《Death is Just a New Opportunity》Flames!
Anomaly Found!
Messing with time is a dangerous thing to do, even to the gods! With the exposure to so many gods influence at once your universe has been altered!
Anomaly: Dying Will Flames
The Dying Will Flame is a high-density form of energy that is refined from one's own life-force. Due to the way it resonates with one's emotions, it has been regarded as a type of battle aura. However, unlike the aura, which is a supernatural phenomenon that can only be seen by a few individuals, the Dying Will Flame is in many ways more alike to a real flame, possessing even its own destructive properties.
Dying Will Flames are graded according to their purity, which has a direct relationship with the strength of an individual's resolve. Among other things, this rate of purity serves to indicate how much of the special characteristics of the Flames are being drawn out. Each Flame's attribute has its own special characteristic.
Observe Recalibrating…..
Ethan Hunter Lv 20
Chris Jackson Lv 20
Yes! I know what the fuck Dying Will Flames are! Why the hell wasn’t I warned about this!? I didn’t fucking prepare enough! Suddenly, the Vongola acting motherfuckers rush at me without warning and in complete sync again. I rushingly grab my guns from my inventory and rush them too. Does this fucking mean that everything I think I know about everyone I’ve observed is a lie. Fuck! I should have known things wouldn’t be so easy.
I block a punch from Chris with butt of my gun and use the other to shoot him in the shoulder twice before Ethan wraps his watch chain around my wrist, pulling it, throwing off my aim from my 3rd shot. I kick Chris to free up my second gun and point it towards Ethan but the moment my eyes land on him I feel dizzy. His face becomes blurry as I try to focus on my shot but it’s too late. I get punched in the face, sending my head spinning even more. SHIT! Next thing I know, I’m getting punched in the stomach. Bile escapes my throat as I land on my knees. FUCK!
And he knew Truth
Suddenly the world stops spinning. Chris sends another punch towards me and I can’t help but smile. Finally, Gamer’s Mind finally kicked in. It must have taken a while since Dying Will Flames are anomalies but it came through in the end. I’m immune to psychological attacks motherfucker! I roll towards Ethan to avoid the punch and stay within the watch chain’s range. I shoot Chris in the stomach once more for the damage. He ends up jumping back after the attack for some breathing room, leaving Ethan open. I noticed when I shot him earlier my bullets don’t go through him. He must be using his Sun Flames to augment his body, otherwise he’d be bleeding out right now. It’s the same reason I aimed for the shoulder at first, but if he can withstand my attacks without dying, there’s no more need for that is there? My Mana Bullet does 30 damage alone, but my guns add an extra 15% damage, bringing my damage to 34.5 per bullet. I’ve shot him 3 times bringing my damage to 103.5 plus the 15DMG I did in the beginning and 10 from the kick.
Chris Jackson Lv 20 HP: 471.5/600 MP:350/400
The battle hasn’t been long but I’ve already taken down 100 of his health. The cost was high though. I’ve only got 20MP left not to mention, Chirs’s hits did 45DMG a piece and that kick from earlier did 5. I currently only have 5 HP left. There’s no way I can win this with just brute strength, if at all, I have to play it smart. This bastard can use his Sun Flames to heal and every True Gamer knows that you should always take out the enemy’s White Mage first. I can’t let them know that I’m running low on mana. I regenerate 1MP/HP every second, easy right? Wrong! I would have to wait a full minute and 20 seconds without using mana to get back to 100%. In a fight, that’s a death sentence but if I draw this battle out then I might have a chance. I focused all my points on speed for a reason, although if I get hit once I’ll lose, all I have to do is not get hit once….I’m rightly screwed aren’t I?
“You think just because you’ve unlocked your flames that you are strong enough to defeat me? Are you sure you kids don’t want to give up now? I can’t even pretend to know how embarrassing it must be to be for you right now. It’s 2v1 after all and one of you already looks kind of banged up while I don’t have a scratch.” I say in a mocking tone. If I can get them into a short conversation for a bit I can regen the much needed HP/MP.
