《Pangea: A New World》Chapter 10: Haven


The fractured lands comprise most of the land that was once the Azeroth Empire. It is a low levelled land where the majority of its peoples levels are derived from the death of other sentients, mainly humans. It is a place for outcast, criminals, refugees and those seeking a new life. This melting pot of the desperate and wicked has given rise to numerous warlords all fighting it out for there minor piece of this once great land.

A place filled with violence, the majority of those who rise to the top are despicable and willing to do whatever they can to gain and maintain their power. In this context the rise of Lord William the Merciful was a threat to the stability of their power. No longer was it a choice between two bad options, Lord William offered a fairer society where those who worked hard could succeed.

This was a dream borne from the suffering of his formative years, when he watched his village slaughtered in front of his eyes as two local warlords bickered over territory. By some miracle he survived and clawed his way to the top, naming his capital Eden a naming convention which followed through to the satellite towns. Lord Williams rise is a well documented one, it is not this rise that we are concerned with, instead it is the events that happened in one of his out of the way villages, a place by the name of Haven that a legend was born.

Volume one of a History of Pangea, His Valor Enzyme

Garrick hummed as he padded into Haven, his posture and purposeful walk betraying his confidence as a man no stranger to violence, assured in his ability to deal with anything life should throw at him. A confidence well earned in his 50 years of life in which he managed to pull himself up to the level of a Tier 3 Ranger which while nothing special in the wider world was pretty impressive in a back-water village such as Haven.


A broad-shouldered man from constant hours of wielding a sword and bow, standing at 6 foot 2 inches he broadcast an intimidating image. With his long dark black hair kept in a ponytail to keep it out of his eyes, eyes which had seen many horrors alongside many wonders they only severed to add to his inapproachable aura.

An aura seemingly at odds with the friendly greetings he garnered from many of those he passed, as he was in their eyes a respectable if somewhat reticent individual. Someone who in the five years he had lived in Haven never once failed to help a neighbour out when asked, while also recognised to be the villages’ best hunter.

Garrick was brought out of his ruminations by a young boy, who’s name he could not remember, sprinting over to him.

“Garrick, Garrick, Garrick!!” shouted the out of breath and excitably young child. “The Elder wanted to see you as soon as you got back into Town!”.

Chuckling to himself over the lad’s eagerness Garrick thanked him, before swiftly moving on. He was never one to particularly enjoy the company of children, even if he could appreciate their enthusiasm. As he moved through the village, he wondered what the Elder could want from him, normally he was summoned to be sent out on scouting or hunting missions to check on some rumour of a nearby beast.

Before heading to the centre of the village where the Elder’s house is situated, he passed by the butcher to drop off the deer he killed on his hunting trip. While he could gut, clean and butcher the deer himself it was a waste of his time when there was a consummate professional willing to do so.

As he entered the store the Butcher, a rather large man by all accounts boomed out “Good day Garrick!! I’m assuming you want that good ol’ deer over your shoulder cut up?”


“Aye Mattias, that I do. The usual price?” responded Garrick.

“That’s why I like dealing with you Garrick, you waste no time bargaining when we ya know full well you won’t be getting a discount. It’ll be 5 coppers as usual please.”

Garrick proceeded to hand over the deer and three copper coins, the rest due on collection. Garrick left the store, his business quickly concluded and headed towards the central building in the village, the only stone building in the entire village.

The door swings in as he is welcomed in by Jean the Elder’s niece, who he has looked after since her mother died. Muttering a greeting to Jean he headed straight to the Elder’s office, pulling up in front of the Elder he asked “You needed me?”, in a somewhat disgruntled tone as he had been out most of the day and was looking forward to a relaxing afternoon.

“Yes, Yes I did. I have some troubling news to share with you, and a request; the village needs your services. We have had some troubling reports from some of the outlying farms upriver of the appearance of goblins. I’m sure I don’t need to tell you what a danger this poses, we all know the virility of these vermin.”

“On that line I need you to head up river and to find their base, we need to assess whether to prepare for an attack on our home or whether we should send out a raiding party of hunters. Will you take on this responsibility?”

Swearing to himself, as Garrick was hoping for a few days of rest he answered in the affirmative, as knowing that he is the most appropriate person to take on this task as the villages highest levelled ranger.

“I’m glad you are willing” responded the Elder, “one last thing I have a trinket for you. It allows one-time message transmitted, from it to its counterpart which I have. Please do only use it in case of an emergency, that is once you’ve found the goblin base and only if you decide they are enough of a threat to potentially wipe this village out if left unchecked. I’ll trust your judgement on its use” said the Elder essentially placing the villages next actions in the hands of Garrick.

Feeling the weight of this responsibility on his shoulders, Garrick knew he would need to set off the next day, so he quickly left after making his goodbyes. He headed around the village to stock up on arrows, food and other basic provisions using the coins gifted to him by the Elder from the village coffers as a reward for taking on this task.

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