《Phoenix Online》Chapter 5: Exploring Oliend
The morning was uneventful, and Astoria was content with the relaxing walk after the action of the night before. She spent the time lost in thought. Even though she had not had the easiest go at life in her 16 years on Earth, she couldn't imagine how hard it would be growing up in such a hostile world as this one. The people here were brave to live so close to the edge of the forested mountain. The idea of having the threat of monsters attacking your family every day would probably be unimaginable for anyone from her era on Earth where it was rare to even hear of animal attacks.
Dirt crunched beneath her boots in a steady rhythm as she kept a good pace. Astoria looked around at the fields that stretched far in every direction, filling her vision with a sea of gold swaying in the gentle breeze. It was surprisingly warm out even though it was early in the morning still. Astoria wondered if she had come to this land in the summer. Farmers working their fields and going about their daily chores took note of her as she passed. No one said anything to her but she could tell that, just like Jayse, they were wary of strangers. It was hard to believe that these were just NPCs. Everything and everyone she had met so far were so realistic. She couldn't bring herself to think of them as pieces of code even though logically that is exactly what they were. Then again, she was probably the same at this point if the announcement yesterday morning had been truthful. Her physical body was dead and somehow her mind lived on inside this game.
Her musings came to an end when a wagon came up from behind her, hauling stacks of hay. She moved to the side so that it could pass but then got an idea that maybe she could catch a ride to town. She imagined the kind farmer from The Eye of the World who had helped Rand al'Thor and Matt Cauthon after leaving the town of Whitebridge. Astoria waved for him to stop, and the farmer pulled on the reigns and the carriage came to a stop next to her. "Sorry to bother you, but if you're headed into town, could I catch a ride on the back of your cart?" she asked hopefully.
The man eyed her suspiciously and spat to the side before answering her, "We don't trust outsiders around here. Too many bandits and cutthroats about lately. Sorry, but I just can't take a chance on a stranger. Oliend is only a few miles away. You'll make it on your own just fine, young lady." And with that the farmer left her standing in the road alone. Dust flew behind the wagon as it sped away, causing her to cough. So much for that... she thought and waited for the dust to clear before moving on. This was the second time someone had mentioned bandits to her. Maybe there's a nice reward for ridding this area of their bandit problem, she mused to herself. It would be worth looking into.
It took a little while, but she was finally able to catch her first glimpse of the town from up close. It wasn't very big, but it looked busy just the same with people scurrying about doing this and that. She was pleased to be back in civilization of a sort. The buildings in the town were made of wood with red tile roofs, and there were houses clustered to either side of the main street behind various shops. She walked past a blacksmith's forge that let out a cacophony of noises as the smiths pounded metal to make what looked like various farming tools. The heat radiating from the forge was too much for her and she didn't linger long before moving on. She walked past two inns and decided to check them out later to see how much they charged. Before that, she wanted to buy some things.
Jayse had given her two silver coins for helping him kill the wolves, and honestly she had no idea what that could buy her in this world. She thought that it was likely that this game used the common system of currency where 100 copper coins were worth one silver coin and 100 silver coins were worth one gold coin. She confirmed this by asking a random person who was out running errands. Astoria was also able to learn that what she had earned was roughly a week's wages for a standard laborer. Not bad for a night's work. Astoria continued to explore the town until she found the general store and went inside.
The small store was well lit from the window in front, and the merchandise was displayed in an organized way. There were two rows of shelves that ran the length of the store, as well as built-in shelves that lined each of the walls. For the most part, it seemed like the place was stocked with household items that a local might need rather than the types of things that an adventurer like herself would want. She didn't see anything like potions, maps, or spell books. She hoped that the shopkeeper had more useful items in the back room. He was a portly, balding man in his middle years who wore an apron that had a fair number of stains. He came out from behind the counter and introduced himself, "Welcome to my store. We have all the finest merchandise in the region. I'm Eld. How can I help you this fine day?"
Astoria had learned from other games that she would be able to haggle, but considering she had no skill as a merchant, she probably wouldn't be able to get him to budge much, if at all. "I'm Astoria, a traveler. I'm passing through this town and looking for a few things to help me on my journey. I'm hoping you can help me."
"Of course, of course. I have a little bit of everything here. What is it that you're looking for specifically?" His forehead seemed to glisten in the early afternoon light that shone through the window.
