《Bugs》Chapter 2
Running through the town I make my way to the keep and the library. As I reached the keep I walked over to a nearby guard that was patrolling.
“Excuse me sir. Can you tell me where the entrance of the Library is?” I asked calling a buff knight that was wearing full plate armor and had a great sword on his back.
“Library? It should be in the right tower which is that one over there.” He said pointing to the right side, the north side of the keep was the ‘front’. “The entrance should be on the side of the tower and the librarian should be to the left of the door. He is a grumpy old mage but his magic power is only second to the court mage.” The guard said.
“Thank you sir.” I said with a small bow and walked towards the library and found two wooden double doors. The doors were open completely yet no one went in or came out.
I walked into the library and looked to the left and spotted the elder who was the librarian.
Walking over I examined the elder. He had grizzly grey hair that was messy and long. His beard went down near his waist. His dark brown eyes showed long years of wisdom stored in them.
He wore a grey robe and leaning on the wall behind him was a staff with a black gemstone at the tip.
As I reached the table he put the quill in his hand in the inkwell and looked up while stretching causing several bones to crack during the process.
“What can I do for you junior?” He said with a tired voice.
“I’m looking for books on the local bugs of this area as well as the local herbs.” I replied.
“What do you need that stuff for?” The elder asked with curiosity in his eyes while he looked at me intensely.
“I am a traveler with knowledge of bugs and I hope to try and remedy the diseases that are being spread by the insects as well as try to control the population.” I say.
“Hmm… quite a strange request for sure. Find a table and I shall find the books you require. They are rather sparse though.” The elder says and grabbing his staff he stands up and starts walking.
I looked around and found a table I was comfortable with. While I waited I looked around and noticed that I wasn’t alone. There were a few people all dressed like mages and were reading books on some kind of magic.
After a while the elder appeared and floating behind him were several books.
“Alright, these books are related to the bugs in the region and these are the herblore books we possess.” The elder said.
I thanked him and looked at the two piles. The bug books number 4 and the herb ones were 6.
I kind of frowned seeing the number of books.
I quickly got up and walked over to him again.
“Where can I find blank paper, ink and a quill?” I asked.
“Ink and a quill is 10 copper and a packet of 100 pages is 20 copper.” He said.
I looked in my inventory and found that I had 50 c. The money system is the metal coin system. Copper, Silver, Gold. 100 c = 1s, 100 s = 1 g.
I frown as I take out the 30 c and hand it over.
He calls out a packet of paper a quill and ink bottle like his own.
I took it all back to the table. I then begin reading. I grab the first book on bugs and read.
After a while I was completely focused that even when my hands were moving over the paper writing down notices I took from the books I didn’t take my eyes off it.
It was only when this message appeared that I noticed the time.
Your hunger and Thirst has dropped to 30%, Drink something before it reaches 0% or your health shall be affected.
As I look at the window I finally break out of my trance and look around and find the area empty except for the elder.
I looked out the window and saw it was already night time.
“Damn, it’s already night… damn it I got distracted with my research again.” I thought but when I looked through the notices I was rather happy.
I always had personal notes in it so there was always my opinion.
I had already used the front and back of over 20 pages in 12 hours of reading.
Due to reading and researching Intelligence and wisdom +1
Unconscious Note Taking
Passive skill
This Passive skill can only be used when in a trance like state while researching and you possess paper, ink and a quill at hand. You will find and isolate important information and also put your own opinions in notes.
Improves Note taking
Improves observation
This skill… it’s my habit of note taking without me noticing… I just look at this skill blankly because it feels a bit like a joke towards me.
Well it would help me improve my work pace so I didn’t care. I took out a water container and drank until my Thirst was back to 100% then I took out a piece of Rye bread and chomped into it and frowned.
“Urg… so tasteless…” I mutter as I force it down. I see that the single bite raised my hunger by 10%. I take six more bites and then store the bread remains since I was already full.
“Note to self, get the cooking skill and find some work to buy better food.” I mutter.
“Ya need work junior?” Said the elder who suddenly appeared in front of me out of thin air.
I jumped in my seat and tipped the chair making me fall back.
“HAHA! Don’t be surprised child.” The elder said with a smile.
While I picked myself up in a bit of pain, the elder looked at the papers of notes I made while scanning through them. His brow raised as he read through them all.
“My, you really do have experience with insects. With basic information from a book you could work out so much. That said, proper hands on experiments are needed to refine these notes.” The elder said.
“Of course but I first need to know what I am working with. Also I need the herbs since I will need to make medicine for each disease then I need to find out what is good for pesticide that will not harm the water in the city and cause more problems than solving them.” I said.
