《The Kitty Litter (LitRPG)》Monster Robs Shop Because It Had No Money (Chapter 26)


Ignoring the 'crazy screaming lady', the golem decided to look around for the map scrolls.

Unfortunately for the lady, the maps were placed on the counter to be sold for maximum convenience (since 'everyone needs a map'). As Poopy hopped onto the counter, she screamed harder. (She assumed that the smelly monster was about to attack.)

"Shut up! You are so noisy!" Shouted Poopy.

It hopped onto the counter, grabbing the map.

Lopia Map.

On sale for 500 100 gold!


Apparently, the golem had no idea what buy meant. (As expected of an uncivilised monster.) It hit 'YES' despite being penniless.

Sorry (not), but you have no money lol.

'lol'? What does that mean? Poopy had no idea. But it had a strong feeling that the term was not something very nice. Also, it still didn't know what money meant. Unsure of what to do but knowing it needed the map, the golem decided to just grab the map and walk out. No one was gonna stop it, right?

You have been branded as a (minor) criminal by Lopia! All human cities and towns will now list you as part of the wanted and will attempt to apprehend you!

Reward for capture: 1,000 gold.

PS: You could pay a fine of 1,000 gold as a fine to remove yourself from the wanted list though.

Wait... All the humans were now out to get it? Poopy didn't like the sound of that. The golem quickly took out the stolen map to read as the dung beetle took off holding it.

As it flew toward the Monster Collector Guild, Poopy thought of something: Weren't the humans after it the whole time regardless of what it did? The thought reassured it. (But honestly, I think it should have been horrified instead by the realisation that people are still going to chase it whether it did anything wrong.) Also, the map was fully detailed unlike the crappy map the system offered so Poopy found to be very satisfactory.


Soon, the beetle landed before the guild. Or it would have if Poopy was dumb enough to command it to. Why fly to an entrance with guards when you can just fly in through a window? The golem had flown into a corridor, so it began to wander.

As it began to get bored by the 'endless corridors' (It got lost and even retraced it's path a few times to it found the corridors more endless than they would have been normally), Poopy caught a whiff of a familiar scent. Yowi!

Smelling the scent of the cat, Poopy started smashing on a door (where the scent came from) with gusto, but unfortunately only left dung stains due to how squishy it was.


Your pet used Horn Stab on an Enchanted Wooden Door! Critical hit!

Target EDR -3000.

The rusty lock broke.

(That's some serious luck right there. It's almost as if SOMEONE was manipulating fate to get the story to flow...)

Marching into the room with a 'menacing' metal scarab, Poopy confronted a frightened cat. And who else would it be but Tiger? Reacting quickly, Poopy quickly cast Poop Control.

You have ripped the dung right out of your target. -1 MP. -45 Target HP.

Tiger yowled in pain, falling towards the ground. The cat felt very wronged. Why did the world seem against it lately? Nothing good seemed to be happening.

Meanwhile, the golem was sniffing the room carefully, soon realising that Yowi had already left. Sniffing even harder, Poopy realised that it could even smell where the cat had passed by! The only issue was that the 'smell paths' outside Reyna's room lead both left and right. Deciding to try its luck, Poopy headed right. They say that right is right, right?

Soon, Poopy stumbled upon an upset, tired looking man. Sensing danger, the golem cast its 'ultimate move' again!


The target's MAG is too high for Poop Control to take effect on it. -1 MP.

The target is now aware of you.

Damn it! Without hesitation, Poopy hopped onto the beetle and commanded the insect to run away as fast as it could.

"It's you! Stop right there!" The man snapped out of his dazed and chased. The golem recognised his voice. It was the Caretaker who guard the cages! (As it turned out, right wasn't right.) Obviously, Poopy was not going to let itself be stuck in that hellish place again. It still needed to save Yowi!

The beetle and Caretaker Henry raced for Poopy's freedom. But the golem realised that Henry was faster, and was soon going to catch up! But the crafty creature had a bright idea.

You have tossed 8 balls of dung! -9 MP.

"What the-" Henry was interrupted by a smelly ball spattering over his face. Unable to see, the poor salaryman slipped on a pile of dung that hit the ground before his feet and fell onto his face. He groaned miserably. But out of fear that he would lose his job, the man had no choice but to get up and keep chasing!

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