"First of all, do you have a bag that can hold large quantities of items? One that folds space using magic, I mean," she asked hopefully. She had been wishing for an inventory ever since she had to leave behind the goblin's spiked club. The club probably wasn't worth much, but she could've tried to sell it.
The merchant frowned at her before replying, "Sorry, miss, but I haven't heard of such a thing. If it exists, it would have to be magically crafted and would be exceedingly expensive and difficult to procure way out here. Your best chance of finding such a thing would be in Elivaster or the capital. Both lie to the north of here. Is there anything else you need, though?"
"How about a map? Maybe a magical map that could show my current location?" She wasn't hopeful at this point as it seemed like magical items were not easy to obtain in this area. What I wouldn’t give for a phone and Google maps about now.
"I do have a map that fits that description. Currently the map only shows information for the local area as far as Elivaster, but it will learn new areas as you explore and it will allow you to see your current location. If you make it to the capital, the Traveler's Guild can update the map with more areas for a fee. This is my personal map, but... I could be persuaded to part with it for a price." The balding man smiled at her with a wolfish grin.
"How much are you asking for it?" It was unlikely she could afford it now, but maybe if she spent some time in this area earning money, then she could get it before moving on.
"I couldn't part with such a useful item for less than 4 gold." He wrung his hands together. Astoria was going to have to disappoint the man, as there was no way she could pay that much, and even if she had the money, she knew that price had to be high.
Sighing to herself, she replied, "Maybe another time... at the moment I could not possibly afford something so expensive. Do you have any healing potions?"
Eld frowned again. "We have three kinds of health potions that I keep in stock here. Weak Health Potions go for 25 coppers each, Minor Health Potions go for 72 coppers each, and Greater Health Potions go for 1 silver and 36 coppers each."
Astoria couldn't believe how expensive everything was. She needed to find a way to farm up some loot fast or she'd be living homeless and destitute forever. "Would you be willing to sell me two of the weak potions for 40 coppers?"
"I can let two of them go for 45 coppers, but no less. You see, the ingredients to make such potions are hard to come by way out here, and the town does not have a local alchemist."
It killed her to be spending this much of her tiny amount of money on this, but she didn't want to be without health potions when she needed them. "Okay. I'll take them. Also, do you have a regular bag and perhaps a non-magical map?" She braced herself, knowing that the cost would likely be high just like everything else.
"I have a bag in stock that straps across your chest and I have a standard map of this area as well. I can let go of both items for only 20 coppers."
That price seemed reasonable to her. "I'll take them." Astoria followed the shopkeeper over to his counter and slid over a silver coin. When all was said and done, she had 1 silver and 35 coppers left. She placed the potions and her map into her new bag and left the shop.
As in most towns, there was a tavern, and inside she found a board with various requests nailed to it. Many of the requests were for mundane things, like farm hands to help with the harvest or someone to carry casks of ale into one of the inns when they were delivered. She spotted two that might be useful to her, but they sounded dangerous. One was to clear out a bandit group that had set up camp in a cave somewhere in the Serpentine Mountains, which was the region she had just come from. She didn't really want to go back up into the mountains until she was stronger. The other was to exterminate a goblin outpost that had popped up to the east.
When she asked the barkeep about the goblins, he told her that the goblins had been encroaching into the valley more and more and that farms in that direction had been victim to raids. Homes had been burned and whole families had been murdered. Lord Garland had apparently sent word to the lord at Elivaster, but it would take time to get there and even longer for help to actually arrive.
"No one knows for sure how many goblins are in that encampment, probably only around a dozen according to reports. Goblins don't tend to work well in larger groups except under the command of greater goblins, and because this group is so small, it's unlikely you'd run into any of the nastier varieties of goblinoids," the barkeep explained to her.
Astoria didn't like her odds going up against a dozen goblins when she had just barely survived against two of the things, but she reminded herself that she had leveled up and gotten some combat experience since then. Not to mention, she was now properly armed and would have the element of surprise on her side. She decided that this was the quest she'd take on. "Alright, I'll do it. I'll clear out that goblin camp for you," she announced, trying to sound confident.
The barkeep looked doubtful and said, "Alone? I wouldn't advise it... but it's your life. I'd be sad to see a young girl like you come to a brutal end at the hands of those things."