“You fucking reject!” Chris yells at me. Wow, is that vein about to pop? This guy has anger issues….Him and PJ would get along swimmingly. “Don’t think you’re better than us. Your family chose your little brother rather than you before you two even reached high school!” My eye twitches at the response. So he really does know about the Family.
“Heh, did I hit a sore spot reject? Are you angry? Are you mad, enraged, pissed?” I show a surprised face towards his questions.
“Huh, were you still talking? No, don’t answer, the opinion of ants don’t really concern of gods after all.” I say without a care. Yes that’s it big guy, keep giving me time, I’ve already recovered 20MP/HP.
“C! Stop conversing with him, he’s using your rage against you to make you restless! My flame doesn’t seem to have as much effect like before, he's probably using you to adapt to my flame or something!” I click my tongue in annoyance as Ethan speaks up. Him and Eugene would probably get along as well.
I replace one of my guns with my katana and use Mana Reinforce on it and on my body. It costed 10 mana, bringing me down to 30. It was worth it though, I feel empowered, like all my physical stats doubled or something. I can see clearer, hear better, feel my muscles compact. It’s absolutely fucking invigorating! I sprint towards Ethan’s confused face take a swing with my katana, slicing through his shirt doing 30 damage. He’s probably wondering why his flames no longer have any effect on me. I have to use his confusion in my advantage.
He withdraws his chain to get away from me, it seems he’s not that much of a fighter alone. Even if his flames no longer is a threat it doesn’t mean he himself isn’t. He swings his pocket watch in front of my face in attempt to use his Mist Flame to confuse me but sucks for him!
I smash the butt of my gun on his forehead making him stumble back in pain doing a mere 10DMG.
That shit doesn’t work on me anymore you bastard. I make a vertical slash across his stomach doing another 30 damage before I dodge a punch from my side that could have ended things. I respond by shooting the fucker in the head, causing a 69 DMG crit.
Chris Jackson Lv 20 HP: 531/600 MP:93/400
Ethan Hunter Lv 20 HP: 320/400 MP:500/600
The bastard used his Flames to heal himself. It must have taken a significant amount power since he looks exhausted. Perfect! Even with my health this low, I fully intend on kicking these bastards asses.
I focus my attention back on the Sun bastard cut his outstretched arm, using the fact that he seems stunned from my last attack while running into his guard and slashing his side as I run by. Before he turns around to face me again, I swing my katana to slash his back but it doesn’t connect. Ethan uses his chain to grab onto my targets arm and pull him away from the attack. I don’t let the miss discourage me though since he wasn’t expecting the pull and ends up tripping, ending face first on the ground while giving me time to sprint towards Ethan. Right before we collide, I jump into the air and spin, using the dull body of my sword to whack him in the face while activating Power Swing. During that exchange, 3 seconds passed, giving me little more than enough to activate the 6MP costing skill, leaving me with 7MP left but doing 58.5 damage and dazing him for 3 seconds.
Even if these guys are more than double my level, my specialization in speed is the only thing keeping me standing. I prepare the same skill again, willing to sacrifice 6 more MP for the extra damage but before I could swing Chris yells something.
“STOP!” my sword hovers above his chest, skill stopping.
“...If we continue, I won’t have enough power to heal his bleeding….We surrender, our gangs are yours.” he says with his head down. I did it...I really did it…...FUCK YES!! I didn’t notice at the moment but my sword was able to actually slice Ethan unlike Chris. Even now, he’s taking bleeding damage. I turn to look at all the people watching us. My attention goes back to Ethan and Chris when I see them both on one knee, kneeling. The smile crawls back on my face as their gangs kneel behind him. Oh I can get used to this.
Level Up!
Level Up!
Level Up!
Level Up!
Mana Bullet Level Up!
Mana Bullet Level Up!
