《Pangea: A New World》Chapter 1: A Candidate is Selected


The existence of otherworlders is well documented, from the Great King of the East Dragon Slayer Alexander to High Mage Victorian founder of the magic academy Elysium. Their influence is without doubt, their struggles told in legends around fires across the known world, their home worlds unknown but without exception they represent harbingers of change whether for good or for ill.

Among all these legends there is one who indisputably stands tallest, one who’s name for many brings hope and for others only fear. In contrast to the magnificence of his deeds he kept to the humblest of names, forgoing all honorifics to be know simply as Jacob.

Volume one of A History of Pangea, His Valor Enzyme

Jacob Lockerby woke up to a pounding headache, the consequence of a heavy night in celebration of finally finishing his A-levels, when suddenly a floating screen appeared.


Congratulations!!! You have been granted the one time offer to transmigrate from your current dull, boring and systemless universe to one of wonder, bounty and growth!! What does this entail? What glorious adventures await you? To find out please read the information below and then make your decision!


“….what?.....” Jacob bolted up with a yelp, blinking his eyes several times and shaking his head only for the screen to remain within his vision. After sitting in shock for several minutes Jacob, fully convinced he was hallucinating, decided to humour his mind and read the rest of the message.


The acceptance of this offer entails transport to a new world, the world of Pangea, a world of magic, adventure and much more. A world where the system governs the lives of everyone, provides clear evidence of growth and most importantly allows you to grow past your limits!!!!

Pangea is a world filled with monsters, wonders both natural and manufactured. A world where you can overcome adversary, fight vicious beasts and become the person you wish to be. There will be no cliché need to fight a demon invasion, no world desperately in need of saving. Instead this world will become your playground, a very large playground.


Why should you accept this offer? Your status as an other worlder will grant you with unique and powerful titles, enabling you to reach the pinnacle…….. Oh and besides you can’t reject it, so there’s that. Your presence is required to bring change to a world that has laid stagnant for too long, bring ideas from your technological world and spread a new thinking.

So what say you?

Yes or Yes.


“What is this *@*?” murmured Jacob, not wanting any more to do with this insane hallucination. “No, I do not accept this gracious offer” Jacob sarcastically answered, only to be shocked by the appearance of a new message.


Error……….. calculating response

Wrong answer submitted………. Please answer again.


“WTF, this my own hallucination why can’t I control it” Jacob wondered, getting more irritated he again rejected the offer to only be rebuffed once again. A pattern which repeated itself several times over before he eventually gave in and answered with a yes.


Congratulations for deciding to accept this opportunity. Please prepare to be transported in 5…….4…….3…….2


A bright light appeared, and Jacob closed his eyes in anticipation




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