《WTF I'm a Dungeon!? (Dropped)》Chapter 10 - What is Evolution? *OLD*


Chapter 10 - What is Evolution

It seems like evolution is pretty much exactly like what I saw in monster novels and I was about to say goodbye and leave when another person chimed in.

Fae Forest: Wrong

Library Dungeon: How rare, you're actually on.

Cave of Desire: What do you mean senior Fae?

Looks like I'm not the only one left in the dark this time, I am curious at what this new Dungeon meant. Since Cave of Desire called him a senior he must be older than him.

Plant Dungeon: Yes senior please enlighten us.

Cave of Desire: SHHH! Don't rush him, Senior Fae is a notoriously slow typer.

Library Dungeon: Yes, it's better to wait. Afterall Fae's typed words are worth their weight in gold.

I suppose it's better to wait, slow typers are unavoidable and it shouldn't take him more than a while. However, when he didn't say anything for 3 minutes I was a bit worried

Plant Dungeon: Senior Fae hasn't said anything, did he go off?

Cave of Desire: Don't worry just wait a few more moments.

Library Dungeon: Good things come to those who wait!

I suppose it won't trouble me to wait a few more moments.

Plant Dungeon: Fae hasn't said anything for 5 minutes, are you guys sure he's still here?

Library Dungeon: He definitely is!

I guess he really is a slow typer, a few more moments won't hurt I guess.

Plant Dungeon: Umm it's been 8 minutes are you guys absolutely sure senior Fae is still here?

Library Dungeon: Yes ABSOLUTELY SURE!

Cave of Desire: YES!

I continued waiting, until finally...

Fae Forest: I don't recall my words being worth that much.

What the hell!! It took him 10 minutes just to say that!? His typing speed literally 1 word a minute!!

Another 10 minutes later Fae Forest finally said something else.

Fae Forest: Plant I'm typing as fast as I can.

Right now I wanted to bang my head on a table. SERIOUSLY IF YOU KNOW YOU TYPE THAT SLOW AT LEAST GET TO THE FUCKING POINT!!!


Calm down, calm down. I need to keep that image of a respectful junior as much as possible.

Plant Dungeon: Senior Fae, please talk about what you meant when you said wrong?

Cave of Desire: I think we should throw Plant a life buoy now.

Library Dungeon: Haha you're right. Hey @Grey Musician Dungeon

Huh? A life buoy? Wait does that mean...

Grey Musician Dungeon: Whatsup Library?

Library Dungeon: Fae needs an interpreter again.

Grey Musician Dungeon: Seriously... Just don't ask him questions! It's that simple!!

Library Dungeon: Hey it's for a newcomer.

Grey Musician Dungeon: Fine, I'll head over there now.


Elsewhere Library Dungeon's Avatar is keeled over laughing at the fact that he duped another newcomer, while Cave of Desire had a complicated smile, being the last person to learn of Fae Forest's condition.

I was about to scream in the chat however it seems that the "interpreter" has arrived at Fae Forrest's place.

Grey Musician Dungeon: Fae says Library and Desire shouldn't mess with newcomers using his disability.

Cave of Desire: Haha...

Library Dungeon:

Plant Dungeon: Senior Grey and senior Fae, please get to the point.

Right now I have a strained smile. After all, I've been waiting almost half an hour for whatever Fae had to say.

Grey Musician Dungeon: Fae says that using a slime to describe evolution, is like describing a tree with a dead leaf from a different species of tree. Sure it was part of a tree but its old and outdated and only a small portion of the whole tree and not even from the right tree.

The bad analogy aside, what he just said caught my attention. If Library's description isn't fully correct then I need to hear whatever Fae has to say.

Library Dungeon: But I pretty much described it as simply as possible?

Grey Musician Dungeon: Fae says you grossly oversimplified evolution till the point he jumped out of seclusion just to come face slap you.


Library Dungeon: ...


Grey Musician Dungeon: Ahem, Fae says that evolution is based on the synergy of 3 things, Body, Soul, and Mana.

Grey Musician Dungeon: Your soul affects the kind of mana you are most proficient in and mana affects the body because different elements of it can induce different evolutions and the soul changes based on the experiences of the body

Plant Dungeon: What?

Grey Musician Dungeon: Heres how it works. The experiences of the body shape the soul, this could include using a muscle repeatedly or absorbing many hits, anything will leave a mark on the soul. The soul then changes the mana inside the body based on the experiences marked on it, which may include sending more mana to that muscle or circulating more mana around the body to become resistant to attacks. The mana, which is changed by the soul optimises the body into a form to best use the mana. Repeat this process a few times and it leads to evolution.

Isn't this literally just Lamark's theory of evolution? This is basically what Library just said before!

Library Dungeon: Umm that's literally what I just said but more complicated...

Grey Musician Dungeon: Fae says: FOOL! Using a slime which has no soul to describe evolution as a whole is utter madness! There are many ways for species to evolve and using a slime which just randomly changes it composition using what it eats is foolish!

So that's why you're here! You just wasted all our time just to point that out!

Library Dungeon: Fae you spent all this time just to point out one mistake...

Grey Musician Dungeon: Fae says: It is an important distinction because while many creatures use what I just said to evolve, slimes are one of the few creatures that do not.

Grey Musician Dungeon: And by making the process clear and the abnormality of slimes for not relying on such a process ensures that he won't fall into the trap of just feeding his creatures strange foods and expecting them to evolve.

Ok, I admit that was a good reason, though I wasn't going to force feed my creatures healing herbs and expecting a heal [Insert any creature here] just because of Library's offhanded remark. I was about to say this but stopped thinking it may be better to save this senior some face.

Plant Dungeon: Ahh I see senior thank you.

Grey Musician Dungeon: Fae says: Finally someone who understands my care!!!

Grey Musician Dungeon: Fae says: Plant you should not attempt to force evolutions unnaturally. Right now it is possible if you give a creature a lot of mana, but the creature may not be able to handle a sudden influx of mana. And even if evolution was successful, it won't have enough life experiences to properly evolve, resulting in something extremely weak. You should only force evolutions when if your in an emergency and your creature is at a bottleneck!

Plant Dungeon: Thank you senior!

This time my thanks were genuine. I was really planning on speeding things up by just dumping a bunch of mana into my creatures.

Grey Musician Dungeon: Fae also said: Since your new, I'm going to send you a pixie, Library can explain why.

Wait, a pixie?

Grey Musician Dungeon: Well I'm going off now, Fae has already said his piece.

Library Dungeon: Bye Grey, you should really just live at Fae's place and interpret for him.

Grey Musician Dungeon: No way! I'm still trying to act as an adventurer. Don't use me at your convenience!!

Library Dungeon: But you still went to Fae's place didn't you?

Plant Dungeon: Wait, seniors, what did Fae just mean by sending me a pixie?

Library Dungeon: Haha have fun with that!

Plant Dungeon: Wait, senior Library please explain!

Plant Dungeon: Library?

Plant Dungeon: Anyone?

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