The elder looked at me for a moment and returned to scanning the notes.
“How do you plan to get the materials and money for this in such a short time? I know that the problem isn’t as simple as being able to work several years on this. It needs immediate solving.” The elder asked.
“Well I planned on getting a job just to survive until I can leave the gates. Then I would look for herbs in the forest I need and start working on pesticides first. I need to lower the population of the bugs to buy more time first. Then with that extra time I can slowly work on a cure or medicines to slowly weaken the diseases and strengthen a person's own immune system to combat the virus.” I say while working out the process we need to work with.
Considering what methods we know in real life we could use the old method of poking someone infected with the virus and stabbing someone without it. This was used during the renaissance to cure several deadly viruses during that era but those were viruses and these could be bacteria which could worsen things so I need to study up.
“Why not work here then? There isn’t much to do but organize the books and I will even give you permission to enter the third floor which holds much rarer books and yes there are rarer books on this subject you are interested in.” He said.
“What’s in it for you besides someone working for you?” I asked.
“Just someone to do the heavy lifting for me to open up more time for me to do my own studies.” He said.
“And the wages?” I asked.
“20 c per day.” The elder said.
After doing some calculating I figured that for a month, 30 days with 20 c equals 600 c or 6 s. It’s not much but it will get me food and maybe some low class armor. Also in between my bug studies I may learn some magic like that levitating thing the old man did.
“I think that’s good enough. Alright I agree. My name is Droso.” I said and held my hand out for a handshake.
The elder takes it and with a slight smile.
“Thomas Magi, nice to meet you. Well we should store your things and get you to work. I’ve heard you travelers don’t need much sleep so we can start immediately.” He said.
From there he showed me how the library was organized. I was surprised when he told me that there were skill books in the library but the skill books were different from the magical ones. There exists the magic ones that instantly teaches you the skill but these aren’t those. These show you the instructions of each skill so you can execute and learn it yourself.
After a few hours of explaining how to organize the books, me taking notes down rapidly to remember properly, he left me to work. The pile of books was about 3 meters tall and covered a 2 m2 area.
First thing I did was separate books by subject. I made several piles from that. Then I went and found the location of each subject. Then one by one I went to the pile, loaded up my inventory with the books then went to the shelves and looking at the number on the spine of the book I put them in the correct location. Because of my habit of organizing bugs in my collection by number on large shelves, I was used to this, also my job, which required high levels of organization, made it easier as well.
By morning the large pile had been reduced to nothing and I was already by my own books and studies when the elder arrived.
He stared at the empty space that normally held several dozens of books that needed several young men to organize and would take hours.
“You… finished?” He asked.
“Aye, been about two hours already since I was done so I went back to my own research.” I tell him.
“How did you fix it up so fast?” he asked.
I pull out the map of the two floors that showed each and every bookshelf drawn on with the subjects each one possessed in them.
“I made that map and then separated all the books by subject and just went to the bookshelves that matched and if the number was correct and there was a missing book or I found extra copies I put them together or in the correct spot depending on the number.”
The elder looked dumbstruck at the efficiency of my work. It was more than clear that I was used to working in an organized station which led to this astounding work pace.
Looking at the map he found it was rather useful. He had his own mental map but those that visit don’t so they need his help to find the books but with this he could get more free time since they could look at the map to find the section they want.
“You can keep the maps if you like, I have copies.” I tell him.
I could see he was rather happy and he pulled out some coins and handed it to me.
“I wouldn’t take such a convenient thing like this already drawn out map so I will buy it.” he said.
I nodded and counted the coins. My eyes bulged when I counted 70 c.
“20 c is your pay for this night, and 50 is for the map.” the elder says. “You can work on your studies but you still need to work when called upon.”
“That is fine but it feels like I get preferential treatment compared to a newbie librarian.” I said.
“That is because it is but because I know you can organize the books in a short time you can work at night and do as you please during the day.” The elder said and left me to my studies.
I stared at him with a blank stare blinking a few times.
“This is a joke right… I get the same job treatment as in the real world.” I thought but shrugged it off since it was useful to me but I would have to lose one day here every four days when I go to work so I won't get a complete 6 s.
And so I spent the next two days doing the same thing, I read through all the bug related books at a rapid trance like pace while noting down anything that was of importance with the help from the note taking skill.
Oh right I also got Speed reading skill. It was another useful passive skill that made it easier for me to get my work done much faster.
