《Apocalypse Override: Zombieman》Chapter 8: Pyrrhic?


The pounding of the goblins grew even more frenzied and some had even tried invading into the car once more. More cracks had started to appear on both the front and back windshields, as well as the right windows. Ray saw that one had made it in through the spider-webbed glass, trying to grasp at him desperately through the corpse wall.

Despite this, Ray felt calm as he carefully planned out his next move.

The back windshield broke first.

Ray instantly turned around and gripped his phone flashlight in his newly healed left hand. He poised to smash the first intruder with his goblin club.

A scrawny goblin smaller than the others ended up wheedling in through the cracks. Ray immediately smashed it with his club.

That was the 8th.

Ray kept count as they kept coming. He would smash them before they got in, killing them in one blow to the head. It was almost comically easy. One shot of the club, one death of a goblin. He could feel his body rejuvenating as he killed his 14th one.

Then, whilst the back windshield was being invaded, the back right window broke. Glass shattered all over Ray, forcing him to cower and shield his head with his left arm.

A clawed hand then smacked into his hand, knocking his phone from his grip.

The car got darker as the phone dropped to the floor, the light now barely enough to see. Ray panicked and instinctively went to get the light back into his grasp.

Several goblins were instantly on him, long-nailed grubby hands scratching and hitting his body. Ray flailed his limbs about, trying to shake them from his body.

He overpowered them.

His strength surprised even himself. A goblin was thrown from the car, shattering the back windshield completely. Another was tossed along with him. The final goblin that was on his back was thrown to the side, its body thudding on the uneven derriere of the front seats with a sickening crunch.


Ray felt his HP returning to him once more.

I must have leveled up again!

His brief respite was interrupted by the frenzied shrieking of more goblins. He was reminded to achieve safety first and analyze what he had accomplished later.

Ray first picked up his phone and quickly escaped the car, climbing out of the broken wreckage with ease. His body felt lighter, his limbs stronger than he had ever been before. He stepped over the goblin corpses surrounding the back of the car with ease.

It felt great, though his body still ached.

Ray looked around, phone in his hand once more to illuminate the darkness around him. He spun in a circle, quickly taking in his surroundings. There was an uninteresting tree, some small rocks, and even a nearby shrub.

And five more goblins were running at him with fevered eyes.

He felt confident. Ray knew he could take them on, despite how wounded he was. His new strength gave him the courage to take them all out on even ground.

The first goblin screamed and ran at him. Ray blasted it away with a powerful sweep of his club, his tall stature producing the perfect height for a headshot. The other goblins weren’t fazed by the death of their companion, charging straight into the fray without pause.

This threw Ray off guard, they mobbed towards him with a renewed hatred for his guts. One kicked him in his bad leg, collapsing him halfway to the ground. Ray swung wildly, blowing the goblin away only to be stabbed by a small stick another was holding.

The sharp stick shallowly entered into his side, piercing his skin and muscle. Ray bellowed out in anger, turning on the third goblin immediately. He dropped his phone to swing his fist at the goblin, knocking it away from him for the time being.


Ray grasped his club tightly. The fourth and fifth goblins had then reached him. Using the last vestiges of his strength, he threw his club at one of them and tackled the other immediately. He began hitting the goblin with his fist. Over and over he swung until its brains were on his fist and he was panting from exertion.

Now the only noises were the dying moans of the goblins. Ray stumbled over to his phone and picked it up, shining light on the remaining injured goblins. He then limped his way over to their location.

The goblins that hadn’t died were also finished off by Ray without a second thought. He kicked them to death, showing no mercy to his enemies.

Strength flowed into his body once more, signaling that he had leveled up for the fourth time that night. Ray let out a sigh of relief.

The night was silent once more. There seemed to be no more challengers. Ray stayed vigilant for a few more moments, scanning the surrounding area with his phone.

Then, he let out a deep breath. All the energy seemed to leave his body at once as he collapsed to the side of his car. All Ray wanted to do at this point was go to sleep. The exhaustion was almost overwhelming his senses.

There was still one thing to do, though.

“Status,” Ray whispered groggily. A familiar screen then popped up. This time, it was slightly different.

Name: Ray Delano



Level: 5



HP: 23/240

MP: 100/100



Total EXP/Percentage to Next Level: 925 / [13%]



Stat Point Available: 10

What do you desire most?

What was this question?

That was new. Ray didn’t have time to consider an answer. His wounds acted up once more, the sheer act of sitting down betraying his body. He watched as his HP got lower and lower from his injuries.

Ray was bleeding out. And there were no goblins to help him out this time. He felt drowsy and lightheaded like he was about to fall asleep.

One of the goblins earlier had struck his head quite savagely in the fight. Another had poked him with a stick. With the adrenaline gone now no longer surging in his system, all he wanted to do was lie down.

There was only one last hail mary.

“Give me...HP,” Ray panted softly. “I desire hitpoints.”

[Are you sure about that? The request may have some repercussions.]


That was all Ray managed before the world turned dark once more.

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