《VRMMO: Destiny Forged》Blacksmith Rhold


After leaving the City Administration Office's building, Jaden opened his map in the system UI and followed the coordinates given to him.

A few minutes later, Jaden was surprised as he found out that his villa was located only a minute or two away from both the Basics of Combat and the City Lord's Manor, the office and home of his master.

Reaching his destination, Jaden couldn't help but exclaim out of astonishment when he laid his eyes on his newly bought home.

Different trees ranging from ash trees, oak trees, pine trees, there were even cherry blossom trees, standing tall and proud on both sides of the pavement. The only difference between these trees and the ones from the real world were their sizes and age. Their barks and trunks were so big that five people wouldn't even be able to put their arms around them, while their roots seemed to be connected to each other as parts of them could be seen sprouting above the ground.

From the Administration Office, he had found out that these trees were actually more than 10,000 years old! These ancient trees were as old as the city itself!

As Jaden passed through the obsidian, metallic gate, and walked forward on the pathway, he was greeted by a diverse number of plants and flowers that one wouldn't even dream of seeing in the real world.

'This place is simply a paradise...' thought Jaden as he continued walking.

Eventually, his eyes were drawn towards a three-story mansion that exuded elegance and dignity. Built with white jades, rare granites, and magical wood, the construct suggested its luxurious exterior and infrastructure. There were images depicted in the relief decorations that spread throughout the outside of the mansion, alongside a few cuts seemingly made from a sword, adding a hint of fierceness on its somewhat carefree atmosphere.

Tall and large windows allowing enough light to enter the interior of the home were added in a considerably asymmetric way portraying a rather eccentric design.

Walking up to the mansion that had a mixture of the color white, gray, and brown, Jaden opened the door and entered inside.

[Ding! Welcome to your new home, player King! Would you like to open the housing interface of the KingSword Villa?]

Still somewhat a bit dazed, Jaden agreed as a blue 3D model of the entire land that he bought, appeared in front of him. Jaden could see the small model of the villa alongside the trees, plants, flowers, and grass.

"Amazing..." he murmured.


Housing UI

Name: KingSword Villa

Type: Villa

Rating: Royal

Land: 7500 Sq. Ft.

Effects: → Staying within the house increases Health and Mana regeneration by 200%

→ Staying in the house for 10 minutes increases EXP gained by 15% for 12 hours. Cooldown: 24 hours.

→ Skill and Mastery proficiency gained increases by 10% when training in the villa.

(Can be leveled up)


Jaden nodded in admiration as he stared at the beneficial effects of the house. Its actually not just experience points gains, but also skills and mastery proficiency!


One by one, Jaden checked every corner of the mansion and his joy surfaced on his face during this time. There were actually 10 bedrooms in this place, and their interior sizes were simply too big to behold!

Satisfied with his decision to buy the villa, Jaden looked at his remaining 12,300.


'I should take this time to see if I can buy anything useful to me...' he thought before walking out of the mansion.


EverGuard City, Central Hub.

As Jaden walked along the streets of the Central Hub, he remembered his master telling him that in this place, one could obtain a treasure for a cheap price, but of course, one could also buy a fake and useless item or equipment for a high price and be swindled.

Busy storefronts selling all kinds of rare equipments and materials could be seen on both sides of the streets, as far as the eye could see. Packed with people that hailed from different places, Jaden chuckled seeing this scene.

Restaurants and inns were also the same as countless people with diverse professions and classes could be seen, drinking noisily. Bartering and haggling about prices could also be heard as the people kept shouting at each other non-stop.

After walking for a while, Jaden stopped as he raised his head and looked up at the store sign above.

[Rhold's Smithy]

The blacksmith who forged Jaden's White Swordsman's Robe was also the owner and the chief blacksmith of this two-story building.

Although the exterior design was crude and simple, Jaden didn't mind it since a lot of things in the world are more than what they seem, especially in a place like EverGuard City.

Opening the somewhat huge and rustic door, Jaden heard a ringing of a bell as he stepped inside.

And indeed, the interior of the place could definitely be said to be different.




A rhythmic sound of a hammer hitting a piece of metal could be heard. After glancing at the surrounding, which was vacant of customers, and the luxurious golden walls where all kinds of weapons and armors were displayed, Jaden's eyes landed on a figure who had an extremely burly physique.



Name: Rhold Rhinestone

Age: ???

Leve: ???

Rank: ???

Title: EverGuard's Chief Blacksmith (Epic)


"..." Jaden was speechless as he stared at the status page in front of him. 'This guy is definitely stronger than master...' he thought as he slightly narrowed his eyes.

The "???" in the status page of the blacksmith suggested that Jaden's existence was simply too measly and weak for him to see and access any information from the man.

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!

As the same sound reverberated over and over, Jaden simply stared without interrupting. 'This repeated and patterned hammering sound is actually so simple yet profound...' he thought.

In Jaden's eyes, he thought that the burly figure's minute actions and arm swings were actually beautiful as he sensed the blacksmith resonate with nature, becoming one with heaven and earth.

Seconds passed, minutes passed, and hours passed.

Still ever patient, Jaden remained silent as admired and took in the profundity of the blacksmith's actions. The world is full of marvelous things and one could learn new things every day.

After an hour of systematic and precise repetition, the blacksmith stopped swinging his hammer as he stood up with a lustrous silver mask in his hand.

"You've waited 4 hours and stood still in the same position without complaining or disturbing my action," said Rhold with a deep, raspy voice. "Your patience and temperament are definitely unique and rare for someone of your age." Rhold turned around and faced Jaden as he said those words.


