《WTF I'm a Dungeon!? (Dropped)》Chapter 19 - The Guild has appeared! *OLD*


Chapter 19 - The Guild has appeared!

"What the hell do you mean?"

I asked this question to the Guild Master. It is one of the rare occasions that she is out of the office.

"I mean exactly as I just said, we have lost 5 Silver Ranked Parties so far in the Hearth Jungles. I'll need you to go investigate personally." (Guildmaster)

"What quest were they one?"

If 5 Silver Ranked Parties are dead, then it is likely an enemy at or above Gold Rank, it'll be bothersome if it's a Legend Rank Monster.

"They were on the regular goblin subjugation quest." (Guild Master)

I look at the Guild Master, she looked back at me.

"Your joking."

"You know I won't joke on such a serious occasion." (Guild Master)

Most goblin villages are set on the outskirts of the jungle. Given the fact that even the strongest hobgoblins can't surpass Silver Rank.

Did a strong monster migrate to the outskirts? No that's impossible, there aren't any signs of the weaker monsters getting pushed out of their habitats.

It's most likely a person doing these killings. Could it be a necromancer? Or worse, a Lich.

I feel a chill on my back as I remembered. Calling a Lich unpleasant is a huge understatement.

The Guild Master was waiting for my answer. We've known each other long enough to know what the other was thinking off. She most likely reached the same conclusion as me.

"Is there no one else that can take this request?" I asked.

"All of our Gold Rank Parties have moved to the Falharmus Kingdom, a dungeon there has a boss on floor 30 that drops 1500 gold coins on death and provides 5 random people with a buff that boosts all stats by 1, there's also a rumor that a tamer who got this buff had his tamed monsters increase in strength several times over." (Guild Master)


She said it in a dull tone, yet the implications are dangerous. Only Master Ranked gear can increase a person's stats by 1 and that's only if the crafter is incredibly skilled and lucky. In fact, it's so rare for Master Ranked gear to increase stats no one would say you're wrong if you said only Legend Rank Craftsmen can make such gear.

"What is that bosses stats? How long does the buff last? Does it drop anything other than the Gold?" I asked. If I am right then this boss will be a bigger problem than some Lich.

"The boss is estimated to be High Gold Rank to Low Master Rank based on its stats, however, it uses rather predictable attacks so a Gold Rank Party can kill it easily, in fact, a few Silver Ranked Parties can kill it with some effort. It only drops gold, its carcass disappears after death and the buff seems to last only 2 minutes. However, the Boss respawns every 8 minutes." (Guild Master)

Thankfully the buff doesn't last long enough to be a problem.

"There is no real need to worry about the boss or its dungeon. I have already recalled all our parties staying there, after all, it is likely that Falharmus won't last long." (Guild Master)

"Why is that?"

"A dungeon like this can be considered an important resource even amongst major superpowers, I don't need to tell you the implications of a 3rd rate kingdom holding it." (Guild Master)

"Not only that given how much gold coins the boss drops, it is unlikely Falharmus's economy will last long, given the fact that tens of thousands of gold has entered the market in the last week." (Guild Master)

"It's only been a few days since they have left, is it really ok to recall them?"


"The ones who are sensible will return but if they are so blinded by greed that they won't leave then they deserve to be caught up in the conflict." (Guild Master)

As expected of the Black Hearted Sorceress, she replies following the faith I've put in her after all these years. I'll put that boss in Falharmus in the back of my mind for now. But...

"Which parties are returning?"

It would be a shame if any of our parties get caught up in a war.

"Most of our Silver Ranked Parties are returning with a few Gold Rank Parties that didn't get there soon enough to monopolize the boss. There are still a few parties that want to try their luck, the only notable one is the Gold Rank Party Redhorn Hammershell that got there early." (Guild Master)

"Well then I suppose I should go out and welcome the--

"You still haven't answered my question Vice Guild Master." (Guild Master)

Dammit, she saw through me.

"Well you see I'm retired and all, you won't want this old senior to accidentally break a few bones."

I try my best to look old at this moment, hunching my back and pretending I can't see as well.

"You beat up a 4 Gold Rank Parties, 7 Silver Rank Parties and even a poor Bronze Rank Party just last month, by YOURSELF, while drunk. Not only that, the fight was caused by you when you tried to hit on the healers of 8 separate parties at once. I think you're healthy enough." (Guild Master)

"In fact, I'm still getting people asking me to lock you up for sexual assault." (Guild Master)

"But why the hell were the healers you flirted with all males?" (Guild Master)

She whispered the last part while supporting her head with her hands. Her whole body was shaking, a clear indicator that she wanted to fireball something.

"In my defense... I was unsupervised."

"You're f**king over 50 years old at this point and you still need someone to look after you?" (Guild Master)

"Damn, I'm already over 50 years old, I didn't even remember, I suppose I am getting old."

I try to hold back my smile as I dodged the fireball. Fireballs actually, she followed up with another 20.

"Are you sure about this, at this rate, we're gonna need a new guild hall."

"If I can hit you even once it'll be worth it." (Guild Master)

Right now the guild hall was filled with fireballs, I forgot how many she could make at once.

"AHHHHHHH" I know that voice. Shit, the pretty receptionist almost got hit

"Alright let's sit down now and talk about this." I pleaded.

She looked once at me, then at the male receptionist who almost got singed.

Another 50 fireballs appeared.

"How about this I'll go and safely escort all our parties at Falharmus back here?"

Now she stopped. However, it was only for a moment.

"If I recall correctly, the Gold Rank Party Redhorn Hammershell is made up of exclusively handsome males correct?" (Guild Master)

Whatever her expression was right now, I had no idea. I started running the second I saw another 300 fireballs appear around me.

"Don't be so unreasonable! Fine I accept your request alright. ARRGH! Stop throwing more fireballs!!"

The fireballs didn't stop coming.


Dammit, what an unreasonable woman.

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