《Bugs》Chapter 13
After feeding that spoiled brat, who had grown some after eating and ate nearly five times compared to the first time. She finally returned to sleep. Currently she took up the crib perfectly and was the size of an 8 month old baby. Slowly her exoskeleton was beginning to form around her.
I felt that rats wouldn’t be much for her so the few dog and cat bodies I found and still weren’t eaten were brought and fed to her.
Still I wanted to know how this little brat called me here so after feeding her I opened the Companions tab on the menu and saw her. I pressed the stats window and hers appeared.
Stat Point:
Unconscious Notetaking [Passive]
Speed reading [Passive]
Bug Lore [Basic Level 1]
Identify [Basic Level 1]
Bug Language comprehension [Max Level]
Hive Portal [Basic Level 1]
Hive Mind [Max Level]
“Ah so that is why.” I mutter.
She had the portal skill and since she is inside my body she can make it open in front of me. Still don’t tell me this little brat learned Unconscious Note Taking, Speed Reading and Buglore by looking through my head?
The thought pissed me off.
I looked at her. She had a human like body but would grow the bug exoskeleton soon. If I’m not mistaken, the queen I met had the golden antenna, but her face and head was fleshy. Her chest had armor like plate but it looked more like clothes than an exoskeleton. Besides the cleavage I saw that was exposed, most of her body was covered in exoskeleton.
I look at the brat that was sleeping peacefully and simply sighed and left to go back to hunting.
The time it took me to feed her was enough time for the Mosquitos to breed and lay the eggs.
When I looked around I noticed that there were quite a few rabbits that were actually running around already in a slight frenzy.
It was then that I remember the message about the animosity.
“So it caused them to enter a race frenzy. That works for me.” I say and call out all my Vampiric Mosquitoes and all the blood suckers.
It made a large scary cloud of bugs.
I looked around and began directing the bugs to attack some groups that were in startling numbers of 10 out hunting.
I had the blood suckers go in first to distract them. They instantly attacked without caring what it was making me feel the pangs of pain from lots of bugs dying.
“Fucking rabbits DIE!” I mutter in my own rage.
I made the mosquitos move in and without pity they were drained after several caught and held them down.
The quality was high so I kept them to sell. The number of drops kept rising and most were medium quality.
Item quality was divided in, Low, Medium, High, Excellent, Rare, Epic, Legendary, Mythical
The first bodies came out high so it meant no thrashing and quick kill. So it seems medium quality is a really good achievement.
I don’t really fight against it this time after realizing this.
I gather all the bodies. Now I had 15 chunks of meat and 13 bodies of above medium quality.
The number of bugs I lost was 38 blood suckers of the 679 I brought out. Yeah I have more, all weak for fighting though.
“Since I was pretty good off now I should go.” I say but suddenly several screeches come from all around me.
Looking around 5 herds of 10 rabbits all spotted me and were rushing.
I grinned as I looked at my finger and saw the Elder rabbits ring in my hand.
I take it off and store it before calling out all my blood suckers this time. A whopping number of 1345 bugs which counted toxic blowflies and blood suckers, not counting the 324 larva I have eating the rabbit corpses at this moment.
The swarm coming from the portal above me scared the rabbits into stopping.
I take out my Glaive since I was certain at least one or two would get to me.
I follow with a swing of the Glaive making it whistle. The bugs instantly attack the herd I was facing. They come from above and several dozens of them latch onto the rabbits who were swinging their paws all around trying to kill the bugs.
The numbers were simply too much and the rapid loss of blood made them all collapse.
I order them through the link to attack the herd behind me. I then swung horizontally and they flew like a river into all the herds leaving several dozens latched onto the rabbits killing them.
The ones, like I had guessed, that got through were 3 level 12 rabbits.
They had several bugs latched on as they ran.
I held my Glaive to use the Blade and with a spin I landed the bottom on the floor and pushed myself in the air and brought the blade down on the middle rabbit. The bugs on it had escaped. With it weakened by the bugs attacking caused it to die in one hit. Planting my feet well into the ground I spun clockwise catching the rabbit that had jumped at me in the air. I then ducked letting the last rabbit jump over me and stabbing upwards making the stab straight up impale it.
All three were one hit kills since they were weakened.
You have killed 3 rabbits.
230 Exp
3 rabbit meat chunks
“So I really do affect the exp I get when using the bugs.” I mutter
Looking at the swarm all the rabbits died while my bugs were bloated.
Opening the portal they all flew inside as a wave as they went to rest.
Nearly 300 of them were killed but the reward was all the bugs leveled up greatly past level 15.
