《A Demon Lord's Reincarnation》Update! (Not a chapter)


August 31, 2021

Royal Road


Somewhere in Cyber Space

Dear Readers,

Sorry, about the lack of updates. My Summer was busier than even I thought it would be, and to top it off, I had no internet even if I'd wanted to submit something. (Not that I could have anyway.)

I'm not sure how many people are still following this since my uploads have been quite atrocious. For those who still are, I apologize for the lack of communication. I don't like an "update" with no "chapter content" so I procrastinated giving the word till now.

HOWEVER, I don't want to go back to updating so haphazardly and the beginning chapters do need a bit of a rewrite, so I'm not going to be posting anything new for a while. (Tentatively planning to start posting in January 2022) And when I do I'll probably repost the first couple chapters with edits too.

On the plus side! By then, I hope to have quite the stockpile built up and ready to burn, so when I do start releasing it'll probably be on a MWF schedule(not forever though. I can't maintain that kind of writing speed).

Sorry for the disappointment this announcement probably brings some, however, I believe this wait-time is still an improvement to the off and on posting I had before.

Thanks to those who've followed till now! Look forward to January!



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