I needed to buy another four packets of paper to completely write down all the notes for all the books and truthfully with so many notes I actually needed to make a proper book from it but thankfully there is a system for this so I made the book ‘Bug Research Notes’.
Yeah my research pace is a bit… fast when I focus single mindedly. Would have been faster if it didn’t work at night but anyway today I finished so I went to Thomas.
“Hey, tonight and tomorrow I won't be here. I have business to do so I can't be here.” I said.
“I'm surprised it took so long really.” He replied.
“Yeah, every fourth day I won't be here.” I say and he nods.
“Good luck with your work then. That book you made, want me to hold on to it?” He asked.
“No thanks I will keep it with me. I already finished reading all the bug related books so I don’t need them and I think I can already start experimenting with what i learned. I need to see what bug holds which diseases first.” I say.
“That is a reasonable course of action. Well I shall see you later.” Thomas said.
I nodded then finally logged out making my body vanish.
I woke up in my room and as I got up I felt the soreness in my body and the sudden impact of hunger and thirst.
“Note to self, time between after library work and morning ingame is to do my business.” I mutter to myself as I run to the bathroom in a rush because of both number 1 and 2 that were trying to rush out.
After relieving myself, I strip and take a shower because I got seriously sweaty on the bed. The warm shower relaxed my sore muscles. Yeah staying in bed for so long in one position is a seriously bad thing.
Leaving the bath, I look in the mirror as I brush my messy wet hair. My body wasn’t flabby or muscular, I did build some defined muscles because of the stuff I carry at the lab but it wasn't anything grand. If a person worked the same job as me they would develop the same way.
I let my hair down as I go into my room and dress with jeans and a blue button up shirt.
Finally I go to the kitchen and begin cooking up some grub and stuff myself because I went the whole day without food.
The bulging belly showed I had over eaten yet I couldn’t help feel satisfied.
“Yeah I totally need to get the cooking skill because the rye bread tastes like bricks.” I mutter as I get up and grab the car keys.
Quickly locking up the house I jump into my BMW and leave for the lab.
My job there has been greatly reduced to the point that I feel more like a guard dog there.
Reaching the lab that was in a 6 story building with a good number of guards, because it was a research center which is located on the outer edge of the city, I pulled out my ID card and passed over the scanner at the front followed by my hand print. Finally the 30 mm thick bulletproof glass doors opened letting me pass.
From there I headed to the elevator at the center of the building and after inserting my ID into a slot and pressing the 3rd floor, the elevator began moving. Rapidly descending into the true research facility which is below the building, I waited until I was finally down and exited into the floor that I worked on.
There wasn’t just research I did but many other stuff was done here though I didn’t really know since I focused on my own.
Since I had nothing to do I might as well check out Virtual Life Online site.
The place was empty and I didn’t really have much work so I could only pass the time until something new could appear.
Getting on the pc I open up the site and start looking around.
I looked at the rankings and found the highest level guy is 120 already. Must be the kind of leecher that has his party attack and weaken them and he takes the kill.
I looked around a bit and then entered the forums. I went to the section about my region since that is where I am and where I really need to care about today.
I actually found several comments about the bug problem.
“Shitty bug problem in this area.” “Too many insects in the city. Leaving for north region away from the forest, looking for a party.” “SOMEONE RESOLVE THIS SHITTY PROBLEM BEFORE I BURN THE TOWN!”
“Wow, these guys are retarded… Can’t they figure out how to make pesticide?” I muttered.
Then I returned and noticed something interesting.
“Phone and PC app to access books in inventory.” I blinked a bit then clicked it.
Virtual EZ Books
This app is specially made for people that are interested in books found inside the game world.
The app connects to your in game account by scanning your eyes through a camera.
Once connected, any books or papers that have writing on it will appear there.
This app is free.
What a convenient app. I could make a copy in the real world and use my time here studying what I learned so I would make proper use of my time here.
That said it seems I need a camera so only the phone for now.
I pulled out my phone and looked for the app, finding it rather quickly and downloading only took a few minutes.
Finished downloading the app launches. It starts up showing large wooden double doors that open into a large library. Then a camera appears and on top it says, “Please put a frontal camera near your right eye.”
I did just that and in a moment a ding comes from the phone.
Pulling back I saw it had scanned successfully and the name Droso was there. I pressed the green arrow to advance. Finally on the screen a bag appeared showing a pile of empty white pages and my research book.
I press the book and it opens up on the screen just as I have written it and even better it was in my letter so I was looking at the authentic book.
“Hehehe this is good. Now my nights won’t be boring at all as I review all my notes.” I grin as I begin going over everything until it was finally time to go home at midnight.
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