Even with the small bits I got from them I still gained enough to level up to level 13.
I put 2 on Int and 3 on Wis since my magic related stats were low.
I walk around and inspect all the bodies and to my happiness they were all medium quality.
It seems bleeding with blood suckers gives medium quality. I wonder…
I call the queen and tell her to drain the blood from the bodies. As I had expected there was still some inside. She goes through all the bodies and after she passes, the quality goes up though some don’t probably get injured someway or another.
Still 32 out of 50 were high quality. So the payout would be much higher than one would expect.
I load them all into my inventory and check the quests.
Rabbit Invasion
You have killed enough rabbits to complete the request. To claim the reward you must present proof of all the killed rabbits to the guards barrack at any gate. Proper reward will be handed over depending on your kill count if it surpasses 30
Buying Meat
You have met the quota. Report to the butcher in Yggdres to get paid.
Seeing how I was done I returned to the road and entered the town by the road which is considered safe from attacks due to some kind of magic that priests use on roads near towns. It’s only a short distance but it’s enough to protect people walking through.
As I get back I see lots of people shouting to make parties and couldn’t help get annoyed from all the noise.
I squeeze my way through and finally break through when I neared the gate. I walked over to a guard.
“Sir, for the reward for killing the rabbits, who do I need to see?” I asked.
“Most people take the Buying meat quest so you probably have their bodies as well right?” He asked which I nodded to. “Then it's best to go to the butcher first and tell him to remove the right ear as proof for you. Then return here and we will cash it in.” He explained.
“Thank you sir.” I said and walked into the town.
A few people from the crowd looked back at me after I asked that question. I heard questions like…
“Did that newbie complete those missions alone?”
“No way, he must have had a party to gather with them and split.” Another said.
Some people were curious if I had finished it for real and followed me so I entered an alleyway and ran. I took several alleyways so as to lose those chumps and as I neared the butcher I had lost them.
The butcher was a large building with salted meat hanging on hooks inside the shop.
I walk to the counter and meet a large man with a butcher knife and a bloody apron on.
“Hello I saw the quest on the notice board saying you are buying meat.” I said.
“So yah got meat huh. Let's see.” He says bored.
I pulled out 34 chunks making him a bit startled. Yeah the mob of rabbits gave me lots.
“Let’s see ‘ere… 34 chunks, rabbit meat I’m buyin fir 30c. er…” He starts thinking.
“That’s 1,020 copper or 10 s and 20c daddy.” Said a strong young girl that looked no more than 20 with brazen red hair. In her left hand was a butcher knife and over her shoulder was a large piece of pork.
“‘ere kid. Got any mur?” The fat man asked.
“I have the bodies of the rabbits to butcher.” I said making the man’s eyes brighten up.
“Come ‘er.” He said as he led me to the back into an empty space. “Dump ‘em ‘ere.” He said.
Just so you know the inventory is efficient in the fact that it separates different quality items into different piles.
I walk to one side and dump the 22 medium quality bodies in one pile then walking away I dump the 35 high quality ones in another spot.
The brows of the fat man rose as he already might have guessed the reason. Still he had a surprised look as he saw the bodies and no blood.
He took one rabbit from the medium quality ones and identified it with wide eyes. He then looked at the high quality ones before he looked my way.
“How ya bleed ‘em wit out cutten de throat.” He says.
“Um…” I say a bit apprehensive.
“If ya used some beasty no problem. Blood sucker beasties ma friend.” He said and made a gesture to call out the beast.
I looked the other way with a worried look.
“If ya don’t bring it out, I ain't buying.” He threatened making me submit. I called the queen vampiric Mosquito and opened a portal for her.
As she flew out and stopped in mid air next to me, the butcher had wide eyes.
He walked over and identified it.
“My my, quite de beasty ya bred boy. Monsta like dis not from ‘ere so mus be clean and efficient breed. Yer’s personal right?” He asked and I nodded. “Den no problem. High quality I by for 80 c and medium fir 60 c.” he says.
“I need the right ear for a request from the guards to hunt the rabbits.” I said.
“Aye, guessed that an put price fir that. Always butcher beasties an give prof even if not doin de quest.” He says.
The calculations for the trade was 80 c for 35 high quality bodies which is 2800 c, 28 silver, and 60 c for 22 medium quality bodies which is 1,320 c or 13 s 20 c.
My total sum I have is 5g, 73s, 40c
“Ya need de right ear aye?” He asked while pulling out the butcher knife of his.
“Yeah, that is the proof the guards asked for.” I said.
“Aye, den wait outside.” He said.
