《Bugs》Chapter 16
After I had looked through all the bugs I found Lightning Striders were also close to entering Tier 3 so I put them to breeding and combined the physical stat bugs with mental stat ones resulting in a group of larva and another dull yellow egg.
It seems anything above tier 3 is born in an egg.
I looked at the larva but they were all stronger type lightning striders and only one that was still unknown was in an egg.
Besides them I went to the Striped Spider hive and did the same. They had breeders and a queen but the queen didn’t breed. The queen in this case was a variant of the Brain spider in the hive and had much higher Int and Wis but the physical stats were low.
I found the soldier spider of her breed with the highest potential in all physical stats and made them breed. I was surprised when she rejected the mating but under my influence she was forced to and it happened. Maybe it gained a superiority complex and made it think of the rest as lower so to have a mate was probably also considered a lesser thing. Strange spider.
With me controlling its body since it wanted to kill the fertilized eggs I took it to a nesting area where it planted all the 40 eggs it had then I moved it away and had her mate and several other spiders guard the egg and ignore her orders.
Spider eggs took about 12 hours to hatch but these were mixed and as all the others I saw a dull yellow egg in the mix.
It was really a shame she didn’t abide by my command and return to her place and guide the spiders and instead attacked. She was killed by the soldiers and with that the brain spiders took over once more
With most of this done I log out to get to work. It was almost time but I did make sure to note everything I noticed today in a journal.
At work I mostly just reviewed the bug logs I have been writing. The most interesting was the new Vampiric Queen and Royal Guard.
Vampiric Mosquito
Queen Variant
The Vampiric Mosquito Queen is the first Breed that I obtained at Tier 3. The food diet is purely blood and by absorbing blood it can both prepare its eggs and level up becoming stronger.
Due to unknown reasons the Queen Variant has become larger and evolved slightly. The current size would put it between 45 cm long with a black red exoskeleton, scarlet on the back and a retractable stinger in its mouth like the earth mosquitos.
The previous wings which could let it maintain in a fixed position have further evolved and divided from 2 into 4 long wings and even so it doesn’t produce sound as it beats its wings unlike blowflies.
Status analysis shows the Queen variant possess high potential in Intelligence and Wisdom stat.
Royal Guard Variant
The royal guard variant is a strange new species born from normal Vampiric Mosquitos with high End and Str stat. With closer inspection on both this variant and the newly improved queen it has been noted that the front pair of legs has developed pincer like fingers, though only 2, which constitutes an advancement to allow the bug to grip better with the forelegs.
Coloration is similar to the queen, black red on the underside and a scarlet on the top and they as well possess four wings unlike the common two winged ones. This evolution may symbolize a status quote in the future as the bugs evolve further.
Strength and speed when compared to common mosquitoes is about twice as strong and its physical strength surpasses the queen’s.
Stat analysis shows the royal guard Variant possesses high potential in Strength, Agility, Dexterity and Endurance but low potential in Intelligence and Wisdom.
Unknown relation to mating between the two nor any results of what it would become but possibility of stronger tier 3 or possibly tier 4 appearing.
This is the first of the logs that I have begun to write out. I have noticed I lacked much great observational notes on specific species and the queen and royal guards appearance has shown that I wasn’t working as a researcher should.
From now on I shall properly categorize the tier 3 monster bugs I breed so that I can properly observe their kind well enough.
After the night shift was done I returned home and had a late night lunch on the way and went to sleep.
In the morning I woke up and made some coffee to drink away the grogginess. Following it was a nice bath that cleared my head.
Jumping back into the game and received several notifications.
Lightning Striders have birthed new species: Thunderbolt Darter and Thunderbolt Darter Queen.
Brown Queen Hive Spider has birthed new species: Topaz Hive Spider Queen, Topaz Hive Spider Royal Guard, Topaz Hive Spider Soldier
Stripped Hive Brain Spider has birthed new species: Golden Strip Hive Spider Queen, Golden Strip Hive Spider Royal Guard, Golden Strip Hive Spider Soldier
“As I thought.” I said out loud.
Suddenly in my mind I felt the joyous childish mind of the little queen.
With a quick look around to make sure no players are around, I open the portal into her palace and walk in.
What I find is a five year old looking little big girl with two long wings flying around the much expanded room flying with her Lance and shield.
My jaws were on the ground from the huge change and growth spurt. For some reason this game is making fun of me as a man and messing with my parental instincts like it’s showing me ‘How time flies and you don’t see it.’
Levi looked just like before but bigger and the exoskeleton looked studier.
I instantly opened her status window to check what was going on.