Jaden could then see the person's appearance. He was bald and shiny as it reflected the light. He had a jet-black beard that connected with his rough-looking mustache. Donned in a fierce looking black leather armor, Rhold walked towards him.

Although Jaden knew that this blacksmith was definitely stronger than Roland, of course, that's because Roland is still young and has immense potential, he couldn't feel any suffocating or overbearing pressure from the man who was walking towards his direction.

There was no dignified aura of a powerful expert coming from him or a terrifying pressure that radiated from him. His aura was simply quiet and stable, akin to an immovable mountain that could support even the heavens.

Bowing his head slightly, Jaden replied. "You think too highly of me master Rhold."

Rhold smiled in response. "No need to be humble, I've sensed that you are not just talented but also calm and carefree, straight and unbending. You were born to wield the sword."

"I thank you for the compliments, master Rhold," said Jaden as he didn't refute. Although he indeed wasn't arrogant, he wasn't overly humble as well. His mindset and disposition were just as the blacksmith had described.

"No need to call me master, just call me brother Rhold." he chuckled as he stroke his beard.

"Brother Rhold."

Rhold nodded his head. "Mhm."

Just as Jaden was about to speak of him wishing to buy some things, he was interrupted.

"I know why you're here. Little Roland also came here a few days ago and asked me to make another item for you," said Rhold as he tossed the silver mask to Jaden.

Little Roland?

Abit taken aback, Jaden caught the mask and thanked the blacksmith before checking out the item.



Rank: Gold (0%)

Durability: 230 / 230

• Defense: 120

• Charm, Perception, and Fortitude +15

• The skill Weakness Detection (Passive) will be generated.

→ A fitting mask for the young warrior who just started his adventure.

Requirement: Level 0

(Bound to player King)

(Can upgrade)

(Please name the item)


"This mask that I've made could be said to be a set piece of the previous robe that I forged. It's still unnamed so I suggest you name it," said Rhold.

"A set piece huh..." Jaden muttered. "Alright, since it's a piece of set equipment, I'll just name it alongside the battle robe, White Swordsman's Visage," he said as he put on the mask.

[Ding! The equipment "???" is now named "White Swordsman's Visage!]

The mask's color was a mix of white and silver as it shone a lustrous silver light. Alongside the delicate lines that coiled around the opening holes for the eyes and the lines that flowed horizontally, Jaden exuded an air of mysteriousness that one could get lost in. The mask covered only the upper part of Jaden's face, leaving his nose and below in the open.

However, this didn't make him look awkward. His high nose bridge that was sculpted flawlessly alongside his thin, red lips and perfectly carved face only made him look alluring and enigmatic at the same time.

"White Swordsman..." Rhold muttered as he looked at Jaden up and down. The white mask and robe contrasted his silky, jet-black hair and jade-like skin, and the sword that hung on his back was simply too fitting for the name. He displayed the name White Swordsman to perfection!

Rhold praised as he repeatedly nodded his head. "Good name, very fitting indeed." he continued. "Roland already paid for that mask so you don't need to pay for it. Look around the shop and take anything that catches your eye. I'll gift it to you." he said before walking back near the furnace as he sat down and started hammering once more.

'Hmm, I'll just take one item for free then use the rest of the gold to buy other things.' thought Jaden as he started looking around.

His eyes swept past the swords, armors, and helmets as he started walking towards a pair of snow-white battle sandals.


[Fleeting Snow Sandals] → Price: 9,500 gold

Rank: Gold

Durability: 280 / 280

• Defense: 110

• Agility +35

• The skill Fleet Footwork (Active) will be generated.

Requirements: Level 35 and Agility 200.


[Fleet Footwork] (Active)

• Dodge all enemy "projectile" and "target" skills for 30 seconds.

• Agility increases by 10% for the duration of the skill

Cooldown: 10 minutes.


'I'll buy this one with my remaining gold.' thought Jaden as he looked at the sandals that covered his foot and coiled upwards to his calves, akin to snakes.

As he glanced around, something caught his eyes in an instant. It was a pair of silver gloves that seemed to be made of rare leather material or a monster skin.

Jaden immediately walked towards the desk and opened the glass that contained the silver gloves inside. When his hand touched the gloves, his body couldn't help but slightly shiver as he felt a powerful presence from the item.


[Duelist King's Battle Gloves]

Rank: Hero

Durability: 850 / 850

• Strength, Agility, and Constitution +80

• There is a certain probability to stun the enemy for 1 second on every attack.

• There is a low probability to stun the enemy for 5 seconds. Cooldown: 3 minutes.

• The skill "Fatal Strike" will be generated

→ The battle gloves that the previous Duelist King had used throughout his life. The equipment has been greatly damaged for some reason, lowering its original rank alongside many skills being destroyed.

Requirement: Strength, Agility, and Constitution 300. Melee-related Class.


[Fatal Strike] (Active)

• Deals 800% true damage to the target.

Cooldown: 30 minutes.


Picking up the gloves, Jaden walked towards Rhold only to hear him say. "You can take the gloves for free, but you can pay for the shoes. Since you have the titles [EverGuard's Warrior] and [Disciple of the Lord of EverGuard], you have a 60% discount. Leave the gold on the counter."

Rhold didn't even raise his head and continue hammering a piece of metal. Jaden nodded his head and left a bag with 3,800 gold inside on top of the shop's counter before he walked towards the exit.

Right before he left, he shouted. "Thanks for the gift brother Rhold, I'll buy you a drink next time!" Jaden laughed as he stepped out of the shop.

Rhold's arm stopped for a moment before he continued hammering once more.

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