jacob followed Garrick, hoping that he could trust in him. A hope strengthened by the simple fact that Garrick had already had an optimal chance to kill him when he was unconscious.


The remainder of the day passed uneventfully as Jacob followed in Garrick’s purposeful footsteps. Helping to set up a basic camp when they reached where Garrick had deemed appropriate to camp for the night. Jacob enjoying his first peace of the day realised he had notifications he had yet to look at.


Congratulations! You have defeated 4 goblins, and earnt 400 class xp.

Congratulations! Your class Ranger (Tier 0) has levelled up to 2 (1).

Congratulations! Your class Ranger (Tier 0) has levelled up to 3 (2).

You have taken damage taking you to 50% of your maximum health.

You have the status affect mana burnt for overdrawing your mana channels. Mana is sealed to 1% of total mana. This seal lifts at a rate of 1% per day. For surviving this outpouring, you have levelled and gained the following skills:

Mana Sense Novice has levelled up to level 6 (1)

You have gained the skill mana manipulation novice level 1. This represents your skill in manipulating your mana. You have just begun on the path of a true mage and your control is currently limited to internal manipulation of your mana.

You have gained the skill Overdraw level 1. This allows you to use all of your mana at once to either super charge a skill or release a blast of pure mana. Using this skill will result in a week of weakness during which your mana will be locked to 5% of its maximum and all physical stats will be reduced by 10%. Levelling this skill will reduce the draw backs.

In addition, for your luck in surviving an event which has been the death of many you have been granted 500 race xp.

Congratulations in the course of your struggles you have achieved the following skill level ups:

Dagger Mastery Novice levelled up to level 5 (2)

Dual Wield Mastery Novice levelled up to level 4 (1)

Sword Mastery Novice levelled up to level 7 (4)

For undertaking strenuous recent activity you have been awarded the following stats. +1 dexterity, +1 agility, +1 perception, +1 endurance, +1 control.

For exerting control on your mana beyond what your skills would suggest you have been awarded +1 control.

For emptying your mana in its entirety, you have been awarded +1 magic power.

Your trait tough body (weak) has levelled up to level 3 (2) due to the recent physical damage you have taken.


Having looked through his notifications Jacob was once again filled with a sense of satisfaction that came with acknowledgement of his improvement. He also noticed Garrick grinding a series of herbs into a paste, as well as mixing some with water. When Garrick noticed his questioning look he beckoned Jacob over and motioned for him to rub the paste on his injuries as well as take a drink of the tea like substance.

As soon as he had done so Jacob noticed his aches and pains fading as well being notified by the system that he was experiencing the effects of a herbal remedy which boosted his natural healing. This herbal remedy would help him to recover 25% of his health overnight, something for which Jacob was grateful as while not restoring him to perfect condition he would at least be somewhat combat ready.

Jacob nodded his thanks to Garrick before trying to communicate once more. He motioned towards several objects including the fire and spoke their names getting Garrick to name them in his language. The evening continued on in this fashion as Jacob attempted to begin learning the local language.

Authors Note:

Titles: Otherworlder

Name: Jacob Lockerby

Race: Human lvl 5 (650/1600)

Class (lvl): Ranger (Tier 0) lvl 3 (100/400)

Second Class* (lvl): n/a/ (unlocked at race lvl 10)

Health: 50% Health Regen: 3.6% % per day

Mana Points: 220 Mana Regen: 13% per hr

Stats: unallocated - 3

Strength: 15 Dexterity: 15 (14) Perception: 13 (12) Constitution: 13 Agility: 14 (13) Endurance: 16 (15) Intelligence: 18 Control: 11 (9 ) Magic Power: 22 (21)

Skills: Forestry Novice (3/10), Trapmaking (3/10), Fighting Proficiency, Climbing Novice (5/10), Free Running Novice (1/10), Dagger Mastery Novice (5/10), Dual Wield Mastery Novice (4/10), Sword Mastery (7/10), Meditation Apprentice (1/10), Stealth Novice (3/10), Mana Sense Novice (6/10), Pathfinder Apprentice (1/10), Mana Manipulation Novice (6/10), Overdraw (1/10)

Traits: High Grade Mana Affinity, Enhanced Health Regen Weak (2/10), Enhanced Mana Regen Weak (1/10), Tough Body Weak (3/10)

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