Stat Point:
Unconscious Notetaking [Passive]
Speed reading [Passive]
Bug Lore [Basic Level 1]
Identify [Basic Level 1]
Bug Language comprehension [Max Level]
Hive Portal [Basic Level 1]
Hive Mind [Max Level]
Flight [Max Level]
Lance Mastery [Basic Level 3]
“20 POINT BOOST IN ALL STATS JUST FOR GROWING UP SOME!!!” I shout at the top of my lungs.
With my shout the little queen finally noticed me and flew down and stopped while flying in front of me.
She then pointed the lance at me with a smug look on her face.
“Mister person, good you have come at this great one’s call! Bring this great one food for this great one hungers.” She said and snapped her fingers. “Come forward mister.” She said.
Several veins nearly popped in my head hearing her smug looking and what she said.
I grab the lance and rip it from her hand and the shield as well.
“HEY! Give those back! Those, Those belong to *hic* this great one!” She said as she lost her weapon.
The next thing I did was grab her in the air and looking at the room that was turning into a house I found a chair and sat down on it. Then I put her on my lap with her bottom towards me.
Her abdomen on her tailbone seemed to squire forward as she squirmed.
I held her legs.
“This is for you to show more respect to your elders.”
Educational Strike active
“GYAA!! STOP! Don’t hit his great on…”
“NOOO!!! DON’T *Hic* This great one’s bo…*
“Are you sorry for what you said?!” I asked in a calm but angry tone.
“*Hic* Yeb! I’b sowwy!” She said crying.
I corrected her posture and put her standing up.
Her big eyes were watery and it was running down her cheeks.
She tried to rub her bottom but it stung under her exoskeleton. I was rather amazed that I didn’t take damage from hitting her. Maybe educational strike also ignore the child's defense.
You have discovered a secret to a Skill
Educational Strike
Basic Level 1
A Strike that completely abandons the strength stat and will not cause damage to the target. Instead it would cause only the pain equal to the force used on the target.
This strike can only be used when using it with intent to educate any beast with high intelligence to understand or any child.
Pain when using skill will be amplified by 1.2 times and will cause the target to properly think of his or her actions and learn from mistakes.
This Strike ignores the defense of the child so that very powerful children can be properly educated by the parent or caretaker.
Educational Strike has leveled up
Just noticing it and it updates officially.
The sudden sound made me look towards the little girl in front of me.
“Heh… could daddy please get me food.”
Hearing her sudden cute call was like getting shot. Still I steeled myself.
“Like always you will hunt yourself.” I said.
She sulked.
“Your stats at this moment are strong enough to easily kill a rabbit alone but don’t try and do that. I have similar stats as yours yet I can’t go against them without the help of the hive. While you hunt your own food I shall be training on my own.” I tell her. “When you eat enough open the portal and go back inside and tell me when you do so.” I tell her and open the portal outside.
I hand her the lance and shield and she takes to the air and flies off.
Exiting the hive and waiting until Levi was far enough I called out the Topaz Hive Spiders.
There was 1 queen that was 25 cm long with a shiny topaz colored carapace. At the end of the claws were sharp nails used for stabbing. Next was the royal guard. They numbered 10 and were 30 cm large and similar to the queen. Last was the soldier that number 19 was half the size of the royal guard. The only way to distinguish the queen, royal guard and soldier was a dot on the top of the head. The queen’s was golden and similar to the body color. The royal guards had a black color and the soldiers had a brown color.
“Go hunt, priority is to remain alive. Use traps to hunt rats and don’t confront head on.” I tell them and they scurry off.
I then call the Golden Striped Spiders. Like their name the strip was golden and their body was black. The queen had vibrant gold stripps and was 20 cm long. Royal guards were 25 cm long and had dull golden strips and the strip just before the web shooter there was one ring that was bright red. In soldiers that were half the royal knight size the ring was red.
With the same orders, they scurry off. Finally I call the Thunderbolt Darter.
What came out looked like a mix of a yellow bug and a fighter jet. The queen was a deep golden yellow with a dragonfly like body. She had four wings that formed the V shape in the body. Her body would periodically let out a small spark from the rapidly beating wings that were nearly invisible. The queen’s length was around 15 cm while the normal ones were 9 cm long and looked similar to her.
“Go to the end of the sewer's influence and hunt for Level 2 rats. Utilize the electric discharges of the weaker Thunderbolt Darter and Lightning Striders to paralyze the prey and then aim to electrocute the brain by landing a large number on the head and discharge together. Then feed on the meat directly. If humans spot you open a portal and return to the hive and hide inside. Avoid humans at all cost.” I tell them.
They turned to where I pointed and the soft buzzing of the wings suddenly turned into a thunderous beating like lightning was coming. Not to mention the speed they flew would have made me lose them in a moment if they weren’t in large numbers.
I fear they would draw too much attention but if that noise could easily be a hunting mechanism where it disorientates its prey or predator.
As the thunderous beating moved away I still had a bad feeling but I couldn’t really help it much.