Mana Bullet Level Up!
Mana Bullet Level Up!
Mana Bullet Level Up!
Mana Bullet Level Up!
Mana Reinforcing Level Up!
Mana Reinforcing Level Up!
Mana Reinforcing Level Up!
Mana Reinforcing Level Up!
Perks Available!
Speed is Strength!
Every 10 points in Speed will cause 1 point in Strength
Strength is Speed!
Every 10 points in Strength will cause 1 point in Speed
Intelligence Creates Wisdom!
Every 10 points in Intelligence will cause 1 point in Wisdom
Wisdom Creates Intelligence
Every 10 points in Wisdom will cause 1 point in Intelligence
Win With Your Dying Will!
Unlocks your Dying Will Flames
“Eugene.” I call out.
“Yes Don Xeno?” he answers while appearing on the side of me.
“Get everyone in a line and use Observe on them all. Write down their names, levels, and anything interesting.”
“Yes Don!” he shouts with a bow. “ Everyone get in a line!”
I begin walking inside my base. “Ethan and Chris right? Follow me, there're some questions you’ll need to answer.
I sit down in one of the chairs I made yesterday and kick my legs up on the table. I sigh out loud in relief. That honestly was terrifying! If my HP reached 0, would I have died, or would I have been knocked out? There’s still things I don’t understand about my powers and that battle was possibly life or death for me.
I lean my head back on my chair’s backrest and just sit there in silence for a bit. These two idiots can wait a minute. So of course I unlocked my Flames. I also decided to place all 20 points into Vitality, as I’m tired of almost dying from two hits. I’ll focus on Vit until it reaches 50, that would bring me up to 500 health, and I won’t have to worry about getting 2 shotted again for a bit. Well, at least if I don’t face monsters. That’s nothing special, although I’m sure I would have gotten more experience if I killed them, they will be valuable assets so I’m not very sad about it. The real thing I’m pondering over is what happened after I chose my perk.
Conquerors Flame Unlocked!
What the hell is that?! I’m pretty sure that this flame doesn’t even exist! If it’s new, that means I don’t have any prior information on it! Also, meaning that I have no fucking clue how to use it in battle! I haven’t tried bringing it out yet but I really hope I didn’t just waste a Perk Point. It seems I only get one of those every 10 levels. Anyway, now that I’m not in a life or death situation, I’m forced to realize how fucking cool this is! Dying Will Flames are a thing!! At first, I was pretty sure that the only challenge I’ll get in this life was from the other reborn humans. Sadly, they are literally a whole continent away. Sure, I’m a little sad that things won’t be as easy as I thought, but I’m much more excited! Hitman Reborn was one of my favorite anime in my last life.
Not only is that amazing, but the very meaning they bring is equally wonderful! With the concept of anomalies, that means powers from other shows will definitely exist as well. I can’t help the laugh that escapes from my lips at the mere thought of the future enemies, allies, and battles. I notice Ethan and Chris’s weird looks they’re giving me but I can’t seem to care enough. I shake my head to get focused.
“Sit you two, we’re Family from now on so I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.” I say with a smile. These two know about me somehow. In fact, I could be correct in assuming that every single kid out there knew about me from the fact that they just said “Young Master” in front of everyone like that. This is concerning.
“”Yes Young Master!”” they both say before sitting. My eye twitches at the name. I don’t think I like it much.
“Yes, that’s the exact matter I wish to speak with you two about. Why do you call me Young Master, even now? To be honest, I much rather prefer Don. Besides, it’s such a mouthful.” They both look perplexed at my question. Ethan ends up ending up answering my question after a moment of silence.
“Well you’re Xavior Dark, the eldest child of the Dark household. Although your folks decided on making Neo the heir of our Family considering how everyone thought you weren’t….up to the task, doesn’t mean we don’t know who you are.” I can see he’s trying not to offend me.
“Wait, so you guys know about the Family?” I ask perplexed? Why and how do they know?