I went out and left the bodies once he paid me for the rabbits.
As I looked around with a bit of drool on my lips looking at all the great cuts of meat salted and hung on the wall. Even salame were here. Just thinking of buying had crossed my mind but the prices were astronomical and a joke for now.
“Want to buy?” A woman’s voice asked.
I turned and saw it was the daughter of the butcher.
“Ah, no. Kind of urg…”
“Expensive right.” She said with a sigh. “The rabbits are hard to hunt on their own. To tell the truth, this pack instinct appeared after the city expanded. They used to move by themselves and they were only between levels 1-4 but now they are much stronger.” She said.
“Is there a reason for this?” I asked.
“Yeah, they are feeding their young with our crops which feeds them better and it’s made them stronger. It does produce better meat but if you can’t kill them then nothing will come from it.” She said.
“Speaking of which, you used that bug I saw to fight right? How can a single bug fight so many rabbits?” She asked.
Nosy little brat. “It’s not just one. That was the queen of that branch of bugs.” I said.
“So a couple thousand then?” She asked and I nodded.
“The one I pulled out is called Vampiric Mosquito. Specifically the queen was a variant which is much larger than a normal one.” I said.
“So vampiric so it is efficient in sucking blood. Doesn’t it drop diseases?” She asked.
“No, they aren’t a disease spreading species but a poisonous one but unless I order them to inject poison they won’t release it.” I said.
“Hmm. If you learned butchering you could make lots of high quality meat products with those flies that drain the blood for you.” She said.
“I don’t know if I can get a skill book or if I need to do it manually to learn the skill.” I said.
“People who rely on the magic instant use of butchering only get medium quality items from a high quality body. Doing it manually takes longer but you definitely get more out of it. Besides getting hide, you get bones, meat and maybe even unique parts from monsters they may hide inside their body.” She explained.
I nod understanding her pitch sales of wanting to get money off me to learn butchery. She takes a book out of nowhere.
“This is a butchery skill book, 1g for it and it’s yours or 25 s for a manual class.” She said.
The 25 s may look like a better deal but what she probably didn’t say was 25 s each class so I pulled a gold coin out. Thank you game mechanics for breaking up and creating large money automatically.
I toss her the coin and quickly take the book.
“Tch, and here I thought you were fun.” She said pouting.
I raised a brow looking at her as she pouted like a little girl, stuffing her cheeks full of air. Her childish nature, I can’t tell if it’s fabricated or not so she was either experienced or like this for real.
“So, you have no one to play with or fight with and want to do more than be a butcher huh.” I said the first thing that came to mind making her flinch. Bullseye.
“D-don’t say bullshit like that!” She said flustered.
“She totally wants to be an adventurer.” I thought. “Your dad doesn’t let you leave and go do what you want?” I asked.
“If he did, would I still be here?” She said blushing and looking away.
“Are you here to please your father?” I asked and she made a weak nod.
She wasn’t watching but my eye caught the fat man that stopped just before entering the room from the want from the back.
He saw I spotted him.
“Why haven’t you asked him to go out into the world like you wanted?” I asked.
“I did but I guess I was only 14 at the time. My mom had died from a monster attack and my dad was fearing for my life.” she replied.
“That was wen ya was 14. Ya a 21 yer old and can live ya life as ya wan bu mus take ya life as first priority.” The butcher said, walking out with a large bag.
He hands me the bag and with a nod he says.
“Thanks fir showing I was ruinen ma little dauters laf.” he said.
I nod in return, “I saw a way to help so I gave it. A young woman also wouldn’t find someone suited for her being stuck in a small town like this.” I said.
“Dat is nother ting. Any dick dat wans my daugter need ma aproval.” He says instantly making the red haired girl bright red from blushing.
“IT’S MY CHOICE DAD!” She shouted and ran inside quickly.
We both laughed and he put a hand on my shoulder.
“Ah really need ta thank ya fir maken ma girl speak wa she wans.” he said.
“Like I said no need.” I said.
He sticks out a hand and drops a silver coin into my hand.
“I insis take dat book fir free. Ma girl will grow inta a great girl so un little book aint much.” He said and ended the conversation.
From there I left after storing all the rabbit ears. Outside I learnt the butchering skill from the book.
Basic Level 1
Butchering is the art of taking the body of a dead creature and processing it by bleeding, skinning and cutting up the meat.
Improved control when butchering by 2%
System guide
With a system guide you can instantly butcher the body and let the system do the work. Quality and number of items obtained will depend on skill level.
Partial System guidance will outline where to cut and depend how well you cut when the system makes the drops that are butchered quality and number of items will improve.