I turned away from the sewers. I began looking around and started focusing on my senses and the Bug comprehension. If I could get the trail of bug pheromones then I could find new species.
I looked around a bit until I finally found one. One of the best bugs known to mankind. Ants.
Tiny bugs that can lift 10 times their body.
I bend over and with a leaf I lift one of the ants up and use taming on it.
You have succeeded in taming a worker Bullet ant.
“You’re joking… FUCKING JOKING!!” I shout and jump in joy.
I can’t a believe on my first try I found a fucking Bullet Ant. One of the biggest bitches from all the ants.
I looked at the little worker ant that was standing still on the leaf. The small ant was around 22 mm long and reddish black in color. I put the leave down on the ground.
“Go to your previous nest and bring back some larva. Try to get an Ant queen larva but if possible get normal larva.” I tell it.
It quickly turns and starts to return. It walked around until it found the line of ants from its old nest. With my commands it followed the line of ants and returned to the nest and finally went to execute my orders.
While I was at it I took more adult ants on a leaf and tamed. I have a 1 in 5 success rate even with ants but after 10 minutes I had 30 ants from their group. I had 25 workers and 5 soldiers. Workers ranged from 1.8 to 2.5 cm and the soldiers from 2.6 to 3 cm.
I had to be really careful when near them to not get stung. I have had my experience with them and it wasn’t a good thing let me tell you. Even in today's time with several planets filled with dangerous insects they still rank at the top of the pain scale charts as the creature with the most painful bite ever.
The 25 workers worked quickly to gather me 74 larva but the last one that was surprisingly a queen larva had set off an alarm just as they entered my hive. I recalled the 30 ants and let them inside before I got out of there and away from that death trap of a nest.
The name Bullet Ant isn’t for anything. The kick of the bite is as painful as getting shot by a 9mm bullet, twice.
No wonder this area was clear of any rats. To have them around, no animal would want to stick around. As I was running I ran into three large level 4 rats and was forced to kill them but to my surprise it had leveled me up.
I quickly put the 5 points in str before I butcher the rats and drop the rat in the Flesh fly habit.
Calming down after getting away from the demonic ants I began looking around. The area had few bugs but after walking a bit away from the sewer waste the began to appear more.
As I looked at the tree trunks trying to figure out what bug was, I saw something that didn’t even need identifying and I wanted ever since I got the class.
On the tree trunk was a single green praying mantis eating a bug.
Moving close I grabbed it from behind and began spamming my taming skill.
You have tamed a praying mantis
Your Taming skill has leveled up
A great smile appeared on my face as I dropped the mantis into my hive. Pumped I began to look around more trying to find as many as possible to guarantee I have both male and female.
After a painstaking search I found 3 more and spammed my taming skill on them until I had them. Of the four, 1 was female and 3 were male.
Due to the low number I didn’t care who bred but I made them breed.
It was around this time that I heard the thunder of the Thunderbolt Darter approaching.
The group came without any losses and they had all grown about 1-2 cm.
“Seems you all went hunting and succeeded. You may return to the hive and rest. The royal guard with the highest potential in all stats, mate with the queen.” I said.
With that the portal opened and they went inside leaving the area quiet.
At the same time I notice two portals open and the spiders entering the hive themselves.
Within each hive group were 10 large rats tied up in a neat ball of silk.
I kind of feared how efficient they were but it's spiders we are talking about. One of the most efficient hunters and they were working as a group.
“Guess that was all the hunters. Everyone but…”
“MISTER!!! I’M BACK~!!” Called the little devil I didn’t even mention.
“Levi, did you eat well?” I asked.
“Meh! These stinky rats couldn’t satisfy this great one’s belly.” She said yet her stomach was bulging from how much she ate.
“Yeah… Anyway go back inside.” I tell her.
“Heh! This great one is stronger than GAH!” She started saying.
Before she could finish, I gave her a quick chop on the head making her bend over while holding her head after dropping her weapons.
“Go… inside… now!” I said.
“Yes daddy.” She said and grabbed her stuff and opened a portal and jumped inside.
“Damn that girl.” I thought with a sigh.
I open the inventory and look at what I got. I was getting hungry so I wanted to eat something.
It was then that I remember that box thing. I pressed on it and it appeared in front of me and fell into my hands.
“Strange box… wonder what it is.” I mutter
Suddenly Levi appeared from behind and stared at the box.
“Levi, didn’t I tell you to go inside.” I tell her.
“Yeah but I suddenly sensed that box that has ‘the Power’ inside.” She said.
“Wait! It has that power thing that went inside me?” I asked.
“Yep.” She said and took the box.
Suddenly a portal opens and like an american football player she throws the box inside.
“It has a special kind of power.” She said with a grin and went inside. I tried to grab her and punish her but couldn’t and jumped in after her through the portal that went into the Wilderness Zone.
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