“Well...yea Don. Your parent’s own the school and use the gang wars as scouting opportunities for young talent. We were all told to not to talk about it with you by our parents though. We all just thought it was some top secret Crow stuff, but it seems like you don’t know what’s going on.” he says hesitantly. My eye twitches in irritation.
So everyone knew?! Even these guys were raised to be mafia members and know more than me even though I’m heir to the Crows?! Well...I’m supposed to be.This...this is just getting ridiculous. Does Eugene and PJ know about this too? What am I saying, no doubt they do, they probably just thought that I knew. I know for sure that Eugene would have told me otherwise.
“You are quite right my friend. In fact, I just found out about all this business two days ago, so I don’t everything. Is there anything else I should know?” I ask irritated. He shakes his head in rejection. “Good, well now that I know about this, I hope you realize that I don’t plan for Neo to take my title as Godfather. My friends, I don’t plan for my parents to realize I know too soon. I’d like to become more powerful first, as my folks have been preparing Neo for the title, he’s probably stronger than me currently. I don’t plan for that to remain a fact for too long. I’d like your help on my journey to the top!” My signature laugh echoes throughout the building. “How about it? Would you like to join me on this journey? I’ll be sure that you’re never bored and that your life is filled with excitement.” I finish my speech with a smile so wide that a certain Monkey D would be jealous. I extend my hand.
“...HAHAHA” both of the brats start laughing but I make sure my smile never leaves my face. After a bit of laughter they both shake my hand with a grin. This time Chris speaks up.
“You’re absolutely insane bro! Don’t worry though, I like it! We accept, we’ll take you to the top!”
Relationship with Chris +20
“I agree with my good friend. It’ll be hard and we’ll get kicked down a lot, but it sounds like fun. I’m with you all the way, we’ll get you that title Don Xeno.”
Relationship with Ethan +20
My smile widen even more, if possible, at the notifications. I’m close, so freaking close. I’m beginning to take my first steps into the Underworld. Just you wait, Father, Mother, Neo, I’ll make sure every single one you realize my greatness. This also means that since everyone knows about the Underworld that I don’t have to hide my powers. They won’t stay a secret for too long after today anyway. While that comes with downsides it also means that I can invite everyone here into my party and then perform a massive zombie raid. While the Zombies aren’t that great of EXP they still can be used to grind my skills. Getting higher leveled will become harder and harder from here on out but that shouldn’t be a problem as long I continue to level up my skills.
- In Serial7 Chapters
Life, the struggle for existence
What would happen when man had to, once again, fight for its own right to live? Would the evolutionary counterparts of our ancestors manage to life through the struggle for survival? What would happen to society if a new reason for living came up, other than the enjoyment of the well-built environment? A reason that could either unite or destroy humanity.This is the struggle for their right of existence.As earth and its inhabitants are faced with the fear of unknown danger and the peril of monstrosities, some will falter, some will die and some will live on to tell the tales of those forgotten. As reality dictates, most will be part of the first two groups and only a small faction will be part of the latter. *This is my first attempt at writing fantasy, so I do hope you’ll enjoy it. The story is one of apocalyptic nature, with gigantic monsters, unfathomable powers and also a critial view on humanity and what it means to be human. I will definitely try to stay away from any tropes that are not neccesary to write fantasy, as I thoroughly despise non-creativity. There shall be no harems, no unrealistic behavior and absolutely no standard scene of dimwitted bandits that try to rob whatever similarly rock-brained princess they encounter. The main character is not black and white, because no human is completely good or completely evil. They’re human, not some idealistic concept of what one is supposed to be. Enjoy!Warning: Tagged 17+ for the occasional strong language and violence, some mild sexual content can occur in the distant future.
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sad quotes 2
She walks around trying to fix everything,but she's the one who's broken.❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀*None of these quotes are written by me unless stated otherwise*~ please support my other books as well ~ ❤️
8 84