Astoria didn't like being underestimated. She had always been very good at games and had been especially good at playing stealthy characters. She needed to do this to get stronger, and the barkeep wasn't going to change her mind. She had no intention of spending the rest of her life in this game living as a farmer or something. Astoria resolved to take on this quest no matter what, and a quest prompt appeared.
You have been offered a quest: Repel the Invaders!
The farms to the east of Oliend have been set upon by goblins! The goblins have been burning and pillaging everything they lay their eyes upon! Help will not arrive in time and something must be down soon if lives and homes are to be saved. Eliminate the threat to the village using any means necessary.
• 1000 EXP
• 20 Silver, 57 Copper
Do you accept?
Yes / No
She selected yes and then pulled out her map. "Can you mark the approximate location of the goblins on here?"
"Hmm... Let's see..." The barkeep held the map in his hands and then pointed. "From the reports we've gotten from farms living in the direction of the attacks, the general location of the goblins would be here. I still don't think it's wise to go alone..." he repeated, trying to convince her that it was foolish to take on a dozen goblins alone.
She thanked the barkeep and left the tavern. She decided that it was time for her to find someplace to sleep for the night and some food. After wandering the town a bit more, she came to The Whispering Willow, a small inn that had a gigantic willow tree next to it. The long drooping branches of the tree shifted in the breeze, and the inn looked like a welcoming enough place.
Inside the inn, there was a common area that had tables, and a pleasant aroma wafted its way out of the kitchen. The innkeeper, who was a kindly, old woman, informed Astoria that the cost for room and board for a night would be 25 coppers. Gritting her teeth at the expense, she paid the fee. The innkeeper told showed her to her room and told her that dinner was going to be available soon.
The room was small and plain, but the bed looked comfortable. She set her bow and new bag down on the ground by the door. She then went to the wash basin in the corner and poured some water out of the large pitcher next to it. There was a small mirror above it, and she took a moment to look at herself.
The game hadn't given her any choices as far as character design, and she hadn't thought to look at herself until now, but it appeared that she still looked as she had on Earth, except that on Earth she had needed to wear glasses. She was slender and short in stature. Her pale skin and freckles, along with her long red hair, clearly marked the Irish blood in her family. She decided that her face looked better without her thick glasses, maybe even pretty. After washing herself with the cold water and a rag, she headed down to the common room.
There were a few groups of people seated at tables throughout the large open room. She sat down at an empty table near the window facing the street and watched the people outside going about their evenings. The kindly, old innkeeper, whose name was Elena, stopped by her table and sat down. "Hello again, dearie," she placed her forearms on the table and looked at Astoria appraisingly before continuing, "aren't you awfully young to be travelling alone?"
Astoria wished she looked older than she did so that she could avoid these kinds of conversations. It seemed to be a pattern that every time she met anyone, they saw her as a child who didn't fit in to things out in the world alone. It was starting to grate on her, but this woman's intentions were surely nothing but good. She gave off a kind grandmotherly vibe, so Astoria answered truthfully, "I don't really have anyone in this world to rely on except for myself. I've come from far away, but don't worry, I have taken care of myself just fine so far."
"I'm sure you have... It sounds like you've been through a lot." She stood up and brushed off her apron. "What would you like for dinner? We have roast pork or baked chicken. Both come with a side of bread and cheese. I can also bring you a cup of tea if you'd like." The kindly woman glanced around the common room while waiting patiently for an answer.
Astoria asked for the chicken and the tea, and Elena gave her a warm smile before heading back to the kitchen. While waiting, Astoria glanced around at the other tables. Most of the patrons were clearly local townsfolk who had just come in for a warm meal, but there was one table whose occupants stood out to her as different from the rest. Three large men sat at the table. They all had weapons and wore black boiled leather armor. She wondered what these guys were doing in a town like this. Maybe they were here to hunt the goblins or bandits. They saw her glancing their way, and one of them smiled and winked at her. Astoria immediately looked away and that was really the last thought she gave to them as Elena came back holding a plate filled with a large serving of food.
The food smelled amazing, just like something you'd expect from a grandmother type of person. It was all cooked perfectly, the chicken was succulent and whatever was in the sauce on top of it tasted absolutely divine. The bread reminded her of french bread as the crust had a slight crunch and the inside was fluffy. It tasted wonderful dipped in the sauce of the chicken and also paired well with the marbled chunk of cheese that accompanied the meal. She ate the entire thing and was uncomfortably full afterward. The tea was also good, sweet with some slight bitterness.
