《Summoner with Warhammer 40K System/Dropped/》Chapter 5,Reward more Reward


At that moment Vance succeeded to kill a man but he lost his right hand as result. While he bleeding out Vance said to Whitey

"Whitey absorb every metal on that man"

Vance's sight slowly disappears while looking, Whitey, surrounding man's whole body. Vance tries to stay awake but eventually, his consciously slips away.

Again Vance sees 'You Died' word again before he presses try again he checks Whitey's status.

Familiar: Mother of Machines's Avatar

World: 26277/Destroyed/



Stage: Infant

Mind: Child

Gender: Female/XX/

Diet: High-Quality metal materials, Ceremite

Abilities: Weapon absorb, Repair

Mass: 30/100

Vance quickly presses stage and reads information.

"Stage: Stages of evolution

Requirements for next stage: Mass limit, any high-quality core. "

Then Vance knows Whitey can save things is it absorbed.

"Oh Yes!" Vance pressed 'Try again'

4th try.

Again Vance enters the hell on earth. This time Vance got many experiences. With WHitey he starts to hold their position. Eventually, he faces that man but this time he turned him into a beehive.

Whitey happily ate the man's bionic parts and armor. Vance takes that man's sword and handheld grenade launcher. But this time he died because while fighting close range with his sword and autopistol , his autogun barrel melted thanks for too much non-stop firing.

5th try

This time he starts using burst fire. Eventually, he passes the first wave. But from second wave he receives a command to retreat to the second line.

Vance sees on a second there is a few Heavy Stubber and five Junior Commissar commanding sergeant of cadet imperial guards. At first, Vance thought them as someone like nobles that entered army through easy way because way they dressed.

But then he took back his word when thrice of many cultists attacked towards their position.


All five Junior Commissars didn't even flinch when the bullet passes close their face. In mid of firefight, they stand there like unmoving mountains and giving the command to sergeants.

"Don't stop firing, Don't stop firing you maggots. The moment you stop firing is the moment you stop hearing my word but don't worry that is not gonna happen!"

Said one Junior Commissar in mid of firefight then some shrapnel and bullet hitting his body. At first, Vance thought they also have bio implant but seeing the man still hold his autopistol and sword on each of hand while blood dripping from an unarmored part.

Suddenly Vance heard a commanding voice.

"Soldier replace the gunner of 3rd Heavy Stubber"

Vance quickly runs towards Heavy Stubber and pushes dead gunner aside points ammo boxes said to Whitey.

"Whitey absorb that"

"MO MO!" said Whitey absorbs ammo and Vance takes ammo belt expose from Whitey's body put's on Heavy Stubber.

"Mo? momomomomomomomomomo" Before Whitey don't know what is her Master doing Vance starts to fire Heavy Stubber.

Vance found out every clip or ammo that Whitey gave him looks new and shiny, there is no dust on it. So Vance connected whole ammo to Whitey so decrease stress on the gun he firing.

Few moment's later there is a small mountain of corpses on Vance's line of fire.

Eventually, the second wave stops and gives little bit breath time to everyone in the second line.

Using that moment Vance starts to collect materials, weapon, and ammo from corpses.

Then the last wave starts, seeing the incoming cultist some cadet guardsmen try to free from the battlefield but the moment they throws down their weapon and turns back to flee. Vance hears

*Bang!* after the sound one tries to flee drops dead on the ground.


"We got a commissar's command to shoot anyone shown cowardice on the battlefield," said Junior commissar with autopistol with a glowing barrel

Then they continue to battle, in mid of swarm more and more cadet guardsmen tried to flee but the only thing they showed was their lack of faith and courage for the emperor, as expected they immediately executed in mid of battle.

Seeing the execution give no fear to Vance but even more courage and wish to wear wargear of a commissar to face incoming enemies.

"Ammo Whitey bring more ammo!" said Vance while firing his Heavy Stubber.

"MO MO MO!!" said Whitey happily and went to get more ammo from other dead gunners. Meanwhile, Vance continues to fire every enemy he sees till ammo from before empty.

*Click Click * a few moments later Vance hears sound from his Heavy Stubber.

All cultist swarms upon him. Without any fear Vance unsheathes the sword and takes handheld grenade launcher with his other hand. Vance starts to fire his launcher to place that have the most crowded.

*Boom Booom Boom Boom* with every explosion body parts flyes away.

Vance left one ammo in launcher and switches to shotgun he found. He cuts incoming cultist head off blast apart another one with his gun.

"Stop that ritual!!" Vance suddenly hears a voice of Junior Commissar.

Vance notices there is ritual going in mid of battle he quickly takes his launcher and fires last round to ongoing ritual.

*Boom* with sound grenade explodes right in middle of ritual

"Whatever what you trying to call but this is finished you scums" Vance smiles

But from half-finished ritual huge beast made of metal and blade appears with some of body part it is missing.

"ROAR!"that beast roars and rushes to Vance

Vance notices the thing look like core is exposed around the stomach of the beast shining a red light.

Vance tried to escape but because he fighting cultist he can't escape anywhere. Suddenly beast roars as if in pain and drops on the ground with a huge noise.

Then Vance hears a faint but clear voice that gives him a happiness.

"MO!" with a sound,the whole body beast disappears into whitey's body.

While they distracted Vance uses a chance t cuts cultist in front of him meanwhile fires last round of his shotgun to another one. Third one regains his mind and swings his knife to him but Vance dodges an attack by couching on the ground then finishes the last cultist off by his autopistol.

Then Vance and Whitey disappear from the world.

The screen appears front of Vance.

Congratulation Reward: Rank sergeant of guardsman by killing over 150 enemies.

Unlocked training section. Training section is used for preparing you for next rank's weapon, combat tactics and their role on the battle field.

Training of Junior commissar/Unlocked/

Training of Karskin/Unlocked/

Training of Catachan Jungle Fighter/Unlocked/

Grenade launcher, Lassgun, Lasspistol, Flak armor, Heavy Stubber, Combat knife, Autogun , Autopistol added to you summon weapon and armor.

Now you can summon one squad of imperial guardsmen Your familiar evolved stage infant to stage child

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