Manual system will completely depend on the player's own work as all guidance will be removed.
This system is for all skills including combat skills.
“So this is the system guidance. Manual system is for people with skill in it huh?” I mutter.
I chuckle as I close the menu and walk to the gate and tell the guards I have the rabbit ears.
I was led to the guard captain. He was a muscular man with 185 cm tall and full plate armor with a cape that had the kingdom coat of arms and over his heart on the plate was the same coat of arms.
“Sir, this young man has completed the rabbit hunting request.” The guard that led me said.
“Oh, and where is your party boy?” He asked looking my way with a neutral expression.
“No party sir, I went alone.” I said.
“Heh, right. Where is the proof?” He asked and I pulled out the bag of over fifty rabbit ears, all without a speck of blood in them.
I put it on the table and he takes it and takes it to a scale and lumps them. It overflowed in a box that was on the weighing scale.
“You got more than 30?” he asked.
“Yes sir, a bit over 50.” I replied, making his brow rise.
“And do you mind sharing what method you used to catch these bastards. Regular traps don’t work anymore since they run in groups.” He asked.
“I am a type of breeder sir so I used my beasts.” I replied.
He nods after connecting 2 and 2 with how I did it. Breeders are a type of tamer but breeders can be considered a support class with more advantages than tamer since we know how to breed stronger animals and also can breed animals into monsters.
“What beast specifically because looking at these ears they aren’t bloody? I know no beast that can leave something like this since some blood will always be left inside the body.” He said.
“...bugs sir.” I said.
“Yes sir.” I replied.
He looked in disbelief at me.
“Sir, remember the boy we told you that was gathering the rotting bodies around town. It was this lad. He must have taken to breeding them to aid in killing the rest.” The guard beside me said.
“I see. Let me see your beasts then. I am unable to believe what you say even with my guardsmen saying what he said.”
I nodded and was about to call the queen Mosquito but suddenly a portal opened behind me and the tiny queen walked out. Her size was like that of a two year old and she now had two antennas and most of her body was covered in hard exoskeleton. She had short green hair on her head that fell to her shoulders.
She looked at me and smiled. Her antenna vibrate a bit.
[Hungry Master! Want food!] She said.
Looking around the guards had pulled their swords out but I got in the way.
“She is a newborn I obtained. She is a bug race but more humanoid.” I said and called out the queen mosquito. “This is one of the bugs I used for hunting today.” I said while pushing the queen back into the palace and telling her to remain inside as I forced the portal closed.
“That girl. A bug with human form. What are you breeding?!” The guard captain said.
“Like I said, I obtained, she recently hatched. I didn’t breed her, what I breed was this and it’s what I have used. You, sir, should agree that this is a sensitive subject.” I said serious.
“True enough. I feel that trying to delve into what I just saw would bring more trouble than it’s worth. I hope you don’t cause trouble with your bugs.” He said.
“I helped clear the town of bugs. I have no desire to fill it up again so don’t worry.” I said, making him nod.
He looked at the box and threw all the ears that had fallen out of it and took the proper weight and then took out the money and tossed it to me in a small bag.
“You may leave and stay out of trouble with the little bug girl of yours.” He said.
In the bag were 6 silver coins. A 3 extra for killing so many.
I thank them and leave. In my head the alarm of a certain brat was going off wanting to eat and trying to open a portal but I was blocking her from opening one.
I head to an alleyway and open up. Time to properly discipline this brat.
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500 years ago, the Abyss King was slain after a brutal and bloody war infamously known as the Longest Night. However, even death cannot hold back the darkness he spreads, and so the leaders of the world send 5 brave warriors, 1 chosen from each race, to kill the tyrant before he can resurrect himself. The warriors emerge victorious, though at the cost of two of their comrades. Peace reigns over the land once again...but it is short lived. After a second coming of the Abyss King is foretold, 5 new heroes are gathered with the sole purpose of slaying the Abyss King before he can terrorize the world once more. The Human Kristoff Arondight is chosen as the representative for mankind, and he sets off with his new companions into enemy territory. As Kris and his party venture into the Abyss King's resting place, they ponder what dangers they may face. Little do they know their endeavor is the opening act in a grand undertaking that will shake the foundations of the world itself... (Author's Disclaimer: I am currently revising all presently released chapters. I encourage any new readers to wait for the new chapters to be re-released. If you would like to read my current work anyways, feel free to do so, though be warned that some content might change once the new canon is established.)
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hope not, blackpink
... as if nothing happened, i will smile if i see you© dilemmarz | 2020
8 204