After the meal, she made sure to thank Elena and bid her good night. As she made her way up the stairs, she couldn't believe how well things had gone so far that day. She managed to get some useful items and had even found a way to make a bunch of money. She removed her boots and climbed into bed. After a full night's sleep, she would journey east to scout for the goblin camp. Once she found it, she would wait until nightfall and try to take them out quietly. She thought it was a smart plan, and even though there was a ball of fear in her stomach, she also felt that she could complete her task as long as she was careful. With these thoughts and many others circling around in her head, she drifted off to sleep.
Astoria awoke thinking she had heard a noise, and when she opened her eyes, she saw one of the men from that table earlier looming over her beside the bed. She tried to jump up and scream, but he quickly clamped a hand over her mouth. She bit him but he didn't budge, and she saw another one of the men at the foot of her bed, holding ropes. She kicked her legs and tried to scream but her voice was muffled. She wasn't strong enough to pry the hand off her mouth. Frantically, she reached beneath her pillow and grabbed the hilt of the dagger that she had hidden there. She quickly brought the dagger up and sliced her attacker's arm.
He cursed and let go immediately, and she wrenched her body sideways quickly, utilizing her recently enhanced agility, and slid the dagger across his throat. He fell to the ground, gurgling blood as he gasped for the briefest of moments before bleeding out. The other man had grabbed her legs, and she intended to do a sit-up and stab at him to get free, but she hadn't seen the third man, who had rushed over and was now right next to her.
Astoria's world spun when the man backhanded her with all his strength right across the side of her face. Then he grabbed her wrist, squeezing so hard that she felt like it would break. Whimpering, she lost her grip and the dagger clanged to the ground.
"You big strong boys can't even handle one little girl? I practically handed her to you on a silver platter and now look what happened. I'm going to have to clean all this up later," a woman's familiar voice came from the darkness. A moment later she came into view. It was Elena, the kindly, old innkeeper.
Astoria's legs were tied at the ankles, and the man who had smacked her shoved a gag into her mouth, tying it around her head. Tears fell free as she wept helplessly while the men efficiently continued tying her up. Her hands were bound behind her back and that was it, she was at their mercy. Elena came close. The kind grandmother-like visage was completely gone and a wicked sneer now marred her face. "She'll sell for a great price in the market in Geddon." The woman reached over with a bony hand and grabbed her face, examining her. "You were much too trusting. A pretty little thing like yourself should have never gone traveling alone. Never can tell for sure who you can trust." She laughed a little in her raspy old voice. "Take her. I'll see you boys next time."
The man who had winked at her earlier handed Elena a pouch of coins that clinked as he handed it over. The other man proceeded to pick Astoria up and flipped her over his shoulder. They carried her out of the quiet inn toward a covered wagon. He took her around the back and Astoria saw that the wagon had a steel cage hidden underneath the roof. The man opened the cage's sturdy metal door, which creaked loudly.
He then casually tossed her inside and locked the door. It appeared that she wasn't the only unfortunate soul to have been taken by these men, as there were other shapes inside the cage. There wasn't anything she could do to escape. Her hands and feet dripped blood and stung from the effort she had put into trying to escape the bonds, and she knew that her face had to be swollen as it still throbbed where she had been smacked.
The wagon began to move, and just like that, she had been captured, sold and was on her way to god knows where. This can't be happening! Her muffled cries died against her gag. This is a game! A fucking game... How can they let something like this happen?
She had been so naive and foolish. It hadn't even crossed her mind that something like this could happen to her here. She had forgotten, even for just a short time, that this was in fact no longer a game. It was just like the real world, where there were bad people who did bad things. She should have been more vigilant. Sobbing, she lay on the bed of the wagon, uncomfortable and cramping up a bit. After hours and hours of silence, save from some quiet moans and weeping from the other girls in the cage, she fell into a nightmare filled sleep.
Spoiler: Astoria's Stats Name Astoria Level 005 (1670/2251 EXP to next Level) Class None HP 210/210 MP 150/150 AP 6 Attributes Vitality 14 Magic 10 Endurance 15 Magic Resistance 10 Strength 10 Luck 7 Agility 14 Dexterity 13 Abilities • Kleptomancy Skills
• Archery - Level 2 (13% toward next level)
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